Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void DrawTransparentCone(Vector3D apexPosition, Vector3 directionVector, Vector3 baseVector, Color color, int wireDivideRatio, MyStringId material, int customViewProjectionMatrix = -1, BlendType blendType = BlendType.Standard)
            Vector3 axis = directionVector;

            float num = (float)(MathHelperD.TwoPi / (double)wireDivideRatio);

            for (int i = 0; i < wireDivideRatio; i++)
                float    angle  = (float)i * num;
                float    angle2 = (float)(i + 1) * num;
                Vector3D point  = apexPosition + directionVector + Vector3.Transform(baseVector, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, angle));
                Vector3D point2 = apexPosition + directionVector + Vector3.Transform(baseVector, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, angle2));
                MyQuadD  myQuadD;
                myQuadD.Point0 = point;
                myQuadD.Point1 = point2;
                myQuadD.Point2 = apexPosition;
                myQuadD.Point3 = apexPosition;
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref myQuadD, color, ref Vector3D.Zero, -1, blendType, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void DrawHighlightBox(MatrixD matrix, float scale, float lineWidth, MyStringId material, Color colorFace, Color colorWire, BlendTypeEnum blendType)
            // optimized box draw compared to MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentBox; also allows consistent edge thickness
            MyQuadD     quad;
            Vector3D    p;
            MatrixD     m;
            var         halfScale     = (scale * 0.5f);
            float       lineLength    = scale;
            const float ROTATE_90_RAD = (90f / 180f * MathHelper.Pi); // 90deg in radians

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Forward * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Forward))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref matrix);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Backward * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Backward))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref matrix);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Left * halfScale;
            m = matrix * MatrixD.CreateFromAxisAngle(matrix.Up, ROTATE_90_RAD);
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Left))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Right * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Right))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            m = matrix * MatrixD.CreateFromAxisAngle(matrix.Left, ROTATE_90_RAD);
            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Up * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Up))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            p = matrix.Translation + matrix.Down * halfScale;
            if (IsFaceVisible(p, matrix.Down))
                MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref p, halfScale, halfScale, ref m);
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(material, ref quad, colorFace, ref p, blendType: blendType);

            var upHalf      = (matrix.Up * halfScale);
            var rightHalf   = (matrix.Right * halfScale);
            var forwardHalf = (matrix.Forward * halfScale);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + upHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + upHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -upHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -upHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Forward * halfScale, matrix.Backward, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + -rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + rightHalf + matrix.Up * halfScale, matrix.Down, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);

            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + -upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + forwardHalf + upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + -upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(material, colorWire, matrix.Translation + -forwardHalf + upHalf + matrix.Right * halfScale, matrix.Left, lineLength, lineWidth, blendType: blendType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void DrawTransparentCylinder(ref MatrixD worldMatrix, float radius1, float radius2, float length,
                                                   Vector4 lineColor, Vector4 faceColor, int wireDivideRatio, float thickness,
                                                   MyStringId?lineMaterial = null, MyStringId?faceMaterial = null)
            Vector3D centerTop    = Vector3D.Transform(new Vector3D(0, length / 2f, 0), ref worldMatrix);
            Vector3D centerBottom = Vector3D.Transform(new Vector3D(0, -length / 2f, 0), ref worldMatrix);

            Vector3D upDir = Vector3D.TransformNormal(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), ref worldMatrix);


            Vector3D currTop    = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D currBottom = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D prevTop    = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D prevBottom = Vector3D.Zero;
            float    num        = 360f / wireDivideRatio;

            for (int i = 0; i <= wireDivideRatio; i++)
                float degrees = i * num;
                currTop.X    = (float)(radius1 * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(degrees)));
                currTop.Y    = length / 2f;
                currTop.Z    = (float)(radius1 * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(degrees)));
                currBottom.X = (float)(radius2 * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(degrees)));
                currBottom.Y = -length / 2f;
                currBottom.Z = (float)(radius2 * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(degrees)));
                currTop      = Vector3D.Transform(currTop, worldMatrix);
                currBottom   = Vector3D.Transform(currBottom, worldMatrix);

                if (lineMaterial.HasValue)
                    MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(currBottom, currTop, lineMaterial, ref lineColor, thickness);

                if (i > 0)
                    if (lineMaterial.HasValue)
                        MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(prevBottom, currBottom, lineMaterial, ref lineColor, thickness);
                        MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(prevTop, currTop, lineMaterial, ref lineColor, thickness);

                    if (faceMaterial.HasValue)
                        var quad = new MyQuadD()
                            Point0 = prevTop,
                            Point1 = currTop,
                            Point2 = currBottom,
                            Point3 = prevBottom
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, faceColor, ref currTop);

