Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task HandleCreateIdentityResultCallbackAsync(NDIDCallbackIdentityModel model)
            if (model.IsSuccess)
                string        sid   = _db.GetReferecne(model.ReferenceId, "sid");
                string[]      parts = sid.Split('-');
                NDIDUserModel user  = new NDIDUserModel();
                user.NameSpace  = parts[0];
                user.Identifier = parts[1];
                string            accessor_id = _db.GetReferecne(model.ReferenceId, "accessor_id");
                NDIDAccessorModel accessor    = new NDIDAccessorModel();
                accessor.AccessorId = accessor_id;
                accessor.Secret     = model.Secret;
                // update key
                string newKeyName = sid + "-" + "0";
                // not use base64 file name because windows cannot support filename with "/" charactor
                _dpki.UpdateKey(sid, newKeyName);
                string pubKey = await _dpki.GetPubKey(newKeyName);

                accessor.AccessorPubKey = pubKey;
                // save new user
                // remove all referenceId
                throw new ApplicationException();
 public NDIDUserModel FindUser(string namespaces, string identifier)
     using (LiteDatabase db = new LiteDatabase(_persistancePath))
         LiteCollection <NDIDUserModel> collection = db.GetCollection <NDIDUserModel>(COLLECTION_USER);
         NDIDUserModel model = collection.FindOne(x => x.NameSpace == namespaces && x.Identifier == identifier);
 public long CreateNewUser(NDIDUserModel user)
     using (LiteDatabase db = new LiteDatabase(_persistancePath))
         LiteCollection <NDIDUserDBModel> collection = db.GetCollection <NDIDUserDBModel>(COLLECTION_USER);
         NDIDUserDBModel model = _mapper.Map <NDIDUserDBModel>(user);
         long            id    = collection.Insert(model);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void HandleIncomingRequestCallback(NDIDCallbackRequestModel model)
            // check that user exist
            NDIDUserModel user = _db.FindUser(model.Namespace, model.Identifier);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ApplicationException();
            _db.SaveUserRequest(model.Namespace, model.Identifier, model.RequestId, model);
        public void SaveAndFindNDIDUser()
            NDIDUserModel user = new NDIDUserModel();

            user.NameSpace  = "cid";
            user.Identifier = "1234";
            user.Accessors.Add(new NDIDAccessorModel
                AccessorId = "hello",
                Secret     = "this should be secret"
            long id = _db.CreateNewUser(user);

            NDIDUserModel retrievedUser = _db.FindUser(user.NameSpace, user.Identifier);

            retrievedUser.Should().BeEquivalentTo <NDIDUserModel>(user);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task CreateIDPResponse(string namespaces, string identifier, string requestId, string status)
            // get user from parameter
            NDIDUserModel user = _db.FindUser(namespaces, identifier);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ApplicationException();
            // get request
            NDIDCallbackRequestModel request = _db.GetUserRequest(namespaces, identifier, requestId);

            if (request == null)
                throw new ApplicationException();
            // get key and sign message
            // always use first accessor keu for simplicity
            string keyName   = namespaces + "-" + identifier + "-" + "0";
            string signature = await _dpki.Sign(keyName, request.RequestMsgHash);

            // construct idp response model
            NDIDIDPResponseModel model = new NDIDIDPResponseModel();

            model.ReferenceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            model.RequestId   = request.RequestId;
            model.CallbackUrl = new Uri(new Uri(_config.GetCallbackPath()), "api/callback/response").ToString();
            model.NameSpace   = user.NameSpace;
            model.Identifier  = user.Identifier;
            model.AccessorId  = user.Accessors[0].AccessorId;
            model.Secret      = user.Accessors[0].Secret;
            model.Signature   = signature;
            model.Status      = status;
            model.IAL         = 2.3m;
            model.AAL         = 3.0m;
            // call ndid api
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                Uri url = new Uri(_apiServerAddress + "/v2/idp/response");
                    new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                string        jsonContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);
                StringContent content     = new StringContent(jsonContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var           result      = client.PostAsync(url, content).Result;
                string        resultJson  = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    NDIDCallbackRequestModel err = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NDIDCallbackRequestModel>(resultJson);
                    if (err.Error.Code == "20025" || err.Error.Code == "20026")
                        throw new ApplicationException("remove");
                        throw new ApplicationException(err.Error.Message);