Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void LoadSerializers()
            MyObjectBuilder_Base loaded = null;

            try { MyObjectBuilderSerializer.DeserializeXML(String.Empty, out loaded); }
            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1)
            var maxAmount  = ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId());
            var restAmount = amount;

            if (amount <= maxAmount)
                foreach (MyInventoryBase inventory in m_children.Reader)
                    var availableSpace = inventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId());
                    if (availableSpace > restAmount)
                        availableSpace = restAmount;
                    if (availableSpace > 0)
                        if (inventory.AddItems(availableSpace, objectBuilder))
                            restAmount -= availableSpace;
            return(restAmount == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder)
            MyFixedPoint point  = this.ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId(), 0f, 0f);
            MyFixedPoint point2 = amount;

            if (amount <= point)
                foreach (MyInventoryBase base2 in this.m_children.Reader)
                    MyFixedPoint point3 = base2.ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId(), 0f, 0f);
                    if (point3 > point2)
                        point3 = point2;
                    if ((point3 > 0) && base2.AddItems(point3, objectBuilder))
                        point2 -= point3;
                    if (point2 == 0)
            return(point2 == 0);
        public virtual void Init(MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, MyEntityStat parentStat)
            m_parentStat = parentStat;

            var builder = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_EntityStatRegenEffect;

            if (builder == null)

            Debug.Assert(builder.Interval > 0f);
            if (builder.Interval <= 0f)

            m_amount        = builder.TickAmount;
            m_interval      = builder.Interval;
            m_maxRegenRatio = builder.MaxRegenRatio;
            m_minRegenRatio = builder.MinRegenRatio;
            m_duration      = builder.Duration - (builder.AliveTime / 1000);

        private static bool DeserializeXML(Stream reader, out MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, Type builderType)
            Debug.Assert(reader != null);
            Debug.Assert(builderType != null);

            objectBuilder = null;
                XmlSerializer serializer = m_serializersByType[builderType];
                Debug.Assert(serializer != null);
                objectBuilder = (MyObjectBuilder_Base)serializer.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create(reader, new XmlReaderSettings()
                    CheckCharacters = false
            catch (Exception e)
                MyLog.Default.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception during objectbuilder read! (xml): " + builderType.Name);
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public virtual void Init(MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder)
            var builder = (MyObjectBuilder_EntityStat)objectBuilder;

            MyEntityStatDefinition definition;

            MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition <MyEntityStatDefinition>(new MyDefinitionId(builder.TypeId, builder.SubtypeId), out definition);

            Debug.Assert(definition != null);
            StatDefinition = definition;

            m_maxValue     = builder.MaxValue * 100.0f;
            m_minValue     = 0.0f;
            m_currentValue = builder.Value * m_maxValue;

            m_lastSyncValue = m_currentValue;
            m_statId        = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(definition.Name);

            if (builder.Effects != null)
                foreach (var effectBuilder in builder.Effects)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void removePilotToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode node = SectorTree.SelectedNode;
            MyObjectBuilder_Sector sector = (MyObjectBuilder_Sector)node.Parent.Parent.Tag;

            Console.WriteLine("in method");

