Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override NBrightInfo UpdatePercentUsage(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo purchaseInfo)
     if (userId <= 0) return purchaseInfo;
     var discountcode = purchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/textbox/promocode");
     if (!purchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/discountprocessed"))
         if (discountcode == "") return purchaseInfo;
         var clientData = new ClientData(portalId, userId);
         if (clientData.DiscountCodes.Count == 0) return purchaseInfo;
         var list = clientData.DiscountCodes;
         foreach (var d in list)
             if (d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/coderef").ToLower() == discountcode.ToLower())
                 var usageleft = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft");
                 var used = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/used");
                 d.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft", (usageleft - 1));
                 d.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/used", (used + 1));
         purchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/discountprocessed", "True");
     return purchaseInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void UpdateRule(Repeater rpData)
     foreach (RepeaterItem i in rpData.Items)
         var strXml = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(i);
         var nbi = new NBrightInfo(true);
         nbi.XMLData = strXml;
         if (nbi.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/hidden/isdirty"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private Boolean IsModelInStock(NBrightInfo dataItem)
     var stockOn = dataItem.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkstockon");
     if (stockOn)
         var modelstatus = dataItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/modelstatus");
         if (modelstatus == "010") return true;
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private String GetItemDisplay(NBrightInfo obj, String templ, Boolean displayPrices)
            var isDealer = CmsProviderManager.Default.IsInRole(StoreSettings.DealerRole);
            var outText = templ;
            var stockOn = obj.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkstockon");
            var stock = obj.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtqtyremaining");
            if (stock > 0 || !stockOn)
                outText = outText.Replace("{ref}", obj.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtmodelref"));
                outText = outText.Replace("{name}", obj.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtmodelname"));
                outText = outText.Replace("{stock}", stock.ToString(""));

                if (displayPrices)
                    //[TODO: add promotional calc]
                    var saleprice = obj.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtsaleprice");
                    var price = obj.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtunitcost");
                    var bestprice = price;
                    if (saleprice > 0 && saleprice < price) bestprice = saleprice;

                    var strprice = NBrightBuyUtils.FormatToStoreCurrency(price);
                    var strbestprice = NBrightBuyUtils.FormatToStoreCurrency(bestprice);
                    var strsaleprice = NBrightBuyUtils.FormatToStoreCurrency(saleprice);

                    var strdealerprice = "";
                    var dealerprice = obj.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtdealercost");
                    if (isDealer)
                        strdealerprice = NBrightBuyUtils.FormatToStoreCurrency(dealerprice);
                        if (!outText.Contains("{dealerprice}") && (price > dealerprice)) strprice = strdealerprice;
                        if (dealerprice < bestprice) bestprice = dealerprice;

                    outText = outText.Replace("{price}", "(" + strprice + ")");
                    outText = outText.Replace("{dealerprice}", strdealerprice);
                    outText = outText.Replace("{bestprice}", strbestprice);
                    outText = outText.Replace("{saleprice}", strsaleprice);
                    outText = outText.Replace("{price}", "");
                    outText = outText.Replace("{dealerprice}", "");
                    outText = outText.Replace("{bestprice}", "");
                    outText = outText.Replace("{saleprice}", "");

                return outText;
            return ""; // no stock so return empty string.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void SendEmail(String toEmail, String templateName, NBrightInfo dataObj, String emailsubjectresxkey, String fromEmail,String lang)
            dataObj = ProcessEventProvider(EventActions.BeforeSendEmail, dataObj, templateName);

            if (!dataObj.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/stopprocess"))

                if (lang == "") lang = Utils.GetCurrentCulture();
                var emaillist = toEmail;
                if (emaillist != "")
                    var emailsubject = "";
                    if (emailsubjectresxkey != "")
                        var resxpath = StoreSettings.NBrightBuyPath() + "/App_LocalResources/Notification.ascx.resx";
                        emailsubject = DnnUtils.GetLocalizedString(emailsubjectresxkey, resxpath, lang);
                        if (emailsubject == null) emailsubject = emailsubjectresxkey;

