string loadClass()
        NPCData.Jobs npcJob = NPCCharList.CharRetainers [RightManCreatePanInn.retainerIndex].cityJobs;

        switch (npcJob)
        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleDomestic:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCook:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHealer:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHunter:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleEntertainer:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleArtisan:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleFarmhand:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleScribe:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleAccountant:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleSlaveMaster:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleGuard:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCaptain:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCourtier:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCounselor:

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleProstitute:

    int checkJobsNum(NPCData.Jobs job)
        int i     = 0;
        int count = 0;

        while (i < NPCCharList.CharRetainers.Count)
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [i].cityJobs == job)
    public float setPoliticalPower(NPCData.Jobs cityPos)
        iterator += 1;
        Random.InitState(hashcode + * System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond + iterator);
        float retvalue = 0;

        switch (cityPos)
        case NPCData.Jobs.GRANDPRIESTESS:
            return(retvalue = Random.Range(20, 200));

        case NPCData.Jobs.GRANDINQUISITOR:
            return(retvalue = Random.Range(30, 240));

    bool checkJobs(NPCData.Jobs job, int max)
        int i     = 0;
        int count = 0;

        while (i < NPCCharList.CharRetainers.Count)
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [i].cityJobs == job)

        if (count >= max)

Ejemplo n.º 5
    bool checkJob(NPCData.Jobs job)
        switch (job)
        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleRest: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleDomestic: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCook: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHealer: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleEntertainer: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHunter: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleArtisan: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleFarmhand: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleScribe: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleProstitute: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleAccountant: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleSlaveMaster: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleGuard: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCaptain: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCourtier: return(true);

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCounselor: return(true);

        default: return(false);
    public float setCharReputation(NPCData.Jobs cityPos, NPCData.CharClass charClass)
        iterator += 1;
        Random.InitState(hashcode + * System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond + iterator);

        float retvalue = 0;

        switch (cityPos)
        case NPCData.Jobs.GRANDPRIESTESS:
            retvalue = Random.Range(-300, 350);

        case NPCData.Jobs.GRANDINQUISITOR:
            retvalue = Random.Range(-350, 300);


        switch (charClass)
        case NPCData.CharClass.Alchemist:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 70));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Artist:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-20, 50));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Barbarian:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 20));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Bureaucrat:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-30, 30));

        case NPCData.CharClass.CommunityWorker:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-10, 30));

        case NPCData.CharClass.DarkPaladin:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-70, -10));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Diplomat:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 70));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Enforcer:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-20, 20));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Feral:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 20));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Mystic:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 70));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Monk:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-15, 30));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Paladin:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(10, 70));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Performer:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-10, 30));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Politician:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-90, 70));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Priest:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-30, 70));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Scholar:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-20, 90));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Soldier:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-20, 20));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Warrior:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-30, 30));

        case NPCData.CharClass.W***e:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 20));

        case NPCData.CharClass.Thief:
            return(retvalue += Random.Range(-50, 70));


            return(retvalue += retvalue + Random.Range(-10, 10));
    int ddReturn(int selector)
        if (selector == 0)
            NPCData.Jobs job = NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idxCL].cityJobs;
            switch (job)
            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleRest: return(0);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleDomestic: return(1);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCook: return(2);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHealer: return(3);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHunter: return(4);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleEntertainer: return(5);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleArtisan: return(6);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleFarmhand: return(7);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleScribe: return(8);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleProstitute: return(9);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleAccountant: return(10);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleSlaveMaster: return(11);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleGuard: return(12);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCaptain: return(13);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCourtier: return(14);

            case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCounselor: return(15);

            default: return(0);
        else if (selector == 1)
            fileRulesNPC.Wages wages = RulesNPC.savedRules[idxRN].wage;
            switch (wages)
            case fileRulesNPC.Wages.None: return(0);

            case fileRulesNPC.Wages.Low: return(1);

            case fileRulesNPC.Wages.Average: return(2);

            case fileRulesNPC.Wages.Good: return(3);

            case fileRulesNPC.Wages.High: return(4);

            case fileRulesNPC.Wages.Exorbitant: return(5);

