Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void WritePnL(MyUpstoxWrapper upstoxBroker, List <UpstoxTradeParams> stocksConfig)
                // calculate stats
                Dictionary <string, EquityTradeBookRecord> tradeBook;

                var filesPath = SystemUtils.GetPnLFilesLocation();

                upstoxBroker.GetTradeBook(false, null, out tradeBook);
                Dictionary <string, List <EquityTradeBookRecord> > stockBook = tradeBook.Values.GroupBy(t => t.StockCode).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());

                string globalPnLFilePath = Path.Combine(filesPath, "global_pnl.txt");
                if (!File.Exists(globalPnLFilePath))
                    var defaultSummary = string.Format("0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0");
                    File.WriteAllLines(globalPnLFilePath, new[] { defaultSummary });

                var globalPnLLines = File.ReadAllLines(globalPnLFilePath);

                var globalPnLLine = globalPnLLines[0].Split(',');

                double globalnetrealized   = double.Parse(globalPnLLine[1]);
                double globalbrokerage     = double.Parse(globalPnLLine[6]);
                double globalIntradayValue = double.Parse(globalPnLLine[8]);
                double globalDeliveryValue = double.Parse(globalPnLLine[9]);

                double globalnetmtm = 0, globalnetunrealized = 0, globalnetinflow = 0, globalcurrentholdingatcost = 0;

                double globaltodaymtm = 0, globaltodayrealized = 0, globaltodayunrealized = 0, globaltodayinflow = 0, globaltodayholdingcost = 0, globalTodayIntradayValue = 0, globalTodayDeliveryValue = 0;

                double maxAmountCommittedToday = 0, pctPnLToday = 0;
                double avgAmountCommitted = 0, pctPnL = 0;

                double globalMaxAmountCommittedToday = 0, globalPctPnLToday = 0;
                double globalAvgAmountCommitted = 0, globalPctPnL = 0;
                double todaybrokerage = 0, globaltodaybrokerage = 0;

                foreach (var kv in stockBook)
                    var stockCode   = kv.Key;
                    var trades      = kv.Value;
                    var stockConfig = stocksConfig.Find(c => c.stockCode == stockCode);
                    var stats       = stockConfig.stats;

                    string pnlFilePath = Path.Combine(filesPath, stockCode + "_pnl.txt");

                    var configToday = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9}", stockConfig.stockCode,
                                                    stockConfig.markDownPctForBuy, stockConfig.markDownPctForAveraging, stockConfig.sellMarkup,
                                                    stockConfig.placeBuyNoLtpCompare, stockConfig.startTime.ToString("hh:mm"), stockConfig.priceBucketWidthForQty, stockConfig.qtyAgressionFactor,
                                                    string.Join(":", stockConfig.priceBucketsForPrice), string.Join(";", stockConfig.priceBucketsForQty));

                    if (!File.Exists(pnlFilePath))
                        var defaultSummary = string.Format("0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0");
                        File.WriteAllLines(pnlFilePath, new[] { defaultSummary, configToday });

                    var todayBuyTrades  = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.BUY ? 1 : 0);
                    var todaySellTrades = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.SELL ? 1 : 0);
                    var todayBuyQty     = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.BUY ? t.Quantity : 0);
                    var todaySellQty    = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.SELL ? t.Quantity : 0);
                    var todayBuyValue   = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.BUY ? t.Quantity * t.Price : 0);
                    var todaySellValue  = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.SELL ? t.Quantity * t.Price : 0);

                    var orderQty = stats.baseOrderQty;

                    // Get Ltp
                    double   ltp;
                    DateTime lut;
                    upstoxBroker.GetEquityLTP(stockConfig.exchange == Exchange.NSE ? "NSE_EQ" : "BSE_EQ", stockCode, out ltp, out lut);
                    if (DateTime.Now - lut >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
                        ltp = 0;