                    // we can't use StoreSettings.Current.Settings(), becuase of external calls from providers to this function, so load in the settings directly
                    var modCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                    var storeSettings = modCtrl.GetStoreSettings(dataObj.PortalId);

                    var strTempl = modCtrl.GetTemplateData(-1, templateName, lang, storeSettings.Settings(), storeSettings.DebugMode);

                    var emailbody = GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(dataObj, strTempl, "", "XMLData", lang, storeSettings.Settings());
                    if (templateName.EndsWith(".xsl")) emailbody = XslUtils.XslTransInMemory(dataObj.XMLData, emailbody);
                    if (fromEmail == "") fromEmail = storeSettings.AdminEmail;
                    var emailarray = emaillist.Split(',');
                    emailsubject = storeSettings.Get("storename") + " : " + emailsubject;
                    foreach (var email in emailarray)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email.Trim()) && Utils.IsEmail(fromEmail.Trim()) && Utils.IsEmail(email.Trim()))
                            // multiple attachments as csv with "|" seperator
                            DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(fromEmail.Trim(), email.Trim(), "", emailsubject, emailbody, dataObj.GetXmlProperty("genxml/emailattachment"), "HTML", "", "", "", "");

            ProcessEventProvider(EventActions.AfterSendEmail, dataObj, templateName);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Search filesystem for any new plugins that have been added. Removed any deleted ones.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateSystemPlugins()
            // Add new plugins
            var updated             = false;
            var pluginfoldermappath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(StoreSettings.NBrightBuyPath() + "/Plugins");

            if (pluginfoldermappath != null && Directory.Exists(pluginfoldermappath))
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                var flist   = Directory.GetFiles(pluginfoldermappath, "*.xml");
                foreach (var f in flist)
                    if (f.EndsWith(".xml"))
                        var datain = File.ReadAllText(f);
                            var nbi = new NBrightInfo();
                            nbi.XMLData = datain;
                            // check if we are injecting multiple
                            var nodlist = nbi.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml");
                            if (nodlist != null && nodlist.Count > 0)
                                foreach (XmlNode nod in nodlist)
                                    var nbi2 = new NBrightInfo();
                                    nbi2.XMLData      = nod.OuterXml;
                                    nbi2.ItemID       = -1;
                                    nbi2.GUIDKey      = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                                    nbi2.PortalId     = 99999;
                                    nbi2.Lang         = "";
                                    nbi2.ParentItemId = 0;
                                    nbi2.ModuleId     = -1;
                                    nbi2.XrefItemId   = 0;
                                    nbi2.UserId       = 0;
                                    nbi2.TypeCode     = "PLUGIN";

                                    // check if record exists (should NOT) but lets replace if it does.
                                    var existingrecord = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(-1, -1, "PLUGIN", nbi2.GUIDKey);
                                    if (existingrecord != null)
                                        nbi2.ItemID = existingrecord.ItemID;
                                        if (nbi2.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/delete"))
                                            updated = true;
                                        updated = true;
                            if (updated)
                                //load entity typecode to DB idx settings.
                        catch (Exception)
                            // data might not be XML complient (ignore)

            if (updated)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private NBrightInfo ValidateCartItem(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo cartItemInfo, Boolean removeZeroQtyItems = false)
            #region "get cart values"
            cartItemInfo = NBrightBuyUtils.ProcessEventProvider(EventActions.ValidateCartItemBefore, cartItemInfo);

            var modelid = cartItemInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/modelid");
            var prdid   = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/productid");
            var qty     = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/qty");
            var lang    = cartItemInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang");

            if (removeZeroQtyItems && qty == 0)
                return(null);                                // Remove zero qty item
            if (lang == "")
                lang = Utils.GetCurrentCulture();
            var prd = ProductUtils.GetProductData(prdid, lang);
            if (!prd.Exists || prd.Disabled)
                return(null);                             //Invalid product remove from cart
            // update product xml data on cart (product may have change via plugin so always replace)
            // add entitytype for validation methods
            prd.Info.SetXmlProperty("genxml/entitytypecode", prd.Info.TypeCode);
            cartItemInfo.AddSingleNode("productxml", prd.Info.XMLData, "genxml");

            var prdModel = prd.GetModel(modelid);
            if (prdModel == null)
                return(null);                  // Invalid Model remove from cart
            // check if dealer (for tax calc)
            if (NBrightBuyUtils.IsDealer())
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/isdealer", "True");
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/isdealer", "False");

            // check for price change
            var unitcost       = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtunitcost");
            var dealercost     = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtdealercost");
            var saleprice      = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtsaleprice");
            var dealersalecost = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtdealersale");

            // use dynamic price is flagged in cartitem.
            if (cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/dynamicpriceflag") && cartItemInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dynamicprice") != "")
                unitcost       = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/dynamicprice");
                dealercost     = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/dynamicprice");
                saleprice      = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/dynamicprice");
                dealersalecost = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/dynamicprice");

