/// <summary>
        /// Populates a list with transformed face vertices.
        /// </summary>
        public static unsafe void ComputeFaceClippingPolygon(ref NativeList <ClipVertex> output, int faceIndex, RigidTransform t, NativeHull hull)

            NativeFace *    face    = hull.GetFacePtr(faceIndex);
            NativePlane     plane   = hull.GetPlane(faceIndex);
            NativeHalfEdge *start   = hull.GetEdgePtr(face->Edge);
            NativeHalfEdge *current = start;

                NativeHalfEdge *twin   = hull.GetEdgePtr(current->Twin);
                float3          vertex = hull.GetVertex(current->Origin);
                float3          P      = math.transform(t, vertex);

                ClipVertex clipVertex;
                clipVertex.featurePair.InEdge1  = -1;
                clipVertex.featurePair.OutEdge1 = -1;
                clipVertex.featurePair.InEdge2  = (sbyte)current->Next;
                clipVertex.featurePair.OutEdge2 = (sbyte)twin->Twin;
                clipVertex.position             = P;
                clipVertex.hull2local           = vertex;
                clipVertex.plane = plane;


                current = hull.GetEdgePtr(current->Next);
            } while (current != start);
        public void Dispose()
            if (_isDisposed == 0)
                if (verticesNative.IsCreated)

                if (facesNative.IsCreated)

                if (facesPlanesNative.IsCreated)

                if (edgesNative.IsCreated)

                vertices    = null;
                faces       = null;
                facesPlanes = null;
                edges       = null;
            _isDisposed = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static unsafe void ValidateFace(this NativeHull hull, NativeFace *face)
            Debug.Assert(hull.faceCount > 0);
            Debug.Assert(hull.edgeCount > 0);
            Debug.Assert(face->edge != -1);

            ValidateEdge(hull, hull.edges + face->edge);
        public unsafe static void SetFromFaces(ref NativeHull hull, NativeHullDef def)
            Debug.Assert(def.FaceCount > 0);
            Debug.Assert(def.VertexCount > 0);

            hull.VertexCount = def.VertexCount;
            var arr = def.VerticesNative.ToArray();

            hull.VerticesNative = new NativeArrayNoLeakDetection <float3>(arr, Allocator.Persistent);
            hull.Vertices       = (float3 *)hull.VerticesNative.GetUnsafePtr();
            hull.FaceCount      = def.FaceCount;
            hull.FacesNative    = new NativeArrayNoLeakDetection <NativeFace>(hull.FaceCount, Allocator.Persistent);
            hull.Faces          = (NativeFace *)hull.FacesNative.GetUnsafePtr();

            // Initialize all faces by assigning -1 to each edge reference.
            for (int k = 0; k < def.FaceCount; ++k)
                NativeFace *f = hull.Faces + k;
                f->Edge = -1;

            CreateFacesPlanes(ref hull, ref def);

            var edgeMap   = new Dictionary <(int v1, int v2), int>();
            var edgesList = new NativeHalfEdge[10000]; // todo lol

            // Loop through all faces.
            for (int i = 0; i < def.FaceCount; ++i)
                NativeFaceDef face      = def.FacesNative[i];
                int           vertCount = face.VertexCount;

                Debug.Assert(vertCount >= 3);

                int *vertices = face.Vertices;

                var faceHalfEdges = new List <int>();

                // Loop through all face edges.
                for (int j = 0; j < vertCount; ++j)
                    int v1 = vertices[j];
                    int v2 = j + 1 < vertCount ? vertices[j + 1] : vertices[0];

                    bool edgeFound12 = edgeMap.TryGetValue((v1, v2), out int iter12);
                    bool edgeFound21 = edgeMap.ContainsKey((v2, v1));

                    Debug.Assert(edgeFound12 == edgeFound21);

                    if (edgeFound12)
                        // The edge is shared by two faces.
                        int e12 = iter12;

                        // Link adjacent face to edge.
                        if (edgesList[e12].Face == -1)
                            edgesList[e12].Face = i;
                            throw new Exception("Two shared edges can't have the same vertices in the same order");

                        if (hull.Faces[i].Edge == -1)
                            hull.Faces[i].Edge = e12;

                        // The next edge of the current half edge in the array is the twin edge.
                        int e12 = hull.EdgeCount++;
                        int e21 = hull.EdgeCount++;

                        if (hull.Faces[i].Edge == -1)
                            hull.Faces[i].Edge = e12;


                        edgesList[e12].Prev   = -1;
                        edgesList[e12].Next   = -1;
                        edgesList[e12].Twin   = e21;
                        edgesList[e12].Face   = i;
                        edgesList[e12].Origin = v1;

                        edgesList[e21].Prev   = -1;
                        edgesList[e21].Next   = -1;
                        edgesList[e21].Twin   = e12;
                        edgesList[e21].Face   = -1;
                        edgesList[e21].Origin = v2;

                        // Add edges to map.
                        edgeMap[(v1, v2)] = e12;