protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext context) { N4 n4value = (N4)context.ObjectType.GetProperty("N4").GetValue(context.ObjectInstance); NM1 nm1Value = (NM1)value; string ErrorString; if (nm1Value.NM12 == "1") { ErrorString = ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM13, Element.Required, 1, 60, "NM103") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM14, Element.Required, 1, 35, "NM104") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM15, Element.Required, 1, 25, "NM105") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM17, Element.Required, 1, 10, "NM107"); } else if (nm1Value.NM12 == "2") { ErrorString = ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM13, Element.Required, 1, 60, "NM103") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM14, Element.Situational, 1, 35, "NM104") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM15, Element.Situational, 1, 25, "NM105") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM17, Element.Situational, 1, 10, "NM107"); } else { ErrorString = "NM102 should be 1 or 2 "; } if (n4value.N44 == null || n4value.N44 == string.Empty) { ErrorMessage = ErrorString + (nm1Value.NM18 == "XX" ? "" : "NM108 should be XX ") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(nm1Value.NM19, Element.Required, 2, 80, "NM109"); } if (ErrorString == string.Empty) { return(null); } return(new ValidationResult(ErrorString)); }
void Start() { SetDefault(); N1 = Random.Range(0, 9); N2 = Random.Range(0, 9); N3 = Random.Range(0, 9); N4 = Random.Range(0, 9); Debug.Log(N1.ToString() + " " + N2.ToString() + " " + N3.ToString() + " " + N4.ToString()); }
///<Summary> ///<CreatedOn>03/01/2018</CreatedOn> ///<Author>Sunny Bhardwaj</Author> ///<Description>Get N4 segment for All</Description> ///</Summary> /// public static N4 GetN4(string N401, string N402, string N403) { N4 N4 = new N4(); N4.N401 = CreateString(N401, (int)SegmentLength.Two, (int)SegmentLength.Thirty, ' ', true); //City N4.N402 = CreateString(N402, (int)SegmentLength.Two, (int)SegmentLength.Two, ' ', true); //State N4.N403 = CreateString(N403, (int)SegmentLength.Three, (int)SegmentLength.Fifteen, ' ', true); //ZipCode return(N4); }
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { N4 n4Value = (N4)value; string ErrorString = ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N41, Element.Required, 2, 30, "N401") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N42, Element.Situational, 2, 2, "N402") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N43, Element.Situational, 3, 15, "N403") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N44, Element.Situational, 2, 3, "N404") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N47, Element.Situational, 1, 3, "N407"); if (ErrorString == string.Empty) { return(null); } return(new ValidationResult("Billing Provider Name:" + ErrorString)); }
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { N4 n4Value = (N4)value; if (n4Value == null) { return(new ValidationResult("Pay To Address:N4 segment is required")); } string ErrorString = string.Empty; ErrorString = ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N41, Element.Required, 2, 30, "N401") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N42, Element.Situational, 2, 2, "N402") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N43, Element.Situational, 3, 15, "N403") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N44, Element.Situational, 2, 3, "N404") + ValidateElement.GetValidation(n4Value.N47, Element.Situational, 1, 3, "N407"); if (ErrorString == string.Empty) { return(null); } return(new ValidationResult(ErrorString)); }