            // always make sale price best price
            if (unitcost > 0 && (unitcost < saleprice || saleprice <= 0))
                saleprice = unitcost;
            // if we have a promoprice use it as saleprice (This is passed in via events provider like "Multi-Buy promotions")
            if (cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promoprice") > 0 && cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promoprice") < saleprice)
                saleprice = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promoprice");

            // always assign the dealercost the best price.
            if (dealersalecost > 0 && dealersalecost < dealercost)
                dealercost = dealersalecost;
            if (saleprice > 0 && (saleprice < dealercost || dealercost <= 0))
                dealercost = saleprice;
            if (unitcost > 0 && (unitcost < dealercost || dealercost <= 0))
                dealercost = unitcost;

            // calc sell price
            // sellcost = the calculated cost of the item.
            var sellcost = unitcost;
            if (saleprice > 0 && saleprice < sellcost)
                sellcost = saleprice;
            if (NBrightBuyUtils.IsDealer())
                if (dealercost > 0 && dealercost < sellcost)
                    sellcost = dealercost;
            // --------------------------------------------

            if (prdModel != null)
                #region "Stock Control"
                var stockon    = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkstockon");
                var stocklevel = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtqtyremaining");
                var minStock   = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtqtyminstock");
                if (minStock == 0)
                    minStock = StoreSettings.Current.GetInt("minimumstocklevel");
                var maxStock = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtqtystockset");
                var weight   = prdModel.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/weight");
                if (stockon)
                    stocklevel = stocklevel - minStock;
                    stocklevel = stocklevel - prd.GetModelTransQty(modelid, _cartId);
                    if (stocklevel < qty)
                        qty = stocklevel;
                        if (qty <= 0)
                            qty = 0;
                            cartItemInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/validatecode", "OUTOFSTOCK");
                            cartItemInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/validatecode", "STOCKADJ");
                        cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/qty", qty.ToString(""));

                #region "Addtional options costs"
                Double additionalCosts = 0;
                var    optNods         = cartItemInfo.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml/options/*");
                if (optNods != null)
                    var lp = 1;
                    foreach (XmlNode nod in optNods)
                        var optid = nod.SelectSingleNode("optid");
                        if (optid != null)
                            var optvalueid = nod.SelectSingleNode("optvalueid");
                            if (optvalueid != null && optvalueid.InnerText != "False")
                                XmlNode optvalcostnod;
                                if (optvalueid.InnerText == "True")
                                    optvalcostnod = cartItemInfo.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/productxml/genxml/optionvalues[@optionid='" + optid.InnerText + "']/genxml/textbox/txtaddedcost");
                                    optvalcostnod = cartItemInfo.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/productxml/genxml/optionvalues/genxml[./hidden/optionvalueid='" + optvalueid.InnerText + "']/textbox/txtaddedcost");

                                if (optvalcostnod != null)
                                    var optvalcost = optvalcostnod.InnerText;
                                    if (Utils.IsNumeric(optvalcost))
                                        cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/options/option[" + lp + "]/optvalcost", optvalcost);
                                        var optvaltotal = Convert.ToDouble(optvalcost, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")) * qty;
                                        cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/options/option[" + lp + "]/optvaltotal", optvaltotal);
                                        additionalCosts += optvaltotal;
                                    cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/options/option[" + lp + "]/optvalcost", "0");
                                    cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/options/option[" + lp + "]/optvaltotal", "0");
                        lp += 1;

                if (qty > 0)  // can't devide by zero
                    unitcost += (additionalCosts / qty);
                    if (dealercost > 0)
                        dealercost += (additionalCosts / qty);                 // zero turns off
                    if (saleprice > 0)
                        saleprice += (additionalCosts / qty);                // zero turns off
                    sellcost += (additionalCosts / qty);

                var totalcost     = qty * unitcost;
                var totalsellcost = qty * sellcost;
                var totalweight   = weight * qty;

                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/unitcost", unitcost);
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/dealercost", dealercost);
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/saleprice", saleprice);

                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalweight", totalweight.ToString(""));
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalcost", totalcost);
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealerbonus", (totalcost - (qty * dealercost)));

                Double salediscount    = 0;
                Double discountcodeamt = 0;
                Double totaldiscount   = 0;