                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddTriangleBillboard(centerTop, currTop, prevTop, upDir, upDir, upDir,
                                                                   Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, faceMaterial.Value, 0, currTop, faceColor);
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddTriangleBillboard(centerBottom, currBottom, prevBottom, -upDir, -upDir, -upDir,
                                                                   Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, faceMaterial.Value, 0, currBottom, faceColor);

                prevBottom = currBottom;
                prevTop    = currTop;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void DrawInfluenceCone(Vector3D conePos)
            Vector4     color          = Color.Cyan.ToVector4() * 10;
            Vector4     planeColor     = (Color.White * 0.1f).ToVector4();
            const float LINE_THICK     = 0.02f;
            const int   WIRE_DIV_RATIO = 16;

            var coneMatrix = block.WorldMatrix;

            coneMatrix.Translation = conePos;

            //MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(Mod.MATERIAL_DOT, Color.Lime, collectPos, 0.05f, 0);

            float rangeOffset = Range + (offset * 2); // because range check starts from collectPos but cone starts from conePos
            float baseRadius  = rangeOffset * (float)Math.Tan(coneAngle);

            //MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentCone(ref coneMatrix, baseRadius, rangeWithOffset, ref color, 16, Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE);

            var apexPosition    = coneMatrix.Translation;
            var directionVector = coneMatrix.Forward * rangeOffset;
            var maxPosCenter    = conePos + coneMatrix.Forward * rangeOffset;
            var baseVector      = coneMatrix.Up * baseRadius;

            Vector3 axis = directionVector;


            float stepAngle = (float)(Math.PI * 2.0 / (double)WIRE_DIV_RATIO);

            var prevConePoint = apexPosition + directionVector + Vector3.Transform(baseVector, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, (-1 * stepAngle)));

            prevConePoint = (apexPosition + Vector3D.Normalize((prevConePoint - apexPosition)) * rangeOffset);

            var quad = default(MyQuadD);

            for (int step = 0; step < WIRE_DIV_RATIO; step++)
                var conePoint = apexPosition + directionVector + Vector3.Transform(baseVector, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, (step * stepAngle)));
                var lineDir   = (conePoint - apexPosition);
                conePoint = (apexPosition + lineDir * rangeOffset);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE, color, conePoint, (prevConePoint - conePoint), 1f, LINE_THICK);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE, color, apexPosition, lineDir, rangeOffset, LINE_THICK);

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE, color, conePoint, (maxPosCenter - conePoint), 1f, LINE_THICK);

                // Unusable because SQUARE has reflectivity and this method uses materials' reflectivity... making it unable to be made transparent, also reflective xD
                //var normal = Vector3.Up;
                //    apexPosition, prevConePoint, conePoint,
                //    normal, normal, normal,
                //    new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(1, 1),
                //    Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE, uint.MaxValue, conePoint, planeColor);
                // also NOTE: if triangle is used, color needs .ToLinearRGB().

                quad.Point0 = prevConePoint;
                quad.Point1 = conePoint;
                quad.Point2 = apexPosition;
                quad.Point3 = apexPosition;
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE, ref quad, planeColor, ref Vector3D.Zero);

                quad.Point0 = prevConePoint;
                quad.Point1 = conePoint;
                quad.Point2 = maxPosCenter;
                quad.Point3 = maxPosCenter;
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(Mod.MATERIAL_SQUARE, ref quad, planeColor, ref Vector3D.Zero);

                prevConePoint = conePoint;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// DrawTransparentSphere
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vctPos"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <param name="vctColor"></param>
        /// <param name="bWireFramed"></param>
        /// <param name="wireDivideRatio"></param>
        public static void DrawTransparentSphere(ref Matrix worldMatrix, float radius, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, int wireDivideRatio, MyTransparentMaterialEnum?faceMaterial = null, MyTransparentMaterialEnum?lineMaterial = null)
            if (!lineMaterial.HasValue)
                lineMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ProjectileTrailLine;

            MyMeshHelper.GenerateSphere(ref worldMatrix, radius, wireDivideRatio, m_verticesBuffer);
            Vector3 vctZero = Vector3.Zero;

            float thickness = radius * 0.01f;
            int   i         = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < m_verticesBuffer.Count; i += 4)
                MyQuad quad;
                quad.Point0 = m_verticesBuffer[i + 1];
                quad.Point1 = m_verticesBuffer[i + 3];
                quad.Point2 = m_verticesBuffer[i + 2];
                quad.Point3 = m_verticesBuffer[i];

