public override void Update(NPC npc, ref int buffIndex) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); modNPC.stunned = true; modNPC.stunTimer = 60; }
public void Check(NPC npc) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); Player player = Main.player[modNPC.owner]; PlayerEdits modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <PlayerEdits>(); if (IfHoverNPC(npc)) { if (Main.mouseRight && Main.npcChatRelease) { = 0; } } if (player.dead) { = 0; } if ( <= 0) { modPlayer.usedMinionSlots -= modNPC.minionSlots; Main.player[modNPC.owner].numMinions--; Main.PlaySound(SoundID.NPCDeath1); = false; } }
public override bool?CanHitNPC(NPC target) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); NPCEdits modTarget = target.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); if (modTarget.isMinion) { if (modNPC.owner < Main.maxPlayers && modNPC.owner == modTarget.owner) { return(false); } if (modNPC.owner < Main.maxPlayers && !Main.player[modNPC.owner].hostile) { return(false); } if (modNPC.owner < Main.maxPlayers && !Main.player[modTarget.owner].hostile) { return(false); } } if (target.friendly) { return(false); } return(base.CanHitNPC(target)); }
public int Shoot(Vector2 velocity) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); int proj = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.position, velocity, modNPC.shoot, npc.damage, modNPC.knockback, modNPC.owner); ProjectileEdits modProjectile = Main.projectile[proj].GetGlobalProjectile <ProjectileEdits>(); modProjectile.minionProjectile = true; modProjectile.minionOwner = npc.whoAmI; return(proj); }
public override bool?CanBeHitByItem(Player player, Item item) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); if (Main.player[modNPC.owner] == player) { return(false); } if (!player.hostile) { return(false); } return(base.CanBeHitByItem(player, item)); }
public override bool CanHitPlayer(Player target, ref int cooldownSlot) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); if (!target.hostile) { return(false); } if (modNPC.owner < Main.maxPlayers && modNPC.owner == target.whoAmI) { return(false); } return(base.CanHitPlayer(target, ref cooldownSlot)); }
public override void AI() { base.AI(); NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); Player player = Main.player[modNPC.owner]; Check(npc); //if (player.talkNPC == npc.whoAmI) //{ // PlayerEdits modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer<PlayerEdits>(); // modPlayer.usedMinionSlots -= modNPC.minionSlots; // Main.player[modNPC.owner].numMinions--; // = false; //} Behavior(); }
public override bool?CanBeHitByProjectile(Projectile projectile) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); ProjectileEdits modProjectile = projectile.GetGlobalProjectile <ProjectileEdits>(); if (projectile.owner < Main.maxPlayers && projectile.owner == modNPC.owner) { return(false); } if (modProjectile.minionProjectile && modProjectile.minionOwner == npc.whoAmI) { return(false); } if (modProjectile.minionProjectile && !Main.player[projectile.owner].hostile) { return(false); } return(base.CanBeHitByProjectile(projectile)); }
public override void SetDefaults() { base.SetDefaults(); NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); npc.width = 32; npc.height = 32; npc.lifeMax = 300; = 300; modNPC.inertia = 30f; modNPC.shootSpeed = 10f; modNPC.idleAccel = 10f; modNPC.spacingMult = 1f; modNPC.viewDist = 300f; //minion view Distance modNPC.chaseDist = 200f; //how far the minion can go modNPC.chaseAccel = 20f; modNPC.shootCool = 80f; //how fast the minion can shoot modNPC.shoot = ProjectileID.ImpFireball; Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] = 8; }
public bool IfHoverNPC(NPC npc) { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].dead && Main.myPlayer == modNPC.owner) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)((float)Main.mouseX + Main.screenPosition.X), (int)((float)Main.mouseY + Main.screenPosition.Y), 1, 1); bool flag5; bool flag4; if ( { flag5 = rectangle.Intersects(npc.getRect()); flag4 = (flag5 || (Main.SmartInteractShowingGenuine && Main.SmartInteractNPC == npc.whoAmI)); if (flag4) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public override void SetDefaults() { base.SetDefaults(); NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); npc.width = 32; npc.height = 32; npc.lifeMax = 100; = npc.lifeMax; npc.friendlyRegen = 100; npc.HitSound = SoundID.NPCHit1; npc.noTileCollide = false; npc.noGravity = true; modNPC.isMinion = true; modNPC.inertia = 30f; modNPC.idleAccel = 10f; modNPC.spacingMult = 1f; modNPC.viewDist = 300f; modNPC.chaseDist = 200f; modNPC.chaseAccel = 20f; }