                //add update genxml/discountcodeamt
                var discountcode = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/textbox/promocode");
                if (discountcode != "")
                    cartItemInfo    = DiscountCodeInterface.UpdateItemPercentDiscountCode(PortalId, UserId, cartItemInfo, discountcode);
                    discountcodeamt = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt");
                    if (discountcodeamt > 0)
                        PurchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/discountprocessed", "False");

                if (NBrightBuyUtils.IsDealer())
                    salediscount = (unitcost - dealercost);
                    salediscount = (unitcost - saleprice);
                totaldiscount = (salediscount * qty) + discountcodeamt; // add on any promo code amount
                if (totaldiscount < 0)
                    totaldiscount = 0;

                // if we have a promodiscount use it
                if (cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promodiscount") > 0)
                    totaldiscount = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promodiscount");
                    totalcost     = totalcost - totaldiscount;
                    if (totalcost < 0)
                        totalcost = 0;
                    cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtotalcost", totalcost);

                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldiscount", totaldiscount);

                // if product is on sale then we need to display the sale price in the cart, and any discount codes don;t show at this cart item level, only on the order total.
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtotalcost", totalsellcost);
                cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedcost", sellcost);

                // calc tax for item
                var taxproviderkey = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/taxproviderkey");
                var taxprov        = TaxInterface.Instance(taxproviderkey);
                if (taxprov != null)
                    var nbi = (NBrightInfo)cartItemInfo.Clone();
                    cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", taxprov.CalculateItemTax(nbi));

            cartItemInfo = NBrightBuyUtils.ProcessEventProvider(EventActions.ValidateCartItemAfter, cartItemInfo);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private Boolean CheckSecurity(NBrightInfo pluginData)
            if (pluginData.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/hidden")) return false;

            var roles = pluginData.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/roles");
            if (roles.Trim() == "") return true;
            if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser) return true;
            if (UserInfo.IsInRole("Administrator")) return true;
            var rlist = roles.Split(',');
            foreach (var r in rlist)
                if (UserInfo.IsInRole(r)) return true;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override NBrightInfo Calculate(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
            var enableShippingTax = _info.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/enableshippingtax");
            var shippingTaxRate   = _info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/shippingtaxrate");

            // return taxtype, 1 = included in cost, 2 = not included in cost, 3 = no tax, 4 = tax included in cost, but calculate to zero.
            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxtype", _taxType);

            if (_taxType == "3" || _taxType == "4") // no tax calculation
                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", 0);
                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", 0);

            var rateDic = GetRates();

            if (!rateDic.Any())

            // loop through each item and calc the tax for each.
            var nodList = cartInfo.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml/items/*");

            if (nodList != null)
                Double taxtotal = 0;

                foreach (XmlNode nod in nodList)
                    var nbi = new NBrightInfo();
                    nbi.XMLData = nod.OuterXml;
                    taxtotal   += CalculateItemTax(nbi, rateDic);

                if (enableShippingTax && shippingTaxRate > 0)
                    var isDealer = false; // default until dealer shipping cost implemented
                    taxtotal += CalculateShippingTax(cartInfo, shippingTaxRate, isDealer);

                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", taxtotal);
                if (_taxType == "1")
                    cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", 0);                  // tax already in total, so don't apply any more tax.
                if (_taxType == "2")
                    cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", taxtotal);

                var taxcountry            = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");
                var storecountry          = StoreSettings.Current.Get("storecountry");
                var valideutaxcountrycode = _info.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/valideutaxcountrycode");
                var isvalidEU             = false;
                valideutaxcountrycode = "," + valideutaxcountrycode.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "") + ",";
                if ((valideutaxcountrycode.Contains("," + taxcountry.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "") + ",")))
                    isvalidEU = true;

                // Check for EU tax number.
                var enabletaxnumber = _info.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/enabletaxnumber");
                if (enabletaxnumber)
                    var taxnumber = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/textbox/taxnumber").Trim();
                    if (storecountry != taxcountry && taxnumber != "")
                        // not matching merchant country, so remove tax
                        if (_taxType == "1")
                            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", taxtotal * -1);
                            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", taxtotal * -1);
                        if (_taxType == "2")
                            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", 0);
                            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", 0);

                // Check for country.
                var enabletaxcountry = _info.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/enabletaxcountry");
                if (enabletaxcountry)
                    if (taxcountry != "")
                        if (taxcountry != storecountry && !isvalidEU)
                            // not matching merchant country, so remove tax
                            if (_taxType == "1")
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", taxtotal * -1);
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", taxtotal * -1);
                            if (_taxType == "2")
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", 0);
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", 0);