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial ?? MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ContainerBorder, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref vctZero);
                if (bWireFramed)
                    //@ 20 - lifespan for 1 update in 60FPPS
                    Vector3 start = quad.Point0;
                    Vector3 dir   = quad.Point1 - start;
                    float   len   = dir.Length();
                    if (len > 0.1f)
                        dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, vctColor, start, dir, len, thickness);

                    start = quad.Point1;
                    dir   = quad.Point2 - start;
                    len   = dir.Length();
                    if (len > 0.1f)
                        dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);

                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, vctColor, start, dir, len, thickness);

                    /*start = quad.Point2;
                     * dir = quad.Point3 - start;
                     * len = dir.Length();
                     * if (len > 0.1f)
                     * {
                     *  dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);
                     *  newParticle3.StartLineParticle(lineMaterial.Value, false, 20, start, Vector3.Zero, vctColor, vctColor, dir, thickness, len, len, false, MyParticlesConstants.SOFT_PARTICLE_DISTANCE_SCALE_FOR_HARD_PARTICLES);
                     * }
                     * start = quad.Point3;
                     * dir = quad.Point1 - start;
                     * len = dir.Length();
                     * if (len > 0.1f)
                     * {
                     *  dir = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(dir);
                     *  newParticle4.StartLineParticle(lineMaterial.Value, false, 20, start, Vector3.Zero, vctColor, vctColor, dir, thickness, len, len, false, MyParticlesConstants.SOFT_PARTICLE_DISTANCE_SCALE_FOR_HARD_PARTICLES);
                     * }*/
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// DrawTransparentBox
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawTransparentBox(ref Matrix worldMatrix, ref BoundingBox localbox, ref Vector4 vctColor, bool bWireFramed, int wireDivideRatio, MyTransparentMaterialEnum?faceMaterial = null, MyTransparentMaterialEnum?lineMaterial = null)
            if (!faceMaterial.HasValue)
                faceMaterial = MyTransparentMaterialEnum.ContainerBorder;

            Vector3 vctMin = localbox.Min;
            Vector3 vctMax = localbox.Max;

            //@ CreateQuads
            Vector3 translation = worldMatrix.Translation;
            MyQuad  quad;

            Matrix orientation = Matrix.Identity;

            orientation.Forward = worldMatrix.Forward;
            orientation.Up      = worldMatrix.Up;
            orientation.Right   = worldMatrix.Right;

            float halfWidth  = (localbox.Max.X - localbox.Min.X) / 2f;
            float halfHeight = (localbox.Max.Y - localbox.Min.Y) / 2f;
            float halfDeep   = (localbox.Max.Z - localbox.Min.Z) / 2f;

            //@ Front side
            Vector3 faceNorm = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Forward, orientation);

            faceNorm *= halfDeep;
            Vector3 vctPos = translation + faceNorm;

            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfHeight, ref worldMatrix);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Back side
            vctPos = translation - faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfHeight, ref worldMatrix);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Left side
            Matrix rotMat  = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(90f));
            Matrix rotated = rotMat * worldMatrix;

            faceNorm  = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Left, orientation);
            faceNorm *= halfWidth;
            vctPos    = translation + faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfDeep, halfHeight, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Right side
            vctPos = translation - faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfDeep, halfHeight, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Top side
            rotMat    = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(90f));
            rotated   = rotMat * worldMatrix;
            faceNorm  = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Up, orientation);
            faceNorm *= ((localbox.Max.Y - localbox.Min.Y) / 2f);
            vctPos    = translation + faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfDeep, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            //@ Bottom side
            vctPos = translation - faceNorm;
            MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref vctPos, halfWidth, halfDeep, ref rotated);
            MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, ref vctColor, ref translation);

            if (bWireFramed)
                Vector4 vctWireColor = vctColor;
                vctWireColor *= 1.3f;
                DrawWireFramedBox(ref worldMatrix, ref localbox, ref vctWireColor, 0.02f, wireDivideRatio, lineMaterial);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        void DrawSymmetry()
            if (!Main.LocalToolHandler.SymmetryInputAvailable || !MyAPIGateway.CubeBuilder.UseSymmetry || Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedBlock == null)

            IMyCubeGrid selectedGrid = Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedBlock.CubeGrid;

            if (!selectedGrid.XSymmetryPlane.HasValue && !selectedGrid.YSymmetryPlane.HasValue && !selectedGrid.ZSymmetryPlane.HasValue)