            default: return(0);
        else if (selector == 2)
            fileRulesNPC.Sleeping sleeping = RulesNPC.savedRules[idxRN].sleeping;
            switch (sleeping)
            case fileRulesNPC.Sleeping.Ground: return(0);

            case fileRulesNPC.Sleeping.Barracks: return(1);

            case fileRulesNPC.Sleeping.PrivateRoom: return(2);

            case fileRulesNPC.Sleeping.Boudoir: return(3);

            case fileRulesNPC.Sleeping.MCRoom: return(4);

            case fileRulesNPC.Sleeping.Dungeon: return(5);

            default: return(0);
            fileRulesNPC.Diet diet = RulesNPC.savedRules[idxRN].diet;
            switch (diet)
            case fileRulesNPC.Diet.RancidFood: return(0);

            case fileRulesNPC.Diet.CheapFood: return(1);

            case fileRulesNPC.Diet.FreshFood: return(2);

            case fileRulesNPC.Diet.LeftOvers: return(3);

            case fileRulesNPC.Diet.BeastsCum: return(4);

            default: return(0);
    public void charCreator(int sexselector, int factionselector, int recruitselector, int positionselector, int classselector, int rankselector,
                            int fetishselector, int beautyselector, int upbringselector, int raceselector, int racespecific, bool pregnantselector)
        //public enum CharSex { Woman, Man, Dickgirl, Futanari, Cuntboy, Trap, Eunuch }; // 0 female, trap 5
        // faction: use 0
        //0 recruited, 1 enemy, 2 monster, 3 neutral, 4 your prisoner, 5 your slave
        // use 12 for retainer in position selector, 1000 for none
        //class: 0 soldier,1 warrior, 2 clerk, 3 bureaucrat, 4 monk/nun, 5 priest, 6 alchemist UNC, 7 mystic UNC, 8 thief, 9 infiltrator, 10 paladin, 11 dark paladin, 12 feral, 13 barbarian
        //14 scout, 15 ranger, 16 community worker, 17 w***e, 18 farmer, 19 industry worker, 20 politician, 21 diplomat, 22 inquisitor, 23 enforcer, 24 Performer, 25 Artist, 26 Scholar
        // 0 C, 1 B, 2 A, 3 S, 1000 random
        //	Fetish: 0 None, 1 Dominant, 2 Submissive, AnalWhore, GroupSex, CumSlut, Incest, Crossdressing, Exhibitionism, PetPlay, RapeFantasy, Voyeurism, Monsters, SizeDifference, 1000 random
        // beauty selector: 0, 20, 40, etc. up to 80+  enter more or less what you want from 0 to 100, it will be random. Any other number is a random
        //upbring:  VeryPoor, Poor, MiddleClass, Rich, VeryRich, Noble, Royal, Count, 1000 for random
        // race: 0 human, 1 furry, 2 avian. 3 aquatic, 4 exotics
        //race specific: 0 human, else check list
        // pregnant selector, use false to have her non pregnant. Need texts for pregnancy before adding this feature
        //race specific: 1000 random, check NPCSettlerRace for info

        charID = NPCControl.NPCGenID;          // id thats going to be used to look for him, should use a genNPC control for this
        NPCControl.NPCGenID += 1;

        charSexC     = npcSettlerSex.setSex(sexselector);
        charName     = npcSettlerName.setName(charSexC);
        charSurname  = npcSettlerName.setSurname();
        charGenderC  = npcSettlerSex.setGender(charSexC);
        cityFactionC = npcSettlerfaction.setFaction(factionselector);

        isRecruited = npcSettlerSide.recruitStatus(recruitselector);
        isEnemy     = npcSettlerSide.enemyStatus(recruitselector);
        isMonster   = npcSettlerSide.monsterStatus(recruitselector);
        isPrisoner  = npcSettlerSide.prisonerStatus(recruitselector);
        isNeutral   = npcSettlerSide.neutralStatus(recruitselector);
        isSlave     = npcSettlerSide.slaveStatus(recruitselector);

        cityPositionC = npcSettlerPosition.setPosition(positionselector);

        charClassC = npcSettlerClass.setClass(classselector);

        charRankC = npcSettlerRank.setRank(rankselector);