                // check for region exempt (in same country)
                var taxexemptregions = _info.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/taxexemptregions");
                if (taxexemptregions != "" && taxcountry == storecountry)
                    taxexemptregions = "," + taxexemptregions.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "") + ",";
                    var taxregioncode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/region").Trim();
                    if (taxregioncode == "")
                        taxregioncode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/textbox/txtregion").Trim();
                    if (taxregioncode != "")
                        if (!taxexemptregions.Contains("," + taxregioncode.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "") + ","))
                            // not matching merchant region, so remove tax
                            if (_taxType == "1")
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", taxtotal * -1);
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", taxtotal * -1);
                            if (_taxType == "2")
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/taxcost", 0);
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax", 0);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static string CalcGroupPromoItem(NBrightInfo p)
            var objCtrl        = new NBrightBuyController();
            var typeselect     = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/typeselect");
            var catgroupid     = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/catgroupid");
            var propgroupid    = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/propgroupid");
            var promoname      = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
            var amounttype     = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/amounttype");
            var amount         = p.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/amount");
            var validfrom      = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validfrom");
            var validuntil     = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validuntil");
            var overwrite      = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/overwrite");
            var disabled       = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/disabled");
            var lastcalculated = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/lastcalculated");
            var whichprice     = p.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/radiobuttonlist/whichprice");
            var runfreq        = p.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/radiobuttonlist/runfreq");

            if (!disabled)
                var portalsettings = NBrightDNN.DnnUtils.GetPortalSettings(p.PortalId);
                var lang           = portalsettings.DefaultLanguage;

                var prdList = new List <NBrightInfo>();
                if (typeselect == "all")
                    prdList = objCtrl.GetList(p.PortalId, -1, "PRD");
                    CategoryData gCat;
                    var          groupid = catgroupid;
                    if (typeselect != "cat")
                        groupid = propgroupid;
                    gCat = CategoryUtils.GetCategoryData(groupid, lang);
                    if (gCat != null)
                        prdList = gCat.GetAllArticles();

                var runcalc = true;
                if (runfreq == 1 || runfreq == 3) // run freq is date range
                    if (runfreq == 3)
                        // run constantly, set end date to +100 year
                        validfrom  = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToString("s");
                        validuntil = DateTime.Now.AddYears(100).ToString("s");
                    // run date range
                    if (Utils.IsDate(lastcalculated))
                        if (Convert.ToDateTime(lastcalculated) >= p.ModifiedDate)
                            runcalc = false;                                                       // only run if changed
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date > Convert.ToDateTime(lastcalculated).Date.AddDays(1))
                            runcalc = true;                                                                         // every day just after midnight. (for site performace)
                    if (Utils.IsDate(validuntil))
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date > Convert.ToDateTime(validuntil))
                            runcalc = true;                                                     // need to disable the promo if passed date
                    if ((runcalc) && Utils.IsDate(validfrom) && Utils.IsDate(validuntil))
                        var dteF = Convert.ToDateTime(validfrom).Date;
                        var dteU = Convert.ToDateTime(validuntil).Date;

                        foreach (var prd in prdList)
                            var productid = prd.ParentItemId;
                            if (typeselect == "all")
                                productid = prd.ItemID;

                            if (DateTime.Now.Date >= dteF && DateTime.Now.Date <= dteU)
                                // CALC Promo
                                CalcProductSalePrice(p.PortalId, productid, amounttype, amount, p.ItemID, whichprice, overwrite);
                            if (DateTime.Now.Date > dteU)
                                // END Promo
                                RemoveProductPromoData(p.PortalId, productid, p.ItemID);
                            ProductUtils.RemoveProductDataCache(p.PortalId, productid);
                            var productData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(productid, p.PortalId, lang);
                            productData.Save(); // recalc any new prices.
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date > dteU)
                            // END Promo
                            p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/disabled", "True");
                if (runfreq == 2) // run Once, do update and disable promo.
                    foreach (var prd in prdList)
                        var productid = prd.ParentItemId;
                        if (typeselect == "all")
                            productid = prd.ItemID;
                        // CALC Promo
                        CalcProductSalePrice(p.PortalId, productid, amounttype, amount, p.ItemID, whichprice, overwrite);
                        ProductUtils.RemoveProductDataCache(p.PortalId, productid);
                        var productData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(productid, p.PortalId, lang);
                        productData.Save(); // recalc any new prices.
                    p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/disabled", "True");
                if (runfreq == 4) // remove
                    foreach (var prd in prdList)
                        var productid = prd.ParentItemId;
                        if (typeselect == "all")
                            productid = prd.ItemID;
                        RemoveProductPromoData(p.PortalId, productid, p.ItemID);
                        ProductUtils.RemoveProductDataCache(p.PortalId, productid);
                        var productData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(productid, p.PortalId, lang);
                        productData.Save(); // recalc any new prices.