            if (node.Nodes.ContainsKey("Pilot"))
                Console.WriteLine("Contains Pilot");
                TreeNode pilotNode = node.Nodes[node.Nodes.IndexOfKey("Pilot")];
                MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit cockpit = (MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit)pilotNode.Tag;
                long Pilot_id = 0;
                if (cockpit.Pilot != null)
                    DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Overwrite \"" + SectorTree.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text + "\"?", "Save", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        MyObjectBuilder_Character pilot    = (MyObjectBuilder_Character)cockpit.Pilot;
                        MyObjectBuilder_Character newPilot = (MyObjectBuilder_Character)pilot.Clone();
                        MyPositionAndOrientation  newpos   = (MyPositionAndOrientation)newPilot.PositionAndOrientation;
                        newpos.Position.X = 0;
                        newpos.Position.Y = 0;
                        newpos.Position.Z = 0;
                        newPilot.PositionAndOrientation  = newpos;
                        newPilot.AutoenableJetpackDelay  = 0;
                        newPilot.JetpackEnabled          = true;
                        newPilot.Battery.ProducerEnabled = true;
                        cockpit.Pilot = null;
                        Pilot_id = newPilot.EntityId;
                        string file       = Path.Combine(this.saves_path, SectorTree.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text, "SANDBOX_0_0_0_.sbs");
                        string backupfile = Path.Combine(this.saves_path, SectorTree.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text, "SANDBOX_0_0_0_.BAK2");
                        if (File.Exists(backupfile))
                        File.Move(file, backupfile);
                        label1.Text = "Saving...";
                        MyObjectBuilder_Sector mySector = (MyObjectBuilder_Sector)SectorTree.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Tag;
                        using (FileStream sr = File.Open(file, FileMode.Create))
                            MyObjectBuilder_Base.SerializeXML(sr, mySector);
                        //now update the sbc file
                        String    sbcfile = Path.Combine(this.saves_path, node.Parent.Parent.Text, "Sandbox.sbc");
                        XDocument sbcFile = XDocument.Load(sbcfile);
                        sbcFile.Root.SetElementValue("ControlledObject", Pilot_id);
                        this.create_tree(node.Parent.Parent, mySector);
                        label1.Text = "";
 public static bool SerializeXML(Stream writeTo, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, XmlCompression compress = XmlCompression.Uncompressed, Type serializeAsType = null)
         if (compress == XmlCompression.Gzip)
             SerializeGZippedXMLInternal(writeTo, objectBuilder, serializeAsType);
         else if (compress == XmlCompression.Uncompressed)
             SerializeXMLInternal(writeTo, objectBuilder, serializeAsType);
             Debug.Assert(false, "Unhandled XML compression type during object builder serialization");
     catch (Exception e)
         MyLog.Default.WriteLine("Error during serialization.");
        private void BTN_InventoryItem_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CMB_ItemType.SelectedItem == null)
            if (Amount <= 0.0f)

                MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem objectBuilder = MyObjectBuilder_Base.CreateNewObject <MyObjectBuilder_InventoryItem>();
                objectBuilder.Content = MyObjectBuilder_Base.CreateNewObject(SelectedType.TypeId, SelectedType.SubtypeId);
                objectBuilder.Amount  = Amount;
                InventoryItemEntity newItem = new InventoryItemEntity(objectBuilder);


            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //export ship
        private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult result = saveFileDialog2.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                string               filename = saveFileDialog2.FileName;
                TreeNode             node     = SectorTree.SelectedNode;
                MyObjectBuilder_Base myBase   = (MyObjectBuilder_Base)node.Tag;
                switch (myBase.TypeId)
                case MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.CubeGrid:
                    using (FileStream sr = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create))
                        MyObjectBuilder_Base.SerializeXML(sr, (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)SectorTree.SelectedNode.Tag);

                case MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.VoxelMap:
                    using (FileStream sr = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open))
                        MyObjectBuilder_Base.SerializeXML(sr, (MyObjectBuilder_VoxelMap)SectorTree.SelectedNode.Tag);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public virtual void Init(MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder)
            MyEntityStatDefinition     definition;
            MyObjectBuilder_EntityStat stat = (MyObjectBuilder_EntityStat)objectBuilder;

            MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition <MyEntityStatDefinition>(new MyDefinitionId(stat.TypeId, stat.SubtypeId), out definition);
            this.StatDefinition                   = definition;
            this.m_maxValue                       = definition.MaxValue;
            this.m_minValue                       = definition.MinValue;
            this.m_currentValue                   = stat.Value * this.m_maxValue;
            this.m_defaultValue                   = definition.DefaultValue;
            this.m_lastSyncValue                  = this.m_currentValue;
            this.m_statId                         = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(definition.Name);
            this.m_regenAmountMultiplier          = stat.StatRegenAmountMultiplier;
            this.m_regenAmountMultiplierDuration  = stat.StatRegenAmountMultiplierDuration;
            this.m_regenAmountMultiplierTimeStart = MySandboxGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
            this.m_regenAmountMultiplierTimeAlive = 0;
            this.m_regenAmountMultiplierActive    = this.m_regenAmountMultiplierDuration > 0f;
            if (stat.Effects != null)
                foreach (MyObjectBuilder_EntityStatRegenEffect effect in stat.Effects)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static T CreateEntity <T>(MyObjectBuilder_Base builder) where T : MyEntity
            T entity = m_objectFactory.CreateInstance <T>(builder.TypeId);

