Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void OnTargetNavigationComponentUpdate(TargetNavigation.Update update)
     if (update.navigationFinished.Count > 0)
         NPCUtils.NavigateToRandomNearbyPosition(navigation, navigation.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCOnFireWaypointDistance, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance);
        public override bool UseItem(Player player)
            if (NPCUtils.SummonBossDirectlyWithMessage(player.Center - new Vector2(0f, 240f), ModContent.NPCType <CraterDemon>()))
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.ForceRoar, player.position, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void create()
            List <string> essential       = new();
            List <string> unique          = new();
            List <string> follower        = new();
            string        essentialFile   = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "EssentialNPCs.txt");
            string        uniqueFile      = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "UniqueNPCs.txt");
            string        followerFile    = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "FollowerNPCs.txt");
            string        uniqueFollowers = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Unique+Followers.txt");
            int           npcs            = 0;

            foreach (var npc in State.LoadOrder.PriorityOrder
                     .WinningOverrides <INpcGetter>()
                     .Where(x => !x.Configuration.Flags.HasFlag(NpcConfiguration.Flag.IsCharGenFacePreset) &&
                            x.Name != null &&
                var    npcRace = npc.Race.Resolve <IRaceGetter>(Configuration.Cache);
                string race    = npcRace.EditorID + " \"" + (npcRace.Name == null ? "" : npcRace.Name.String)
                                 + "\" [RACE:" + npcRace.FormKey.IDString() + "]";

                string name = npc.Name == null ? "" : npc.Name.String;
                string mod  = npc.FormKey.ModKey.FileName;
                string eid  = npc.EditorID;
                string key  = npc.FormKey.IDString().PadLeft(8, '0');
                string line = mod + " | " + name + " | " + eid + " | " + race + " | " + key;

                if (NPCUtils.IsFollower(npc))
                if (NPCUtils.IsUnique(npc))
                if (NPCUtils.IsEssential(npc))
            File.WriteAllLines(essentialFile, essential);
            File.WriteAllLines(uniqueFile, unique);
            File.WriteAllLines(followerFile, follower);
            File.WriteAllLines(uniqueFollowers, follower.Union(unique).Distinct());

            Logger.InfoFormat("Created File: " + essentialFile);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Created File: " + uniqueFile);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Created File: " + follower);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Created File: " + uniqueFollowers);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Total NPCs for morphing: " + npcs);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void AI()
            //Die if parent dies or despawns
            if (!Parent.active || Parent.life <= 0)
                projectile.active = false;

            //Evenly spread out the rotations of all 3 runes
            if (!initialized)
                rotation             = RuneNumber * MathHelper.TwoPi / 3;
                projectile.netUpdate = true;
                initialized          = true;

            projectile.alpha = Math.Max(projectile.alpha - 5, 0);
            rotation        += speed;
            speed            = Math.Min(speed + ACCELERATION, MAX_SPEED);

            //Start decreasing in radius when speed is high enough
            if (speed > MAX_SPEED / 4)
                radius -= 1.5f;
                if (radius <= MIN_RADIUS)
                    //Dont shoot a projectile if the target no longer exists
                    bool playerUntargettable = (Target == null || Target.dead || !Target.active);

                    //Only make one projectile shot directly at the player, by checking if it's the first rune that was spawned in
                    if (RuneNumber == 0 && !playerUntargettable)
                        Projectile p = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(Parent.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <HecateBoonProj>(),
                                                                      NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(Parent.damage), 1, Main.myPlayer, Parent.target);

                        if (!Main.dedServ)
                            Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MaxMana, Parent.Center);
                            ParticleHandler.SpawnParticle(new HecateSpawnParticle(p, new Color(255, 106, 250), 0.5f, 40));


            Vector2 offset = Vector2.UnitX.RotatedBy(rotation) * radius;

            projectile.Center = Parent.Center + offset;
        private void AddToStockpile()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject != null && NPCUtils.IsTargetATeamStockpile(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject))
                var resourcesToAdd = inventory.Data.resources;
                SpatialOS.Commands.SendCommand(inventory, StockpileDepository.Commands.AddResource.Descriptor,
                                               new AddResource(resourcesToAdd), Owner.Data.targetEntityId, response => OnStockpileResponse(response, resourcesToAdd));
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void AttemptToHarvestTree()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject != null && NPCUtils.IsTargetAHealthyTree(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject))
                                               new HarvestRequest(parentBehaviour.gameObject.EntityId()), Owner.Data.targetEntityId, OnHarvestResponse);
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
        private void StartMovingTowardsTargetEntity()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject == null)
                Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, EntityId.InvalidEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCWizardSpellCastingSqrDistance))
            navigation.StartNavigation(Owner.Data.targetEntityId, SimulationSettings.NPCWizardSpellCastingSqrDistance);
        private EntityId FindNearestTargetToAttackOrDefend()
            var layerMask = ~(1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(SimulationSettings.TreeLayerName));
            var nearestDefendableTarget = NPCUtils.FindNearestTarget(parentBehaviour.gameObject, SimulationSettings.NPCViewRadius, NPCUtils.IsTargetDefendable, layerMask);
            var nearestAttackableTarget = NPCUtils.FindNearestTarget(parentBehaviour.gameObject, SimulationSettings.NPCViewRadius, NPCUtils.IsTargetAttackable, layerMask);