public static void ProvideRandDataSet(RichTextBox RTB) { int N1, N2, N3, N4, N5; Random random = new Random(); N1 = random.Next(0, 255); N2 = random.Next(0, 255); N3 = random.Next(0, 255); N4 = random.Next(0, 255); N5 = random.Next(0, 255); RTB.Text = N1.ToString() + ", " + N2.ToString() + ", " + N3.ToString() + ", " + N4.ToString() + ", " + N5.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Build purchase order. /// Original example from /// </summary> public static TS850 BuildPurchaseOrder(string controlNumber) { var result = new TS850(); // Indicates the start of a purchase order transaction set and assigns a control number. result.ST = new ST(); result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "850"; result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02 = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0'); // Indicates that this is original purchase order number XX-1234, dated March 1, 2017, and that no acknowledgment is necessary. result.BEG = new BEG(); result.BEG.TransactionSetPurposeCode_01 = "00"; result.BEG.PurchaseOrderTypeCode_02 = "SA"; result.BEG.PurchaseOrderNumber_03 = "XX-1234"; result.BEG.Date_05 = "20170301"; result.BEG.AcknowledgmentType_07 = "NA"; // Repeating PER result.PER = new List <PER>(); // Indicates that the name of the Buyer is Ed Smith, and his telephone number is (800) 123-4567. var per = new PER(); per.ContactFunctionCode_01 = "BD"; per.Name_02 = "ED SMITH"; per.CommunicationNumberQualifier_03 = "TE"; per.CommunicationNumber_04 = "8001234567"; result.PER.Add(per); // Repeating TAX result.TAX = new List <TAX>(); // Provides state tax exempt ID 53247765. var tax = new TAX(); tax.TaxIdentificationNumber_01 = "53247765"; tax.LocationQualifier_02 = "SP"; tax.LocationIdentifier_03 = "CA"; tax.TaxExemptCode_12 = "9"; result.TAX.Add(tax); // Repeating N1 Loops result.N1Loop = new List <Loop_N1_850>(); // Begin N1 Loop var n1Loop = new Loop_N1_850(); // Indicates that the buyer is ABC Aerospace. ABC's D-U-N-S+4 number is 123456789-0101. n1Loop.N1 = new N1(); n1Loop.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "BY"; n1Loop.N1.Name_02 = "ABC AEROSPACE"; n1Loop.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "9"; n1Loop.N1.IdentificationCode_04 = "1234567890101"; // Repeating N2 n1Loop.N2 = new List <N2>(); // Provides additional name content for the buyer. var n2 = new N2(); n2.Name_01 = "AIRCRAFT DIVISION"; n1Loop.N2.Add(n2); // Repeating N3 n1Loop.N3 = new List <N3>(); // The buyer’s street address is 2000 Jet Blvd. var n3 = new N3(); n3.AddressInformation_01 = "2000 JET BLVD"; n1Loop.N3.Add(n3); // Repeating N4 n1Loop.N4 = new List <N4>(); // The buyer’s city, state, and ZIP is Fighter Town, CA 98898. var n4 = new N4(); n4.CityName_01 = "FIGHTER TOWN"; n4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "CA"; n4.PostalCode_03 = "98898"; n1Loop.N4.Add(n4); // End N1 Loop result.N1Loop.Add(n1Loop); // Repeating PO1 Loops result.PO1Loop = new List <Loop_PO1_850>(); // Begin PO1 Loop var pO1Loop = new Loop_PO1_850(); // Indicates Baseline item 1 is a request to purchase 25 units, with a price of $36.00 each, of manufacturer's part number XYZ-1234. pO1Loop.PO1 = new PO1(); pO1Loop.PO1.AssignedIdentification_01 = "1"; pO1Loop.PO1.QuantityOrdered_02 = "25"; pO1Loop.PO1.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_03 = "EA"; pO1Loop.PO1.UnitPrice_04 = "36"; pO1Loop.PO1.BasisofUnitPriceCode_05 = "PE"; pO1Loop.