Ejemplo n.º 1
    void FillMesh(NBTChunk chunk, CubeAttributes ca, NBTMesh nbtMesh)
        chunk.GetLights(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y, ca.pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.faceIndex  = TextureArrayManager.GetIndexByName("ladder");
        fa.color      = Color.white;
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.normal     = Vector3.zero;
        fa.uv         = uv_zero;

        if (ca.blockData == 2)
            fa.pos = frontFace;
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        else if (ca.blockData == 3)
            fa.pos = backFace;
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        else if (ca.blockData == 4)
            fa.pos = leftFace;
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        else if (ca.blockData == 5)
            fa.pos = rightFace;
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public override void AddCube(NBTChunk chunk, byte blockData, Vector3Int pos, NBTGameObject nbtGO)
        ca.pos       = pos;
        ca.blockData = blockData;

        chunk.GetLights(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.faceIndex  = GetPlantIndexByData(chunk, blockData);
        fa.color      = Color.white;
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.normal     = Vector3.zero;
        fa.uv         = uv_zero;

            fa.pos = face1;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
            fa.pos = face2;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);

            fa.pos = face3;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
            fa.pos = face4;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.Log(e.ToString() + "\n" + "pos=" + pos + ",data=" + blockData);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public override Mesh GetItemMesh(NBTChunk chunk, Vector3Int pos, byte blockData)
        CubeAttributes ca = new CubeAttributes();

        ca.blockData = blockData;

        NBTMesh nbtMesh = new NBTMesh(256);

        chunk.GetLights(pos.x - chunk.x * 16, pos.y, pos.z - chunk.z * 16, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.faceIndex  = TextureArrayManager.GetIndexByName(GetNameByData(blockData));
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.color      = Color.white;

        FillMesh(fa, ca, nbtMesh);



Ejemplo n.º 4
    public override void AddCube(NBTChunk chunk, byte blockData, Vector3Int localPosition, NBTGameObject nbtGO)
        ca.pos       = localPosition;
        ca.worldPos  = new Vector3Int(localPosition.x + chunk.x * 16, localPosition.y, localPosition.z + chunk.z * 16);
        ca.blockData = blockData;

        InitBlockAttributes(chunk, ref ca);

        chunk.GetLights(localPosition.x, localPosition.y, localPosition.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };

        fa.uv = uv_zero;

        fa.pos       = frontVertices;
        fa.normal    = Vector3.forward;
        fa.faceIndex = GetFrontIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color     = GetFrontTintColorByData(chunk, localPosition, ca.blockData);
        AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);

        fa.pos       = backVertices;
        fa.normal    = Vector3.back;
        fa.faceIndex = GetBackIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color     = GetBackTintColorByData(chunk, localPosition, ca.blockData);
        AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);

        fa.pos       = topVertices;
        fa.normal    = Vector3.up;
        fa.faceIndex = GetTopIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color     = GetTopTintColorByData(chunk, localPosition, ca.blockData);
        AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);

        fa.pos       = bottomVertices;
        fa.normal    = Vector3.down;
        fa.faceIndex = GetBottomIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color     = GetBottomTintColorByData(chunk, localPosition, ca.blockData);
        AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);

        fa.pos       = leftVertices;
        fa.normal    = Vector3.left;
        fa.faceIndex = GetLeftIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color     = GetLeftTintColorByData(chunk, localPosition, ca.blockData);
        AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);

        fa.pos       = rightVertices;
        fa.normal    = Vector3.right;
        fa.faceIndex = GetRightIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color     = GetRightTintColorByData(chunk, localPosition, ca.blockData);
        AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected override FaceAttributes GetRightFaceAttributes(NBTChunk chunk, NBTMesh mesh, CubeAttributes ca)
        chunk.GetLights(ca.pos.x + 1, ca.pos.y, ca.pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.pos        = rightVertices_snow;
        fa.faceIndex  = GetRightIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color      = GetRightTintColorByData(chunk, ca.pos, ca.blockData);
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.normal     = Vector3.right;
        fa.uv         = uv_bot;

Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected override FaceAttributes GetBottomFaceAttributes(NBTChunk chunk, NBTMesh mesh, CubeAttributes ca)
        chunk.GetLights(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y - 1, ca.pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.pos        = bottomVertices_snow;
        fa.faceIndex  = GetBottomIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color      = GetBottomTintColorByData(chunk, ca.pos, ca.blockData);
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.normal     = Vector3.down;
        fa.uv         = uv_full;