                    p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/disabled", "True");
                p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/lastcalculated", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10).ToString("O")); // Add 10 sec to time so we don't get exact clash with update time.
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static string CalcMultiBuyPromoItem(NBrightInfo p)
            var objCtrl        = new NBrightBuyController();
            var propgroupid    = p.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/dropdownlist/propbuy");
            var promoname      = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
            var validfrom      = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validfrom");
            var validuntil     = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validuntil");
            var disabled       = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/disabled");
            var lastcalculated = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/lastcalculated");

            if (!disabled)
                var portalsettings = NBrightDNN.DnnUtils.GetPortalSettings(p.PortalId);
                var lang           = portalsettings.DefaultLanguage;

                var runcalc = true;
                if (Utils.IsDate(lastcalculated))
                    if (Convert.ToDateTime(lastcalculated) >= p.ModifiedDate)
                        runcalc = false;                                                        // only run if changed
                    if (DateTime.Now.Date > Convert.ToDateTime(lastcalculated).Date.AddDays(1))
                        runcalc = true;                                                                         // every day just after midnight. (for site performace)
                if (Utils.IsDate(validuntil))
                    if (DateTime.Now.Date > Convert.ToDateTime(validuntil))
                        runcalc = true;                                                     // need to disable the promo if passed date
                if ((runcalc) && Utils.IsDate(validfrom) && Utils.IsDate(validuntil))
                    var          dteF = Convert.ToDateTime(validfrom).Date;
                    var          dteU = Convert.ToDateTime(validuntil).Date;
                    CategoryData gCat;

                    gCat = CategoryUtils.GetCategoryData(propgroupid, lang);
                    var prdList = gCat.GetAllArticles();

                    foreach (var prd in prdList)
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date >= dteF && DateTime.Now.Date <= dteU)
                            // CALC Promo
                            FlagProductMultiBuy(p.PortalId, prd.ParentItemId, promoname, p.ItemID, "PROMOMULTIBUY", dteF, dteU);
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date > dteU)
                            // END Promo
                            RemoveProductPromoData(p.PortalId, prd.ParentItemId, p.ItemID);
                            p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/disabled", "True");
                        ProductUtils.RemoveProductDataCache(p.PortalId, prd.ParentItemId);
                        var productData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(prd.ParentItemId, p.PortalId, lang);
                        productData.Save(); // recalc any new prices.

                    p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/lastcalculated", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10).ToString("O")); // Add 10 sec to time so we don't get exact clash with update time.
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static void CalcProductSalePrice(int portalid, int productId, string amounttype, double amount, int promoid, int whichprice, bool overwrite)
            var cultureList = DnnUtils.GetCultureCodeList(portalid);
            var objCtrl     = new NBrightBuyController();
            var prdData     = objCtrl.GetData(productId);

            var nodList = prdData.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml/models/genxml");

            if (nodList != null)
                prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/promoflag", "True"); // set flag, so we can identify products with promo for product save event removal.
                if (prdData.GetXmlProperty("genxml/promo") == "")
                    prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo", "");
                var lp = 1;
                foreach (XmlNode nod in nodList)
                    var currentpromoid = GetCurrentPromoId(prdData, whichprice, lp);
                    var nbi            = new NBrightInfo();
                    nbi.XMLData = nod.OuterXml;
                    var    disablesale      = nbi.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkdisablesale");
                    var    disabledealer    = nbi.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkdisabledealer");
                    var    unitcost         = nbi.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtunitcost");
                    var    dealercost       = nbi.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/txtdealercost");
                    Double newamt           = 0;
                    Double newdealersaleamt = 0;
                    Double newdealeramt     = 0;
                    if (amounttype == "1")
                        newamt           = unitcost - amount;
                        newdealersaleamt = dealercost - amount;
                        newamt           = unitcost - ((unitcost / 100) * amount);
                        newdealersaleamt = dealercost - ((dealercost / 100) * amount);
                    newdealeramt = newamt;
                    if (newamt < 0)
                        newamt = 0;
                    if (newdealersaleamt < 0)
                        newdealersaleamt = 0;

                    var currentprice = GetCurrentPromoPrice(prdData, whichprice, lp);
                    if (!overwrite)
                        if (currentprice == 0)
                            overwrite = true;
                        if (currentpromoid == promoid)
                            overwrite = true;
                    if (overwrite)
                        switch (whichprice)
                        case 1:
                            prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtsaleprice", newamt);
                            prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo/salepriceid" + lp, promoid.ToString());

