public static void ProcessProvider(NAudio.Wave.ISampleProvider provider, string sourceName) { if (provider == null) return; float[] buffer = new float[1024]; bool bContinue = true; int sampleRate = provider.WaveFormat.SampleRate; Decoders.MDC1200 mdc = new Decoders.MDC1200(sampleRate, MDCDelegate, sourceName); //Decoders.STAR star = new Decoders.STAR(sampleRate, null, RadioLog.AudioProcessing.Decoders.STAR.star_format.star_format_1_16383); while (bContinue) { int iCnt = provider.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); bContinue = iCnt > 0; if (bContinue) { mdc.ProcessSamples(buffer, iCnt, true); //star.star_decoder_process_samples(buffer, iCnt); } } }
private bool WinLose() { if (status == "win") { WindowPanelBuilder w = WindowPanelBuilder.Create(S.T("endGameWin")); w.panel.AddLabel(S.T("endGamePoints", points, S.Round().Round)); w.panel.AddButtonT("endgame", () => { SceneManager.LoadScene(0); }); w.panel.AddButtonT("endGameWinButton", () => { }); w.Finish(); NAudio.PlayMusic("win", false); status = null; return(true); } if (status == "lose") { WindowPanelBuilder w = WindowPanelBuilder.Create(S.T("endGameLose")); w.panel.AddLabel(S.T("endGamePoints", points, S.Round().Round)); w.panel.AddButtonT("endgame", () => { w.Close(); }); w.onClose = () => { S.Players().KillPlayer(id); }; w.Finish(); NAudio.PlayMusic("lose", false); status = null; return(true); } return(false); }
public static void AddButtonSound(Button g, string sound) { if (sound != null) { g.onClick.AddListener(() => { NAudio.Play(sound); }); } }
public void UpdatePanelOnMouse() { Vector2 p = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y)); NVector pos = new NVector((int)p.x, (int)p.y, GameMgmt.Get().newMap.view.ActiveLevel); Debug.Log($"Click on {pos}"); if (!pos.Valid()) { NAudio.PlayBuzzer(); return; } //active action? if (_action != null) { _action.Click(pos); } else { UpdatePanel(pos); } //center mouse? if (LSys.tem.options["centermouse"].Bool()) { S.CameraMove().MoveTo(pos); } }
public Toggle AddCheckbox(bool value, string title, UnityAction <bool> save, string audio = "checkBoxClick") { Toggle button = UIElements.CreateCheckBox(panel.transform, title, save).GetComponent <Toggle>(); button.isOn = value; button.onValueChanged.AddListener((pos) => { NAudio.Play(audio); }); return(button); }
public void PlaySound(AudioClip clip, float volume, float pitch, float minDist, float maxDist) { audioSource.volume = NAudio.RemapVolume(volume); audioSource.minDistance = minDist; audioSource.maxDistance = maxDist; audioSource.clip = clip; audioSource.pitch = pitch; audioSource.Play(); }
public Button CreateImageTextButton(Transform transform, Player player) { Button button = UIHelper.CreateImageTextButton(LSys.tem.inputs.GameButtonName(this), LClass.s.Button(id).Sprite(player), transform, () => { NAudio.Play(Sound); Call(player); }); return(button); }
void CreateSources() { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSources; i++) { AudioClip randomClip = clips[Random.Range(0, clips.Length)]; var source = NAudio.CreateSource(null, randomClip); source.transform.position = Random.insideUnitSphere * range; source.PlayRandomTime(); } }
public void Call(Player player) { GameButton b = L.b.gameButtons[id]; if (!b.req.Check(player)) { NAudio.PlayBuzzer(); UIHelper.ShowOk(b.Name(), b.req.Desc(player)); return; } Run(player); }
public virtual void ShowPanelMessageError(string text) { if (text == null) { ShowPanelMessage(""); return; } infoText.color = Color.magenta; infoText.text = text; NAudio.PlayBuzzer(); }
private void ShowDetail() { if (infoPanel.transform.childCount > 0) { UIHelper.ClearChild(infoPanel); } PanelBuilder p = PanelBuilder.Create(infoPanel.transform); selectedElement.ShowDetail(p); p.CalcSize(); NAudio.Play(selectedElement.audioSwitch); }
public void SetButtonText(string buttonText) { if (buttonText == null) { return; } selectButtonText = buttonText; selectButton = UIHelper.CreateButton("Select an element first", buttonPanel.transform, () => { NAudio.Play(selectedElement.audioPerform); selectedElement.Perform(); }, null).GetComponent <Button>(); selectButton.enabled = false; }
