Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static YCbCr ConvertRgbtoYCbCr(RGB pixel)
            DoubleVector rgbMatrix = new DoubleVector(pixel.GetAsArray());

            DoubleVector yCbCrMatrix =
                DoubleVector.Add(NMathFunctions.Product(_conversionMatrix, rgbMatrix), _prefixMatrix);

            yCbCrMatrix = DoubleVector.Subtract(yCbCrMatrix, _offsetMatrix);
            return(new YCbCr((int)(yCbCrMatrix[0] + 0.5),
                             (int)(yCbCrMatrix[1] + 0.5),
                             (int)(yCbCrMatrix[2] + 0.5)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 奇异值分解 singular value decomposition
        /// </summary>
        public static void DoSvd()
            Utility.Status("Creating SVD");

            // 源文件数, 源文件中所有独特词数目, 源文件-索引, 源文件单词-索引
            int totalNumberOfSourceFiles                     = TfDictionary.Count;
            int totalDistinctTermsInAllSourceFiles           = IdfDictionary.Count;
            Dictionary <string, int> allSourceFilesWithIndex = TfDictionary.Keys.Select((x, index) => new { Name = x, Index = index }).ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Index);
            Dictionary <string, int> allSourceWordsWithIndex = IdfDictionary.Keys.Select((x, index) => new { Name = x, Index = index }).ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Index);

            // 源码矩阵 行数: 源码中单词数, 源文件数
            double[,] sourceMatrix = new double[totalDistinctTermsInAllSourceFiles, totalNumberOfSourceFiles];

            foreach (var fileNameWithTfDictionary in TfDictionary)
                // 文件索引
                int fileIndex = allSourceFilesWithIndex[fileNameWithTfDictionary.Key];
                foreach (var fileWordWithTf in fileNameWithTfDictionary.Value)
                    sourceMatrix[allSourceWordsWithIndex[fileWordWithTf.Key], fileIndex] = fileWordWithTf.Value;

            // 创建矩阵
            DoubleMatrix generalMatrix = new DoubleMatrix(sourceMatrix);

            // 奇异值分解 A = U S V.T
            var svd = new DoubleSVDecomp(generalMatrix);

            _uk          = new Dictionary <int, DoubleMatrix>();
            _sk          = new Dictionary <int, DoubleMatrix>();
            _vkTranspose = new Dictionary <int, DoubleMatrix>();

            Utility.LsiKs.Where(x => x <= svd.Cols).ToList().ForEach(k =>
                // 创建k维矩阵
                Utility.Status("Creating k matrix of size " + k);

                DoubleMatrix U = svd.LeftVectors;
                DoubleMatrix V = svd.RightVectors;

                // 通过数组创建矩阵, 行优先存储, 可再改
                _uk.Add(k, Utility.GetDimMatrix(U, U.Rows, k));
                _sk.Add(k, Utility.GetDiagonal(svd.SingularValues, k));
                _vkTranspose.Add(k, NMathFunctions.Transpose(Utility.GetDimMatrix(V, V.Rows, k)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算 LSI 方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputFolderPath"></param>
        /// <param name="bugName"></param>
        /// <param name="queryText"></param>
        public static void ComputeLsi(string outputFolderPath, string bugName, List <string> queryText)
            Utility.Status("Creating LSI: " + bugName);
            // 所有源码中的总独特词数  源文件 - 索引, 源文件单词 - 索引
            int totalDistinctTermsInAllSourceFiles = IdfDictionary.Count;

            Dictionary <string, int> allSourceFilesWithIndex = TfDictionary.Keys.Select((x, index) => new { Name = x, Index = index }).ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Index);
            Dictionary <string, int> allSourceWordsWithIndex = IdfDictionary.Keys.Select((x, index) => new { Name = x, Index = index }).ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Index);