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_06 = "MG"; pO1Loop.PO1.ProductServiceID_07 = "XYZ-1234"; // Repeating MEA pO1Loop.MEA = new List <MEA>(); // Indicates that each unit in the order weighs 10 ounces. var mea = new MEA(); mea.MeasurementReferenceIDCode_01 = "WT"; mea.MeasurementQualifier_02 = "WT"; mea.MeasurementValue_03 = "10"; mea.CompositeUnitofMeasure_04 = new C001(); mea.CompositeUnitofMeasure_04.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_01 = "OZ"; pO1Loop.MEA.Add(mea); // Indicates that no product substitution is allowed. pO1Loop.IT8 = new IT8(); pO1Loop.IT8.ProductServiceSubstitutionCode_07 = "B0"; // Repeating SCH Loops pO1Loop.SCHLoop = new List <Loop_SCH_850>(); // Begin SCH Loop var schLoop = new Loop_SCH_850(); // Indicates that the 25 units are required to arrive by June 15, 2017. schLoop.SCH = new SCH(); schLoop.SCH.Quantity_01 = "25"; schLoop.SCH.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_02 = "EA"; schLoop.SCH.DateTimeQualifier_05 = "106"; schLoop.SCH.Date_06 = "20170615"; // End SCH Loop pO1Loop.SCHLoop.Add(schLoop); // End PO1 Loop result.PO1Loop.Add(pO1Loop); // Begin CTT Loop result.CTTLoop = new Loop_CTT_850(); // Indicates that the purchase order contains 1 line item. result.CTTLoop.CTT = new CTT(); result.CTTLoop.CTT.NumberofLineItems_01 = "1"; // Indicates that the total amount of the purchase order is $900. result.CTTLoop.AMT = new AMT(); result.CTTLoop.AMT.AmountQualifierCode_01 = "TT"; result.CTTLoop.AMT.MonetaryAmount_02 = "900"; // End CTT Loop return(result); }
public string GetString() { return(N1.ToString() + "," + N2.ToString() + "," + N3.ToString() + "," + N4.ToString() + "," + N5.ToString()); }
public int GetInt() { return(int.Parse(N1.ToString() + "" + N2.ToString() + "" + N3.ToString() + "" + N4.ToString() + "" + N5.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// 改变数字 /// </summary> /// <param name="num">数字</param> public void ChangeNum(double num) { if (num >= 0 && !IsPostive) { PostiveAndNegativeChanged?.Invoke(this, new PostiveAndNegativeChangedEventArgs { OldValue = IsPostive, NewValue = true }); IsPostive = true; } else if (num < 0 && IsPostive) { PostiveAndNegativeChanged?.Invoke(this, new PostiveAndNegativeChangedEventArgs { OldValue = IsPostive, NewValue = false }); IsPostive = false; } num = Math.Abs(num); string numstr = num.ToString(); if (numstr.IndexOf("E+") >= 0) { string[] numstmp = Regex.Split(numstr, "E+"); numstr = numstmp[0]; int x = 1; if (numstmp[0].IndexOf(".") >= 0) { numstr = numstr.Replace(".", ""); x = numstmp[0].Length - numstmp[0].IndexOf("."); } for (int i = x - 1; i < int.Parse(numstmp[1]); i++) { numstr += "0"; } } int[] numids = new int[6]; if (num >= 10000) { if (num >= 100000000) { string tmp1 = numstr.Split('.')[0]; string tmp2 = tmp1.Substring(0, tmp1.Length - 8); //整数部分 string tmp3 = tmp1.Substring(tmp2.Length, 1); //小数部分 numids[5] = -2; numids[4] = int.Parse(tmp1.Substring(tmp2.Length + 1, 1)) >= 5 ? int.Parse(tmp3) + 1 : int.Parse(tmp3); if (numids[4] >= 10) { numids[4] -= 10; tmp2 = (int.Parse(tmp2) + 1).ToString(); } for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (tmp2.Length - i >= 0) { numids[4 - i] = int.Parse(tmp2.Substring(tmp2.Length - i, 1)); } else { if (4 - i == 3) { numids[3] = 0; } else { numids[4 - i] = -3; } } } } else { string tmp1 = numstr.Split('.')