public InputField AddInputRandom(string title, string def, UnityAction <string> save, Func <string> random) { InputField input = Instantiate(UIElements.Get().inputRandom, panel.transform); input.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = $"Enter {title}..."; input.text = def; input.onValueChanged.AddListener(val => { save(val); }); Button button = input.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <Button>(); button.onClick.AddListener(() => { NAudio.Play("random"); }); button.onClick.AddListener(() => { input.text = random(); }); return(input); }
/// <summary> /// Press the game button /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> private void PressGameButton(InputKey key) { GameButton gameButton = L.b.gameButtons[]; //check if possible to call if (!gameButton.req.Check(ActPlayer())) { OnMapUI.Get().ShowPanelMessageError(gameButton.req.Desc(ActPlayer())); return; } //call it NAudio.Play(gameButton.Sound); gameButton.Call(ActPlayer()); }
//float musicLowpass = 1; //float musicLowpassTarget = 1; //float musicLowpassVelo; private void Update() { musicVolume = Mathf.SmoothDamp(musicVolume, musicTarget, ref musicVelo, 1, 1000, 1.0f / 60f); float lowPass = Mathf.Lerp(200, 22000, musicVolume); //Debug.Log($"{musicVolume}, {musicTarget}"); mixer.SetFloat("Music Volume", NAudio.GetLogVolume(musicVolume)); mixer.SetFloat("Music Lowpass", lowPass); mixer.SetFloat("Diegetic Volume", NAudio.GetLogVolume(1 - musicVolume)); if (showingCandleTut && Candle.e.isBurning) { showingCandleTut = false; DisableTut(); } }
IEnumerator LoadGame() { yield return(load.ShowMessage("Loading " + startConfig["file"])); yield return(load.ShowSubMessage($"Loading library")); L.b = ES3.Load <L>("lib", startConfig["file"] + "lib.9n"); yield return(load.ShowSubMessage($"Loading file")); data = ES3.Load <GameData>("game", startConfig["file"] + "game.9n"); ConnectGameObjs(); //load Map yield return(newMap.LoadMap()); yield return(load.ShowSubMessage($"Loading players")); yield return(data.players.GameLoaded()); yield return(data.players.GameBegin()); //load buildings yield return(load.ShowSubMessage($"Loading Buildings")); foreach (BuildingUnitData bdata in data.buildings.ToArray()) { building.Load(bdata); } //load units yield return(load.ShowSubMessage($"Loading Units")); foreach (BuildingUnitData udata in data.units) { unit.Load(udata); } //init data gameRound.Load(); //init players S.ActPlayer().StartRound(); NAudio.Play("startgame"); load.FinishLoading(); }
public IEnumerator StartScenario(string id, string map) { //load Map = map; = LSys.tem.scenarios[id].Name(); yield return(newMap.CreateMap()); yield return(load.ShowSubMessage($"Loading players")); try { LClass.s.scenarioRuns[id].Run(); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHelper.ShowException(e); throw e; } //add modis foreach (var option in L.b.gameOptions.GetAllByCategory("modi")) { if (!startConfig.ContainsKey( { continue; } var val = Convert.ToInt32(startConfig[]); if (val == 0) { continue; } data.modi[] = val + "%"; Debug.Log( + ":" + val + "%"); } yield return(data.players.GameStart()); yield return(data.players.GameBegin()); yield return(data.players.NextPlayer()); NAudio.Play("startgame"); load.FinishLoading(); }
private void ShowDetail() { if (infoPanel.transform.childCount > 0) { foreach (Transform child in infoPanel.transform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } ; } PanelBuilder p = PanelBuilder.Create(infoPanel.transform); selectedElement.ShowDetail(p); p.CalcSize(); NAudio.Play(selectedElement.audioSwitch); }
private void ClickButton(SplitElement ele) { //same element? if (ele.disabled == null && ele == selectedElement && selectButton != null) { NAudio.Play(selectedElement.audioPerform); selectedElement.Perform(); CloseWindow(); return; } //show infos selectedElement = ele; //create panel ShowDetail(); UpdateButton(); }