Ejemplo n.º 7
    public override void AddCube(NBTChunk chunk, byte blockData, Vector3Int localPosition, NBTGameObject nbtGO)
        MeshData mesh = GetMesh(chunk, localPosition, blockData);

        int faceIndex = TextureArrayManager.GetIndexByName(stairsName);

        chunk.GetLights(localPosition.x, localPosition.y + 1, localPosition.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        NBTMesh nbtMesh    = nbtGO.nbtMesh;
        ushort  startIndex = nbtMesh.vertexCount;

        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
            SetVertex(nbtMesh, mesh.vertices[i] + localPosition, faceIndex, mesh.uv[i], skyLight, blockLight, Color.white, Vector3.zero);
        foreach (int index in mesh.triangles)
            nbtMesh.triangleArray[nbtMesh.triangleCount++] = (ushort)(startIndex + index);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    void AddAntiDiagonalFace(NBTChunk chunk, NBTMesh mesh, CubeAttributes ca)
        chunk.GetLights(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y, ca.pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        antidiagonalFA.pos           = antiDiagonalFace;
        antidiagonalFA.faceIndex     = GetPlantIndexByData(chunk, ca.pos, ca.blockData);
        antidiagonalFA.color         = GetTintColorByData(chunk, ca.pos, ca.blockData);
        antidiagonalFA.skyLight[0]   = skyLight;
        antidiagonalFA.skyLight[1]   = skyLight;
        antidiagonalFA.skyLight[2]   = skyLight;
        antidiagonalFA.skyLight[3]   = skyLight;
        antidiagonalFA.blockLight[0] = blockLight;
        antidiagonalFA.blockLight[1] = blockLight;
        antidiagonalFA.blockLight[2] = blockLight;
        antidiagonalFA.blockLight[3] = blockLight;
        antidiagonalFA.normal        = Vector3.zero;
        antidiagonalFA.uv            = uv_plant;

        AddFace(mesh, antidiagonalFA, ca);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected override FaceAttributes GetTopFaceAttributes(NBTChunk chunk, NBTMesh mesh, CubeAttributes ca)
        chunk.GetLights(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y + 1, ca.pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        if (ca.blockData >= 8)
            fa.pos = topVertices_top;
            fa.pos = topVertices_bottom;
        fa.faceIndex  = GetTopIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
        fa.color      = GetTopTintColorByData(chunk, ca.pos, ca.blockData);
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.normal     = Vector3.up;
        fa.uv         = uv_full;

Ejemplo n.º 10
    public override void AddCube(NBTChunk chunk, byte blockData, Vector3Int pos, NBTGameObject nbtGO)
        UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample(GetType().Name + " AddCube");

        int faceIndex = TextureArrayManager.GetIndexByName(fenceName);

        MeshData mesh = GetMesh(chunk, pos);

        chunk.GetLights(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        NBTMesh nbtMesh    = nbtGO.nbtMesh;
        ushort  startIndex = nbtMesh.vertexCount;

        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
            SetVertex(nbtMesh, mesh.vertices[i] + pos, faceIndex, mesh.uv[i], skyLight, blockLight, Color.white, mesh.normals[i]);
        foreach (int index in mesh.triangles)
            nbtMesh.triangleArray[nbtMesh.triangleCount++] = (ushort)(startIndex + index);

Ejemplo n.º 11
    // for break effect & drop item (will be affected by light)
    public override Mesh GetItemMesh(NBTChunk chunk, Vector3Int pos, byte blockData)
        CubeAttributes ca = new CubeAttributes();

        //ca.pos = pos;
        ca.blockData = blockData;

        NBTMesh nbtMesh = new NBTMesh(256);

        chunk.GetLights(pos.x - chunk.x * 16, pos.y, pos.z - chunk.z * 16, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };

        fa.uv = uv_zero;

            fa.pos       = frontVertices;
            fa.normal    = Vector3.forward;
            fa.faceIndex = GetFrontIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
            fa.color     = GetFrontTintColorByData(chunk, pos, ca.blockData);
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);

            fa.pos       = backVertices;
            fa.normal    = Vector3.back;
            fa.faceIndex = GetBackIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
            fa.color     = GetBackTintColorByData(chunk, pos, ca.blockData);
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);

            fa.pos       = topVertices;
            fa.normal    = Vector3.up;
            fa.faceIndex = GetTopIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
            fa.color     = GetTopTintColorByData(chunk, pos, ca.blockData);
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);

            fa.pos       = bottomVertices;
            fa.normal    = Vector3.down;
            fa.faceIndex = GetBottomIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
            fa.color     = GetBottomTintColorByData(chunk, pos, ca.blockData);
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);

            fa.pos       = leftVertices;
            fa.normal    = Vector3.left;
            fa.faceIndex = GetLeftIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
            fa.color     = GetLeftTintColorByData(chunk, pos, ca.blockData);
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);

            fa.pos       = rightVertices;
            fa.normal    = Vector3.right;
            fa.faceIndex = GetRightIndexByData(chunk, ca.blockData);
            fa.color     = GetRightTintColorByData(chunk, pos, ca.blockData);
            AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.LogError("GetItemMesh error,generator=" + GetType() + ",message=\n" + e.Message);