        charFetishC = npcSettlerFetish.setFetish(fetishselector);

        charPersonalityC = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setPersonality();

        attPhysical   = npcSettlerAttributes.setPhysical(charClassC);
        attMental     = npcSettlerAttributes.setMental(charClassC);
        attSocial     = npcSettlerAttributes.setSocial(charClassC);
        attMagicPower = npcSettlerAttributes.setMagicPower(charClassC);

        coreSkillMartial     = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setCoreMartial(charClassC);     //0
        coreSkillSecurity    = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setCoreSecurity(charClassC);
        coreSkillLabor       = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setCoreLabor(charClassC);
        coreSkillTactics     = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setCoreTactics(charClassC);
        coreSkillGovernance  = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setCoreGovernance(charClassC);
        coreSkillStewardship = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setStewardship(charClassC);
        coreSkillPersuasion  = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setCorePersuasion(charClassC);
        coreSkillIntrigue    = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setIntrigue(charClassC);
        coreSkillDiplomacy   = npcSettlerCoreSkills.setDiplomacy(charClassC);

        utilitySkillCrafting     = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityCrafting(charClassC);
        utilitySkillHouseKeeping = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setHouseKeeping(charClassC);
        utilitySkillFarmHand     = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityFarm(charClassC);
        utilitySkillMedicine     = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityMedicine(charClassC);
        utilitySkillAlchemy      = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityAlchemy(charClassC);
        utilitySkillLearning     = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityLearning(charClassC);
        utilitySkillPerformance  = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityPerformance(charClassC);
        utilitySkillEtiquette    = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityEtiquette(charClassC);
        utilitySkillStreetwise   = npcSettlerUtilitySkills.setUtilityStreetwise(charClassC);

        sexSkillMasseuse    = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillMasseuse(charClassC);
        sexSkillStripping   = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillStripping(charClassC);
        sexSkillBondage     = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillBondage(charClassC);
        sexSkillPetplay     = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillPetPlay(charClassC);
        sexSkillPetting     = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillPetting(charClassC);
        sexSkillGroupSex    = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillGroupSex(charClassC);
        sexSkillPenetration = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillDemonstration(charClassC);
        sexSkillWhoring     = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillWhoring(charClassC);
        sexSkillEscorting   = npcSettlerSexSkills.setSkillEscorting(charClassC);

        attBeauty      = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setBeauty(beautyselector);  //(ugly, plain, good looking, captivating, stunning)
        attTemperament = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setTemperament(charClassC); //(apathethic,cold, reserved, lively, passional)
        attWillpower   = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setWillpower(charClassC);   // (submissive, docile, humble, assertive, willful)
        attNature      = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setNature(charClassC);      //(spinless, coward, uncertain, brave, determined)
        attOpenness    = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setOpenness(charClassC);    //(Frigthened, uninterested, timid, open, unashamed)
        attDignity     = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setDignity(charClassC);     // how much self worth it has
        attObedience   = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setObedience(charClassC);
        attHappiness   = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setHappiness(charClassC);
        attLibido      = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setLibido(charClassC);    //
        attMorality    = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setMorality(charClassC);  // how good and bad, it can be corrupt good, it means the person is just twisted
        attPiety       = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setPiety(charClassC);

        bgUpbringC = npcSettlerBG.setUpbring(upbringselector);

        if (isPrisoner == true || isSlave == true || isNeutral == true)
            charGold = 0;
            charGold = npcSettlerBG.setGold(bgUpbringC);

        bgChildhoodC = npcSettlerBG.setBGChildhood();
        bgAdulthoodC = npcSettlerBG.setBGAdulthood();

        bgStory [0] = npcSettlerBG.setChildStory(bgChildhoodC);
        bgStory [1] = npcSettlerBG.setAdultStory(bgAdulthoodC);
        bgStory [2] = npcSettlerBG.setCurrentStory(charClassC);

        charRaceC = npcSettlerRace.setRace(raceselector, racespecific);
        charRaceC = npcSettlerRace.adjustRaceGender(charRaceC, charSexC);

        charFurColorC = raceCreator.setFur(charRaceC);

        charFeatherColorC = raceCreator.setFeathers(charRaceC);

        charSkinColorC = raceCreator.setSkinColor(charRaceC);

        charSkinTypeC = raceCreator.setSkinType(charRaceC);

        dickTypeC = raceCreator.setDickType(charRaceC);

        lowerBackC = raceCreator.setLowerBack(charRaceC);

        shoulderBladesC = raceCreator.setShoulderBlades(charRaceC);

        headTypeC = raceCreator.setHeadType(charRaceC);