            if (nearestDefendableTarget == null && nearestAttackableTarget == null)

            var sqrDistanceToNearestDefendableTarget = (nearestDefendableTarget != null) ? MathUtils.SqrDistance(parentBehaviour.transform.position, nearestDefendableTarget.transform.position) : float.MaxValue;
            var sqrDistanceToNearestAttackableTarget = (nearestAttackableTarget != null) ? MathUtils.SqrDistance(parentBehaviour.transform.position, nearestAttackableTarget.transform.position) : float.MaxValue;

            return((sqrDistanceToNearestDefendableTarget < sqrDistanceToNearestAttackableTarget) ? nearestDefendableTarget.gameObject.EntityId() : nearestAttackableTarget.gameObject.EntityId());
        private void StartMovingTowardsTargetEntity()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject == null)
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance))
            navigation.StartNavigation(Owner.Data.targetEntityId, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance);
        private void StartMovingTowardsTargetPosition()
            var targetPosition = Owner.Data.targetPosition.ToVector3();

            if (MathUtils.CompareEqualityEpsilon(targetPosition, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition))
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetPosition, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance))
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            navigation.StartNavigation(targetPosition, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void CastRainOnTarget()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject == null)
                Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsTargetDefendable(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject))
                spellsBehaviour.CastSpell(SpellType.RAIN, targetGameObject.transform.position);
            spellCastFinishDelayCoroutine = parentBehaviour.StartCoroutine(TimerUtils.WaitAndPerform(SimulationSettings.PlayerCastAnimationTime, () => {
                Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
        private void AttemptInteractionWithTarget()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject == null)
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsTargetAHealthyTree(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject) &&
                NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance))
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.HARVESTING, Owner.Data.targetEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsTargetATeamStockpile(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject) &&
                NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance))
                Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.STOCKPILING, Owner.Data.targetEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            Owner.TriggerTransition(LumberjackFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, new EntityId(), SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
        private void AttemptInteractionWithTarget()
            var targetGameObject = NPCUtils.GetTargetGameObject(Owner.Data.targetEntityId);

            if (targetGameObject == null)
                Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, EntityId.InvalidEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsTargetAttackable(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject) &&
                NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCWizardSpellCastingSqrDistance))
                Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.ATTACKING_TARGET, Owner.Data.targetEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            if (NPCUtils.IsTargetDefendable(parentBehaviour.gameObject, targetGameObject) &&
                NPCUtils.IsWithinInteractionRange(parentBehaviour.transform.position, targetGameObject.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCWizardSpellCastingSqrDistance))
                Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.DEFENDING_TARGET, Owner.Data.targetEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
            Owner.TriggerTransition(WizardFSMState.StateEnum.IDLE, EntityId.InvalidEntityId, SimulationSettings.InvalidPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void CheckForNearbyTreesOrStockpiles()
            GameObject targetEntity;

            if (inventory.HasResources())
                targetEntity = NPCUtils.FindNearestTarget(parentBehaviour.gameObject, SimulationSettings.NPCViewRadius, NPCUtils.IsTargetATeamStockpile, LayerMask.GetMask(SimulationSettings.BarrackLayerName));
                if (targetEntity == null)
                targetEntity = NPCUtils.FindNearestTarget(parentBehaviour.gameObject, SimulationSettings.NPCViewRadius, NPCUtils.IsTargetAHealthyTree, LayerMask.GetMask(SimulationSettings.TreeLayerName));
                if (targetEntity == null)
        private void BruteP1(Player Target)
            int   chargeTime    = 40;
            float circleOpacity = 0.66f;
            int   bruteSlamTime = BruteSlam.TOTALTIME;
            int   restTime      = 60;

            if (AiTimer < chargeTime)

            if (AiTimer <= chargeTime + bruteSlamTime)
                UpdateYFrame(8, 0, 8, null, 4);
                _ritualCircle = Math.Min(_ritualCircle + circleOpacity / chargeTime, circleOpacity);

                if (AiTimer == chargeTime)
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        var proj = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(npc.Bottom, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <BruteSlam>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(60, 1.5f), 1, Main.myPlayer, npc.whoAmI);
                        proj.position.Y -= proj.height * 0.66f;
                        if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.SinglePlayer)
                            NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.SyncProjectile, -1, -1, null, proj.whoAmI);
                _ritualCircle = Math.Max(_ritualCircle - circleOpacity / restTime, 0f);
                UpdateYFrame(8, 8, 0, null, 0);

