private void InitDocument()
            document.Style.TextStyle = new NTextStyle(new Font("Arial", 9), Color.Black);

            NGraphTemplate template;

            // create rectangular grid template
            template               = new NRectangularGridTemplate();
            template.Origin        = new NPointF(10, 23);
            template.VerticesShape = BasicShapes.Rectangle;

            // create tree template
            template               = new NGenericTreeTemplate();
            template.Origin        = new NPointF(250, 23);
            template.VerticesShape = BasicShapes.Triangle;

            // create elliptical grid template
            template               = new NEllipticalGridTemplate();
            template.Origin        = new NPointF(10, 250);
            template.VerticesShape = BasicShapes.Ellipse;

            // create a shape with a 1D shape which reflexes it
            NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document);
            NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)BasicShapes.Rectangle);

            shape.Bounds = new NRectangleF(350, 350, 100, 100);

            NBezierCurveShape bezier = new NBezierCurveShape();

            bezier.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;

            bezier.FromShape = shape;
            bezier.ToShape   = shape;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void InitDocument()
            document.Style.TextStyle = new NTextStyle(new Font("Arial", 9), Color.Black);

            // modify the connectors style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = (document.StyleSheets.GetChildByName(NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet, -1) as NStyleSheet);

            NTextStyle textStyle = new NTextStyle();

            textStyle.BackplaneStyle.Visible = true;
            textStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderWidth = new NLength(0);
            styleSheet.Style.TextStyle = textStyle;

            styleSheet.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);
            styleSheet.Style.StartArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);
            styleSheet.Style.EndArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle   = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);

            // create a stylesheet for the 2D Shapes
            styleSheet = new NStyleSheet("SHAPE2D");
            styleSheet.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.PapayaWhip);

            // create a stylesheet for the arrows, which inherits from the connectors stylesheet
            styleSheet = new NStyleSheet("ARROW", NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet);

            textStyle = new NTextStyle();
            textStyle.FontStyle.InitFromFont(new Font("Arial", 8));
            styleSheet.Style.TextStyle = textStyle;


            // create shapes
            NShape shape1 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(150, 50, 50, 50), "1", "SHAPE2D");

            NShape shape2 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(150, 150, 50, 50), "2", "SHAPE2D");
            NShape shape3 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(325, 150, 50, 50), "3", "SHAPE2D");

            NShape shape4 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(50, 250, 50, 50), "4", "SHAPE2D");
            NShape shape5 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(250, 250, 50, 50), "5", "SHAPE2D");
            NShape shape6 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(400, 250, 50, 50), "6", "SHAPE2D");

            NShape shape7 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(250, 350, 50, 50), "7", "SHAPE2D");
            NShape shape8 = base.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, new NRectangleF(400, 350, 50, 50), "8", "SHAPE2D");

            // create connectors
            NLineShape line = new NLineShape();

            line.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            line.Text           = "Line";
            line.StartPlug.Connect(shape1.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort);
            line.EndPlug.Connect(shape2.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort);

            NStep2Connector hv = new NStep2Connector(false);

            hv.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            hv.Text           = "HV";
            hv.StartPlug.Connect(shape1.Ports.GetChildByName("Right", 0) as NPort);
            hv.EndPlug.Connect(shape3.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort);

            NStep2Connector vh = new NStep2Connector(true);

            vh.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            vh.Text           = "VH";
            vh.StartPlug.Connect(shape4.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort);
            vh.EndPlug.Connect(shape7.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort);

            NStep3Connector vhv = new NStep3Connector(true, 50, 0, true);

            vhv.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            vhv.Text           = "VHV";
            vhv.StartPlug.Connect(shape2.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort);
            vhv.EndPlug.Connect(shape4.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort);

            NStep3Connector hvh = new NStep3Connector(false, 50, 0, true);

            hvh.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            hvh.Text           = "HVH";
            hvh.StartPlug.Connect(shape2.Ports.GetChildByName("Right", 0) as NPort);
            hvh.EndPlug.Connect(shape5.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort);

            NArrowShape doubleArrow = new NArrowShape(ArrowType.DoubleArrow, new NPointF(0, 0), new NPointF(1, 1), 10, 45, 30);

            doubleArrow.StyleSheetName = "ARROW";
            doubleArrow.Text           = "Double Arrow";
            doubleArrow.StartPlug.Connect(shape5.Ports.GetChildByName("Right", 0) as NPort);
            doubleArrow.EndPlug.Connect(shape6.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort);

            NArrowShape singleArrow = new NArrowShape(ArrowType.SingleArrow, new NPointF(0, 0), new NPointF(1, 1), 10, 45, 30);

            singleArrow.StyleSheetName = "ARROW";
            singleArrow.Text           = "Single Arrow";
            singleArrow.StartPlug.Connect(shape7.Ports.GetChildByName("Right", 0) as NPort);
            singleArrow.EndPlug.Connect(shape8.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort);