        //tailTypeC = raceCreator.setTailType (charRaceC);

        armsTypeC = raceCreator.setArms(charRaceC);

        legsTypeC = raceCreator.setLegs(charRaceC);

        headAccesory1C = raceCreator.setHeadAcc1(charRaceC);

        headAccesory2C = raceCreator.setHeadAcc2(charRaceC);

        eyesTypeC = raceCreator.setEyes(charRaceC);

        hasFur       = raceCreator.setHasFur(charRaceC);   // everyone uses the fur colours tho
        hasFeathers  = raceCreator.setHasFeathers(charRaceC);
        hasScales    = raceCreator.setHasScales(charRaceC);
        hasTentacles = raceCreator.setHasTentacles(charRaceC);
        isFlying     = raceCreator.setIsFlying(charRaceC);

        isFurry = raceCreator.setIsFurry(charRaceC);         // to determine portrait
        isFuta  = raceCreator.setIsFuta(charSexC);

        beardStyleC = npcSettlerHead.setBeardStyle(charSexC, charRaceC);

        beardLengthC = npcSettlerHead.setBeardLength(charSexC, charRaceC);

        hairColorC = npcSettlerHead.setHairColor();

        hairStyleC = npcSettlerHead.setHairStyle();

        hairTypeC = npcSettlerHead.setHairType(charRaceC);

        hairLengthCM = npcSettlerHead.setHairLengthCM();

        hairLengthC = npcSettlerHead.setHairLength(hairLengthCM);

        eyesColorC = npcSettlerHead.setEyesColor(charRaceC);

        genderBehaviorStat = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setBehaviorStat(charGenderC);
        genderBehaviorC    = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setGenderBehavior(genderBehaviorStat);

        facialFeaturesStat = npcSettlerHead.setFacialFeatStat(charGenderC);
        facialFeaturesC    = npcSettlerHead.setFacialFeat(facialFeaturesStat);

        bodyFeaturesStat = npcSettlerBody.setBodyFeatStat(charGenderC);
        bodyFeaturesC    = npcSettlerBody.setBodyFeatures(facialFeaturesStat);

        heightChar  = npcSettlerBody.SetHeightChar(charRaceC);        // in cm
        heightNameC = npcSettlerBody.setHeightName(heightChar);

        bodyPhysStat  = npcSettlerBody.SetBodyPhysStat();        // to change it, 0 to 100
        bodyPhysiqueC = npcSettlerBody.setBodyPhysique(bodyPhysStat);

        bodyBuildStat = npcSettlerBody.setBodyBuildStat();         // to change it
        bodyBuildC    = npcSettlerBody.setBodyBuild(bodyBuildStat);

        dickNum    = npcSettlerBody.setDickNum(charSexC);                //how many dicks it has
        dickSizeCM = npcSettlerBody.setDickSizeCM(heightChar, charSexC); // in cm
        dickSizeC  = npcSettlerBody.setDickSize(dickSizeCM);

        testicleSizeCM = npcSettlerBody.setTesticleSizeCM(charSexC, heightChar);
        testiclesSizeC = npcSettlerBody.setTesticlesSize(testicleSizeCM);         // in cm, used to determine if you have or not

        clitorisSize = npcSettlerBody.setClitorisSize();

        breastRow   = npcSettlerBody.setBreastRow(charRaceC);
        breast1Size = npcSettlerBody.setBreast1Size(charSexC, charRaceC); // to determine its current size. Each point is +1 cup, each X changes name, check NPCSettler
        breast2Size = npcSettlerBody.setBreast2Size(breastRow);           // to determine its current size. Each point is +1 cup, each X changes name, check NPCSettler