            AddScriptGameLogic(entity, builder.GetType(), builder.SubtypeName);
 private static void SerializeGZippedXMLInternal(Stream writeTo, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, Type serializeAsType = null)
     using (GZipStream gz = new GZipStream(writeTo, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
         using (BufferedStream buffer = new BufferedStream(gz, 0x8000))
             SerializeXMLInternal(buffer, objectBuilder, serializeAsType);
        public void Init(MyLogicalEnvironmentSectorBase sector, MyObjectBuilder_Base ob)
            if (ob != null)

            m_sector = sector;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static T CreateEntity <T>(MyObjectBuilder_Base builder) where T : MyEntity
            T entity = m_objectFactory.CreateInstance <T>(builder.TypeId);

            AddScriptGameLogic(entity, builder.GetType(), builder.SubtypeName);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static T CreateEntity <T>(MyObjectBuilder_Base builder, bool readyForReplication = true) where T : MyEntity
            T entity = m_objectFactory.CreateInstance <T>(builder.TypeId);

            AddScriptGameLogic(entity, builder.GetType(), builder.SubtypeName);
            entity.IsReadyForReplication = readyForReplication;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private static double GetMaxVolume(MyObjectBuilder_Base block, MyCubeSize size)
            Func <MyCubeSize, MyStringHash, double> volumeFunc;

            Definitions.MaxInventoryVolume.TryGetValue(block.TypeId, out volumeFunc);
            if (volumeFunc == null)
            return(volumeFunc.Invoke(size, block.SubtypeId));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void regenerateIDsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode             node   = SectorTree.SelectedNode;
            MyObjectBuilder_Base myBase = (MyObjectBuilder_Base)node.Tag;

            if (myBase.TypeId == MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.CubeGrid)
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid myGrid = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)myBase;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public virtual void Init(MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder)
            var builder = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_EntityStat;

            if (builder == null)

            m_minValue     = builder.MinValue;
            m_maxValue     = builder.MaxValue;
            m_currentValue = MathHelper.Clamp(builder.Value, m_minValue, m_maxValue);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void cloneToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode             node   = SectorTree.SelectedNode;
            MyObjectBuilder_Base myBase = (MyObjectBuilder_Base)node.Tag;

            if (myBase.TypeId == MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.CubeGrid)
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid myGrid    = this.clone_grid((MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)myBase);
                MyPositionAndOrientation myGridPos = (MyPositionAndOrientation)myGrid.PositionAndOrientation;
                myGridPos.Position.X = myGridPos.Position.X + 100;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override unsafe void Init(MyLogicalEnvironmentSectorBase sector, MyObjectBuilder_Base ob)
            base.Init(sector, ob);

            var penv = (MyPlanetEnvironmentComponent)sector.Owner;

            if (penv.CollisionCheckEnabled)
                m_boxes = penv.GetCollidedBoxes(sector.Id);
                if (m_boxes != null)
                    m_boxes = new List <MyOrientedBoundingBoxD>(m_boxes);                 // duplicate the list so the debug draw works

            var builder = (MyObjectBuilder_StaticEnvironmentModule)ob;

            if (builder != null)
                var newDisabled = builder.DisabledItems;

                foreach (var item in newDisabled)
                    if (!m_disabledItems.Contains(item))
                        OnItemEnable(item, false);


                if (builder.Boxes != null && builder.MinScanned > 0)
                    m_boxes         = builder.Boxes;
                    m_minScannedLod = builder.MinScanned;