            // 为查询创建一个 1xm 的向量
            double[,] queryMatrixTranspose = new double[1, totalDistinctTermsInAllSourceFiles];
            queryText.ForEach(queryWord =>
                if (allSourceWordsWithIndex.ContainsKey(queryWord))
                    queryMatrixTranspose[0, allSourceWordsWithIndex[queryWord]] = queryMatrixTranspose[0, allSourceWordsWithIndex[queryWord]] + 1;
            // k列的 U 矩阵
            var ks = _uk.Keys.Where(x => !File.Exists(outputFolderPath + LsiOutputFolderName + x + ".txt")).ToList();

            // 为每个维度的矩阵计算相似度
            foreach (var k in ks)
                Utility.Status("Creating LSI for " + bugName + " where k=" + k);
                var uk          = _uk[k];
                var sk          = _sk[k];
                var vkTranspose = _vkTranspose[k];

                DoubleMatrix q = new DoubleMatrix(queryMatrixTranspose);
                //qv = q * uk * sk.I [1xm,mxn,nxn = 1xn]
                DoubleMatrix qv = NMathFunctions.Product(q, uk);
                qv = NMathFunctions.Product(qv, NMathFunctions.Inverse(sk));
                List <double> qDoubles = qv.Row(0).ToArray().ToList();

                var similarityList = allSourceFilesWithIndex.Select(doc => new KeyValuePair <string, double>(doc.Key, Utility.GetSimilarity(qDoubles, vkTranspose.Col(doc.Value).ToArray().ToList())));
                File.WriteAllLines(outputFolderPath + LsiOutputFolderName + k + ".txt", similarityList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Select(x => x.Key + " " + x.Value.ToString("##.00000")));

            Utility.Status("Completed LSI: " + bugName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static DoubleMatrix Advanced(DoubleMatrix x)
     return(NMathFunctions.Product(NMathFunctions.Product(A, x), At));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private DoubleHermitianMatrix Create_SOIP_Matrix(Direction p, Direction dV, Direction sigma, double k, int nx, int ny)
            DoubleHermitianMatrix result = new DoubleHermitianMatrix(2 * nx * ny);

            double    theta;
            Band_Data dV_data;

            if (dV == Direction.x)
                dV_data = dV_x;
                theta   = theta_x;
            else if (dV == Direction.y)
                dV_data = dV_y;
                theta   = theta_y;
            else if (dV == Direction.z)
                dV_data = new Band_Data(nx, ny, 0.0);
                theta   = 0.0;
                throw new Exception("Error - It's completely impossible to get here");

            if (p == Direction.x)
                if (sigma == Direction.x)
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Error - no spin-orbit interaction between p_x and sigma_x");
                else if (sigma == Direction.y)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                else if (sigma == Direction.z)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
                            // off-diagonal couplings in x backward
                            if (i != 0)
                                // for up -> up
                                result[i * ny + j, i *ny + j - ny] = NMathFunctions.Exp(-1.0 * I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * tx;
                                // for down -> down
                                result[i * ny + j + nx * ny, i *ny + j - ny + nx * ny] = NMathFunctions.Exp(I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * tx;
                            // off-diagonal couplings in x forward
                            if (i != nx - 1)
                                // for up -> up
                                result[i * ny + j, i *ny + j + ny] = NMathFunctions.Exp(-1.0 * I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * tx;
                                // for down -> down
                                result[i * ny + j + nx * ny, i *ny + j + ny + nx * ny] = NMathFunctions.Exp(I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * tx;
                            // and diagonal couplings
                            result[i * ny + j, i *ny + j] = -2.0 * Math.Cos(theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * tx;
                            result[i * ny + j + nx * ny, i *ny + j + nx * ny] = -2.0 * Math.Cos(theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * tx;
                    throw new Exception("Error - It's completely impossible to get here");
            else if (p == Direction.y)
                if (sigma == Direction.x)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                else if (sigma == Direction.y)
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Error - no spin-orbit interaction between p_y and sigma_y");
                else if (sigma == Direction.z)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
                            // off-diagonal couplings in y backward
                            if (j != 0)
                                // for up -> up
                                result[i * ny + j, i *ny + j - 1] = NMathFunctions.Exp(-1.0 * I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * ty;
                                // for down -> down
                                result[i * ny + j + nx * ny, i *ny + j - 1 + nx * ny] = NMathFunctions.Exp(I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * ty;
                            // off-diagonal couplings in y forward
                            if (j != ny - 1)
                                // for up -> up
                                result[i * ny + j, i *ny + j + 1] = NMathFunctions.Exp(-1.0 * I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * ty;
                                // for down -> down
                                result[i * ny + j + nx * ny, i *ny + j + 1 + nx * ny] = NMathFunctions.Exp(I * theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * ty;
                            // and diagonal couplings
                            result[i * ny + j, i *ny + j] = -2.0 * Math.Cos(theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * ty;
                            result[i * ny + j + nx * ny, i *ny + j + nx * ny] = -2.0 * Math.Cos(theta * dV_data.mat[i, j]) * ty;
                    throw new Exception("Error - It's completely impossible to get here");
            else if (p == Direction.z)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Error - at the moment, when momentum is in the direction of the wire, you should use a different method");
                throw new Exception("Error - It's completely impossible to get here");