        breast1NameC = npcSettlerBody.setBreastName(breast1Size);
        breast2NameC = npcSettlerBody.setBreastName(breast2Size);

        breast1CupC = npcSettlerBody.setBreastCup(breast1Size);
        breast2CupC = npcSettlerBody.setBreastCup(breast2Size);

        areola1Size = npcSettlerBody.setAureoleSize(); // aerola size of the first row, 1 change, in cm
        areola2Size = areola1Size;                     // aerola size of the first row, 1 change, in cm

        waistSize  = npcSettlerBody.waistSize();
        waistNameC = npcSettlerBody.setWaistName(waistSize);

        hipsSize  = npcSettlerBody.setHipsSize(waistSize);
        hipsNameC = npcSettlerBody.setHipsName(hipsSize);

        assSize  = npcSettlerBody.setAssSize(hipsSize);
        assNameC = npcSettlerBody.setAssName(assSize);

        hasKnot       = npcSettlerFertility.setHasKnot(charRaceC);
        hasVagina     = npcSettlerFertility.setHasVagina(charSexC);
        isVirgin      = npcSettlerFertility.setIsVirgin(charRaceC);
        isFertile     = npcSettlerFertility.setIsFertile();
        charFertility = npcSettlerFertility.setCharFertility();
        isPregnant    = npcSettlerFertility.isPregnant(pregnantselector, charSexC);
        childRaceC    = npcSettlerFertility.setChildRace(charRaceC);
        pregnantCD    = npcSettlerFertility.setPregnantCD(isPregnant);            // turns until giving birth
        pregnantText  = npcSettlerFertility.pregnantText(isPregnant, childRaceC); //
        isLactating   = isPregnant;
        lactationML   = npcSettlerFertility.setLactationML(charRaceC);            // how much it lactates in ml

        vagLooseness = npcSettlerFertility.setVagLooseness(isVirgin);
        vagLoose     = npcSettlerFertility.setVagLoose(vagLooseness);

        maxHealth     = npcSettlerCombatStats.setMaxHealth(charRaceC);
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

        maxArousal     = npcSettlerCombatStats.setMaxArousal(charRaceC);
        currentArousal = 0;

        maxMP     = npcSettlerCombatStats.setMaxMP(charRaceC, charClassC);
        currentMP = maxMP;

        // power and politics
        charReputation = npcSettlerPosition.setCharReputation(cityPositionC, charClassC);
        politicalPower = npcSettlerPosition.setPoliticalPower(cityPositionC);

        charAgeC = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setCharAge(charRaceC);

        charLoyalty    = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setLoyalty(charRaceC, charClassC);
        charCorruption = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setCorruption(charRaceC, charClassC);
        int i;

        i = 0;
        while (i < 8)
            charAddictions [i] = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setAddiction(i, charRaceC, charClassC);

        charValue = npcSettlerPersonAtt.setCharValue(charRankC, charClassC, bgUpbringC, charRaceC, attBeauty, attWillpower, attObedience);

        //	public List<NPCData.CharTraits> charTraits;



        TempList[0].charTattoos = new string[18];
        i = 0;
        while (i < 18)
            TempList[0].charTattoos[i] = "";

        TempList[0].charPiercings = new string[21];
        i = 0;
        while (i < 21)
            TempList[0].charPiercings[i] = "";

        TempList[0].charEquipment = new int[12];
        i = 0;
        while (i < 12)
            TempList[0].charEquipment[i] = npcSettlerEquip.setCharEquipment(i, bgUpbringC, charClassC, charRaceC);
        TempList [0].charDodge = 10;

        NPCSettlerTraits.trait1 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait2 = 1000;  NPCSettlerTraits.trait3 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait4 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait5 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait6 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait7 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait8 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait9 = 1000; NPCSettlerTraits.trait10 = 1000;

        i = 0;
        while (i < 10)