[0]; string tmp2 = tmp1.Substring(0, tmp1.Length - 4); //整数部分 string tmp3 = tmp1.Substring(tmp2.Length, 1); //小数部分 numids[5] = -1; numids[4] = int.Parse(tmp1.Substring(tmp2.Length + 1, 1)) >= 5 ? int.Parse(tmp3) + 1 : int.Parse(tmp3); if (numids[4] >= 10) { numids[4] -= 10; tmp2 = (int.Parse(tmp2) + 1).ToString(); } for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (tmp2.Length - i >= 0) { numids[4 - i] = int.Parse(tmp2.Substring(tmp2.Length - i, 1)); } else { numids[4 - i] = -3; } } } } else { string[] tmp1 = numstr.Split('.'); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (tmp1[0].Length - i >= 0) { numids[4 - i] = int.Parse(tmp1[0].Substring(tmp1[0].Length - i, 1)); } else { numids[4 - i] = -3; } } if (tmp1.Length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (tmp1[1].Length - i > 0) { numids[4 + i] = int.Parse(tmp1[1].Substring(i, 1)); } else { numids[4 + i] = 0; } } } } N4.ChangeNum(numids[0]); N3.ChangeNum(numids[1]); N2.ChangeNum(numids[2]); N1.ChangeNum(numids[3]); if (numids[4] == 0 && numids[5] == 0) { numpoint.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; P1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; P2.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; ViewPanel.Margin = new Thickness(30, 0, -28, 0); } else { numpoint.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; P1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; P2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ViewPanel.Margin = new Thickness(1, 0, 1, 0); P1.ChangeNum(numids[4]); P2.ChangeNum(numids[5]); } }
public EDI835SchemaModel ParseEDI835(string fileText) { bool payerSeg = false; bool payeeSeg = false; string claimSegment = string.Empty; string segmentValue = string.Empty; string[] ediTextArray = fileText.Split("~"); CLP clp = null; SVC svc = null; bool findNextCLP = false; bool isServiceLineVisited = false; foreach (string stringSegment in ediTextArray) { string[] segmentArray = stringSegment.Split("*"); if (segmentArray != null) { IEnumerable <string> values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EDI835Segments)) .OfType <EDI835Segments>() .Select(s => Convert.ToString(s)); if (values.Contains(segmentArray[0].TrimStart())) { if (segmentArray[0].TrimStart() != "CLP" && findNextCLP == true) { continue; } //else continue; segmentValue = segmentArray[0].TrimStart(); if (claimSegment == "CLP") { segmentValue = "CLP"; } switch (segmentValue) { case "ISA": { ISA ISA = GetSegmentInfo <ISA>(new ISA(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.ISA = ISA; break; } case "GS": { GS GS = GetSegmentInfo <GS>(new GS(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.GS = GS; break; } case "ST": { ST ST = GetSegmentInfo <ST>(new ST(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.ST = ST; break; } case "BPR": { BPR BPR = GetSegmentInfo <BPR>(new BPR(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.BPR = BPR; break; } case "TRN": { TRN TRN = GetSegmentInfo <TRN>(new TRN(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.TRN = TRN; break; } case "DTM": { DTM DTM = GetSegmentInfo <DTM>(new DTM(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.DTM = DTM; break; } case "N1": { if (segmentArray[1] == "PR") { N1 N1 = GetSegmentInfo <N1>(new N1(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.PayerInfo = N1; payerSeg = true; } else if (segmentArray[1] == "PE") { N1 N1 = GetSegmentInfo <N1>(new N1(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.PayeeInfo = N1; payeeSeg = true; } break; } case "N3": { if (payerSeg) { N3 N3 = GetSegmentInfo <N3>(new N3(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.PayerAddress = N3; } else if (payeeSeg) { N3 N3 = GetSegmentInfo <N3>(new N3(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.PayeeAddress = N3; } break; } case "N4": { if (payerSeg) { N4 N4 = GetSegmentInfo <N4>(new N4(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.PayerCityStateZip = N4; payerSeg = false; } else if (payeeSeg) { N4 N4 = GetSegmentInfo <N4>(new N4(), segmentArray); ediSchemaModel.PayeeCityStateZip = N4; payeeSeg = false; } break; } case "CLP": { claimSegment = "CLP"; switch (segmentArray[0].TrimStart()) { case "CLP": { findNextCLP = false; if (clp != null) { ediSchemaModel.CLPList.Add(clp); isServiceLineVisited = false; clp = null; } clp = GetSegmentInfo <CLP>(new CLP(), segmentArray); break; } case "SVC": { //if (svc != null) //{ // if (clp.SVCList == null) clp.SVCList = new List<SVC>(); // clp.SVCList.Add(svc); // svc = null; //} svc = GetSegmentInfo <SVC>(new SVC(), segmentArray); if (clp != null && clp.SVCList == null) { clp.SVCList = new List <SVC>(); } clp.SVCList.Add(svc); isServiceLineVisited = true; break; } case "CAS": { if (isServiceLineVisited) { CAS CAS = GetSegmentInfo <CAS>(new CAS(), segmentArray); if (svc.SVCAdjList == null) { svc.SVCAdjList = new List <CAS>(); } svc.SVCAdjList.Add(CAS); CAS = null; } break; } case "REF": { if (segmentArray[1].Trim() == "6R" && svc != null && svc.REF == null) { svc.REF = new REF(); svc.REF = GetSegmentInfo <REF>(new REF(), segmentArray); } break; } case "GE": { if (clp != null) { ediSchemaModel.CLPList.Add(clp); isServiceLineVisited = false; clp = null; findNextCLP = true; } break; } default: { break; } } break; } } } } } return(ediSchemaModel); }
private static TS850 Import(string[] lines) { var result = new TS850(); if (lines.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("Insufficient number of lines"); } // line[0] is the header var firstLine = lines[1]; // ST result.ST = new Core.Model.Edi.X12.ST(); result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "850"; result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02 = "000000001"; var firstLineItems = firstLine.Split(new[] { ',' }); if (firstLineItems.Count() < 13) { throw new Exception("Insufficient number of columns"); } // BEG result.BEG = new BEG(); result.BEG.TransactionSetPurposeCode_01 = "01"; result.BEG.PurchaseOrderTypeCode_02 = "02"; result.BEG.PurchaseOrderNumber_03 = firstLineItems[5]; result.BEG.Date_05 = firstLineItems[6]; // Repeating N1 Loops result.N1Loop = new List <Loop_N1_850>(); // Begin N1 Loop var n1Loop = new Loop_N1_850(); // N1 n1Loop.N1 = new N1(); n1Loop.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "ST"; n1Loop.N1.Name_02 = firstLineItems[7]; n1Loop.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "ZZ"; n1Loop.N1.IdentificationCode_04 = firstLineItems[8]; // Repeating N3 n1Loop.N3 = new List <N3>(); // N3 var n3 = new N3(); n3.AddressInformation_01 = firstLineItems[9]; n1Loop.N3.Add(n3); // Repeating N4 n1Loop.N4 = new List <N4>(); // N4 var n4 = new N4(); n4.CityName_01 = firstLineItems[10]; n4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = firstLineItems[11]; n4.PostalCode_03 = firstLineItems[12]; n1Loop.N4.Add(n4); // End N1 Loop result.N1Loop.Add(n1Loop); // Repeating PO1 Loops result.PO1Loop = new List <Loop_PO1_850>(); foreach (var line in lines.Skip(1)) { var lineItems = line.Split(new[] { ',' }); if (lineItems.Count() < 13) { throw new Exception("Insufficient number of columns"); } // Begin PO1 Loop var po1Loop = new Loop_PO1_850(); // PO1 po1Loop.PO1 = new PO1(); po1Loop.PO1.AssignedIdentification_01 = lineItems[0]; po1Loop.PO1.QuantityOrdered_02 = lineItems[2]; po1Loop.PO1.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_03 = lineItems[4]; po1Loop.PO1.UnitPrice_04 = lineItems[3]; po1Loop.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_06 = "UP"; po1Loop.PO1.ProductServiceID_07 = lineItems[1]; // End PO1 Loop result.PO1Loop.Add(po1Loop); } return(result); }