            NBezierCurveShape bezier = new NBezierCurveShape();

            bezier.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            bezier.Text           = "Bezier";
            bezier.StartPlug.Connect(shape6.Ports.GetChildByName("Right", 0) as NPort);
            bezier.EndPlug.Connect(shape6.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void InitDocument()
            NDrawingView1.Document.GraphicsSettings.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
            NDrawingView1.Document.GraphicsSettings.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            NDrawingView1.Document.GraphicsSettings.PixelOffsetMode   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

            // set up visual formatting
            NDrawingView1.Document.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Linen);
            NDrawingView1.Document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            // create the flowcharting shapes factory
            NFlowChartingShapesFactory factory = new NFlowChartingShapesFactory(NDrawingView1.Document);

            // modify the connectors style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = (NDrawingView1.Document.StyleSheets.GetChildByName(NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet, -1) as NStyleSheet);

            NTextStyle textStyle = new NTextStyle();

            textStyle.BackplaneStyle.Visible = true;
            textStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderWidth = new NLength(0);
            styleSheet.Style.TextStyle = textStyle;

            styleSheet.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);
            styleSheet.Style.StartArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);
            styleSheet.Style.EndArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle   = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);

            // create the begin shape
            NShape begin = factory.CreateShape((int)FlowChartingShapes.Termination);

            begin.Bounds = new NRectangleF(100, 100, 100, 100);
            begin.Text   = "BEGIN";

            // create the step1 shape
            NShape step1 = factory.CreateShape((int)FlowChartingShapes.Process);

            step1.Bounds = new NRectangleF(100, 400, 100, 100);
            step1.Text   = "STEP1";

            // connect begin and step1 with bezier link
            NBezierCurveShape bezier = new NBezierCurveShape();

            bezier.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            bezier.Text           = "BEZIER";
            bezier.SetPointAt(1, new NPointF(100, 300));
            bezier.SetPointAt(2, new NPointF(200, 300));
            bezier.FromShape = begin;
            bezier.ToShape   = step1;

            // create question1 shape
            NShape question1 = factory.CreateShape((int)FlowChartingShapes.Decision);

            question1.Bounds = new NRectangleF(300, 400, 100, 100);
            question1.Text   = "QUESTION1";

            // connect step1 and question1 with line link
            NLineShape line = new NLineShape();

            line.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            line.Text           = "LINE";
            line.FromShape = step1;
            line.ToShape   = question1;

            // create the step2 shape
            NShape step2 = factory.CreateShape((int)FlowChartingShapes.Process);

            step2.Bounds = new NRectangleF(500, 100, 100, 100);
            step2.Text   = "STEP2";

            // connect step2 and question1 with HV link
            NStep2Connector hv1 = new NStep2Connector(false);

            hv1.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            hv1.Text           = "HV1";
            hv1.FromShape = step2;
            hv1.ToShape   = question1;

            // connect question1 and step2 and with HV link
            NStep2Connector hv2 = new NStep2Connector(false);

            hv2.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            hv2.Text           = "HV2";
            hv2.FromShape = question1;
            hv2.ToShape   = step2;

            // create a self loof as bezier on step2
            NBezierCurveShape selfLoop = new NBezierCurveShape();

            selfLoop.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            selfLoop.Text           = "SELF LOOP";
            selfLoop.FromShape = step2;
            selfLoop.ToShape   = step2;

            // create step3 shape
            NShape step3 = factory.CreateShape((int)FlowChartingShapes.Process);

            step3.Bounds = new NRectangleF(700, 600, 100, 100);
            step3.Text   = "STEP3";

            // connect question1 and step3 with an HVH link
            NStep3Connector hvh1 = new NStep3Connector(false, 50, 0, true);

            hvh1.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            hvh1.Text           = "HVH1";
            hvh1.FromShape = question1;
            hvh1.ToShape   = step3;

            // create end shape
            NShape end = factory.CreateShape((int)FlowChartingShapes.Termination);

            end.Bounds = new NRectangleF(300, 700, 100, 100);
            end.Text   = "END";

            // connect step3 and end with VH link
            NStep2Connector vh1 = new NStep2Connector(true);

            vh1.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            vh1.Text           = "VH1";
            vh1.FromShape = step3;
            vh1.ToShape   = end;

            // connect question1 and end with curve link (uses explicit ports)
            NRoutableConnector curve = new NRoutableConnector(RoutableConnectorType.DynamicCurve);

            curve.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;
            curve.Text           = "CURVE";
            curve.StartPlug.Connect(question1.Ports.GetChildAt(3) as NPort);
            curve.EndPlug.Connect(end.Ports.GetChildAt(1) as NPort);
            curve.InsertPoint(1, new NPointF(500, 600));

            // set a shadow to the document. Since styles are inheritable all objects will reuse this shadow
            NDrawingView1.Document.Style.ShadowStyle = new NShadowStyle(
                new NPointL(5, 5),
                new NLength(3));

            // shadows must be displayed behind document content
            NDrawingView1.Document.ShadowsZOrder = ShadowsZOrder.BehindDocument;