            TempList[0].charTraits.Add(npcSettlerTraits.setTrait(i, charClassC, charRaceC, charPersonalityC, bgUpbringC, attBeauty, charSexC));

        i = TempList[0].charTraits.Count;
        while (i > 0)

            if (TempList[0].charTraits[i] == NPCData.CharTraits.NONE)

        int count = TempList[0].charTraits.Count;

        i = 0;
        while (i < count)


        i = 0;
        while (i < 4)
            iterator += 1;
            Random.InitState(hashcode + * System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond + iterator);
            if (i >= 2 && Random.Range(0, 100) >= 85)
            attacksTempList.Add(npcSettlerAttacks.classAttacks(charClassC, charRaceC));

        i = 0;
        while (i < 4)
            iterator += 1;
            Random.InitState(hashcode + * System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond + iterator);
            if (i >= 2 && Random.Range(0, 100) >= 85)

        List <NPCData.CharAttacks> attacksDistinctList = attacksTempList.Distinct().ToList();

        foreach (NPCData.CharAttacks value in attacksDistinctList)
            TempList [0].charAttacks.Add(value);


        if (isRecruited == true && isPrisoner == false && isSlave == false)
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers.Add(TempList [0]);
        if (isEnemy == true && isPrisoner == false && isSlave == false)
            NPCCharList.CharEnemies.Add(TempList [0]);
        if (isNeutral == true)
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers.Add(TempList [0]);

            //NPCCharList.CharNeutral.Add (TempList [0]);
        if (isMonster == true)
            //this is for debug, remove
        if (isPrisoner == true && isRecruited == true)
            NPCCharList.CharRetainerPrisoner.Add(TempList [0]);
        if (isSlave == true && isRecruited == true)
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers.Add(TempList [0]);
        if (isPrisoner == true && isEnemy == true)
            NPCCharList.CharEnemyPrisoner.Add(TempList [0]);
        if (isSlave == true && isEnemy == true)
            NPCCharList.CharEnemySlave.Add(TempList [0]);

        //	 attStyle; sets after equipment, use the dedicated settler in game for this
    public static string updateJob(int idx)
        int hashcode = NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName.GetHashCode();

        Random.InitState( * System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond * idx + hashcode + 2);
        int   randNum = Random.Range(0, 100);
        float dif, goldf;
        int   gold;

        NPCData.Jobs job = NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].cityJobs;

        switch (job)
        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleRest:
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 2 + Random.Range(0, 5);
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attFear      -= 1 + Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attExpectation > 0)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attExpectation -= 1 + Random.Range(0, 2);
            else if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attExpectation < 0)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attExpectation += 1 + Random.Range(0, 2);
            return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " took the day off to rest.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleDomestic:
            dif = 100 - (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 2));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 1 + (Random.Range(0, 1));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 5);
            if (dif < randNum)
                CastleUpdate.tempCastleCleanliness += (15 + Random.Range(0, 15)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillHouseKeeping + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 140);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical < 45)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1);
                if (dif > 40)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillHouseKeeping += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 2f);
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " did all it's domestic chores.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                CastleUpdate.tempCastleCleanliness         += (5 + Random.Range(0, 5)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillHouseKeeping + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 280);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " only did half of it's domestic chores.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to do it's domestic chores.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCook:
            dif = 100f - (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 1.9f));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 0.5f + (Random.Range(0, 1));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 4);
            if (dif < randNum)
                CastleUpdate.tempCastleFoodQuality += (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillHouseKeeping + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 3;
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental < 45)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillHouseKeeping += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2.5f);
                if (dif > 35)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " helped all day in the kitchen.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                CastleUpdate.tempCastleFoodQuality         += (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillHouseKeeping + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 320;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " barely helped in the kitchen.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to help in the kitchen.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHealer:
            dif = 100f - (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 1.75f));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 0.5f + (Random.Range(0, 1));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 2f);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(0, 2f);
            if (dif < randNum)
                CastleUpdate.tempCastleHealthcare += (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillMedicine + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 200;
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental < 60)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillMedicine += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1f);
                if (dif > 30)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " took care of the slaves and free citizens in the castle.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                CastleUpdate.tempCastleHealthcare          += (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillMedicine + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 400;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " barely took care of the slaves and free citizens in the castle.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 3;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to take care of the slaves and free citizens in the castle.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleHunter:
            dif = 100 - ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience / 1.2f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 4) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attWillpower / 4));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 0.5f + (Random.Range(0, 2));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 3);
            if (dif < randNum)
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption < 20)
                    float rand = Random.Range(-4, 4);
                    if (rand > 0)
                        NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption += rand;
                goldf = (2 + Random.Range(0, 30)) * ((((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 200) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attWillpower / 100)) / 1.5f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical < 80)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1);
                if (dif > 40)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 2f);
                gold = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " went deep inside the forest to hunt and earned " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption < 20)
                    float rand = Random.Range(-4, 2);
                    if (rand > 0)
                        NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption += rand;
                goldf = (2 + Random.Range(0, 30)) * ((((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 400) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attWillpower / 200)) / 1.5f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " didn't went too deep into the forest to hunt and earned " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to go to hunt.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleEntertainer:
            dif = 100 - ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience / 1.2f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 4) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attLibido / 8));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 0.5f + (Random.Range(0, 2));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 3);
            if (dif < randNum)
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption < 25)
                    float rand = Random.Range(-4, 2);
                    if (rand > 0)
                        NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption += rand;