            ResetAttackP1(chargeTime + bruteSlamTime + restTime);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override void Enter()
     targetNavigation.ComponentUpdated += OnTargetNavigationComponentUpdate;
     NPCUtils.NavigateToRandomNearbyPosition(navigation, navigation.transform.position, SimulationSettings.NPCOnFireWaypointDistance, SimulationSettings.NPCDefaultInteractionSqrDistance);
        private void DaggersP1(Player target)
            int daggerspintime = 40;

            if (AiTimer < daggerspintime)
                UpdateYFrame(8, 0, 8, null, 4);

            if ((AiTimer == 1 || AiTimer == 20) && !Main.dedServ)
                Texture2D dagger  = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Boss/Occultist/Projectiles/OccultistDagger");
                Texture2D bloom   = mod.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");
                float     height  = AiTimer == 1 ? 0 : -10;
                float     radius  = AiTimer == 1 ? 30 : 40;
                float     scale   = AiTimer == 1 ? 0.25f : 0.5f;
                float     opacity = AiTimer == 1 ? 0.66f : 0.8f;
                float     offset  = AiTimer == 1 ? 0 : 10;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    _rotMan.AddObject(bloom, height, radius, scale / 3, Color.Pink * opacity * 0.66f, -1, null, 60, 40 * i + offset);
                    _rotMan.AddObject(dagger, height, radius, scale, Color.White * opacity, -1, null, 60, 40 * i + offset);

            if (AiTimer == daggerspintime && !Main.dedServ)

            if (AiTimer > daggerspintime && AiTimer % 5 == 0 && AiTimer <= daggerspintime + 30)
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    float timer = AiTimer - daggerspintime + 10;
                    if (npc.direction > 0)
                        timer = 40 - timer;

                    float   angle    = timer / 40 * MathHelper.Pi;
                    Vector2 spawnPos = npc.Center - new Vector2(0, 500) + new Vector2(0, 300).RotatedBy((angle - MathHelper.PiOver2) / 2.5f);
                    var     proj     = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(spawnPos, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <OccultistDagger>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(40, 1.5f), 1f, Main.myPlayer, angle);
                    proj.netUpdate = true;

            ResetAttackP1(daggerspintime + 60);
        private void WaveHandsP1(Player target)
            int chargetime          = 40;
            int attacktelegraphtime = 30;
            int attacktime          = 30;

            if (AiTimer < chargetime)
                if (AiTimer % 6 == 0)

            if (AiTimer == chargetime && !Main.dedServ)
                ParticleHandler.SpawnParticle(new OccultistTelegraphBeam(npc, (Vector2.UnitX * npc.direction).ToRotation(), 400, attacktelegraphtime));

            if (AiTimer > attacktelegraphtime + chargetime)
                UpdateYFrame(11, 4, 8);
                if (AiTimer % 6 == 0)
                    Vector2 spawnPos = npc.Center + (Vector2.UnitX * npc.direction).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.Pi / 4) * Main.rand.NextFloat(20, 40);
                    Vector2 velocity = npc.direction * Vector2.UnitX * Main.rand.NextFloat(3, 4);
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        float amplitude    = Main.rand.NextFloat(5, 8);
                        float periodOffset = Main.rand.Next(160);
                        var   proj         = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(spawnPos, velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <OccultistHand>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(40, 1.5f), 1f, Main.myPlayer, amplitude, periodOffset);
                        proj.netUpdate = true;
                UpdateYFrame(8, 0, 8, null, 4);

            ResetAttackP1(attacktelegraphtime + chargetime + attacktime);
        private void SoulsP2(Player target)
            int TPTime = 60;

            if (AiTimer <= TPTime)
                Vector2 TPPosition = target.Center + Main.rand.NextVector2Unit() * Main.rand.NextFloat(150, 200);
                TeleportP2(TPPosition, TPTime);
                float timer      = AiTimer - TPTime;            //make timing a bit simpler
                float attacktime = 130;

                frame.X = 1;
                UpdateYFrame(8, 4, 8);

                npc.velocity.Y = (float)Math.Sin(MathHelper.TwoPi * AiTimer / 90);
                npc.velocity.X = MathHelper.Lerp(npc.velocity.X, 0, 0.1f);
                if (timer % 10 == 0)

                if (AiTimer % 20 == 0 && !Main.dedServ)
                    ParticleHandler.SpawnParticle(new PulseCircle(npc.Center, new Color(252, 3, 148, 100) * 0.5f, 120, 12));

                if (timer % 12 == 0 && timer <= 60)
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        Vector2 vel = npc.DirectionFrom(target.Center).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.PiOver2) * 4;
                        Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(npc.Center + vel * Main.rand.NextFloat(10, 20), vel, ModContent.ProjectileType <OccultistSoul>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(30, 1.5f), 1, Main.myPlayer, npc.whoAmI, target.whoAmI).netUpdate = true;

                if (timer > attacktime)
        private void WaveHandsP2(Player target)
            int TPTime = 60;

            if (AiTimer <= TPTime)
                Vector2 TPPosition = target.Center + (target.velocity.X < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Vector2.UnitX * 300;
                TeleportP2(TPPosition, TPTime);
                float timer = AiTimer - TPTime;                 //make timing a bit simpler
                if (timer % 6 == 0)

                if (timer < 80)                 //home in on the side of the player that's closer
                    Vector2 DesiredPosition = target.Center + (target.DirectionTo(npc.Center).X < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Vector2.UnitX * 300;
                    DesiredPosition.Y += (float)Math.Sin(Main.GameUpdateCount / 10f) * 20;
                    float accel = MathHelper.Clamp(npc.Distance(DesiredPosition) / 400, 0.1f, 0.4f);
                    npc.AccelFlyingMovement(DesiredPosition, accel, 0.1f, 30);
                    npc.velocity = Vector2.Lerp(npc.velocity, Vector2.Zero, 0.085f);

                if (timer > 80)
                    frame.X = 1;
                    UpdateYFrame(8, 0, 8, delegate(int frameY)
                        if (frameY == 4 && Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient && timer < 150)
                            Vector2 spawnPos = npc.Center + (Vector2.UnitX * npc.direction).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.Pi / 4) * Main.rand.NextFloat(20, 40);
                            float amplitude  = 70;
                            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                                if (i == 0)

