Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void btnSearchStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (_eaRunner is not null)
        {   // Resume existing EA & update GUI state.

        // Get the current neat experiment, with parameters set from the UI.
        INeatExperiment <double> neatExperiment = GetNeatExperiment();

        // Create evolution algorithm and runner.
        NeatEvolutionAlgorithm <double> ea = NeatUtils.CreateNeatEvolutionAlgorithm(neatExperiment, _neatPop);


        _eaRunner = new EvolutionAlgorithmRunner(ea, UpdateScheme.CreateTimeSpanUpdateScheme(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));

        // Attach event listeners.
        _eaRunner.UpdateEvent += _eaRunner_UpdateEvent;

        // Start the algorithm & update GUI state.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void btnCreateRandomPop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        INeatExperiment <double> neatExperiment = GetNeatExperiment();
        MetaNeatGenome <double>  metaNeatGenome = NeatUtils.CreateMetaNeatGenome(neatExperiment);

        // Create an initial population of genomes.
        _neatPop = NeatPopulationFactory <double> .CreatePopulation(
            connectionsProportion : neatExperiment.InitialInterconnectionsProportion,
            popSize : neatExperiment.PopulationSize);

        // Update UI.
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static NeatEvolutionAlgorithm <double> CreateNeatEvolutionAlgorithm(
        INeatExperimentFactory experimentFactory)
        string jsonConfigFilename = $"experiments-config/{experimentFactory.Id}.config.json";

        // Load experiment json config from file.
        JsonDocument configDoc = JsonUtils.LoadUtf8(jsonConfigFilename);

        // Create an instance of INeatExperiment, configured using the supplied json config.
        INeatExperiment <double> neatExperiment = experimentFactory.CreateExperiment(configDoc.RootElement);

        // Create a NeatEvolutionAlgorithm instance ready to run the experiment.
        var ea = NeatUtils.CreateNeatEvolutionAlgorithm(neatExperiment);

    /// <summary>
    /// Initialise and run the evolutionary algorithm until the stop condition occurs (either elapsed clock time, or some number of generations).
    /// Once the stop condition is reached this method returns with the current best fitness in the population.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Sample Sample()
        // Create a new instance of an evolution algorithm.
        NeatEvolutionAlgorithm <double> ea = NeatUtils.CreateNeatEvolutionAlgorithm(_experiment);

        // Start the stopwatch.

        // We include clock time spent doing initialisation in the recorded stats for each sample;
        // this is the scientifically robust approach as initialisation might perform a lot of work.

        // Run the main EA loop for the required number of generations.
        for (int i = 0; i < _stopGenerationCount; i++)

        // Stop the stopwatch.

        // Copy the required stats into a new Sample instance.
        Sample sample = new()
            ElapsedTimeSecs = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds * 0.001,
            GenerationCount = ea.Stats.Generation

        var pop = ea.Population;

        sample.BestFitness = pop.Stats.BestFitness.PrimaryFitness;
        sample.MeanFitness = pop.Stats.MeanFitness;

        // TODO: Store max complexity? Or should we use BestComplexity? Or both?
        //sample.MaxComplexity = ;
        sample.MeanComplexity  = pop.Stats.MeanComplexity;
        sample.EvaluationCount = ea.Stats.TotalEvaluationCount;

        // Make some attempts at forcing release of resources (especially RAM) before we hand control back.
        GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);

        // Return the sample.

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise and run the evolutionary algorithm until the stop condition occurs (either elapsed clock time, or some number of generations).
        /// Once the stop condition is reached this method returns with the current best fitness in the population.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Sample Sample()
            // Create a new instance of an evolution algorithm.
            _ea = NeatUtils.CreateNeatEvolutionAlgorithm(_experiment);

            // Start the stopwatch.

            // Signal the EA thread to start. Ensure the stop flag is reset before we do so.
            _stopFlag = false;

            // Block this thread (the main thread) for the required amount of clock time.

            // Signal the EA thread to stop.
            _stopFlag = true;

            // Record the sample without waiting for the EA to stop.
            // The EA may be within a PerformOneGeneration() call for some time, so we prefer to record the sample
            // at the exact required point in time (or very close to it) rather than some arbitrary point in time
            // after the last generation has completed.
            Sample sample = RecordSample();

            // Now wait for the EA to signal that it has stopped.

            // Make some attempts at forcing release of resources (especially RAM) before we hand control back.
            _ea = null;
            GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);

            // Return the sample.