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public double LibaryConditinalNumber()
     return(NMathFunctions.ConditionNumber(NMathFunctions.TransposeProduct(Matrix, Matrix), NormType.OneNorm));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public DoubleVector Solve(DoubleVector v)
     return(NMathFunctions.Solve(Matrix, v));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public double ComputeNormAgainst(DoubleVector b, DoubleVector xRes)
     return(new DoubleVector(b - NMathFunctions.Product(Matrix, xRes)).TwoNorm());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 DoubleComplexMatrix Product(DoubleComplexMatrix A, DoubleComplexMatrix B)
     return(NMathFunctions.Product(A, B));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 DoubleComplexMatrix Product(DoubleHermitianMatrix A, DoubleComplexMatrix B)
     return(new DoubleComplexMatrix(NMathFunctions.Product(MatrixFunctions.ToGeneralMatrix(A), B)));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private Coordinate Positioning_Proximity()
            List <Gateway> gateways = IndoorPositioningClient.GetGateways();

            /* get the Rssi values of the beacon in question from the server */
            RssiValue[] rssiValues = IndoorPositioningClient.GetRssi(gateways.Count);

            CoordinateAndDistance[] cooDist = new CoordinateAndDistance[gateways.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < gateways.Count; i++)
                cooDist[i] = new CoordinateAndDistance()
                    coordinate = new Coordinate()
                        Xaxis = (int)GetGatewayXaxis(gateways[i]),
                        Yaxis = (int)GetGatewayYaxis(gateways[i]),
                    dist = rssiValues[i].Rssi

            Coordinate coordinateFirstAndSecondLine = new Coordinate();
            Coordinate coordinateFirstAndThirdLine  = new Coordinate();
            Coordinate coordinateSecondAndThirdLine = new Coordinate();

            /* Create a vector from the coordinates */
            /* Measure the first point of crossing the first and second line*/
            DoubleMatrix matrixFirstAndSecondLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ]
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis

            /* If the determinant value of the matrix is 0, it means this matrix cannot be inverted.
             * We can have the exact point values with one of the reference points. */
            if (NMathFunctions.Determinant(matrixFirstAndSecondLine) == 0)

            //matrixFirstAndSecondLine = matrixFirstAndSecondLine.Transform((p) => p * 2);
            DoubleMatrix inversedMatrixFirstAndSecondLine = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrixFirstAndSecondLine);
            DoubleVector vectorFirstAndSecondLine         = new DoubleVector(new double[]
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[1].GetDistPow(),
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()

            vectorFirstAndSecondLine = vectorFirstAndSecondLine.Transform((p) => p / 2);

            DoubleVector coordinateVectorFirstAndSecondLine = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrixFirstAndSecondLine,

            coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndSecondLine[0];
            coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Yaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndSecondLine[1];

            /* Measure the first point of crossing the first and third line*/
            DoubleMatrix matrixFirstAndThirdLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ]
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis

            /* If the determinant value of the matrix is 0, it means this matrix cannot be inverted.
             * We can have the exact point values with one of the reference points. */
            if (NMathFunctions.Determinant(matrixFirstAndThirdLine) == 0)