                                Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(spawnPos, npc.direction * Vector2.UnitX * 2.25f, ModContent.ProjectileType <OccultistHandFiery>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(40, 1.5f), 1f, Main.myPlayer, amplitude * i, 60).netUpdate = true;
                            npc.velocity.X -= npc.direction * 5;
                            npc.netUpdate   = true;
                    }, 4);
                    frame.X = 0;
                    UpdateYFrame(4, 0, 2);
                    if (timer == 80)
                        frame.Y = 0;

                if (timer > 180)
        private void DaggersP2(Player target)
            int TPTime = 60;

            if (AiTimer <= TPTime)
                Vector2 TPPosition = target.Center + (target.velocity.X < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Vector2.UnitX * 550 - Vector2.UnitY * 220;
                TeleportP2(TPPosition, TPTime);
                float timer           = AiTimer - TPTime;       //make timing a bit simpler
                float attacktime      = 140;
                float daggerstarttime = 40;

                if (timer == 1 && !Main.dedServ)
                    Texture2D dagger  = mod.GetTexture("NPCs/Boss/Occultist/Projectiles/OccultistDagger");
                    Texture2D bloom   = mod.GetTexture("Effects/Masks/CircleGradient");
                    float     radius  = 30;
                    float     scale   = 0.5f;
                    float     opacity = 0.8f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        _rotMan.AddObject(bloom, 0, radius, scale / 3, Color.Pink * opacity * 0.66f, -1, null, 60, 40 * i, MathHelper.Pi);
                        _rotMan.AddObject(dagger, 0, radius, scale, Color.White * opacity, -1, null, 60, 40 * i, MathHelper.Pi);

                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        _rotMan.AddObject(bloom, 10, radius * 1.5f, scale / 3, Color.Pink * opacity * 0.66f, -1, null, 60, 24 * j, MathHelper.Pi);
                        _rotMan.AddObject(dagger, 10, radius * 1.5f, scale, Color.White * opacity, -1, null, 60, 24 * j, MathHelper.Pi);

                if (timer < daggerstarttime)                 //home in on the side of the player that's closer
                    Vector2 DesiredPosition = target.Center + (target.DirectionTo(npc.Center).X < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Vector2.UnitX * 550 - Vector2.UnitY * 220;
                    float   accel           = MathHelper.Clamp(npc.Distance(DesiredPosition) / 400, 0.1f, 0.4f);
                    npc.AccelFlyingMovement(DesiredPosition, accel, 0.15f, 30);
                else                 //move in direction it's facing, with quadratic easing formula to smooth out velocity
                    float progress = Math.Max((timer - daggerstarttime) / (attacktime - daggerstarttime), 0);

                    npc.velocity.Y = (float)Math.Sin(MathHelper.TwoPi * AiTimer / 90);
                    npc.velocity.X = npc.direction * 22f * (progress < 0.5f ? 4 * (float)Math.Pow(progress, 2) : (float)Math.Pow(-2 * progress + 2, 2));

                if (timer % 7 == 0 && Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server && timer > daggerstarttime)
                    var proj = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(npc.Center + Main.rand.NextVector2CircularEdge(30, 50), Vector2.Zero,
                                                              ModContent.ProjectileType <OccultistDagger>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(40, 1.5f), 1f, Main.myPlayer,
                                                              Main.rand.NextFloat(-0.12f, 0.12f) + MathHelper.PiOver2);
                    proj.netUpdate = true;

                frame.X = 0;
                UpdateYFrame(7, 0, 2);

                if (timer > attacktime)
                    if (!Main.dedServ)

        private void SoulsP1(Player Target)

            if (AiTimer <= 30)
                UpdateYFrame(8, 4, 8);
                if (AiTimer % 15 == 0)
                    Vector2 vel = npc.DirectionFrom(Target.Center).RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.PiOver2) * 14;
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(npc.Center + vel, vel.RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.Pi / 12), ModContent.ProjectileType <OccultistSoul>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(30, 1.5f), 1, Main.myPlayer, Main.rand.NextBool() ? -1 : 1, Target.whoAmI).netUpdate = true;

                    if (!Main.dedServ)
                        ParticleHandler.SpawnParticle(new PulseCircle(npc.Center, new Color(252, 3, 148) * 0.6f, 120, 15)
                            RingColor = new Color(255, 115, 239) * 0.4f
                        ParticleHandler.SpawnParticle(new StarParticle(npc.Center + vel, vel / 8, Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.White, 0.15f), 0.5f, 20, 4f));
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            ParticleHandler.SpawnParticle(new OccultistSoulVisual(npc.Center + vel * Main.rand.NextFloat(), vel.RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.Pi / 12) * Main.rand.NextFloat(0.2f, 0.7f),
                                                                                  Main.rand.NextFloat(0.4f, 0.5f), 30));
                UpdateYFrame(8, 8, 0, null, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void AI()
            Player player     = Main.player[npc.target];
            bool   expertMode = Main.expertMode;