Ejemplo n.º 12
    public override void AddCube(NBTChunk chunk, byte blockData, Vector3Int pos, NBTGameObject nbtGO)
        ca.pos       = pos;
        ca.blockData = blockData;

        chunk.GetBlockData(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1, out byte frontType, out byte frontData);
        chunk.GetBlockData(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1, out byte backType, out byte backData);
        chunk.GetBlockData(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z, out byte leftType, out byte leftData);
        chunk.GetBlockData(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z, out byte rightType, out byte rightData);
        chunk.GetBlockData(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z, out byte bottomType, out byte bottomData);
        chunk.GetBlockData(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z, out byte topType, out byte topData);

        bool selfIsVerticalWater = IsVerticalWater(blockData);

        chunk.GetLights(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, out float skyLight, out float blockLight);

        fa.color      = Color.white;
        fa.skyLight   = skylight_default;
        fa.blockLight = blocklight_default;
        fa.uv         = uv_zero;

        if (NBTGeneratorManager.IsTransparent(frontType) && frontType != TYPE_WATER)
            if (selfIsVerticalWater)
                fa.pos[0] = nearBottomLeft;
                fa.pos[1] = nearTopLeft;
                fa.pos[2] = nearTopRight;
                fa.pos[3] = nearBottomRight;
                fa.pos[0] = nearBottomLeft;
                fa.pos[1] = nearTopLeft_still;
                fa.pos[2] = nearTopRight_still;
                fa.pos[3] = nearBottomRight;
            fa.normal = Vector3.forward;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        if (NBTGeneratorManager.IsTransparent(backType) && backType != TYPE_WATER)
            if (selfIsVerticalWater)
                fa.pos[0] = farBottomRight;
                fa.pos[1] = farTopRight;
                fa.pos[2] = farTopLeft;
                fa.pos[3] = farBottomLeft;
                fa.pos[0] = farBottomRight;
                fa.pos[1] = farTopRight_still;
                fa.pos[2] = farTopLeft_still;
                fa.pos[3] = farBottomLeft;
            fa.normal = Vector3.back;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        if (NBTGeneratorManager.IsTransparent(leftType) && leftType != TYPE_WATER)
            if (selfIsVerticalWater)
                fa.pos[0] = farBottomLeft;
                fa.pos[1] = farTopLeft;
                fa.pos[2] = nearTopLeft;
                fa.pos[3] = nearBottomLeft;
                fa.pos[0] = farBottomLeft;
                fa.pos[1] = farTopLeft_still;
                fa.pos[2] = nearTopLeft_still;
                fa.pos[3] = nearBottomLeft;
            fa.normal = Vector3.left;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        if (NBTGeneratorManager.IsTransparent(rightType) && rightType != TYPE_WATER)
            if (selfIsVerticalWater)
                fa.pos[0] = nearBottomRight;
                fa.pos[1] = nearTopRight;
                fa.pos[2] = farTopRight;
                fa.pos[3] = farBottomRight;
                fa.pos[0] = nearBottomRight;
                fa.pos[1] = nearTopRight_still;
                fa.pos[2] = farTopRight_still;
                fa.pos[3] = farBottomRight;
            fa.normal = Vector3.right;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        if (NBTGeneratorManager.IsTransparent(topType) && topType != TYPE_WATER)
            if (selfIsVerticalWater)
                fa.pos[0] = farTopRight;
                fa.pos[1] = nearTopRight;
                fa.pos[2] = nearTopLeft;
                fa.pos[3] = farTopLeft;
                bool leftIsVerticalWater  = IsVerticalWater(leftData, leftType);
                bool rightIsVerticalWater = IsVerticalWater(rightData, rightType);
                bool frontIsVerticalWater = IsVerticalWater(frontData, frontType);
                bool backIsVerticalWater  = IsVerticalWater(backData, backType);

                fa.pos[0] = backIsVerticalWater || rightIsVerticalWater ? farTopRight : farTopRight_still;
                fa.pos[1] = frontIsVerticalWater || rightIsVerticalWater ? nearTopRight : nearTopRight_still;
                fa.pos[2] = frontIsVerticalWater || leftIsVerticalWater ? nearTopLeft : nearTopLeft_still;
                fa.pos[3] = backIsVerticalWater || leftIsVerticalWater ? farTopLeft : farTopLeft_still;
            fa.normal = Vector3.up;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        if (NBTGeneratorManager.IsTransparent(bottomType) && bottomType != TYPE_WATER)
            fa.pos[0] = nearBottomRight;
            fa.pos[1] = farBottomRight;
            fa.pos[2] = farBottomLeft;
            fa.pos[3] = nearBottomLeft;
            fa.normal = Vector3.down;
            AddFace(nbtGO.nbtMesh, fa, ca);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    // upper door
    // 0x1: 0 if hinge is on the left (the default), 1 if on the right
    // 0x2: 0 if unpowered, 1 if powered
    // 0x4: unused
    // 0x8: Always 1 for the upper part of a door.

