Ejemplo n.º 1
 public DataTable GetGoodsPriceLine(string goodsId, string fromroute, string toroute, string statisticstype)
     using (MySqlDbConnection dbc = MySqlConnstr.GetDBConnection())
             string where = "";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromroute))
                 where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("fromroutecode", fromroute);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toroute))
                 where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("toroutecode", toroute);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statisticstype))
                 where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("statisticstype", statisticstype);
             string    sql = @"select id,CASE statisticstype WHEN 1 THEN '零担' WHEN 2 THEN '整车' ELSE '' END transporttype,
                             from tb_b_pricemodel where goodsid=" + dbc.ToSqlValue(goodsId) + " and status=0 " + where + " order by updatetime desc";
             DataTable dt  = dbc.ExecuteDataTable(sql);
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public object getSourceGoodsListByPage(int pagnum, int pagesize, string beg, string end, string changjia, string offerstatus, string flowstatus)
        using (MySqlDbConnection dbc = MySqlConnstr.GetDBConnection())
                int cp = pagnum;
                int ac = 0;

                string where = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beg))
                    where += " and  a.addtime>='" + Convert.ToDateTime(beg).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end))
                    where += " and a.addtime<='" + Convert.ToDateTime(end).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(changjia.Trim()))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_Like("b.username", changjia.Trim(), SmartFramework4v2.Data.LikeStyle.LeftAndRightLike);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(offerstatus))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("a.offerstatus", offerstatus.Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowstatus))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("a.flowstatus", flowstatus.Trim());
                string str = @"select a.*,b.username,b.carriername,c.name vehiclelengthrequirementname from tb_b_sourcegoodsinfo_offer a
                            left join tb_b_user b on a.shipperid=b.userid
                            left join tb_b_dictionary_detail c on a.vehiclelengthrequirement=c.bm
                            where (a.shipperid in(
                                select d.userid from tb_b_operator_association d
                                left join tb_b_user e on d.userid=e.userid
                                inner join tb_b_user f on d.operator=f.userid and f.correlationid=" + dbc.ToSqlValue(SystemUser.CurrentUser.UserID) + @"
                                where d.status = 0
                            ) or 'D4D659F2-C2AE-4D96-AA87-A5DF0EC3F57C'=" + dbc.ToSqlValue(SystemUser.CurrentUser.UserID.ToUpper()) + @")";
                str += where;

                System.Data.DataTable dtPage = new System.Data.DataTable();
                dtPage = dbc.GetPagedDataTable(str + " order by a.offerstatus asc, a.flowstatus asc, a.goodsinsertdatetime desc", pagesize, ref cp, out ac);

                return(new { dt = dtPage, cp = cp, ac = ac });
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public object GetGoodsList(int pagnum, int pagesize, string goodsTypeId, string goodsName)
        using (MySqlDbConnection dbc = MySqlConnstr.GetDBConnection())
                int cp = pagnum;
                int ac = 0;

                string where = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsTypeId.Trim()))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("a.goodstype", goodsTypeId.Trim());

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsName.Trim()))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_Like("a.goodsname", goodsName.Trim(), LikeStyle.LeftAndRightLike);

                string str = @"select a.*,b.id goodstypeid,b.name goodstypename from tb_b_goods a
                                left join tb_b_dictionary_detail b on a.goodstype=b.id where a.status=0 ";
                str += where;

                System.Data.DataTable dtPage = new System.Data.DataTable();
                dtPage = dbc.GetPagedDataTable(str + " order by b.code asc", pagesize, ref cp, out ac);

                return(new { dt = dtPage, cp = cp, ac = ac });
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public byte[] ExportSourceGoodsSC(string beg, string end, string changjia, string offerstatus, string flowstatus)
        using (MySqlDbConnection dbc = MySqlConnstr.GetDBConnection())
                string where = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beg))
                    where += " and  a.addtime>='" + Convert.ToDateTime(beg).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end))
                    where += " and a.addtime<='" + Convert.ToDateTime(end).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(changjia.Trim()))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_Like("b.username", changjia.Trim(), SmartFramework4v2.Data.LikeStyle.LeftAndRightLike);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(offerstatus))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("a.offerstatus", offerstatus.Trim());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowstatus))
                    where += " and " + dbc.C_EQ("a.flowstatus", flowstatus.Trim());
                string str = @"select a.*,b.username,b.carriername,c.name vehiclelengthrequirementname from tb_b_sourcegoodsinfo_offer a
                            left join tb_b_user b on a.shipperid=b.userid
                            left join tb_b_dictionary_detail c on a.vehiclelengthrequirement=c.bm
                            where (a.shipperid in(
                                select d.userid from tb_b_operator_association d
                                left join tb_b_user e on d.userid=e.userid
                                inner join tb_b_user f on d.operator=f.userid and f.correlationid=" + dbc.ToSqlValue(SystemUser.CurrentUser.UserID) + @"
                                where d.status = 0
                            ) or 'D4D659F2-C2AE-4D96-AA87-A5DF0EC3F57C'=" + dbc.ToSqlValue(SystemUser.CurrentUser.UserID.ToUpper()) + @")";
                str += where;

                System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
                dt = dbc.ExecuteDataTable(str + " order by a.offerstatus asc, a.flowstatus asc, a.goodsinsertdatetime desc");

                Aspose.Cells.Workbook  workbook = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(); //工作簿
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                String[] ColumnName = { "厂家", "询价时间", "询价状态", "询价流程状态", "单号", "起始地", "目的地", "收货地址", "收货方", "收货联系人", "收货联系方式", "货物", "数量", "重量", "体积", "车型", "车长", "承运方", "是否提货", "是否送货", "预付运费", "预估企业报价", "预估下游成本", "预估税费成本", "预估资金成本", "备注", "预估用油金额", "预估用票金额" };
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                                case "0":
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                                case "1":
                                    ColumnVs = "已下单";
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                                case "0":
                                    str = "询价单等待市场部转发操作";

                                case "10":
                                    str = "询价单已发送操作员,等待报价";

                                case "20":
                                    str = "操作员已报价,等待市场部提交客户报价";

                                case "90":
                                    str = "市场部已提交客户报价,等待客户下单";
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                                case "1":
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                                    str = "厢车";
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                                case "0":
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                                    str = "不提货";
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                                case "0":
                                    str = "送货";

                                case "1":
                                    str = "不送";

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