Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ParseNPC()
            Program.PhantomNewTab(Url, 1);

            // Reset table settings

            // Wait if table is loading, Quit if table is empty
            while (Program.Driver.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id=\"NpcTable\"]/tbody/tr/td").Displayed)
                if (Program.Driver.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id=\"NpcTable\"]/tbody/tr/td").Text
                    == "No data available in table")
                    Trace.WriteLine("\nNo data available in table.");

            HtmlDocument doc       = new HtmlDocument();
            int          npcs_size = TableUtility.Count(Program.Driver, "//*[@id=\"NpcTable_info\"]");

            NpcEntry[] npcs = new NpcEntry[npcs_size];

            // Sort by ID
            Program.Driver.ExecuteScript("document.evaluate(\"//*[@id=\\\"NpcTable\\\"]/thead/tr/th[1]\"," +
                                         " document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.click();");
            // Set the table size to 50
            Program.Driver.ExecuteScript("document.getElementsByTagName(\"option\")[1]" +
            // Click on Page 1

            int       file_index = 1;
            Stopwatch timer      = new Stopwatch();


            int validNpcIndex = 0;

            for (int item = 0; item < npcs_size;)
                HtmlNode table = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"NpcTable\"]");
                for (int tr = 0; tr < 50; tr++)
                        string tableXPath = "";
                        if (table != null && doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(
                                table.XPath + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1) + "]/td[1]") != null)
                            tableXPath = table.XPath;
                            throw new Exception("{EOF}");

                        NPCRace race = TableUtility.ParseRace(doc, tableXPath + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1)
                                                              + "]/td[3]/div");
                        int id = TableUtility.ParseText <int>(doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(tableXPath
                                                                                                + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1) + "]/td[1]").InnerText);
                        NPCGrade grade = TableUtility.ParseGrade(TableUtility.ParseText <NPCGrade>(
                                                                     doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(tableXPath + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1)
                                                                                                       + "]/td[6]").InnerText));
                        string name = "";
                        string url  = "";

                        if (race == NPCRace.BALAUR)
                            name = TableUtility.ParseText <string>(doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(
                                                                       tableXPath + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1) + "]/td[3]/a/b").InnerText);
                            url = TableUtility.ParseUrl(TableUtility.ParseText <string>(
                                                            doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(tableXPath + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1)
                                                                                              + "]/td[3]/a").GetAttributeValue("href", "")));
                            name = TableUtility.ParseText <string>(doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(tableXPath
                                                                                                     + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1) + "]/td[3]/div/a/b").InnerText);
                            url = TableUtility.ParseUrl(TableUtility.ParseText <string>(
                                                            doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(tableXPath + "/tbody/tr[" + (tr + 1)
                                                                                              + "]/td[3]/div/a").GetAttributeValue("href", "")));
                        if (validNpcIndex > 0 && npcs[validNpcIndex - 1].ID == id)
                            throw new Exception("{Duplicate ID}");

                        npcs[validNpcIndex]       = new NpcEntry();
                        npcs[validNpcIndex].Race  = race;
                        npcs[validNpcIndex].Name  = name;
                        npcs[validNpcIndex].Url   = url;
                        npcs[validNpcIndex].ID    = id;
                        npcs[validNpcIndex].Grade = grade;

                        npcs[validNpcIndex].Info(item + 1);
                        npcs[validNpcIndex].GetDrop(Program.LoadADBXName(Url, UrlName));
                    catch /*(Exception e)*/
                // Click on Next Page

            Trace.WriteLine("\nParsed " + UrlName + " in " + timer.Elapsed.ToString("hh\\:mm\\.ss"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Rebuild the char names list json
            new SMAccountHelper().RebuildCharacterJSONFile();

            // Websocket
            WebSocketCollection wsClients = new WebSocketCollection();

            Application["WSClients"] = wsClients;

            // Botclients
            //List<BotClient> botClients = new List<BotClient>();
            //Application["BotClients"] = botClients;

            // Character List
            List <SMCharacter> smc = new List <SMCharacter>();

            Application["SMCharacters"] = smc;

            // Room List
            List <SMRoom> smr = new List <SMRoom>();

            Application["SMRooms"] = smr;

            // Load the Commands into memory for usage later
            // Used for both parsing commands sent in and also for help output
            List <SMCommand> smcl = new List <SMCommand>();

            // Get all files from the Commands path
            string        commandsFolderPath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePathFromFolder("Commands");
            DirectoryInfo dirInfo            = new DirectoryInfo(commandsFolderPath);

            FileInfo[] CommandFiles = dirInfo.GetFiles("Commands.*.json");

            foreach (FileInfo file in CommandFiles)
                string path = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("Commands", file.Name, "");
                // Use a stream reader to read the file in (based on the path)
                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(path))
                    // Create a new JSON string to be used...
                    string json = r.ReadToEnd();

