internal SearchCondition(ICondition nativeSearchCondition)
            NativeSearchCondition = nativeSearchCondition ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nativeSearchCondition));

            HResult hr = NativeSearchCondition.GetConditionType(out conditionType);

            if (!CoreErrorHelper.Succeeded(hr))
                throw new ShellException(hr);

            if (ConditionType == SearchConditionType.Leaf)
                using (var propVar = new PropVariant())
                    hr = NativeSearchCondition.GetComparisonInfo(out canonicalName, out conditionOperation, propVar);

                    if (!CoreErrorHelper.Succeeded(hr))
                        throw new ShellException(hr);

                    PropertyValue = propVar.Value.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an array of the sub-conditions.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <SearchCondition> GetSubConditions()
            // Our list that we'll return
            List <SearchCondition> subConditionsList = new List <SearchCondition>();

            // Get the sub-conditions from the native API
            object subConditionObj;
            Guid   guid = new Guid(ShellIIDGuid.IEnumUnknown);

            HResult hr = NativeSearchCondition.GetSubConditions(ref guid, out subConditionObj);

            if (!CoreErrorHelper.Succeeded(hr))
                throw new ShellException(hr);

            // Convert each ICondition to SearchCondition
            if (subConditionObj != null)
                IEnumUnknown enumUnknown = subConditionObj as IEnumUnknown;

                IntPtr buffer  = IntPtr.Zero;
                uint   fetched = 0;

                while (hr == HResult.Ok)
                    hr = enumUnknown.Next(1, ref buffer, ref fetched);

                    if (hr == HResult.Ok && fetched == 1)
                        subConditionsList.Add(new SearchCondition((ICondition)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(buffer)));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an array of the sub-conditions.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <SearchCondition> GetSubConditions()
            // Our list that we'll return
            var subConditionsList = new List <SearchCondition>();

            // Get the sub-conditions from the native API
            object subConditionObj;
            var    guid = new Guid(InterfaceGuids.IEnumUnknown);

            HResult hr = NativeSearchCondition.GetSubConditions(ref guid, out subConditionObj);

            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                throw new Exception(hr.ToString());

            // Convert each ICondition to SearchCondition
            if (subConditionObj != null)
                var enumUnknown = subConditionObj as IEnumUnknown;

                IntPtr buffer  = IntPtr.Zero;
                uint   fetched = 0;

                while (hr == HResult.S_OK)
                    hr = enumUnknown.Next(1, ref buffer, ref fetched);

                    if (hr == HResult.S_OK && fetched == 1)
                        subConditionsList.Add(new SearchCondition((ICondition)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(buffer)));