                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial < 80)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1);
                if (dif > 30)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillPerformance += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 2f);
                goldf = (2f + Random.Range(0f, 30f)) * ((((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillPerformance + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial) / 200f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attNature / 80f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attBeauty / 60f)) / 2.5f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;

                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " performed to the crowd, earing " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption < 25)
                    float rand = Random.Range(-4, 2);
                    if (rand > 0)
                        NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption += rand;
                goldf = (2f + Random.Range(0f, 30f)) * ((((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillPerformance + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial) / 400f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attNature / 160f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attBeauty / 120f)) / 2.5f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;

                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " lazily performed to the crowd, earing " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to perform today.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleArtisan:
            dif = 100f - (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 1.9f));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 0.5f + (Random.Range(0, 1));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            if (dif < randNum)
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical < 80)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 1.5f);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillCrafting += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2.5f);
                if (dif > 35)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;

                goldf = (3f + Random.Range(0f, 35f)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillCrafting + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 200f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " went to the city to work as an artisan, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;
                goldf = (3f + Random.Range(0f, 35f)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillCrafting + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 400f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " reluctantly worked as an artisan, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to work as an artisan.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleFarmhand:
            dif = 100f - (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 2f));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 0.5f + (Random.Range(0f, 1.5f));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0f, 3f);
            if (dif < randNum)
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical < 100)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 1f);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillFarmHand += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2f);
                if (dif > 35)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;

                goldf = (1f + Random.Range(0f, 25f)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillFarmHand + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 160f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " went to the city to work as a farmhand, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;
                goldf = (1f + Random.Range(0f, 25f)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillFarmHand + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical) / 320f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " reluctantly went to the city to work as a farmhand, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to work as a farmhand.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleScribe:
            dif = 100f - (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 1.75f));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 0.5f + (Random.Range(0f, 0.5f));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0f, 1.5f);
            if (dif < randNum)
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental < 100)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 1f);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillLearning += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1.5f);
                if (dif > 35)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;

                goldf = (1f + Random.Range(0f, 50f)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillLearning + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness) / 300f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " work as a scribe, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;
                goldf = (1f + Random.Range(0f, 50f)) * ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].utilitySkillLearning + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness) / 600f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " reluctantly work as a scribe, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to work as an scribe.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleProstitute:
            dif = 100 - ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attObedience / 1.4f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness / 4) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attLibido / 4));
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= 1f + (Random.Range(0, 4));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring >= 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 4);
            if (dif < randNum)
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption < 80)
                    float rand = Random.Range(-4, 4);
                    if (rand > 0)
                        NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption += rand;
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attOpenness < 80)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attOpenness += Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attLibido < 70)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attLibido += Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attDignity > 40)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attDignity -= Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMorality > 50)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMorality -= Random.Range(0, 3);

                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial < 100)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 1);
                if (dif > 30)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward += 1;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].sexSkillWhoring += 0.5f + Random.Range(0f, 2f);
                goldf = (2f + Random.Range(0f, 40f)) * ((((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].sexSkillWhoring + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial) / 200f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attNature / 60f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attBeauty / 40f)) / 2.3f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;