    // lower door
    // 0x1,0x2: Two bits storing a value from 0 to 3 specifying the direction the door is facing:
    // 0: Facing east
    // 1: Facing south
    // 2: Facing west
    // 3: Facing north
    // 0x4: 0 if the entire door is closed, 1 if open.
    // 0x8: Always 0 for the lower part of a door.
    void FillMesh(NBTChunk chunk, CubeAttributes ca, NBTMesh nbtMesh)
        float skyLight, blockLight;

        if (ca.isItemMesh)
            chunk.GetLights(ca.worldPos.x, ca.worldPos.y, ca.worldPos.z, out skyLight, out blockLight);
            chunk.GetLights(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y, ca.pos.z, out skyLight, out blockLight);

        FaceAttributes fa = new FaceAttributes();

        fa.color      = Color.white;
        fa.skyLight   = new float[] { skyLight, skyLight, skyLight, skyLight };
        fa.blockLight = new float[] { blockLight, blockLight, blockLight, blockLight };
        fa.normal     = Vector3.zero;

        bool isUpper = (ca.blockData & 0b1000) > 0;

        int hinge;

        DoorDirection direction = 0;
        bool          isOpen    = false;

        if (isUpper)
            chunk.GetBlockData(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y - 1, ca.pos.z, out byte belowType, out byte belowData);
            if (belowType == 64)
                isOpen    = (belowData & 0b0100) > 0;
                direction = (DoorDirection)(belowData & 0b0011);
            hinge = (ca.blockData & 0b0001);
            isOpen    = (ca.blockData & 0b0100) > 0;
            direction = (DoorDirection)(ca.blockData & 0b0011);
            chunk.GetBlockData(ca.pos.x, ca.pos.y + 1, ca.pos.z, out byte aboveType, out byte aboveData);
            hinge = (aboveData & 0b0001);

        if (ca.isBreakingMesh)
            ca.pos = Vector3Int.zero;

            fa.faceIndex = TextureArrayManager.GetIndexByName(isUpper ? "door_wood_upper" : "door_wood_lower");

            if ((direction == DoorDirection.East && isOpen == false) ||
                (direction == DoorDirection.South && isOpen && hinge == 1) ||
                (direction == DoorDirection.North && isOpen && hinge == 0))
                fa.uv  = uv_top;
                fa.pos = topVertices_east;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = bottomVertices_east;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_flip : uv_zero;
                fa.pos = leftVertices_east;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = rightVertices_east;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_side_flip : uv_side;
                fa.pos = frontVertices_east;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = backVertices_east;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
            else if ((direction == DoorDirection.South && isOpen == false) ||
                     (direction == DoorDirection.East && isOpen && hinge == 0) ||
                     (direction == DoorDirection.West && isOpen && hinge == 1))
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_flip : uv_zero;
                fa.pos = frontVertices_south;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = backVertices_south;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = uv_top;
                fa.pos = topVertices_south;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = bottomVertices_south;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_side_flip : uv_side;
                fa.pos = leftVertices_south;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = rightVertices_south;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
            else if ((direction == DoorDirection.West && isOpen == false) ||
                     (direction == DoorDirection.South && isOpen && hinge == 0) ||
                     (direction == DoorDirection.North && isOpen && hinge == 1))
                fa.uv  = uv_top;
                fa.pos = topVertices_west;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = bottomVertices_west;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_flip : uv_zero;
                fa.pos = leftVertices_west;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = rightVertices_west;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_side_flip : uv_side;
                fa.pos = frontVertices_west;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = backVertices_west;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
            else if ((direction == DoorDirection.North && isOpen == false) ||
                     (direction == DoorDirection.East && isOpen && hinge == 1) ||
                     (direction == DoorDirection.West && isOpen && hinge == 0))
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_flip : uv_zero;
                fa.pos = frontVertices_north;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = backVertices_north;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = uv_top;
                fa.pos = topVertices_north;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = bottomVertices_north;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.uv  = hinge == 0 ? uv_side_flip : uv_side;
                fa.pos = leftVertices_north;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
                fa.pos = rightVertices_north;
                AddFace(nbtMesh, fa, ca);
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.Log(e.ToString() + "\n" + "pos=" + ca.pos + ",data=" + ca.blockData);