Ejemplo n.º 1
        private MyGuiControlButton MakeButtonCategory(Vector2 position, MySteamWorkshop.Category category)
            var idWithoutSpaces = category.Id.Replace(" ", "");
            var button          = MakeButtonTiny(position, 0f, category.LocalizableName,
                                                 new MyGuiHighlightTexture
                Normal    = string.Format(@"Textures\GUI\Icons\buttons\{0}.dds", idWithoutSpaces),
                Highlight = string.Format(@"Textures\GUI\Icons\buttons\{0}Highlight.dds", idWithoutSpaces),
                SizePx    = new Vector2(64f, 64f),

            button.UserData      = category.Id;
            button.HighlightType = MyGuiControlHighlightType.FORCED;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void ProcessTags()
            // TODO: This code could be better.

            // Get the list of existing tags, if there are any
            var existingTags = GetTags();
            var length       = m_tags.Length;

            // Order or tag processing matters
            // 1) Copy mod type into tags
            var modtype = m_type.ToString();

            // 2) Verify the modtype matches what was listed in the workshop
            // TODO If type doesn't match, process as workshop type
            if (existingTags != null && existingTags.Length > 0)
                MyDebug.AssertDebug(existingTags.Contains(modtype), string.Format("Mod type '{0}' does not match workshop '{1}'", modtype, existingTags[0]));

            // 3a) check if user passed in the 'development' tag
            // If so, remove it, and mark the mod as 'dev' so it doesn't get flagged later
            if (m_tags.Contains(MySteamWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG))
                m_tags  = (from tag in m_tags where tag != MySteamWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG select tag).ToArray();
                m_isDev = true;

            // 3b If tags contain mod type, remove it
            if (m_tags.Contains(modtype))
                m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where tag != modtype select tag).ToArray();

            // 4)
            if (m_tags.Length == 1 && m_tags[0] == null && existingTags != null && existingTags.Length > 0)
                // 4a) If user passed no tags, use existing ones
                Array.Resize(ref m_tags, existingTags.Length);
                Array.Copy(existingTags, m_tags, existingTags.Length);
                // 4b) Verify passed in tags are valid for this mod type
                MySteamWorkshop.Category[] validTags = new MySteamWorkshop.Category[0];
                switch (m_type)
                case WorkshopType.Mod:
                    validTags = MySteamWorkshop.ModCategories;

                case WorkshopType.Blueprint:
                    validTags = MySteamWorkshop.BlueprintCategories;

                case WorkshopType.Scenario:
                    validTags = MySteamWorkshop.ScenarioCategories;

                case WorkshopType.World:
                    validTags = MySteamWorkshop.WorldCategories;

                case WorkshopType.IngameScript:
                    //tags = new MySteamWorkshop.Category[0];     // There are none currently

                    MyDebug.FailRelease("Invalid category.");

                // This query gets all the items in 'm_tags' that do *not* exist in 'validTags'
                // This is for detecting invalid tags passed in
                var invalidItems = from utag in m_tags
                                   where !(
                    from tag in validTags
                    select tag.Id
                                   select utag;

                if (invalidItems.Count() > 0)
                    MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("{0} invalid tags: {1}", (m_force ? "Forced" : "Removing"), string.Join(", ", invalidItems)));

                    if (!m_force)
                        m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where !invalidItems.Contains(tag) select tag).ToArray();

                // Now prepend the 'Type' tag
                string[] newTags = new string[m_tags.Length + 1];
                newTags[0] = m_type.ToString();
                Array.Copy(m_tags, 0, newTags, 1, m_tags.Length);
                m_tags = newTags;

            // 5) Set or clear development tag
            if (m_isDev)
                // If user selected dev, add dev tag
                if (!m_tags.Contains(MySteamWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG))
                    Array.Resize(ref m_tags, m_tags.Length + 1);
                    m_tags[m_tags.Length - 1] = MySteamWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG;
                // If not, remove tag
                if (m_tags.Contains(MySteamWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG))
                    m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where tag != MySteamWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG select tag).ToArray();

            // 6) Strip empty values
            m_tags = m_tags.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();

            // Done
            MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Publishing with tags: {0}", string.Join(", ", m_tags)));