                        case 2:
                            prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtdealercost", newdealeramt);
                            prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo/dealercostid" + lp, promoid.ToString());

                        case 3:
                            prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtdealersale", newdealersaleamt);
                            prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo/dealersaleid" + lp, promoid.ToString());

                        case 4:
                            prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtdealersale", newdealersaleamt);
                            prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo/dealersaleid" + lp, promoid.ToString());
                            prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtsaleprice", newamt);
                            prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo/salepriceid" + lp, promoid.ToString());

                            prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtsaleprice", newamt);
                            prdData.SetXmlProperty("genxml/promo/salepriceid" + lp, promoid.ToString());
                    if (disablesale)
                        prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtsaleprice", 0);
                        prdData.RemoveXmlNode("genxml/promo/salepriceid" + lp);
                    if (disabledealer)
                        prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtdealercost", 0);
                        prdData.RemoveXmlNode("genxml/promo/dealercostid" + lp);
                        prdData.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/models/genxml[" + lp + "]/textbox/txtdealersale", 0);
                        prdData.RemoveXmlNode("genxml/promo/dealersaleid" + lp);

                    lp += 1;

                foreach (var lang in cultureList)
                    var promodesc = "";
                    var p         = objCtrl.GetDataLang(promoid, lang);
                    if (p != null)
                        promodesc = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/description");
                    var prdDataLang = objCtrl.GetDataLang(productId, lang);
                    if (prdDataLang != null)
                        prdDataLang.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/promodesc", promodesc);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static NBrightInfo CalcQtyPromoItem(NBrightInfo p, NBrightInfo cartItemInfo)
            var objCtrl     = new NBrightBuyController();
            var typeselect  = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/typeselect");
            var catgroupid  = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/catgroupid");
            var propgroupid = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/propgroupid");
            var promoname   = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
            var amounttype  = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/amounttype");
            var amount      = p.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/amount");
            var overwrite   = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/overwrite");
            var disabled    = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/disabled");
            var rangeList   = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/range");

            if (!disabled)
                var productid = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/productid");

                if (productid > 0)
                    var prodData = new ProductData(productid, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                    if (prodData.Exists)
                        var groupid = catgroupid;
                        if (typeselect == "prop")
                            groupid = propgroupid;
                        var gCat = CategoryUtils.GetCategoryData(groupid, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                        if (gCat == null)

                        if (prodData.HasProperty(gCat.CategoryRef) || prodData.IsInCategory(gCat.CategoryRef))
                            var runcalc = true;
                            // build range Data
                            var rangeData = new List <RangeItem>();
                            var rl        = rangeList.Split(new string[] { "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            foreach (var s in rl)
                                var ri = s.Split('=');
                                if (ri.Count() == 2 && Utils.IsNumeric(ri[1]))
                                    var riV = ri[0].Split('-');
                                    if (riV.Count() == 2 && Utils.IsNumeric(riV[0]) && Utils.IsNumeric(riV[1]))
                                        var rItem = new RangeItem();
                                        rItem.RangeLow  = Convert.ToDouble(riV[0], CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
                                        rItem.Cost      = Convert.ToDouble(ri[1], CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
                                        rItem.RangeHigh = Convert.ToDouble(riV[1], CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));

                            var unitcost   = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/unitcost");
                            var promoprice = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promoprice");
                            var rangeValue = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/qty");
                            var basecost   = unitcost;

                            foreach (var i in rangeData)
                                if (rangeValue >= i.RangeLow && rangeValue < i.RangeHigh)
                                    double newsaleprice = 0;

                                    if (amounttype == "1")
                                        // percentage discount
                                        newsaleprice = Math.Round(basecost - ((basecost / 100) * i.Cost), 4);
                                        // amount discount
                                        newsaleprice = basecost - i.Cost;
                                        if (newsaleprice < 0)
                                            newsaleprice = 0;