                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " worked as a prostitute, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
            else if (randNum > (dif - (dif / 2)))
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption < 80)
                    float rand = Random.Range(-4, 4);
                    if (rand > 0)
                        NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charCorruption += rand;

                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attOpenness < 80)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attOpenness += Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attLibido < 70)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attLibido += Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attDignity > 40)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attDignity -= Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMorality > 50)
                    NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMorality -= Random.Range(0, 3);

                goldf = (2f + Random.Range(0f, 40f)) * ((((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].sexSkillWhoring + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial) / 400f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attNature / 120f) + (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attBeauty / 80f)) / 2.3f);
                gold  = (int)goldf;
                GameControl.charGold += gold;
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 1;

                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " reluctantly worked as a prostitute, earning " + gold.ToString() + " gold.");
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].workReward -= 2;
                return(NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " refused to work as a prostitute today.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleAccountant:
            float needSupplies = 500 - CastleController.castleSupplies;
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 1f + (Random.Range(0, 2));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring < 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental += Random.Range(0, 1);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillStewardship < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillStewardship += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (CastleController.castleSupplies > 500)
                return("There is no need to buy more supplies for now.");

            if (GameControl.charGold > (needSupplies * (3 - ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillStewardship + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 133))))
                GameControl.charGold           -= (int)(needSupplies * (3 - ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillStewardship + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 133)));
                CastleController.castleSupplies = 500;
                return("Your accountant " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " has bought " + needSupplies + "x amount of supplies, for " + (3 - ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillStewardship + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attMental) / 133)).ToString() + " each.");
                return("your accountant" + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " didn't had anough funds to buy the supplies your castle needs.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleSlaveMaster:
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 0.5f + (Random.Range(0, 2));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring < 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(0, 1.5f);

            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial += Random.Range(0, 1);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillPersuasion < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillPersuasion += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2);
            CastleUpdate.tempSlaveMasterEff += ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillPersuasion + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial) / 200);
            return("Your slave master, " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + ", took care of your prisoners today.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCaptain:
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 2f + (Random.Range(0, 2));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring < 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(1, 2f);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical += Random.Range(0, 1);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2);
            CastleUpdate.tempCastleSecurity   += ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillSecurity + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial) / 250) / (RulesNPC.savedRules.Count / 8);
            CastleUpdate.tempMaxMartialTrain  += NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial;
            CastleUpdate.tempMaxSecurityTrain += NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillSecurity;
            return("Your captain of the guard, " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + " trained your guards and patrolled the castle.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleGuard:
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 1f + (Random.Range(0, 1));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring < 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(0, 1f);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness -= Random.Range(0, 2f);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical < 75)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical += Random.Range(0, 1);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial < CastleController.maxMartialTrain)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillSecurity < CastleController.maxSecurityTrain)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillSecurity += 0.5f + Random.Range(0, 2);
            CastleUpdate.tempCastleSecurity += ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attPhysical + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillSecurity + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillMartial) / 300) / (RulesNPC.savedRules.Count / 8);
            return("Your guard, " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + ", patrolled your castle today.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCourtier:
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 2f + (Random.Range(0, 1));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring < 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(1, 4f);
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(0, 2f);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial += Random.Range(0, 2f);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillGovernance < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillGovernance += Random.Range(0, 2.5f);

            return("Your courtier, " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + ", hanged around with you in the court room.");

        case NPCData.Jobs.CastleCounselor:
            NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += 2f + (Random.Range(0, 2));
            if ((int)NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].bgUpbring < 3)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attHappiness += Random.Range(0, 3f);

            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial += Random.Range(0, 2f);
            if (NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillDiplomacy < 100)
                NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillDiplomacy += Random.Range(0, 2.5f);
            CastleUpdate.tempCastleMentalcare += ((NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].coreSkillDiplomacy + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].attSocial) / 50);
            return("Your counselor, " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charName + " " + NPCCharList.CharRetainers [idx].charSurname + ", has helped those who are more depressed to get in a better mood.");

        return("bug in updatejob");