public virtual void Perform(MapElementInfo self, MapElementInfo nonSelf) { // calc damage int damage = CalcDamage(self, nonSelf); string a = $"{} ({self.Player().name})"; string d = $"{} ({nonSelf.Player().name})"; Debug.LogError("Damage:" + damage); // check it if (damage == 0) { OnMapUI.Get().unitUI.ShowPanelMessage(S.T("attackDamEqual",, d)); NAudio.Play("defend"); //inform another player nonSelf.AddNoti($"Defended against {a}", self.baseData.Icon); return; } // counter fight if (damage < 0) { Perform(nonSelf, self); OnMapUI.Get().unitUI.ShowPanelMessage($"{d} fight back."); return; } // win ShowUnitAttack(self, nonSelf); nonSelf.AddHp(-damage); L.b.animations.Hp(-damage, nonSelf.Pos(), nonSelf); OnMapUI.Get().unitUI.ShowPanelMessage($"You won. {d} lose {damage} HP."); nonSelf.AddNoti($"{a} attacked you. {} lose {damage} HP.", self.baseData.Icon); //int oX = defensor.getX(); //int oY = defensor.getY(); //UiHelper.textAnimation("-" + damage + " hp", oX, oY, true, Color.SALMON); //TODO add animation //defensor.getActor().addAction(Actions.sequence(Actions.color(Color.RED, 1), Actions.color(Color.WHITE, 1))); //getActor().addAction(Actions.parallel(Actions.sequence(Actions.moveTo(oX * 32, oY * 32, 1), Actions.moveTo(x * 32, y * 32, 1)), // Actions.sequence(Actions.color(Color.BLACK, 1), Actions.color(Color.WHITE, 1)))); }
/// <summary> /// Convert NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat to WavHeader /// </summary> public static ShazamO.WavHeader FormatToHeader( NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat WaveFormat, int FileSize) { ShazamO.WavHeader header = new ShazamO.WavHeader(); header.AudioFormat = 1; header.BitsPerSample = (ushort)WaveFormat.BitsPerSample; header.BlockAlign = (ushort)WaveFormat.BlockAlign; header.ByteRate = (uint)WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond; header.ChunkId = 0x46464952; header.ChunkSize = (uint)FileSize - 8; header.Format = 0x45564157; header.NumChannels = (ushort)WaveFormat.Channels; header.SampleRate = (uint)WaveFormat.SampleRate; header.Subchunk1Id = 0x20746d66; header.Subchunk1Size = 16; header.Subchunk2Id = 0x61746164; header.Subchunk2Size = (uint)(FileSize - Marshal.SizeOf(header.GetType())); return header; }
public virtual void Click(NVector pos) { //known click? if (pos.Equals(LastClickPos)) { ClickSecond(); OnMapUI.Get().SetActiveAction(null, false); return; } //new Click? LastClickPos = pos; if (Points.Count(p => p.x == LastClickPos.x && p.y == LastClickPos.y) == 0) { NAudio.PlayCancel(); ClickFirstCancel(); } else { ClickFirst(); } }
private void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { byte[] waveData = e.Buffer; int globalMax = 0; int globalMin = 0; long p; for (p = 0; p < waveData.Length; p += bytesPerChannel) { int val = BitConverter.ToInt16(waveData, (int)p); if (val < globalMin) globalMin = val; if (val > globalMax) globalMax = val; } globalMin = -globalMin; if (globalMin > globalMax) globalMax = globalMin; int l = (int)((globalMax * 100) / (32768 >> level)); if (l > 100) l = 100; if (l < 0) l = 0; audioLevel.Value = l; }
public override void Click(NVector pos) { //known click? if (pos.Equals(LastClickPos)) { ClickSecond(); OnMapUI.Get().SetActiveAction(null, false); return; } //new Click? LastClickPos = pos; if (S.Unit().At(pos) != null) { NAudio.PlayCancel(); ClickFirstCancel(); } else { ClickFirst(); } }
public void AddInfoButton(Info info) { Button button = UIElements.CreateImageButton(SpriteHelper.Load(info.overviewIcon), infoButtons.transform, null); Action del = () => { NAudio.PlayCancel(); infoText.text = ""; = true; Destroy(button.gameObject); //show res? if (infoButtons.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>().Length <= 3) { UpdatePanel(); } }; if (info.action == null) { button.onClick.AddListener(() => { del(); //todo add desc? UIHelper.ShowOk("Notification", TextHelper.RichText(info.title, info.desc)); }); } else { button.onClick.AddListener(info.CallAction); } button.gameObject.AddComponent <ClickableObject>(); button.GetComponent <ClickableObject>().right = del; UIHelper.HoverEnter(button, () => ShowPanelMessage(info.title), () => ShowPanelMessage("")); }