            // Postprocess positions so they are local and simplify tests
            if (m_boxes != null)
                var sWorldPos = sector.WorldPos;

                int cnt = m_boxes.Count;
                fixed(MyOrientedBoundingBoxD *bb = m_boxes.GetInternalArray())
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
                    bb[i].Center -= sWorldPos;
        public static MyObjectBuilder_Base Clone(MyObjectBuilder_Base toClone)
            MyObjectBuilder_Base clone = null;

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                SerializeXMLInternal(stream, toClone);

                stream.Position = 0;

                DeserializeXML(stream, out clone, toClone.GetType());
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void moveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode             node   = SectorTree.SelectedNode;
            MyObjectBuilder_Base myBase = (MyObjectBuilder_Base)node.Tag;

            if (myBase.TypeId == MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.CubeGrid)
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid myGrid = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)myBase;
                Form2 newform = new Form2(this);
                MyPositionAndOrientation pos = (MyPositionAndOrientation)myGrid.PositionAndOrientation;
                newform.setVals(pos.Position.X, pos.Position.Y, pos.Position.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static T CreateEntity <T>(MyObjectBuilder_Base builder) where T : MyEntity
            T   entity        = m_objectFactory.CreateInstance <T>(builder.TypeId);
            var scriptManager = Sandbox.Game.World.MyScriptManager.Static;
            var builderType   = builder.GetType();

            if (scriptManager != null && scriptManager.EntityScripts.ContainsKey(builderType))
                entity.GameLogic = (MyGameLogicComponent)Activator.CreateInstance(scriptManager.EntityScripts[builderType]);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public virtual void Init(MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, MyEntityStat parentStat)
     this.m_parentStat = parentStat;
     MyObjectBuilder_EntityStatRegenEffect effect = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_EntityStatRegenEffect;
     if ((effect != null) && (effect.Interval > 0f))
         this.m_amount = effect.TickAmount;
         this.m_interval = effect.Interval;
         this.m_maxRegenRatio = effect.MaxRegenRatio;
         this.m_minRegenRatio = effect.MinRegenRatio;
         this.m_duration = effect.Duration - (effect.AliveTime / 1000f);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static string Serialize <T>(MyObjectBuilder_Base item) where T : MyObjectBuilder_Base
            using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
                if (MyObjectBuilderSerializer.SerializeXML(outStream, item))
                    outStream.Position = 0;

                    StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(outStream);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public T NewEntry <T>(MyObjectBuilder_Base source) where T : BaseObject
            if (!IsMutable)

            var newEntry = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { source });

            GetInternalData().Add(m_definitions.Count, newEntry);
            m_changed = true;

Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void setPosition(float x, float y, float z)
            TreeNode             node   = SectorTree.SelectedNode;
            MyObjectBuilder_Base myBase = (MyObjectBuilder_Base)node.Tag;

            if (myBase.TypeId == MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.CubeGrid)
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid myGrid = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)myBase;
                MyPositionAndOrientation pos    = (MyPositionAndOrientation)myGrid.PositionAndOrientation;
                pos.Position.X = x;
                pos.Position.Y = y;
                pos.Position.Z = z;
                myGrid.PositionAndOrientation = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        //###################################################################### new stuff below this line ######################//

        private MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid clone_grid(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid old_grid)
            using (MemoryStream input_stream = new MemoryStream())
                MyObjectBuilder_Base.SerializeXML(input_stream, old_grid);
                MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid new_grid = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)MyObjectBuilder_Base.CreateNewObject(MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.CubeGrid);
                using (MemoryStream output_stream = new MemoryStream()){
                    output_stream.Seek(0, 0);
                    MyObjectBuilder_Base.DeserializeXML(output_stream, out new_grid);

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation100()
            var myEntity = Entity as MyEntity;
            var inv0     = myEntity.GetInventory(0);

            if (GuidedMissileCore.GuidedMissileTargeterAmmo.HasValue)
                if (inv0.GetItemAmount(GuidedMissileCore.GuidedMissileTargeterAmmo.Value) < 10)
                    MyObjectBuilder_Base myObjectBuilderPhysicalObject =
                    inv0.AddItems(10, myObjectBuilderPhysicalObject);