                    // Get final holding position
                    double outstandingQty   = 0;
                    double outstandingPrice = 0;
                    var    positionFile     = AlgoUtils.GetPositionFile(stockConfig.stockCode);
                    var    positionLines    = File.ReadAllLines(positionFile);
                    if (positionLines.Length > 0)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(positionLines[0]))
                            var split = positionLines[0].Split(' ');
                            outstandingQty   = int.Parse(split[0].Trim());
                            outstandingPrice = double.Parse(split[1].Trim());

                    var outstandingValue = outstandingQty * outstandingPrice;

                    var prevHoldingQty   = stats.prevHoldingQty;
                    var prevHoldingPrice = stats.prevHoldingPrice;
                    var prevHoldingValue = prevHoldingQty * prevHoldingPrice;

                    var todayHoldingQty   = outstandingQty - prevHoldingQty;
                    var todayHoldingPrice = todayHoldingQty != 0 ? (outstandingValue - prevHoldingValue) / todayHoldingQty : 0;
                    var todayHoldingValue = todayHoldingQty * todayHoldingPrice;

                    double todayrealized = todayHoldingValue > 0 ?
                                           todaySellValue - (todayBuyValue - Math.Abs(todayHoldingValue))
                        : (todaySellValue - Math.Abs(todayHoldingValue)) - todayBuyValue;

                    var todayHoldingNetQty = Math.Max(todayHoldingQty, 0);

                    var todayIntradayValue     = trades.Sum(t => t.EquityOrderType == EquityOrderType.MARGIN ? t.Quantity * t.Price : 0);
                    var todayDeliveryBuyValue  = trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.BUY && t.EquityOrderType == EquityOrderType.DELIVERY ? t.Quantity * t.Price : 0);
                    var todayDeliverySellValue = Math.Abs(trades.Sum(t => t.Direction == OrderDirection.SELL && t.EquityOrderType == EquityOrderType.DELIVERY ? t.Quantity * t.Price : 0));

                    var prevRemainingOutstandingValue = prevHoldingValue - todayDeliverySellValue;
                    var todayDeliveryConvertedValue   = outstandingValue - prevRemainingOutstandingValue;
                    todayDeliveryConvertedValue = todayDeliveryConvertedValue > todayHoldingPrice / 2 ? todayHoldingPrice : 0; // to ignore small delta which means no real converted qty today

                    todayIntradayValue    -= todayDeliveryConvertedValue;
                    todayDeliveryBuyValue += todayDeliveryConvertedValue;
                    var todayDeliveryValue = todayDeliveryBuyValue + todayDeliverySellValue;

                    todaybrokerage  = 0.0005 * todayIntradayValue;
                    todaybrokerage += (0.0015 * todayDeliveryValue);

                    globalTodayIntradayValue += todayIntradayValue;
                    globalTodayDeliveryValue += todayDeliveryValue;
                    globaltodaybrokerage     += todaybrokerage;

                    todayIntradayValue = Math.Round(todayIntradayValue);
                    todayDeliveryValue = Math.Round(todayDeliveryValue);

                    todayrealized -= todaybrokerage;
                    double todayunrealized  = todayHoldingNetQty * (ltp - todayHoldingPrice); //today delivery mtm
                    double todaymtm         = todayrealized + todayunrealized;
                    double todayholdingcost = todayHoldingNetQty * todayHoldingPrice;         //only today delivery cost
                    double todayinflow      = todayrealized - todayholdingcost;

                    var pnlLines   = File.ReadAllLines(pnlFilePath);
                    var netPnLline = pnlLines[0].Split(',');

                    double netrealized = double.Parse(netPnLline[1]);
                    double brokerage   = double.Parse(netPnLline[6]);
                    netrealized += todayrealized;
                    brokerage   += todaybrokerage;
                    double netunrealized        = ltp > 0 ? outstandingQty * (ltp - outstandingPrice) : 0;
                    double netmtm               = netrealized + netunrealized;
                    double currentholdingatcost = outstandingQty * outstandingPrice;
                    double netinflow            = netrealized - currentholdingatcost;

                    globaltodaymtm         += todaymtm;
                    globaltodayrealized    += todayrealized;
                    globaltodayunrealized  += todayunrealized;
                    globaltodayinflow      += todayinflow;
                    globaltodayholdingcost += todayholdingcost;

                    globalnetmtm               += netmtm;
                    globalnetrealized          += netrealized;
                    globalnetunrealized        += netunrealized;
                    globalnetinflow            += netinflow;
                    globalcurrentholdingatcost += currentholdingatcost;

                    double totalIntradayValue = double.Parse(netPnLline[11]);
                    double totalDeliveryValue = double.Parse(netPnLline[12]);

                    totalIntradayValue += todayIntradayValue;
                    totalDeliveryValue += todayDeliveryValue;