                    // Get all the commands from the commands file
                    smcl.AddRange(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <SMCommand> >(json));

            Application["SMCommands"] = smcl;

            // Load class builder specs into memory for usage later
            // Used for creating objects that are used to call user commands on
            ClassBuilderSpecs cbs       = new ClassBuilderSpecs();
            string            specsPath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("Misc", "ClassBuilder");

            if (File.Exists(specsPath))
                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(specsPath))
                    string json = r.ReadToEnd();

                    cbs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClassBuilderSpecs>(json);

            Application["ClassBuilderSpecs"] = cbs;

            // Load the Skills into memory for usage later
            // Used for both parsing commands sent in and also for help output
            List <SMSkill> lsk = new List <SMSkill>();

            // Get all filenames from path
            string        skillFolderFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePathFromFolder("Skills");
            DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(skillFolderFilePath);            //Assuming Test is your Folder

            FileInfo[] Files = d.GetFiles();
            foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                string skillFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("Skills", file.Name, "");
                // Use a stream reader to read the file in (based on the path)
                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(skillFilePath))
                    // Create a new JSON string to be used...
                    string json = r.ReadToEnd();

                    // ... get the information from the help file
                    lsk.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SMSkill>(json));

            Application["SMSkills"] = lsk;

            // Load the Receipes into memory for usage later
            // Used for both parsing commands sent in and also for help output
            List <SMReceipe> smrl = new List <SMReceipe>();

            // Get all filenames from path
            string receipeFolderFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePathFromFolder("Receipe");

            d     = new DirectoryInfo(receipeFolderFilePath);        //Assuming Test is your Folder
            Files = d.GetFiles();
            foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                string receipeFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("Receipe", file.Name, "");
                // Use a stream reader to read the file in (based on the path)
                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(receipeFilePath))
                    // Create a new JSON string to be used...
                    string json = r.ReadToEnd();

                    // ... get the information from the help file
                    smrl.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SMReceipe>(json));

            Application["SMReceipes"] = smrl;

            // Load the Skills into memory for usage later
            // Used for both parsing commands sent in and also for help output
            List <SMNPC> lnpcs = new List <SMNPC>();

            //Get all filenames from path

            string NPCsFolderFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePathFromFolder("NPCs");

            d     = new DirectoryInfo(NPCsFolderFilePath);        //Assuming Test is your Folder
            Files = d.GetFiles();
            foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                if (file.Name != "NPCNamesList.json")
                    string NPCFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("NPCs", file.Name, "");
                    // Use a stream reader to read the file in (based on the path)
                    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(NPCFilePath))
                        // Create a new JSON string to be used...
                        string json = r.ReadToEnd();

                        // ... get the information from the help file
                        lnpcs.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SMNPC>(json));

            Application["SMNPCs"] = lnpcs;

            // load and fetch NPCRaces, using a dictionary for speedy lookups later.
            Dictionary <string, NPCRace> dnpcRaces = new Dictionary <string, NPCRace>();

            string NPCRacesFolderFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePathFromFolder("NPCRaces");

            d     = new DirectoryInfo(NPCRacesFolderFilePath);
            Files = d.GetFiles();
            foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                string RaceFilePath = FilePathSystem.GetFilePath("NPCRaces", file.Name, "");
                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(RaceFilePath))
                    string  json         = r.ReadToEnd();
                    NPCRace raceFromJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NPCRace>(json);
                    dnpcRaces[raceFromJSON.Name.ToLower()] = raceFromJSON;

            Application["NPCRaces"] = dnpcRaces;

            Application["Parties"] = new List <SMParty>();

            #region "The Pulse"

            // Set the current context to pass into the thread
            HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;

            // Create a new thread
            Thread pulse = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
                HttpContext.Current = ctx;
                new SMPulse().Initiate();                 // this is the item that is going to initiate

            // Start the thread


            // Register the global configuration items for the bot helper
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="race"></param>
        /// <param name="isMale"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateName( NPCRace race, NPCGender gender )
            switch( race )
            case NPCRace.Dragonborne:
              return DragonborneName( gender );

            case NPCRace.Dwarf:
              return DwarvenName( gender );

            case NPCRace.Eldarin:
              return EladrinName( gender );

            case NPCRace.Elf:
              return ElvenName( gender );

            case NPCRace.HalfElf:
              if( rand.Next(2)==0 )
            return ElvenName( gender );
            return HumanName( gender );

            case NPCRace.Gnome:
              return GnomishName( gender );

            case NPCRace.Orc:
              return OrcishName( gender );

            case NPCRace.HalfOrc:
              if( rand.Next(2)==0 )
            return OrcishName( gender );
            return HumanName( gender );

            case NPCRace.Angelic:
              return AngelicName( gender );

            default: // human
              return HumanName( gender );