Ejemplo n.º 31
 public void DebugAddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder)
     if (!MyFinalBuildConstants.IS_OFFICIAL)
         MyMultiplayer.RaiseEvent(this, x => x.DebugAddItems_Implementation, amount, objectBuilder);
         Trace.Fail("DebugAddItems not supported in official builds (it would be cheating)");
 bool IMyComponentInventory.AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index)
     return AddItems(amount, objectBuilder, index);
 public override bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1)
     var maxAmount = ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId());
     var restAmount = amount;
     if (amount <= maxAmount)
         foreach (MyInventoryBase inventory in m_children.Reader)
             var availableSpace = inventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId());
             if (availableSpace > restAmount)
                 availableSpace = restAmount;
             if (availableSpace > 0)
                 if (inventory.AddItems(availableSpace, objectBuilder))
                     restAmount -= availableSpace;
     return restAmount == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 34
		private static void SaveSandbox( MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, string savePath, out ulong fileSize )
			string path = Path.Combine(savePath, "Sandbox.sbc");
			MyObjectBuilderSerializer.SerializeXML(path, false, objectBuilder, out fileSize);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 void SwitchToWeaponSuccess(MyDefinitionId? weapon, MyObjectBuilder_Base weaponObjectBuilder, long weaponEntityId)
     SwitchToWeaponInternal(weapon, false);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1)
            Debug.Assert(objectBuilder is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject, "This type of inventory can't add other types than PhysicalObjects!");
            MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject physicalObjectBuilder = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject;
            if (physicalObjectBuilder == null)
                return false;
            if (amount == 0) return false;
            if (!CanItemsBeAdded(amount, physicalObjectBuilder.GetObjectId())) return false;

            if (Sync.IsServer)
                if (MyPerGameSettings.ConstrainInventory())
                    AffectAddBySurvival(ref amount, physicalObjectBuilder);
                if (amount == 0)
                    return false;
                AddItemsInternal(amount, physicalObjectBuilder, index);
                SyncObject.SendAddItemsAnnounce(this, amount, physicalObjectBuilder, index);
                SyncObject.SendAddItemsRequest(this, index, amount, physicalObjectBuilder);
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the physical object of the specified name or partial name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemName">The name of the physical object to find.</param>
        /// <param name="objectBuilder">The object builder of the physical object, ready for use.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Returns a list of potential matches if there was more than one of the same or partial name.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if a single exact match was found.</returns>
        public static bool FindPhysicalParts(string[] _oreNames, string[] _ingotNames, string[] _physicalItemNames, MyPhysicalItemDefinition[] _physicalItems, string itemName, out MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, out string[] options)
            var itemNames = itemName.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // prefix the search term with 'ore' to find this ore name.
            if (itemNames.Length > 1 && itemNames[0].Equals("ore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var findName = itemName.Substring(4).Trim();

                var exactMatchOres = _oreNames.Where(ore => ore.Equals(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
                if (exactMatchOres.Length == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ore() { SubtypeName = exactMatchOres[0] };
                    options = new string[0];
                    return true;
                else if (exactMatchOres.Length > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = exactMatchOres;
                    return false;

                var partialMatchOres = _oreNames.Where(ore => ore.IndexOf(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToArray();
                if (partialMatchOres.Length == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ore() { SubtypeName = partialMatchOres[0] };
                    options = new string[0];
                    return true;
                else if (partialMatchOres.Length > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = partialMatchOres;
                    return false;

                objectBuilder = null;
                options = new string[0];
                return false;

