Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Deform snake in the given external force field with pressure force added
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">轮廓-X</param>
        /// <param name="y">轮廓-Y</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">elasticity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="beta">rigidity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="gamma">viscosity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="kappa">external force weight</param>
        /// <param name="kappap">pressure force weight</param>
        /// <param name="fx">external force field (x)</param>
        /// <param name="fy">external force field (y)</param>
        /// <param name="ITER"></param>
        public void SnakeDeform2(ref NcvVector x, ref NcvVector y, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double kappa, double kappap, double[] fx, double[] fy, int ITER)
            int n = x.n;

            NcvVector vecAlpha = alpha * NcvVector.Ones(n);
            NcvVector vecBeta  = beta * NcvVector.Ones(n);

            // produce the five diagnal vectors
            NcvVector alpham1 = NcvVector.cat(vecAlpha.sub(1, n - 1), vecAlpha.sub(0, 1));
            NcvVector alphap1 = NcvVector.cat(vecAlpha.sub(n - 1, 1), vecAlpha.sub(0, n - 1));
            NcvVector betam1  = NcvVector.cat(vecBeta.sub(1, n - 1), vecBeta.sub(0, 1));
            NcvVector betap1  = NcvVector.cat(vecBeta.sub(n - 1, 1), vecBeta.sub(0, n - 1));

            NcvVector a = betam1;
            NcvVector b = -vecAlpha - 2 * vecBeta - 2 * betam1;
            NcvVector c = vecAlpha + alphap1 + betam1 + 4 * vecBeta + betap1;
            NcvVector d = -alphap1 - 2 * vecBeta - 2 * betap1;
            NcvVector e = betap1;

            // generate the parameters matrix
            NcvMatrix A = NcvMatrix.diag(a.sub(0, n - 2), -2) + NcvMatrix.diag(a.sub(n - 2, 2), n - 2);

            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(b.sub(0, n - 1), -1) + NcvMatrix.diag(b.sub(n - 1, 1), n - 1);
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(c);
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(d.sub(0, n - 1), 1) + NcvMatrix.diag(d.sub(n - 1, 1), -(n - 1));
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(e.sub(0, n - 2), 2) + NcvMatrix.diag(e.sub(n - 2, 2), -(n - 2));

            NcvMatrix invAI = NcvMatrix.inv(A + gamma * NcvMatrix.diag(NcvVector.Ones(n)));

            for (int count = 0; count < ITER; count++)
                NcvVector vfx = NcvVector.interp2(fx, m_Cols, m_Rows, x, y, "*linear");
                NcvVector vfy = NcvVector.interp2(fy, m_Cols, m_Rows, x, y, "*linear");

                // adding the pressure force
                NcvVector xp = NcvVector.cat(x.sub(1, n - 1), x.sub(0, 1)); NcvVector yp = NcvVector.cat(y.sub(1, n - 1), y.sub(0, 1));
                NcvVector xm = NcvVector.cat(x.sub(n - 1, 1), x.sub(0, n - 1)); NcvVector ym = NcvVector.cat(y.sub(n - 1, 1), y.sub(0, n - 1));

                NcvVector qx = xp - xm; NcvVector qy = yp - ym;
                NcvVector pmag = NcvVector.Sqrt(NcvVector.DotProduct(qx, qx) + NcvVector.DotProduct(qy, qy));
                NcvVector px = NcvVector.DotDivide(qy, pmag); NcvVector py = NcvVector.DotDivide(-qx, pmag);

                // deform snake
                x = invAI * (gamma * x + kappa * vfx + kappap * px);
                y = invAI * (gamma * y + kappa * vfy + kappap * py);
Ejemplo n.º 2

        //  DT apply Eucledian distance transform
        //      D = dt(B) compute the Eucledian distance transform of B
        //          B must be a binary map.
        //  NOTE: this is not an efficient way to implement distance transform.
        //      If one is interested in using DT, one may want to implement its
        //      own DT.
        private static double[,] dt(NcvMatrix B)
            //[i,j] = find(B);

            int m = B.Cols;
            int n = B.Rows;

            for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < m; y++)
                    //dx = i-x;
                    //dy = j-y;
                    //dmag = sqrt(dx.*dx+dy.*dy);
                    //D(x,y) = min(dmag);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void InitGVF()
            NcvMatrix f = new NcvMatrix(m_Cols, m_Rows);

            u = new NcvMatrix(m_Cols, m_Rows);
            v = new NcvMatrix(m_Cols, m_Rows);