            Lighting.AddLight((int)((npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((npc.position.Y + (float)(npc.height / 2)) / 16f), 0f, 0.075f, 0.25f);
            int parent = NPC.FindFirstNPC(ModContent.NPCType <SteamRaiderHead>());

            if (parent < 0 || parent >= Main.npc.Length)
                npc.active = false;
            if (!Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].active)
                npc.life = 0;
                npc.HitEffect(0, 10.0);
                npc.active = false;
            if (Main.npc[parent].ai[2] != 1)
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    npc.localAI[0] += expertMode ? 2f : 1f;
                    if (npc.localAI[0] >= 200f)
                        npc.localAI[0] = 0f;
                        if (Collision.CanHit(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, player.position, player.width, player.height))
                            Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 12);
                            float   num941    = 4f;                        //speed
                            Vector2 vector104 = new Vector2(npc.position.X + (float)npc.width * 0.5f, npc.position.Y + (float)(npc.height / 2));
                            float   num942    = player.position.X + (float)player.width * 0.5f - vector104.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21);
                            float   num943    = player.position.Y + (float)player.height * 0.5f - vector104.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21);
                            float   num944    = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num942 * num942 + num943 * num943));
                            num944  = num941 / num944;
                            num942 *= num944;
                            num943 *= num944;
                            //int num946 = 440;
                            vector104.X += num942 * 5f;
                            vector104.Y += num943 * 5f;
                            int num947 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector104.X, vector104.Y, num942, num943, ModContent.ProjectileType <GlitchLaser>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(25, 1.5f), 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[num947].timeLeft = 300;
                            npc.netUpdate = true;
                npc.localAI[0] = 0;
            if ((Main.npc[parent].life <= Main.npc[parent].lifeMax * 0.75f))
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 14);
                npc.life = 0;
                npc.HitEffect(0, 10.0);
                npc.active = false;
                NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <TailProbe>(), npc.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 255);
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Roar, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 0);
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 4);
                npc.position.X = npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2);
                npc.position.Y = npc.position.Y + (float)(npc.height / 2);
                npc.width      = 30;
                npc.height     = 30;
                npc.position.X = npc.position.X - (float)(npc.width / 2);
                npc.position.Y = npc.position.Y - (float)(npc.height / 2);
                for (int num621 = 0; num621 < 20; num621++)
                    int num622 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, 226, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f);
                    Main.dust[num622].velocity *= 3f;
                    if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
                        Main.dust[num622].scale  = 0.5f;
                        Main.dust[num622].fadeIn = 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f;
                for (int num623 = 0; num623 < 40; num623++)
                    int num624 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, 226, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 3f);
                    Main.dust[num624].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num624].velocity *= 5f;
                    num624 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, 180, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f);
                    Main.dust[num624].velocity *= 2f;
            if (Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].alpha < 128)
                if (npc.alpha != 0)
                    for (int num934 = 0; num934 < 2; num934++)
                        int num935 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, 226, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f);
                        Main.dust[num935].noGravity = true;
                        Main.dust[num935].noLight   = true;
                npc.alpha -= 42;
                if (npc.alpha < 0)
                    npc.alpha = 0;
            if (npc.ai[2] > 0)
                npc.realLife = (int)npc.ai[2];

            if (npc.target < 0 || npc.target == byte.MaxValue || Main.player[npc.target].dead)

            if (npc.ai[1] < (double)Main.npc.Length)
                // We're getting the center of this NPC.
                Vector2 npcCenter = new Vector2(npc.position.X + (float)npc.width * 0.5f, npc.position.Y + (float)npc.height * 0.5f);
                // Then using that center, we calculate the direction towards the 'parent NPC' of this NPC.
                float dirX = Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].width / 2) - npcCenter.X;
                float dirY = Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].position.Y + (float)(Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].height / 2) - npcCenter.Y;
                // We then use Atan2 to get a correct rotation towards that parent NPC.
                npc.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(dirY, dirX) + 1.57f;
                // We also get the length of the direction vector.
                float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(dirX * dirX + dirY * dirY);
                // We calculate a new, correct distance.
                float dist = (length - (float)npc.width) / length;
                float posX = dirX * dist;
                float posY = dirY * dist;

                // Reset the velocity of this NPC, because we don't want it to move on its own
                npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero;
                // And set this NPCs position accordingly to that of this NPCs parent NPC.
                npc.position.X = npc.position.X + posX;
                npc.position.Y = npc.position.Y + posY;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override bool PreAI()
            Lighting.AddLight(new Vector2(npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y), 0.075f * 2, 0.231f * 2, 0.255f * 2);

            Player target = Main.player[npc.target];

            npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction;

            Vector2 vector2_1 = target.Center - npc.Center + new Vector2(0, -100f);
            float   distance  = vector2_1.Length();