            // prefix the search term with 'ingot' to find this ingot name.
            if (itemNames.Length > 1 && itemNames[0].Equals("ingot", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var findName = itemName.Substring(6).Trim();

                var exactMatchIngots = _ingotNames.Where(ingot => ingot.Equals(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
                if (exactMatchIngots.Length == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ingot() { SubtypeName = exactMatchIngots[0] };
                    options = new string[0];
                    return true;
                else if (exactMatchIngots.Length > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = exactMatchIngots;
                    return false;

                var partialMatchIngots = _ingotNames.Where(ingot => ingot.IndexOf(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToArray();
                if (partialMatchIngots.Length == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ingot() { SubtypeName = partialMatchIngots[0] };
                    options = new string[0];
                    return true;
                else if (partialMatchIngots.Length > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = partialMatchIngots;
                    return false;

                objectBuilder = null;
                options = new string[0];
                return false;

            // full name match.
            var res = _physicalItemNames.FirstOrDefault(s => s != null && s.Equals(itemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            // need a good method for finding partial name matches.
            if (res == null)
                var matches = _physicalItemNames.Where(s => s != null && s.StartsWith(itemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Distinct().ToArray();

                if (matches.Length == 1)
                    res = matches.FirstOrDefault();
                    matches = _physicalItemNames.Where(s => s != null && s.IndexOf(itemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).Distinct().ToArray();
                    if (matches.Length == 1)
                        res = matches.FirstOrDefault();
                    else if (matches.Length > 1)
                        objectBuilder = null;
                        options = matches;
                        return false;

            if (res != null)
                var item = _physicalItems[Array.IndexOf(_physicalItemNames, res)];
                if (item != null)
                    objectBuilder = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(item.Id.TypeId, item.Id.SubtypeName);
                    options = new string[0];
                    return true;

            objectBuilder = null;
            options = new string[0];
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public override bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1, bool stack = true)
            Debug.Assert(objectBuilder is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject, "This type of inventory can't add other types than PhysicalObjects!");
            MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject physicalObjectBuilder = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject;
            if (physicalObjectBuilder == null)
                return false;
            if (amount == 0) return false;
            if (!CanItemsBeAdded(amount, physicalObjectBuilder.GetObjectId())) return false;

            if (Sync.IsServer)
                if (MyPerGameSettings.ConstrainInventory())
                    AffectAddBySurvival(ref amount, physicalObjectBuilder);
                if (amount == 0)
                    return false;
                AddItemsInternal(amount, physicalObjectBuilder, index, null, stack);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public static MyGuiControlBase CreateGuiControl(MyObjectBuilder_Base builder)
     return m_objectFactory.CreateInstance(builder.TypeId);
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public override bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder)
     return AddItems(amount, objectBuilder, null, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 41
        private bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, uint? itemId, int index = -1)
            if (amount == 0) return false;
            Debug.Assert(objectBuilder is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject || (MyFakes.ENABLE_COMPONENT_BLOCKS && objectBuilder is MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock), "This type of inventory can't add other types than PhysicalObjects!");

            MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject physicalObjectBuilder = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject;
            MyDefinitionId defId = objectBuilder.GetId();
            if (MyFakes.ENABLE_COMPONENT_BLOCKS)
                if (physicalObjectBuilder == null)
                    physicalObjectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_BlockItem();
                    (physicalObjectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_BlockItem).BlockDefId = defId;
                    MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetComponentBlockDefinition(defId);
                    if (blockDef != null)
                        physicalObjectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_BlockItem();
                        (physicalObjectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_BlockItem).BlockDefId = blockDef.Id;

            if (physicalObjectBuilder == null)
                return false;

            defId = physicalObjectBuilder.GetObjectId();
            MyFixedPoint fittingAmount = ComputeAmountThatFits(defId);

            if (fittingAmount < amount) return false;