                                    cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/promoprice", newsaleprice);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override Double CalculateItemTax(NBrightInfo cartItemInfo)
            var info = ProviderUtils.GetProviderSettings("tax");
            var taxtype = info.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/taxtype");

            if (taxtype == "3") return 0;

            var rateDic = GetRates();
            if (!rateDic.Any()) return 0;

            // loop through each item and calc the tax for each.
            Double taxtotal = 0;

            var totalcost = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalcost");
            if (cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/isdealer")) totalcost = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealercost");
            var taxratecode = cartItemInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/taxratecode");
            if (taxratecode == "") taxratecode = "0";
            if (!rateDic.ContainsKey(taxratecode)) taxratecode = "0";
            Double taxrate = 0;
            if (rateDic.ContainsKey(taxratecode)) taxrate = rateDic[taxratecode]; // Can happen is no default tax added.

            if (taxtype == "1") // included in unit price
                taxtotal += totalcost - ((totalcost / (100 + taxrate)) * 100);
            if (taxtype == "2") // NOT included in unit price
                taxtotal += (totalcost / 100) * taxrate;

            return Math.Round(taxtotal, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static string CalcGroupPromoItem(NBrightInfo p)
            var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                var typeselect = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/typeselect");
                var catgroupid = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/catgroupid");
                var propgroupid = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/propgroupid");
                var promoname = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
                var amounttype = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/amounttype");
                var amount = p.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/amount");
                var validfrom = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validfrom");
                var validuntil = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validuntil");
                var overwrite = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/overwrite");
                var disabled = p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/disabled");
                var lastcalculated = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/lastcalculated");

                if (!disabled)
                    var runcalc = true;
                    if (Utils.IsDate(lastcalculated))
                        if (Convert.ToDateTime(lastcalculated) >= p.ModifiedDate) runcalc = false; // only run if changed
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date > Convert.ToDateTime(lastcalculated).Date.AddDays(1)) runcalc = true; // every day just after midnight. (for site performace)
                    if (Utils.IsDate(validuntil))
                        if (DateTime.Now.Date > Convert.ToDateTime(validuntil)) runcalc = true; // need to disable the promo if passed date
                    if ((runcalc) && Utils.IsDate(validfrom) && Utils.IsDate(validuntil))
                        var dteF = Convert.ToDateTime(validfrom).Date;
                        var dteU = Convert.ToDateTime(validuntil).Date;
                        CategoryData gCat;
                        var groupid = catgroupid;
                        if (typeselect != "cat") groupid = propgroupid;

                        gCat = CategoryUtils.GetCategoryData(groupid, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                        var prdList = gCat.GetAllArticles();

                        foreach (var prd in prdList)
                            if (DateTime.Now.Date >= dteF && DateTime.Now.Date <= dteU)
                                // CALC Promo
                                CalcProductSalePrice(p.PortalId, prd.ParentItemId, amounttype, amount, promoname, p.ItemID, overwrite,dteF,dteU);
                            if (DateTime.Now.Date > dteU)
                                // END Promo
                                RemoveProductPromoData(p.PortalId, prd.ParentItemId, p.ItemID);
                                p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/disabled", "True");
                            ProductUtils.RemoveProductDataCache(p.PortalId, prd.ParentItemId);

                        p.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/lastcalculated", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10).ToString("O")); // Add 10 sec to time so we don't get exact clash with update time.
            return "OK";
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override NBrightInfo UpdatePercentUsage(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo purchaseInfo)
            var discountcode = purchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/textbox/promocode");
            if (!purchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/discountprocessed"))
                if (userId > 0)
                    if (discountcode == "") return purchaseInfo;
                    var clientData = new ClientData(portalId, userId);
                    if (clientData.DiscountCodes.Count > 0)
                        var list = clientData.DiscountCodes;
                        foreach (var d in list)
                            if (d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/coderef").ToLower() == discountcode.ToLower())
                                var usageleft = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft");
                                var used = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/used");
                                d.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft", (usageleft - 1));
                                d.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/used", (used + 1));
                        purchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/discountprocessed", "True");

                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                var dis = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portalId, -1, "DISCOUNTCODE", discountcode);
                if (dis != null)
                    var usage = dis.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usage");
                    dis.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usage", (usage + 1));
                    purchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/discountprocessed", "True");

            return purchaseInfo;