            Vector2 desiredVelocity = npc.velocity;

            if (distance < 20)

            if (distance < 40.0)
                desiredVelocity = vector2_1 * (5f * 0.025f);
            else if (distance < 80.0)
                desiredVelocity = vector2_1 * (5f * 0.075f);
                desiredVelocity = vector2_1 * 5f;

            npc.SimpleFlyMovement(desiredVelocity, 0.05f);
            npc.rotation = npc.velocity.X * 0.1f;

            if (npc.ai[0] == 0f)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    Vector2 vel = Vector2.UnitY.RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.Pi) * new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(3, 8), Main.rand.Next(3, 8));
                    int     p   = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X + Main.rand.Next(-20, 20), npc.Center.Y + Main.rand.Next(-20, 20), vel.X, vel.Y, ModContent.ProjectileType <ElectricJellyfishOrbiter>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(10, 1.5f), 0.0f, Main.myPlayer, 0.0f, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.projectile[p].scale = Main.rand.NextFloat(.6f, .95f);
                    Main.projectile[p].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;

                    npc.ai[0]     = 1f;
                    npc.netUpdate = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        static public void HandlePacket(BinaryReader reader, int whoAmI)
            Message msg = (Message)reader.ReadByte();
            Dictionary <DataTag, object> tags = new Dictionary <DataTag, object>();

            foreach (DataTag tag in dataTags[msg])
                tags.Add(tag, tag.read(reader));
            switch (msg)
            case Message.SyncLevel:
                RPGPlayer p = Main.player[(int)tags[DataTag.playerId]].GetModPlayer <RPGPlayer>();
                if (p.baseName == "")
                    p.baseName = Main.player[(int)tags[DataTag.playerId]].name;

                if ((int)tags[DataTag.playerId] != Main.myPlayer)
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.SinglePlayer)
                    Main.player[(int)tags[DataTag.playerId]].name = p.baseName + " The Lvl." + p.GetLevel() + " " + (string)tags[DataTag.buffer];


            case Message.AddXP:
                Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <RPGPlayer>().AddXp((int)tags[DataTag.amount], (int)tags[DataTag.level]);

            case Message.SyncNPCSpawn:
                if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    NPC npc = Main.npc[(int)tags[DataTag.npcId]];

                    if (npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>() == null)

                    if (npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().StatsCreated == true)
                    int     tier  = (int)tags[DataTag.tier];
                    int     level = (int)tags[DataTag.level];
                    NPCRank rank  = (NPCRank)tags[DataTag.rank];

                    NPCModifier modifiers = (NPCModifier)tags[DataTag.modifiers];
                    if (npc == null || npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>() == null)
                    AnotherRpgMod.Instance.Logger.Info(npc.GivenOrTypeName + "\nTier : " + tier + "   Level : " + level + "   rank : " + rank + "   Modifier  : " + modifiers + " \n Buffer : " + (string)tags[DataTag.buffer]);

                    Dictionary <string, string> bufferStack = Unparse((string)tags[DataTag.buffer]);

                    WorldManager.BossDefeated = (int)tags[DataTag.WorldTier];

                    npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().StatsCreated = true;
                    npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().modifier     = modifiers;
                    npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().SetLevelTier(level, tier, (byte)rank);
                    npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().specialBuffer = bufferStack;

                    npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().SetStats(npc);

                    npc.GivenName = NPCUtils.GetNpcNameChange(npc, tier, level, rank);

                    //AnotherRpgMod.Instance.Logger.Info("NPC created with id : " + npc.whoAmI);
                    //AnotherRpgMod.Instance.Logger.Info( "Client Side : \n" + npc.GetGivenOrTypeNetName() + "\nLvl." + (npc.GetGlobalNPC<ARPGGlobalNPC>().getLevel + npc.GetGlobalNPC<ARPGGlobalNPC>().getTier) + "\nHealth : " + npc.life + " / " + npc.lifeMax + "\nDamage : " + npc.damage + "\nDef : " + npc.defense + "\nTier : " + npc.GetGlobalNPC<ARPGGlobalNPC>().getRank + "\n\n");

            case Message.SyncNPCUpdate:
                if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    NPC npcu = Main.npc[(int)tags[DataTag.npcId]];

                    if (npcu.lifeMax != (int)tags[DataTag.maxLife] || npcu.life != (int)tags[DataTag.life])
                        AnotherRpgMod.Instance.Logger.Warn("DESYNC ERROR SPOTTED FOR : ");
                        AnotherRpgMod.Instance.Logger.Warn(npcu.GivenOrTypeName + "\n" + (int)tags[DataTag.life] + " / " + (int)tags[DataTag.maxLife] + "\n" + npcu.life + " / " + npcu.lifeMax);
                    Main.npc[(int)tags[DataTag.npcId]].lifeMax = (int)tags[DataTag.maxLife];
                    Main.npc[(int)tags[DataTag.npcId]].life    = (int)tags[DataTag.life];

            case Message.Log:
                if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    //ErrorLogger.Log("LOG FROM SERVER");


            case Message.AskNpc:
                if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                    NPC npc = Main.npc[(int)tags[DataTag.npcId]];
                    if (npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>() == null)
                    int tier  = npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().getTier;
                    int level = npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().getLevel;
                    int rank  = npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>().getRank;
                    Mod mod   = AnotherRpgMod.Instance;
                    //MPDebug.Log(mod, "Server Side : \n" + npc.GetGivenOrTypeNetName() + " ID : " + npc.whoAmI + "\nLvl." + (npc.GetGlobalNPC<ARPGGlobalNPC>().getLevel + npc.GetGlobalNPC<ARPGGlobalNPC>().getTier) + "\nHealth : " + npc.life + " / " + npc.lifeMax + "\nDamage : " + npc.damage + "\nDef : " + npc.defense + "\nTier : " + npc.GetGlobalNPC<ARPGGlobalNPC>().getRank + "\n");