public string BuildEdi(List <Patient> patientList, InsuranceCompany insurance, BillingProvider billingProvider) { var buildEdi = new StringBuilder(); //Begin ISA var buildisa = new Isa(); buildEdi.Append(buildisa.BuildIsa()); //Begin GS var buildGs = new Gs(); buildEdi.Append(buildGs.BuildGs()); //Begin ST var buildSt = new St(); buildEdi.Append(buildSt.BuildSt()); //Begin BPR var buildBpr = new Bpr(); buildEdi.Append(buildBpr.BuildBpr(insurance)); //Build TRN var buildTrn = new Trn(); buildEdi.Append(buildTrn.BuildTrn(insurance)); //Ref Segment conditional, not included at this time //REF Receiver Identification //REF01 Receiver Reference Number //REF02 Receiver Reference Identification //Build DTM Loop Production Date var buildDtm = new Dtm(); buildEdi.Append(buildDtm.BuildDtm(patientList)); //Build N1 Insurance Company Identification Segment 1000A var buildNOne = new N1(); buildEdi.Append(buildNOne.BuildNOne(insurance)); //BuildN3 Insurance Company Identification Segment 1000A var buildNThree = new N3(); buildEdi.Append(buildNThree.BuildNThree(insurance)); // Build N4 Insurance Company Identification 1000A var buildNFour = new N4(); buildEdi.Append(buildNFour.BuildN4(insurance)); //Build Ref Insurance Company Identification 1000A var buildRef = new Ref(); buildEdi.Append(buildRef.BuildRef()); //Build Per Insurance Company Identification 1000A var buildPer = new Per(); buildEdi.Append(buildPer.BuildPerPhone()); //Build Per Insurance Company Website Information 1000A buildEdi.Append(buildPer.BuildPerWebSite()); //Build N1 Provider Identifier Segment 1000B buildEdi.Append(buildNOne.BuildNOne(billingProvider)); //Build N3 Provider Identifier Segment 1000B buildEdi.Append(buildNThree.BuildNThree(billingProvider)); //Build N4 Provider Identifier Segment 1000B buildEdi.Append(buildNFour.BuildN4(billingProvider)); //Build Ref Provider Identifier 1000B buildEdi.Append(buildRef.BuildRefAdditionalPayee()); buildEdi.Append(buildRef.BuildRefAdditionalPayeeTwo()); //LX Segment 2000B var buildLx = new Lx(); buildEdi.Append(buildLx.BuildLx()); //TS3 2000B NOT USED //TS2 2000B NOT USED //CLP Segment 2100 foreach (Patient patient in patientList) { var buildClp = new Clp(); buildEdi.Append(buildClp.BuildClp(patient)); var buildNmOne = new Nm1(); buildEdi.Append(buildNmOne.BuildNm1(patient)); //MIA Inpatient Adjudication Information //MOA Outpatient Adjudication Information //REF Other CLaim Related Identification //Ref Rendering Provider Identifier 2100 buildEdi.Append(buildRef.BuildRef(patient.Provider)); //DTM Statement From or To Date 2100 buildEdi.Append(buildDtm.BuildDtm(patient)); //PER Claim Contact Information 2100 //SVC Level 2110 var buildSvc = new Svc(); buildEdi.Append(buildSvc.BuildSvc(patient.Charge)); buildEdi.Append(buildDtm.BuildDtm(patient.Charge)); var buildCas = new Cas(); if (patient.Charge.AdjustmentList != null) { buildEdi.Append(buildCas.BuildCas(patient.Charge.AdjustmentList)); buildEdi.Append(buildCas.BuildCas(patient.Charge)); } else { buildEdi.Append(buildCas.BuildCas(patient.Charge)); } buildEdi.Append(buildRef.BuildRefControlNumber()); var buildAmt = new Amt(); buildEdi.Append(buildAmt.BuildAmt(patient.Charge)); //QTY 2110 //LQ 2110 //LQ01 Service Line Remittance Remark Code 1 //LQ02 Service Line Remittance Remark Code 2 foreach (AddonCharge addon in patient.Charge.AddonChargeList) { buildEdi.Append(buildSvc.BuildSvc(addon)); buildEdi.Append(buildCas.BuildCas(addon.AdjustmentList)); buildEdi.Append(buildRef.BuildRefControlNumber()); buildEdi.Append(buildAmt.BuildAmt(addon)); } } var buildSe = new Se(); buildEdi.Append(buildSe.BuildSe()); var buildGe = new Ge(); buildEdi.Append(buildGe.BuildGe()); var buildIea = new Iea(); buildEdi.Append(buildIea.BuildIea()); return(buildEdi.ToString()); }