private void ClickButton(SplitElement ele) { //disabled? if (ele.disabled != null) { //has a button? if (selectButton != null) { UIHelper.UpdateButtonText(selectButton, ele.disabled); selectButton.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = false; } selectedElement = ele; ShowDetail(); return; } //same element? if (ele == selectedElement && selectButton != null) { NAudio.Play(selectedElement.audioPerform); selectedElement.Perform(); return; } //show infos selectedElement = ele; if (selectButton != null) { selectButton.GetComponent <Button>().enabled = true; UIHelper.UpdateButtonText(selectButton, $"{selectButtonText} {ele.title}"); } //create panel ShowDetail(); }
protected override void ClickFirst() { Debug.Log("Click first on " + LastClickPos); UnitInfo unit = (UnitInfo)mapElementInfo; string moveTyp = unit.dataUnit.movement; var path = GameMgmt.Get().newMap.PathFinding(mapElementInfo.Pos().level); List <PPoint> way = path.Path(player, moveTyp, mapElementInfo.Pos(), new NVector(LastClickPos.x, LastClickPos.y, mapElementInfo.Pos().level)); if (way.Count == 0) { OnMapUI.Get().unitUI.ShowPanelMessage($"Can not move to this field. No path found."); NAudio.PlayBuzzer(); return; } //show way Remove(); int round = 0; int cost = 0; Color(LastClickPos, 0); foreach (var p in way) { NVector pos = new NVector(p.x, p.y, LastClickPos.level); cost += path.CostNode(player, moveTyp, pos); if (cost > + round * * round) { round++; } Color(pos, round % 4); } OnMapUI.Get().unitUI.ShowPanelMessage($"You want to move to this field for {cost} AP? Click again!"); }
public void Create(string id, NVector pos) { NAnimation nAni = L.b.animations[id]; //create animation var ani = AnimationObject.Create(pos); ani.sprites = nAni.Sprites(); if (ani.sprites == null) { Debug.LogError(nAni.Icon + " is wrong formed"); return; } Debug.Log(nAni.Icon + " found animation " + ani.sprites.Count); //play sound? if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nAni.sound)) { NAudio.Play(nAni.sound); } ani.countMax = nAni.speed; }
public static SerialPacketStream ReadAudioResource(string fileName, NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat format) { if (fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".wav")) { var stream2 = App.GetResourceFileStream("MicActivate.wav"); NAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader r = new NAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader(stream2); NAudio.Wave.ResamplerDmoStream s = new NAudio.Wave.ResamplerDmoStream(r, format); var length = (int)s.Length; byte[] resampled = new byte[length]; s.Read(resampled, 0, length); var sps = new SerialPacketStream(resampled, format.SampleRate, fileName, 0, "self", false); return sps; } else if (fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".pga")) { var stream = App.GetResourceFileStream("micTrigger.pga"); var sps = SerialPacketStream.Read(stream); return sps; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
//send the Audio, in the eventarg's buffer , to the client. //TODO : add compression and play with the ACK when getting device output private void SendAudioData(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { //the event args has a buffer with said data. its raw pcm, but over lan it'll do :D if (serverStarted > 0 && connection_init > 0 && data_send == 1) { //currently the ACK is disabled because with the PCM data being so big it causes lag on audio byte[] data = null; if (compressed) { data = Compressor.Compress(e.Buffer); } else { data = e.Buffer; } int ret = SendData(Protocol.SEND_DATA, data); //Debug.WriteLine("Compressed size: {0:F2}%",100 * ((double)data.Length / (double)e.Buffer.Length)); data_send = 0; if (ret != data.Length) closeServer(); } return; }
public void FFT(bool forward, int m, NAudio.Dsp.Complex[] data) { }
private void RecordingStopped(object sender, NAudio.Wave.StoppedEventArgs e) { StatusManager.Status("WSAPI Recorder stopped."); }
public OutputDeviceModel(NAudio.CoreAudioApi.MMDevice device) : base(device) { }