            MatrixD  matrix       = selectedGrid.WorldMatrix;
            MyQuadD  quad         = new MyQuadD();
            float    gridSizeHalf = selectedGrid.GridSize * 0.5f;
            Vector3D gridSize     = (Vector3I.One + (selectedGrid.Max - selectedGrid.Min)) * gridSizeHalf;

            if (selectedGrid.XSymmetryPlane.HasValue)
                Vector3D center = matrix.Translation + matrix.Right * ((selectedGrid.XSymmetryPlane.Value.X * selectedGrid.GridSize) - (selectedGrid.XSymmetryOdd ? gridSizeHalf : 0));

                Vector3D minY = matrix.Up * ((selectedGrid.Min.Y - 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D maxY = matrix.Up * ((selectedGrid.Max.Y + 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D minZ = matrix.Backward * ((selectedGrid.Min.Z - 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D maxZ = matrix.Backward * ((selectedGrid.Max.Z + 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);

                quad.Point0 = center + maxY + maxZ;
                quad.Point1 = center + maxY + minZ;
                quad.Point2 = center + minY + minZ;
                quad.Point3 = center + minY + maxZ;

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(SYMMETRY_PLANES_MATERIAL, ref quad, Color.Red * SYMMETRY_PLANES_ALPHA, ref center, blendType: SYMMETRY_PLANES_BLENDTYPE);

            if (selectedGrid.YSymmetryPlane.HasValue)
                Vector3D center = matrix.Translation + matrix.Up * ((selectedGrid.YSymmetryPlane.Value.Y * selectedGrid.GridSize) - (selectedGrid.YSymmetryOdd ? gridSizeHalf : 0));

                Vector3D minZ = matrix.Backward * ((selectedGrid.Min.Z - 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D maxZ = matrix.Backward * ((selectedGrid.Max.Z + 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D minX = matrix.Right * ((selectedGrid.Min.X - 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D maxX = matrix.Right * ((selectedGrid.Max.X + 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);

                quad.Point0 = center + maxZ + maxX;
                quad.Point1 = center + maxZ + minX;
                quad.Point2 = center + minZ + minX;
                quad.Point3 = center + minZ + maxX;

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(SYMMETRY_PLANES_MATERIAL, ref quad, Color.Green * SYMMETRY_PLANES_ALPHA, ref center, blendType: SYMMETRY_PLANES_BLENDTYPE);

            if (selectedGrid.ZSymmetryPlane.HasValue)
                Vector3D center = matrix.Translation + matrix.Backward * ((selectedGrid.ZSymmetryPlane.Value.Z * selectedGrid.GridSize) + (selectedGrid.ZSymmetryOdd ? gridSizeHalf : 0));

                Vector3D minY = matrix.Up * ((selectedGrid.Min.Y - 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D maxY = matrix.Up * ((selectedGrid.Max.Y + 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D minX = matrix.Right * ((selectedGrid.Min.X - 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);
                Vector3D maxX = matrix.Right * ((selectedGrid.Max.X + 1.5f) * selectedGrid.GridSize);

                quad.Point0 = center + maxY + maxX;
                quad.Point1 = center + maxY + minX;
                quad.Point2 = center + minY + minX;
                quad.Point3 = center + minY + maxX;

                MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(SYMMETRY_PLANES_MATERIAL, ref quad, Color.Blue * SYMMETRY_PLANES_ALPHA, ref center, blendType: SYMMETRY_PLANES_BLENDTYPE);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void DrawTransparentCylinder(ref MatrixD worldMatrix,
                                                   float radiusBase, float radiusTop, float length, int wireDivideRatio,
                                                   Vector4 faceColor, Vector4 lineColor,
                                                   MyStringId?faceMaterial     = null, MyStringId?lineMaterial = null, float lineThickness = 0.01f,
                                                   BlendTypeEnum lineBlendType = BlendTypeEnum.Standard, BlendTypeEnum faceBlendType = BlendTypeEnum.Standard,
                                                   bool capEnds = true)
            Vector3D dir          = worldMatrix.Forward;
            Vector3D centerBottom = worldMatrix.Translation;
            Vector3D centerTop    = worldMatrix.Translation + dir * length;

            Vector3D currBottom = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D currTop    = Vector3D.Zero;