                    maxAmountCommittedToday = (stats.maxBuyValueToday * 0.1) + outstandingValue; //10% as margin money so it is 0.1 of the maxBuyValue
                    pctPnLToday             = maxAmountCommittedToday != 0 ? (todaymtm / maxAmountCommittedToday) * 100 : 0;
                    var dayLines = pnlLines.Skip(1).Where(l => !l.StartsWith(stockCode));
                    avgAmountCommitted = (maxAmountCommittedToday + dayLines.Sum(d => double.Parse(d.Split(',')[6]))) / (dayLines.Count() + 1);
                    pctPnL             = avgAmountCommitted != 0 ? (netmtm / avgAmountCommitted) * 100 : 0;

                    globalMaxAmountCommittedToday += maxAmountCommittedToday;
                    globalAvgAmountCommitted      += avgAmountCommitted;

                    todaymtm         = Math.Round(todaymtm);
                    todayrealized    = Math.Round(todayrealized);
                    todayunrealized  = Math.Round(todayunrealized);
                    todayinflow      = Math.Round(todayinflow);
                    todayholdingcost = Math.Round(todayholdingcost);

                    netmtm               = Math.Round(netmtm);
                    netrealized          = Math.Round(netrealized);
                    netunrealized        = Math.Round(netunrealized);
                    netinflow            = Math.Round(netinflow);
                    currentholdingatcost = Math.Round(currentholdingatcost);

                    maxAmountCommittedToday = Math.Round(maxAmountCommittedToday);
                    pctPnLToday             = Math.Round(pctPnLToday, 1);
                    avgAmountCommitted      = Math.Round(avgAmountCommitted);
                    pctPnL = Math.Round(pctPnL, 1);

                    todaybrokerage = Math.Round(todaybrokerage);
                    brokerage      = Math.Round(brokerage);

                    var lastConfigLine = pnlLines.Where(l => l.StartsWith(stockCode)).Last();

                    if (configToday != lastConfigLine)
                        File.AppendAllLines(pnlFilePath, new[] { configToday });

                    var readPnLLines = File.ReadAllLines(pnlFilePath);

                    readPnLLines[0] = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12}", netmtm, netrealized, netunrealized, netinflow, currentholdingatcost,
                                                    avgAmountCommitted, brokerage, pctPnL,
                                                    outstandingQty, outstandingPrice, ltp, totalIntradayValue, totalDeliveryValue);

                    var summaryToday = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15}", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"),
                                                     todaymtm, todayrealized, todayunrealized, todayinflow, todayholdingcost, maxAmountCommittedToday, todaybrokerage, pctPnLToday,
                                                     todayBuyTrades, todaySellTrades, Math.Round(orderQty, 2), todayBuyQty, todaySellQty, todayIntradayValue, todayDeliveryValue);

                    var finalPnLLines = readPnLLines.ToList();
                    File.WriteAllLines(pnlFilePath, finalPnLLines);

                var globaldayLines = globalPnLLines.Skip(1);
                var dayCount       = globaldayLines.Count();
                globalPctPnLToday = globalMaxAmountCommittedToday != 0 ? (globaltodaymtm / globalMaxAmountCommittedToday) * 100 : 0;
                globalPctPnL      = globalAvgAmountCommitted != 0 ? (globalnetmtm / globalAvgAmountCommitted) * 100 : 0;//* (365/(dayCount == 0 ? 1:dayCount))

                globalIntradayValue += globalTodayIntradayValue;
                globalDeliveryValue += globalTodayDeliveryValue;

                globalbrokerage += globaltodaybrokerage;

                globalTodayIntradayValue = Math.Round(globalTodayIntradayValue);
                globalTodayDeliveryValue = Math.Round(globalTodayDeliveryValue);
                globalIntradayValue      = Math.Round(globalIntradayValue);
                globalDeliveryValue      = Math.Round(globalDeliveryValue);

                globaltodaymtm                = Math.Round(globaltodaymtm);
                globaltodayrealized           = Math.Round(globaltodayrealized);
                globaltodayunrealized         = Math.Round(globaltodayunrealized);
                globaltodayinflow             = Math.Round(globaltodayinflow);
                globaltodayholdingcost        = Math.Round(globaltodayholdingcost);
                globalMaxAmountCommittedToday = Math.Round(globalMaxAmountCommittedToday);