/// <summary> /// Ensures valid AIFF header and then finds data offset. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream, positioned at the start of audio data</param> /// <param name="format">The format found</param> /// <param name="dataChunkPosition">The position of the data chunk</param> /// <param name="dataChunkLength">The length of the data chunk</param> /// <param name="chunks">Additional chunks found</param> public static void ReadAiffHeader(Stream stream, out NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat format, out long dataChunkPosition, out int dataChunkLength, List<AiffChunk> chunks) { dataChunkPosition = -1; format = null; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream); if (ReadChunkName(br) != "FORM") { throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no FORM header."); } uint fileSize = ConvertLong(br.ReadBytes(4)); if (ReadChunkName(br) != "AIFF") { throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no AIFF header."); } dataChunkLength = 0; while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length) { AiffChunk nextChunk = ReadChunkHeader(br); if (nextChunk.chunkName == "COMM") { short numChannels = ConvertShort(br.ReadBytes(2)); uint numSampleFrames = ConvertLong(br.ReadBytes(4)); short sampleSize = ConvertShort(br.ReadBytes(2)); double sampleRate = ConvertExtended(br.ReadBytes(10)); format = new NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat((int)sampleRate, (int)sampleSize, (int)numChannels); br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.chunkLength - 18); } else if (nextChunk.chunkName == "SSND") { uint offset = ConvertLong(br.ReadBytes(4)); uint blockSize = ConvertLong(br.ReadBytes(4)); dataChunkPosition = nextChunk.chunkStart + 16 + offset; dataChunkLength = (int)nextChunk.chunkLength - 8; br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.chunkLength - 8); } else { if (chunks != null) { chunks.Add(nextChunk); } br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.chunkLength); } if (nextChunk.chunkName == "\0\0\0\0") break; //Console.WriteLine("Read chunk {0} with length {1}", nextChunk.chunkName, nextChunk.chunkLength); } if (format == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No COMM chunk found."); } if (dataChunkPosition == -1) { throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No SSND chunk found."); } }
public void ShowPanelMessageError(string text) { OnMapUI.Get().bottomButtonText.color = Color.magenta; OnMapUI.Get().bottomButtonText.text = text; NAudio.PlayBuzzer(); }
private void SaveSample(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { Sample sample = new Sample() { Id = CurrentTrack, Value = new Byte[e.BytesRecorded] }; Array.Copy(e.Buffer, sample.Value, e.BytesRecorded); this.SilenceDetected = this.IsSilent(sample.Value); this.SoundDetected = !this.SilenceDetected; this.Buffer.AddSample(sample); }
//Event args to check if Data is available private void wavSource_DataAvail(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { if (wavFile != null) { wavFile.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); wavFile.Flush(); } }
public SineWave(NAudio.Wave.WaveProvider32 provider) { // build a wave lookup tables for efficient calculations Table = new float[TABLE_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) { Table[i] = (float)Math.Sin(i * Math.PI * 2.0 / (double)TABLE_SIZE); } this.provider = provider; // initialize variables to reasonable values frequency = 1000; phase_delta = (float)TABLE_SIZE * 1000 / (float)provider.WaveFormat.SampleRate; delta_percent = 1; SmoothTransition = true; }
//Event args to stop recording events private void wavSource_RecordingStop(object sender, NAudio.Wave.StoppedEventArgs e) { if (wavSource != null) { wavSource.Dispose(); wavSource = null; } if (wavFile != null) { wavFile.Dispose(); wavFile = null; } //recBtn.Enabled = true; }
private void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { if (recordToMp3.Checked) { if (mp3Writer == null || !mp3Writer.CanWrite) return; mp3Writer.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); } else { if (waveWriter == null) return; waveWriter.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); waveWriter.Flush(); } }
private void waveIn_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { // data available if (waveWriter == null) return; //waveWriter.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); //waveWriter.Flush(); }
public override void Play(Transform source, bool worldSpace) => NAudio.PlaySound(sound, Pitch, source, worldSpace, volume, mixerGroup, distRange.min, distRange.max);