            //matrixFirstAndThirdLine = matrixFirstAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p * 2);
            DoubleMatrix inversedMatrixFirstAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrixFirstAndThirdLine);
            DoubleVector vectorFirstAndThirdLine         = new DoubleVector(new double[]
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[1].GetDistPow(),
                cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()

            vectorFirstAndThirdLine = vectorFirstAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p / 2);

            DoubleVector coordinateVectorFirstAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrixFirstAndThirdLine,

            coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndThirdLine[0];
            coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Yaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndThirdLine[1];

            /* Measure the first point of crossing the first and third line*/
            DoubleMatrix matrixSecondAndThirdLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ]
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis

            /* If the determinant value of the matrix is 0, it means this matrix cannot be inverted.
             * We can have the exact point values with one of the reference points. */
            if (NMathFunctions.Determinant(matrixSecondAndThirdLine) == 0)

            //matrixSecondAndThirdLine = matrixSecondAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p * 2);
            DoubleMatrix inversedMatrixSecondAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrixSecondAndThirdLine);
            DoubleVector vectorSecondAndThirdLine         = new DoubleVector(new double[]
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow(),
                cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()

            vectorSecondAndThirdLine = vectorSecondAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p / 2);

            DoubleVector coordinateVectorSecondAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrixSecondAndThirdLine,

            coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVectorSecondAndThirdLine[0];
            coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Yaxis = (int)coordinateVectorSecondAndThirdLine[1];

            int xaxis =
                (coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Xaxis +
                 coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Xaxis +
                 coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Xaxis) / 3;
            int yaxis =
                (coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Yaxis +
                 coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Yaxis +
                 coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Yaxis) / 3;

            Debug.WriteLine("Xaxis:" + xaxis);
            Debug.WriteLine("Yaxis:" + yaxis);

            return(new Coordinate()
                Xaxis = xaxis,
                Yaxis = yaxis
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private Coordinate Positioning_KnnProximity(List <AdjustedFingerprinting> fingerprintings)
            int k = 3;
            /* run the knn classifier on the data */
            KnnClassifier classifier = new KnnClassifier();

            /* After fetching and processing the fingerprinting data, I am able to get the class count.
             * Basically, each of the reference point is a class to be classified to. */
            int numClasses   = IndoorPositioningClient.GetPoints(environment.EnvironmentId).Count;
            int gatewayCount = fingerprintings[0].RssiValueAndGateway.Count;

            /* get the Rssi values of the beacon in question from the server */
            RssiValue[] rssiValues = IndoorPositioningClient.GetRssi(gatewayCount);

            /* we will use also gateway count on the area as K constant */
            CoordinateAndDistance[] cooDist         = classifier.GetNearestNeighbors(rssiValues, fingerprintings, numClasses, k);
            Coordinate coordinateFirstAndSecondLine = new Coordinate();
            Coordinate coordinateFirstAndThirdLine  = new Coordinate();
            Coordinate coordinateSecondAndThirdLine = new Coordinate();

            /* Create a vector from the coordinates */
            /* Measure the first point of crossing the first and second line*/
            DoubleMatrix matrixFirstAndSecondLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ]
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis

            /* If the determinant value of the matrix is 0, it means this matrix cannot be inverted.
             * We can have the exact point values with one of the reference points. */
            if (NMathFunctions.Determinant(matrixFirstAndSecondLine) == 0)
                return(classifier.Vote(cooDist, fingerprintings, numClasses, k));

            //matrixFirstAndSecondLine = matrixFirstAndSecondLine.Transform((p) => p * 2);
            DoubleMatrix inversedMatrixFirstAndSecondLine = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrixFirstAndSecondLine);
            DoubleVector vectorFirstAndSecondLine         = new DoubleVector(new double[]
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[1].GetDistPow(),
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()

            vectorFirstAndSecondLine = vectorFirstAndSecondLine.Transform((p) => p / 2);