            Vector3D prevBottom = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D prevTop    = Vector3D.Zero;

            float stepDeg = 360f / wireDivideRatio;

            for (int i = 0; i <= wireDivideRatio; i++)
                float angle = MathHelper.ToRadians(i * stepDeg);

                currBottom.X = radiusBase * Math.Cos(angle);
                currBottom.Y = radiusBase * Math.Sin(angle);
                currBottom.Z = 0;
                currBottom   = Vector3D.Transform(currBottom, worldMatrix);

                currTop.X = radiusTop * Math.Cos(angle);
                currTop.Y = radiusTop * Math.Sin(angle);
                currTop.Z = -length;
                currTop   = Vector3D.Transform(currTop, worldMatrix);

                if (lineMaterial.HasValue)
                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, lineColor, currBottom, (currTop - currBottom), 1f, lineThickness, lineBlendType);

                if (i > 0)
                    if (lineMaterial.HasValue)
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, lineColor, prevBottom, (currBottom - prevBottom), 1f, lineThickness, lineBlendType);
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(lineMaterial.Value, lineColor, prevTop, (currTop - prevTop), 1f, lineThickness, lineBlendType);

                    if (faceMaterial.HasValue)
                        var quad = new MyQuadD()
                            Point0 = prevTop,
                            Point1 = currTop,
                            Point2 = currBottom,
                            Point3 = prevBottom
                        MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(faceMaterial.Value, ref quad, faceColor, ref currTop, blendType: faceBlendType);

                        if (capEnds)
                            var color = faceColor.ToLinearRGB(); // HACK keeping color consistent with AddQuad() and AddLineBillboard()

                            MyTransparentGeometry.AddTriangleBillboard(centerTop, currTop, prevTop, dir, dir, dir,
                                                                       Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, faceMaterial.Value, 0, currTop, color, faceBlendType);

                            MyTransparentGeometry.AddTriangleBillboard(centerBottom, currBottom, prevBottom, -dir, -dir, -dir,
                                                                       Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero, faceMaterial.Value, 0, currBottom, color, faceBlendType);

                prevBottom = currBottom;
                prevTop    = currTop;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override bool Draw(MyRenderObject renderObject)
            if (Render.MyRender.GetCurrentLodDrawPass() == MyLodTypeEnum.LOD0)
                if (IsDummyVisible())

                    Vector4 color;
                    switch (DummyFlags)
                    case MyDummyPointFlags.NONE: color = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.7f, 0.1f, 0.3f); break;

                    case MyDummyPointFlags.SAFE_AREA: color = new Vector4(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.22f, 0.1f); break;

                    case MyDummyPointFlags.DETECTOR: color = new Vector4(0.12f, 0.1f, 0.7f, 0.3f); break;

                    case MyDummyPointFlags.PARTICLE: color = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.05f, 0.1f, 0.3f); break;

                    default: color = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.3f); break;
                    if ((DummyFlags & MyDummyPointFlags.COLOR_AREA) != 0)
                        color = Color;  // color Color areas with their area color (overriding the default color). I like to write "color".
                    Matrix worldMatrix = WorldMatrix;

                    if ((int)(DummyFlags & MyDummyPointFlags.TEXTURE_QUAD) > 0)
                        BoundingBox localAABB = LocalAABB;
                        MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawWireFramedBox(ref worldMatrix, ref localAABB, ref color, 0.01f, 1, LineMaterial);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                            //var tex = MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Textures.MyTextureManager.GetTexture<MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Textures.MyTexture2D>(Name);
                            int i = 0;
                            foreach (MyTransparentMaterialEnum trEnum in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyTransparentMaterialEnum)))
                                if (MyTransparentMaterialConstants.MyTransparentMaterialStrings[i] == Name)
                                    Vector4 quadColor = Vector4.One;
                                    MyQuad  quad;
                                    Vector3 position     = GetPosition();
                                    Vector3 zeroPosition = Vector3.Zero;

                                    var   texture = MyTransparentGeometry.GetTexture(trEnum);
                                    float ratio   = texture.Height / (float)texture.Width;

                                    MyUtils.GenerateQuad(out quad, ref position, WorldAABB.Size().X *ratio, WorldAABB.Size().X, ref worldMatrix);
                                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddQuad(trEnum, ref quad, ref quadColor, ref position);
                        if (Type == MyDummyPointType.Box)
                            BoundingBox localAABB = LocalAABB;
                            MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentBox(ref worldMatrix, ref localAABB, ref color, true, 1, FaceMaterial, LineMaterial);
                            BoundingSphere localSphere = new BoundingSphere(worldMatrix.Translation, Radius);
                            MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawTransparentSphere(ref worldMatrix, localSphere.Radius, ref color, true, 12, FaceMaterial, LineMaterial);

                if (ParticleEffect != null && IsVisible() && Enabled)
                    Vector4 particleColor = Color == Vector4.Zero ? Vector4.One : Color;
                    ParticleEffect.UserColorMultiplier = particleColor;
                    ParticleEffect.UserScale           = UserScale;