                    SendNpcSpawn(mod, npc, tier, level, npc.GetGlobalNPC <ARPGGlobalNPC>());
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override bool PreAI()
            var exposedBodies = Main.npc.Where(x => x.active && (x.type == ModContent.NPCType <FungalDiggerBody>() || x.type == ModContent.NPCType <FungalDiggerTail>()) && x.localAI[0] > 0).Count();

            if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                if (exposedBodies < 7 && Main.rand.NextBool(50) || (++npc.localAI[1] % 60 == 0 && Main.rand.NextBool(50)))
                    if (!Exposed)
                        npc.localAI[0] = 1;
                        npc.netUpdate  = true;

                if (exposedBodies > 10 || (npc.localAI[1] % 60 == 0 && Main.rand.NextBool(50)))
                    if (Exposed)
                        npc.localAI[0] = 0;
                        npc.netUpdate  = true;
                if (npc.localAI[2] >= 601)
                    npc.localAI[2] = 0f;
            if (Exposed)
                npc.defense        = 22;
                npc.dontTakeDamage = false;

            Player player = Main.player[npc.target];

            if (Head.ai[2] == 1)
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    if (--npc.ai[3] == 0)
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 9);
                        npc.netUpdate = true;
                        if (Main.rand.NextBool(2))
                            float   num941    = 1f;
                            Vector2 vector104 = new Vector2(npc.position.X + npc.width * 0.5f, npc.position.Y + npc.height / 2);
                            float   num942    = player.position.X + player.width * 0.5f - vector104.X + Main.rand.Next(-20, 21);
                            float   num943    = player.position.Y + player.height * 0.5f - vector104.Y + Main.rand.Next(-20, 21);
                            float   num944    = (float)Math.Sqrt(num942 * num942 + num943 * num943);
                            num944  = num941 / num944;
                            num942 *= num944;
                            num943 *= num944;
                            num942 += Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.0125f;
                            num943 += Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.0125f;
                            int num946 = ModContent.ProjectileType <GlowingMushroom>();
                            vector104.X += num942 * 4f;
                            vector104.Y += num943 * 2.5f;
                            int num947 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector104.X, vector104.Y, num942, num943, num946, NPCUtils.RealDamage(25, 1.25f), 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[num947].timeLeft = 350;
                if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    if (--npc.ai[3] == 0)
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 9);
                npc.ai[3] = Main.rand.Next(175, 190);

            if (!Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].active)
                npc.life = 0;
                npc.HitEffect(0, 10.0);
                npc.active = false;
            if (npc.ai[2] > 0)
                npc.realLife = (int)npc.ai[2];

            if (npc.target < 0 || npc.target == byte.MaxValue || Main.player[npc.target].dead)

            if (Main.player[npc.target].dead && npc.timeLeft > 300)
                npc.timeLeft = 300;

            if (npc.ai[1] < (double)Main.npc.Length)
                Vector2 npcCenter = new Vector2(npc.position.X + npc.width * 0.5f, npc.position.Y + npc.height * 0.5f);

                float dirX = Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].position.X + Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].width / 2 - npcCenter.X;
                float dirY = Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].position.Y + Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].height / 2 - npcCenter.Y;

                npc.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(dirY, dirX) + 1.57f;

                float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(dirX * dirX + dirY * dirY);

                float dist = (length - (float)npc.width) / length;
                float posX = dirX * dist;
                float posY = dirY * dist;

                npc.velocity   = Vector2.Zero;
                npc.position.X = npc.position.X + posX;
                npc.position.Y = npc.position.Y + posY;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public override void AI()
            Player player     = Main.player[npc.target];
            float  lifeRatio  = (float)npc.life / npc.lifeMax;
            int    jumpHeight = Main.rand.Next(5);

            Vector2 range = npc.Center - player.Center;

            if (npc.velocity.Y == 0)
                npc.velocity.X = 0f;

            if (!player.active || player.dead)
                npc.ai[1] = 0;
                npc.ai[2] = 0;
                npc.noTileCollide = true;

            if (npc.velocity.Y > 0 && npc.position.Y < player.Center.Y - (npc.height + 125) && !npc.collideX && !npc.collideY)
                npc.noTileCollide = true;
                npc.noTileCollide = false;

            if (npc.ai[0] == 0)
                trail = false;
                if (npc.ai[2] >= 600)
                    npc.ai[0] = 1;
                    npc.ai[1] = 0;
                    npc.ai[2] = 0;
                if (npc.ai[1] >= 180 && npc.velocity.Y == 0)
                    if (npc.Center.X >= player.Center.X)
                        npc.velocity.X -= 5;
                    if (npc.Center.X <= player.Center.X)
                        npc.velocity.X += 5;
                    if (jumpHeight < 3)
                        npc.velocity.Y -= 12;
                        npc.velocity.Y -= 11;

                    npc.ai[1] = 0;