            DoubleVector coordinateVectorFirstAndSecondLine = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrixFirstAndSecondLine,

            coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndSecondLine[0];
            coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Yaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndSecondLine[1];

            /* Measure the first point of crossing the first and third line*/
            DoubleMatrix matrixFirstAndThirdLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ]
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis

            /* If the determinant value of the matrix is 0, it means this matrix cannot be inverted.
             * We can have the exact point values with one of the reference points. */
            if (NMathFunctions.Determinant(matrixFirstAndThirdLine) == 0)
                return(classifier.Vote(cooDist, fingerprintings, numClasses, k));

            //matrixFirstAndThirdLine = matrixFirstAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p * 2);
            DoubleMatrix inversedMatrixFirstAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrixFirstAndThirdLine);
            DoubleVector vectorFirstAndThirdLine         = new DoubleVector(new double[]
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[1].GetDistPow(),
                cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()

            vectorFirstAndThirdLine = vectorFirstAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p / 2);

            DoubleVector coordinateVectorFirstAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrixFirstAndThirdLine,

            coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndThirdLine[0];
            coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Yaxis = (int)coordinateVectorFirstAndThirdLine[1];

            /* Measure the first point of crossing the first and third line*/
            DoubleMatrix matrixSecondAndThirdLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ]
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
                    cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis

            /* If the determinant value of the matrix is 0, it means this matrix cannot be inverted.
             * We can have the exact point values with one of the reference points. */
            if (NMathFunctions.Determinant(matrixSecondAndThirdLine) == 0)
                return(classifier.Vote(cooDist, fingerprintings, numClasses, k));

            //matrixSecondAndThirdLine = matrixSecondAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p * 2);
            DoubleMatrix inversedMatrixSecondAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrixSecondAndThirdLine);
            DoubleVector vectorSecondAndThirdLine         = new DoubleVector(new double[]
                cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow(),
                cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()

            vectorSecondAndThirdLine = vectorSecondAndThirdLine.Transform((p) => p / 2);

            DoubleVector coordinateVectorSecondAndThirdLine = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrixSecondAndThirdLine,

            coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVectorSecondAndThirdLine[0];
            coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Yaxis = (int)coordinateVectorSecondAndThirdLine[1];

            //DoubleMatrix matrixFirstAndThirdLine = new DoubleMatrix(new double[,]
            //    {
            //        cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis,
            //        cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis
            //    },
            //    {
            //        cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
            //        cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis
            //    },
            //    {
            //        cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
            //        cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis
            //    }
            //DoubleMatrix inversedMatrix = NMathFunctions.Inverse(matrix);
            //DoubleVector vector = new DoubleVector(new double[]
            //    cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[1].GetDistPow(),
            //    cooDist[0].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[0].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow(),
            //    cooDist[1].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[2].coordinate.GetNormPow() - cooDist[1].GetDistPow() + cooDist[2].GetDistPow()
            //DoubleVector coordinateVector = NMathFunctions.Product(inversedMatrix, vector);
            //coordinate.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVector[0];
            //coordinate.Xaxis = (int)coordinateVector[1];

            //Matrix linesMatrix = new Matrix(
            //    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis,
            //    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis,
            //    cooDist[0].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
            //    cooDist[0].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis,
            //    cooDist[1].coordinate.Xaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Xaxis,
            //    cooDist[1].coordinate.Yaxis - cooDist[2].coordinate.Yaxis);

            ////Vector distances = new Vector(
            ////    coordinateAndDistances[0].coordinate.Xaxis - coordinateAndDistances[1].coordinate.Xaxis,);

            int xaxis =
                (coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Xaxis +
                 coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Xaxis +
                 coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Xaxis) / 3;
            int yaxis =
                (coordinateFirstAndSecondLine.Yaxis +
                 coordinateFirstAndThirdLine.Yaxis +
                 coordinateSecondAndThirdLine.Yaxis) / 3;

            Debug.WriteLine("Xaxis:" + xaxis);
            Debug.WriteLine("Yaxis:" + yaxis);

            return(new Coordinate()
                Xaxis = xaxis,
                Yaxis = yaxis