public void OnFftCalculated(NAudio.Dsp.Complex[] result) { // nothing to do }
public override void Play() => NAudio.PlaySound(sound, Pitch, volume, mixerGroup, distRange.min, distRange.max);
public void OnFftCalculated(NAudio.Dsp.Complex[] result) { spectrumAnalyser.Update(result); }
private void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { byte[] waveData = e.Buffer; int globalMax = 0; int globalMin = 0; long p; for (p = 0; p < waveData.Length; p += bytesPerChannel) { int val = BitConverter.ToInt16(waveData, (int)p); if (val < globalMin) globalMin = val; if (val > globalMax) globalMax = val; } globalMin = -globalMin; if (globalMin > globalMax) globalMax = globalMin; int l = (int)((globalMax * 100) / (32768 >> level)); if (l > 100) l = 100; if (l < 0) l = 0; audioLevel.Value = l; if (isRecording) { if (!recordingFirstSkip) { conductor.StartRecording(waveData.Length*4); recordingFirstSkip = true; } recordingStream.Write(waveData, 0, waveData.Length); } }
//druga himna void output_PlaybackStopped(object sender, NAudio.Wave.StoppedEventArgs e) { if(notClosed) { try { DisposeWave(); byte[] gostPesma = AuxLib.LoadSoundFromGridFS(gost.Ime + "himna"); MemoryStream gostStream = new MemoryStream(gostPesma); NAudio.Wave.WaveStream pcm = NAudio.Wave.WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(new NAudio.Wave.Mp3FileReader(gostStream)); stream = new NAudio.Wave.BlockAlignReductionStream(pcm); output = new NAudio.Wave.DirectSoundOut(); output.Init(stream); output.Play(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } } }
public OutputDeviceModel(int n, NAudio.Wave.WaveOutCapabilities capabilities) : base(n, capabilities) { }
public override void Play(Vector3 worldPos) => NAudio.PlaySound(sound, Pitch, worldPos, volume, mixerGroup, distRange.min, distRange.max);
private static void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { if (e.BytesRecorded < (882 * 2)) return; Buffer.BlockCopy(e.Buffer, 0, audioTemp, 0, 882 * 2); lock (audioLock) { for (int i = 0; i < 882; i++) audioData[i] = audioTemp[i] / 32768f; } }
/// <summary> /// Ensures valid AIFF header and then finds data offset. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream, positioned at the start of audio data</param> /// <param name="format">The format found</param> /// <param name="dataChunkPosition">The position of the data chunk</param> /// <param name="dataChunkLength">The length of the data chunk</param> /// <param name="chunks">Additional chunks found</param> public static void ReadAiffHeader(Stream stream, out NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat format, out long dataChunkPosition, out int dataChunkLength, List<AiffChunk> chunks) { dataChunkPosition = -1; format = null; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream); if (ReadChunkName(br) != "FORM") { throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no FORM header."); } uint fileSize = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4)); string formType = ReadChunkName(br); if (formType != "AIFC" && formType != "AIFF") { throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no AIFF/AIFC header."); } dataChunkLength = 0; while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length) { AiffChunk nextChunk = ReadChunkHeader(br); if (nextChunk.ChunkName == "COMM") { short numChannels = ConvertShort(br.ReadBytes(2)); uint numSampleFrames = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4)); short sampleSize = ConvertShort(br.ReadBytes(2)); double sampleRate = IEEE.ConvertFromIeeeExtended(br.ReadBytes(10)); format = new WaveFormat((int)sampleRate, (int)sampleSize, (int)numChannels); if (nextChunk.ChunkLength > 18 && formType == "AIFC") { // In an AIFC file, the compression format is tacked on to the COMM chunk string compress = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).ToLower(); if (compress != "none") throw new FormatException("Compressed AIFC is not supported."); br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 22); } else br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 18); } else if (nextChunk.ChunkName == "SSND") { uint