            if (npc.ai[0] == 1)
                trail = false;
                text  = false;
                if (npc.ai[2] >= 70 && lifeRatio >= 0.5 || npc.ai[2] >= 130 && lifeRatio < 0.5)
                    npc.ai[0] = 2;
                    npc.ai[1] = 0;
                    npc.ai[2] = 0;
                if (npc.ai[1] == 60 && !text)
                    CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height), new Color(20, 100, 100), "Releasing Missiles");
                    text = true;
                if (npc.ai[1] >= 60 && npc.velocity.Y == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item61, npc.Center);
                        int p = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center.X + Main.rand.Next(-60, 60), npc.Center.Y + Main.rand.Next(-60, 60), Main.rand.NextFloat(-5.3f, 5.3f), Main.rand.NextFloat(-5.3f, 5.3f), ModContent.ProjectileType <CyborgMissile>(), NPCUtils.RealDamage(20, 1.5f), 1, Main.myPlayer, 0, 0);
                        if (Main.projectile[p].velocity == Vector2.Zero)
                            Main.projectile[p].velocity = new Vector2(2.5f, 2.5f);
                        if (Main.projectile[p].velocity.X <2.5f && Math.Sign(Main.projectile[p].velocity.X) == Math.Sign(1) || Main.projectile[p].velocity.X> -2.5f && Math.Sign(Main.projectile[p].velocity.X) == Math.Sign(-1))
                            Main.projectile[p].velocity.X *= 2.35f;
                    npc.ai[1] = 0;

            if (npc.ai[0] == 2)
                trail = false;
                if (npc.ai[2] >= 480)
                    npc.ai[0] = 3;
                    npc.ai[1] = 0;
                    npc.ai[2] = 0;

                if (npc.ai[1] >= 120 && npc.velocity.Y == 0)
                    if (npc.Center.X >= player.Center.X)
                        npc.velocity.X -= 5;

                    if (npc.Center.X <= player.Center.X)
                        npc.velocity.X += 5;
                    if (jumpHeight < 3)
                        npc.velocity.Y -= 12;
                        npc.velocity.Y -= 11;
                    npc.ai[1] = 0;

            if (npc.ai[0] == 3)
                trail = true;
                if (!exploded)
                    npc.position.Y = player.Center.Y - 600f;
                    npc.position.X = player.Center.X - npc.width * 0.5f;
                    npc.velocity.X = 0;
                    for (int z = 0; z < 30; z++)
                        Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, DustID.Electric, 0f, 0f, 0, default, 2f);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 private void Attack()
     if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
         var vel = new Vector2(npc.direction * 5, 0);
         Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center - vel, vel, ModContent.ProjectileType <PirateLobberBarrel>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(60, 1.3f), 5);
     Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, npc.Center, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void AI()
            Player player     = Main.player[npc.target];
            bool   expertMode = Main.expertMode;

            Lighting.AddLight((int)((npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((npc.position.Y + (float)(npc.height / 2)) / 16f), 0f, 0.075f, 0.25f);
            int parent = NPC.FindFirstNPC(ModContent.NPCType <SteamRaiderHead>());

            if (parent < 0 || parent >= Main.npc.Length)
                npc.active = false;
            if (!Main.npc[(int)npc.ai[1]].active)
                npc.life = 0;
                npc.HitEffect(0, 10.0);
                npc.active = false;
            if (Main.npc[parent].ai[2] != 1)
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    npc.localAI[0] += expertMode ? 2f : 1f;
                    if (npc.localAI[0] >= 200f)
                        npc.localAI[0] = 0f;
                        if (Collision.CanHit(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, player.position, player.width, player.height))
                            Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 12);
                            float   num941    = 4f;                        //speed
                            Vector2 vector104 = new Vector2(npc.position.X + (float)npc.width * 0.5f, npc.position.Y + (float)(npc.height / 2));
                            float   num942    = player.position.X + (float)player.width * 0.5f - vector104.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21);
                            float   num943    = player.position.Y + (float)player.height * 0.5f - vector104.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21);
                            float   num944    = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num942 * num942 + num943 * num943));
                            num944  = num941 / num944;
                            num942 *= num944;
                            num943 *= num944;
                            //int num946 = 440;
                            vector104.X += num942 * 5f;
                            vector104.Y += num943 * 5f;
                            int num947 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector104.X, vector104.Y, num942, num943, ModContent.ProjectileType <GlitchLaser>(), NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(25, 1.5f), 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[num947].timeLeft = 300;
                            npc.netUpdate = true;
                npc.localAI[0] = 0;
            if ((Main.npc[parent].life <= Main.npc[parent].lifeMax * 0.75f))
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 14);
                npc.life = 0;
                npc.HitEffect(0, 10.0);
                npc.active = false;
                NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <TailProbe>(), npc.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 255);
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Roar, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 0);
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 4);
                npc.position.X = npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2);
                npc.position.Y = npc.position.Y + (float)(npc.height / 2);
                npc.width      = 30;
                npc.height     = 30;
                npc.position.X = npc.position.X - (float)(npc.width / 2);
                npc.position.Y = npc.position.Y - (float)(npc.height / 2);
                for (int num621 = 0; num621 < 20; num621++)
                    int num622 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, DustID.Electric, 0f, 0f, 100, default, 2f);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public override void ModifyHitPvp(Player target, ref int damage, ref bool crit) => damage = NPCUtils.ToActualDamage(damage);