                globalnetmtm               = Math.Round(globalnetmtm);
                globalnetrealized          = Math.Round(globalnetrealized);
                globalnetunrealized        = Math.Round(globalnetunrealized);
                globalnetinflow            = Math.Round(globalnetinflow);
                globalcurrentholdingatcost = Math.Round(globalcurrentholdingatcost);
                globalAvgAmountCommitted   = Math.Round(globalAvgAmountCommitted);

                globalPctPnLToday = Math.Round(globalPctPnLToday, 1);
                globalPctPnL      = Math.Round(globalPctPnL, 1);

                globaltodaybrokerage = Math.Round(globaltodaybrokerage);
                globalbrokerage      = Math.Round(globalbrokerage);

                //write global pnl
                globalPnLLines[0] = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9}", globalnetmtm, globalnetrealized, globalnetunrealized, globalnetinflow,
                                                  globalcurrentholdingatcost, globalAvgAmountCommitted, globalbrokerage, globalPctPnL,
                                                  globalIntradayValue, globalDeliveryValue);

                var globalSummaryToday = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10}", DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"),
                                                       globaltodaymtm, globaltodayrealized, globaltodayunrealized, globaltodayinflow, globaltodayholdingcost, globalMaxAmountCommittedToday, globaltodaybrokerage, globalPctPnLToday,
                                                       globalTodayIntradayValue, globalTodayDeliveryValue);

                var finalGlobalPnLLines = globalPnLLines.ToList();
                File.WriteAllLines(globalPnLFilePath, finalGlobalPnLLines);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace("Error:" + ex.Message + "\nStacktrace:" + ex.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BrokerErrorCode errCode = BrokerErrorCode.Unknown;

            var upstoxBroker = new MyUpstoxWrapper(apiKey, apiSecret, redirectUrl);

            Trace("DEBUG MODE");
            List <UpstoxTradeParams> stocksConfig1 = ReadTradingConfigFile();

            errCode = upstoxBroker.Login1();
            Trace("RELEASE MODE"); errCode = upstoxBroker.Login();
            // Check for Holiday today
            if (IsHolidayToday())
                Trace("Exchange Holiday today.. exiting.");

            // Wait 2 seconds if contended – in case another instance
            // of the program is in the process of shutting down.
            if (!mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), false))
                var message = "Another instance of the app is running. Only one instance for a userId is allowed! UserId: " + userId + ". Exiting..";


#if !DEBUG

            //Thread.Sleep(5000);// Let the rates etc update on server

            // Read the config file
            List <UpstoxTradeParams> stocksConfig = ReadTradingConfigFile();

            var threads = new List <Thread>(stocksConfig.Count);

            var mktTrendConfig = new UpstoxMarketTrendParams();

            var monthNow = DateTime.Now.Month + (DateTime.Now.Day > 20 ? 1 : 0);
            var yearNow  = DateTime.Now.Year + (monthNow > 12 ? 1 : 0);
            if (monthNow > 12)
                monthNow = 1;

            var months = new[] { "DUMMY", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" };

            var niftyFutCode = string.Format("NIFTY{0}{1}FUT", (yearNow - 2000), months[monthNow]);

            mktTrendConfig.stockCode   = niftyFutCode;
            mktTrendConfig.exchangeStr = "NSE_FO";
            mktTrendConfig.upstox      = upstoxBroker;
            var mktTrend  = new MarketTrend(mktTrendConfig);
            var mktThread = new Thread(mktTrend.StartCapturingMarketTrend);

            foreach (var stockConfig in stocksConfig)
                stockConfig.upstox   = upstoxBroker;
                stockConfig.mktTrend = mktTrend;
                var t = new Thread(new UpstoxAverageTheBuyThenSell(stockConfig).StockBuySell);

            threads.ForEach(t => { t.Start(); /*Thread.Sleep(200);*/ });
            threads.ForEach(t => t.Join());

            Trace("Update PnL files");
            WritePnL(upstoxBroker, stocksConfig);

            // Send out the log in email and chat
            Trace("All stock threads completed. Emailing today's log file");
            var log = GetLogContent();
            MessagingUtils.SendAlertMessage("SimpleTrader log", log);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public MarketTrend(UpstoxMarketTrendParams @params)
     myUpstoxWrapper = @params.upstox;
     stockCode       = @params.stockCode;
     exchStr         = @params.exchangeStr;