            Console.WriteLine(" Compute edge map ...");
            for (int y = 0; y < m_Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_Cols; x++)
                    f[x, y] = 1 - mat[x][y] / 255.0;

            //Logger.Info("f=" + f.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine(" Compute GVF ...");
            GvfSnakeUtility.GVFC(m_Rows, m_Cols, f, ref u, ref v, 0.2, 80);

            //Logger.Info("u=" + u.ToString());
            //Logger.Info("v=" + v.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine(" Nomalizing the GVF external force ...");
            px  = new double[m_Cols * m_Rows];
            py  = new double[m_Cols * m_Rows];
            mag = new NcvMatrix(m_Cols, m_Rows);

            for (int y = 0; y < m_Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_Cols; x++)
                    int i = x * m_Rows + y;
                    mag[x, y] = System.Math.Sqrt(u[x, y] * u[x, y] + v[x, y] * v[x, y]);
                    px[i]     = u[x, y] / (mag[x, y] + 1e-10); py[i] = v[x, y] / (mag[x, y] + 1e-10);

            //Logger.Info("px=" + px.ToString());
            //Logger.Info("px=" + px.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Bitmap SharpenMore(Bitmap bmp)
            int width, height;

            int[][] mat, filtered;
            Bitmap  newBmp;

            ImageConvert.Bitmap2Mat(bmp, out mat, out width, out height);

            Convolution conv = new Convolution();

            conv.Calculate(mat, ConvKernel.Laplacian_8, out filtered);

            NcvMatrix.MatSubtract(mat, filtered);

            ImageConvert.Mat2Bitmap(mat, width, height, out newBmp);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// foamliu, 2009/02/02, 彩色图片旋转.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp"></param>
        /// <param name="alpha">旋转角度(弧度)</param>
        /// <param name="bi">bilinear interpolation (双线性插值)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Bitmap Rotate(Bitmap bmp, double alpha, bool bi)
            int width, height;
            int[][][] img, newImg;
            Bitmap newBmp;
            ImageConvert.Bitmap2MatColor(bmp, out img, out width, out height);
            newImg = Util.BuildMatIntColor(width, height);
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    if (!bi)
                        double[] input = new double[] { y, x, 1 };
                        double[] output = NcvMatrix.RotateInvert(input, alpha);
                        int oldY = (int)Math.Round(output[0]);
                        int oldX = (int)Math.Round(output[1]);
                        if (Util.InRect(oldX, oldY, width, height))
                            // RGB
                            newImg[0][x][y] = img[0][oldX][oldY];
                            newImg[1][x][y] = img[1][oldX][oldY];
                            newImg[2][x][y] = img[2][oldX][oldY];
                        // p00 ------------- p01
                        //  |                 |
                        // p10 ------------- p11
                        // 双线性插值需要更长的计算时间 (原来的5倍以上)
                        double[] input = new double[] { y, x, 1 };
                        double[] output = NcvMatrix.RotateInvert(input, alpha);
                        double newY = output[0];
                        double newX = output[1];
                        int p00Y = (int)Math.Floor(newY);
                        int p00X = (int)Math.Floor(newX);
                        int p01Y = (int)Math.Floor(newY);
                        int p01X = (int)Math.Ceiling(newX);
                        int p10Y = (int)Math.Ceiling(newY);
                        int p10X = (int)Math.Floor(newX);
                        int p11Y = (int)Math.Ceiling(newY);
                        int p11X = (int)Math.Ceiling(newX);

                        if (Util.InRect(p00X, p00Y, width, height)
                            && Util.InRect(p01X, p01Y, width, height)
                            && Util.InRect(p10X, p10Y, width, height)
                            && Util.InRect(p11X, p11Y, width, height))
                            double a = newY - p00Y;
                            double b = newX - p00X;
                            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                                int g00 = img[c][p00X][p00Y];
                                int g01 = img[c][p01X][p01Y];
                                int g10 = img[c][p10X][p10Y];
                                int g11 = img[c][p11X][p11Y];
                                double g = b * (a * g11 + (1 - a) * g01) + (1 - b) * (a * g01 + (1 - a) * g00);
                                newImg[c][x][y] = (byte)Math.Round(g);

            ImageConvert.Mat2BitmapColor(newImg, width, height, out newBmp);

            return newBmp;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static NcvMatrix BoundMirrorExpand(NcvMatrix A)
     return(new NcvMatrix(BoundMirrorExpand(A.Data, A.cols(), A.rows())));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private static double[,] Xconv2(NcvMatrix I, NcvMatrix M)
     throw new NotImplementedException();