public override void Behavior() { NPCEdits modNPC = npc.GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>(); Player player = Main.player[modNPC.owner]; PlayerEdits modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <PlayerEdits>(); float spacing = (float)npc.width * modNPC.spacingMult; for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++) { Projectile otherProj = Main.projectile[k]; if (k != npc.whoAmI && && otherProj.owner == modNPC.owner && otherProj.type == npc.type && System.Math.Abs(npc.position.X - otherProj.position.X) + System.Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - otherProj.position.Y) < spacing) { if (npc.position.X < Main.projectile[k].position.X) { npc.velocity.X -= modNPC.idleAccel; } else { npc.velocity.X += modNPC.idleAccel; } if (npc.position.Y < Main.projectile[k].position.Y) { npc.velocity.Y -= modNPC.idleAccel; } else { npc.velocity.Y += modNPC.idleAccel; } } } Vector2 targetPos = npc.position; float targetDist = modNPC.viewDist; bool target = false; npc.noTileCollide = false; for (int k = 0; k < 200; k++) { NPC othernpc = Main.npc[k]; if (othernpc.CanBeChasedBy(this, false)) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(othernpc.Center, npc.Center); if ((distance < targetDist || !target) && Collision.CanHitLine(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, othernpc.position, othernpc.width, othernpc.height)) { targetDist = distance; targetPos = othernpc.Center; target = true; } } } if (Vector2.Distance(player.Center, npc.Center) > (target ? 1000f : 500f)) {[0] = 1f; npc.netUpdate = true; } if ([0] == 1f) { npc.noTileCollide = true; } if (target &&[0] == 0f) { Vector2 direction = targetPos - npc.Center; if (direction.Length() > modNPC.chaseDist) { direction.Normalize(); npc.velocity = (npc.velocity * modNPC.inertia + direction * modNPC.chaseAccel) / (modNPC.inertia + 1); } else { npc.velocity *= (float)Math.Pow(0.97, 40.0 / modNPC.inertia); } } else { if (!Collision.CanHitLine(npc.Center, 1, 1, player.Center, 1, 1)) {[0] = 1f; } float speed = 6f; if ([0] == 1f) { speed = 15f; } Vector2 center = npc.Center; Vector2 direction = player.Center - center;[1] = 3600f; npc.netUpdate = true; int num = 1; for (int k = 0; k < npc.whoAmI; k++) { if (Main.npc[k].active && Main.npc[k].GetGlobalNPC <NPCEdits>().owner == modNPC.owner && Main.npc[k].type == npc.type) { num++; } } direction.X -= (float)((10 + num * 40) * player.direction); direction.Y -= 70f; float distanceTo = direction.Length(); if (distanceTo > 200f && speed < modNPC.chaseAccel) { speed = modNPC.chaseAccel; } if (distanceTo < 100f &&[0] == 1f && !Collision.SolidCollision(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height)) {[0] = 0f; npc.netUpdate = true; } if (distanceTo > 2000f) { npc.Center = player.Center; } if (distanceTo > 48f) { direction.Normalize(); direction *= speed; float temp = modNPC.inertia / 2f; npc.velocity = (npc.velocity * temp + direction) / (temp + 1); } else { npc.direction = Main.player[modNPC.owner].direction; npc.velocity *= (float)Math.Pow(0.9, 40.0 / modNPC.inertia); } } npc.rotation = npc.velocity.X * 0.05f; CreateDust(); if (npc.velocity.X > 0f) { npc.spriteDirection = (npc.direction = 1); } else if (npc.velocity.X < 0f) { npc.spriteDirection = (npc.direction = -1); } if ([1] > 0f) {[1] += 1f; if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) {[1] += 1f; } } if ([1] > modNPC.shootCool) {[1] = 0f; npc.netUpdate = true; } if ([0] == 0f) { if (target == true) { if ((targetPos - npc.Center).X > 0f) { npc.spriteDirection = (npc.direction = 1); } else if ((targetPos - npc.Center).X < 0f) { npc.spriteDirection = (npc.direction = -1); } if ([1] == 0f) {[1] = 1f; if (Main.myPlayer == modNPC.owner) { Vector2 shootVel = targetPos - npc.Center; if (shootVel == Vector2.Zero) { shootVel = new Vector2(0f, 1f); } shootVel.Normalize(); shootVel *= modNPC.shootSpeed; int proj = Shoot(shootVel); Main.projectile[proj].timeLeft = 300; Main.projectile[proj].netUpdate = true; npc.netUpdate = true; } } } } }