offset = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4)); uint blockSize = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4)); dataChunkPosition = nextChunk.ChunkStart + 16 + offset; dataChunkLength = (int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 8; br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 8); } else { if (chunks != null) { chunks.Add(nextChunk); } br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength); } if (nextChunk.ChunkName == "\0\0\0\0") break; } if (format == null) { throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No COMM chunk found."); } if (dataChunkPosition == -1) { throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No SSND chunk found."); } }
private void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { label10.Text = e.BytesRecorded.ToString(); label11.Text = e.Buffer.Length.ToString(); var buffer = e.Buffer; var buffer1 = new CircularBuffer<byte>(e.Buffer.Length-100,true); buffer1.Put(buffer); //buffer1.Clear(); //MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(buffer); int i = 0; for (int index = 0; index < e.BytesRecorded; index += 2) { short sample = (short)((buffer[index + 1] << 8) | buffer[index]); // short sample = (short)(buffer[index]); //short sample=(short)(queue1.Enqueue((byte)index)); float sample32 = sample / 32768f; t[i] = sample32; //memory.Dispose(); // short truncated = (short)(Math.Pow(2,15)-1); // buffer[index]=(byte)(truncated & 0x00ff); //buffer[index+1]=(byte)((truncated & 0xff00)<<8); ++i; } }
public void Run() { NAudio.Get().UpdateAudio(); }
void player_SampleReceived(object sender, NAudio.Wave.SampleEventArgs e) { soundEngine.AddSample(e.Left, e.Right); }
private void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { if (waveWriter == null) return; waveWriter.WriteData(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); waveWriter.Flush(); }
private void sourceStream_DataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { if (calibrating) return; byte[] waveData = e.Buffer; int windowSize = 1000 * bytesPerSample; int globalMax = 0; int globalMin = 0; long n, p, q; for (n = p = 0; p < waveData.Length; p += bytesPerSample * 500, n++) { for (q = p; (q < waveData.Length) && (q < p + (bytesPerSample * 500)); q += bytesPerSample) { int val = BitConverter.ToInt16(waveData, (int)q); if (val < globalMin) globalMin = val; if (val > globalMax) globalMax = val; } } globalMin = -globalMin; if (globalMin > globalMax) globalMax = globalMin; float factor = globalMax / ((float)(32768>>sensitivity)); if (factor > 1.0f) factor = 1.0f; conductor.SetJaw(factor); }
private int GetNAudioMasterPeakValue(NAudio.CoreAudioApi.MMDevice device) { int result = 0; if (device == null) goto emptyReturn; try { result = (int)(Math.Round(device.AudioMeterInformation.MasterPeakValue * 100)); return result; } catch (Exception) { goto emptyReturn; } emptyReturn: return 0; }
void wdt_OnDataAvailable(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e) { //Console.Write('.'); wdt_v.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); wdt_writer.Write(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesRecorded); double secondsRecorded = wdt_writer.Length / wdt_writer.WaveFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond; int nval = (int)(secondsRecorded * 25.5); if (nval > val) val = nval; if (secondsRecorded >= 10) { val = -100; wdt_waveIn.StopRecording(); } }
public TriangleWave(NAudio.Wave.WaveProvider32 provider) { // build a wave lookup tables for efficient calculations Table = new float[TABLE_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) { Table[i] = i < TABLE_SIZE / 2 ? 1.0f - 2.0f * i / (TABLE_SIZE / 2.0f) : -1.0f + 2.0f * (i - TABLE_SIZE / 2.0f) / (TABLE_SIZE / 2.0f); } this.provider = provider; // initialize variables to reasonable values frequency = 1000; phase_delta = (float)TABLE_SIZE * 1000 / (float)provider.WaveFormat.SampleRate; delta_percent = 1; SmoothTransition = false; }
public void fx_out_PlaybackStopped(object sender, NAudio.Wave.StoppedEventArgs e) { try { if (fx_out != null) fx_out.Dispose(); if (fx_in != null) fx_in.Dispose(); } catch { } done = true; }