            if (Sync.IsServer)
                if (MyPerGameSettings.ConstrainInventory())
                    AffectAddBySurvival(ref amount, physicalObjectBuilder);
                if (amount == 0)
                    return false;
                AddItemsInternal(amount, physicalObjectBuilder, itemId, index);
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds item to inventory
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amount"></param>
 /// <param name="objectBuilder"></param>
 /// <param name="index"></param>
 /// <returns>true if items were added, false if items didn't fit</returns>
 public abstract bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1);
Ejemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the physical object of the specified name or partial name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemName">The name of the physical object to find.</param>
        /// <param name="objectBuilder">The object builder of the physical object, ready for use.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Returns a list of potential matches if there was more than one of the same or partial name.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if a single exact match was found.</returns>
        public static bool FindPhysicalParts(string itemName, out MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, out Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition> options)
            itemName = itemName.Trim();
            var itemNames = itemName.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // prefix the search term with 'ore' to find this ore name.
            if (itemNames.Length > 1 && itemNames[0].Equals("ore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var findName = itemName.Substring(4).Trim();

                var exactMatchOres = _oreList.Where(ore => ore.Value.Id.SubtypeName.Equals(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
                if (exactMatchOres.Count == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ore() { SubtypeName = exactMatchOres.First().Value.Id.SubtypeName };
                    options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                    return true;
                if (exactMatchOres.Count > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = exactMatchOres;
                    return false;

                var partialMatchOres = _oreList.Where(ore => ore.Value.Id.SubtypeName.IndexOf(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
                if (partialMatchOres.Count == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ore() { SubtypeName = partialMatchOres.First().Value.Id.SubtypeName };
                    options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                    return true;
                if (partialMatchOres.Count > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = partialMatchOres;
                    return false;

                objectBuilder = null;
                options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                return false;

            // prefix the search term with 'ingot' to find this ingot name.
            if (itemNames.Length > 1 && itemNames[0].Equals("ingot", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                var findName = itemName.Substring(6).Trim();

                var exactMatchIngots = _ingotList.Where(ingot => ingot.Value.Id.SubtypeName.Equals(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
                if (exactMatchIngots.Count == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ingot() { SubtypeName = exactMatchIngots.First().Value.Id.SubtypeName };
                    options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                    return true;
                if (exactMatchIngots.Count > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = exactMatchIngots;
                    return false;

                var partialMatchIngots = _ingotList.Where(ingot => ingot.Value.Id.SubtypeName.IndexOf(findName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
                if (partialMatchIngots.Count == 1)
                    objectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_Ingot() { SubtypeName = partialMatchIngots.First().Value.Id.SubtypeName };
                    options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                    return true;
                if (partialMatchIngots.Count > 1)
                    objectBuilder = null;
                    options = partialMatchIngots;
                    return false;

                objectBuilder = null;
                options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                return false;

            // full name match.
            var res = _physicalItemNames.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Key != null && s.Key.Equals(itemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            // need a good method for finding partial name matches.
            if (res.Key == null)
                var matches = _physicalItemNames.Where(s => s.Key != null && s.Key.StartsWith(itemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Distinct().ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                if (matches.Count == 1)
                    res = matches.FirstOrDefault();
                    matches = _physicalItemNames.Where(s => s.Key != null && s.Key.IndexOf(itemName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).Distinct().ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
                    if (matches.Count == 1)
                        res = matches.FirstOrDefault();
                    else if (matches.Count > 1)
                        objectBuilder = null;
                        options = matches;
                        return false;

            if (res.Key != null)
                if (res.Value != null)
                    objectBuilder = MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject(res.Value.Id.TypeId, res.Value.Id.SubtypeName);
                    options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
                    return true;

            objectBuilder = null;
            options = new Dictionary<string, MyPhysicalItemDefinition>();
            return false;
 virtual public bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1)
     var maxAmount = ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId());
     var restAmount = amount;
     if (amount <= maxAmount)
         foreach (var inventory in Inventories)
             var availableSpace = inventory.ComputeAmountThatFits(objectBuilder.GetId());
             if (availableSpace > restAmount)
                 availableSpace = restAmount;
             if (inventory.AddItems(availableSpace, objectBuilder))
                 restAmount -= availableSpace;
     return restAmount == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public override bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, int index = -1, bool stack = true)
     return AddItems(amount, objectBuilder, null, index, stack);
Ejemplo n.º 46
        public bool AddItems(MyFixedPoint amount, MyObjectBuilder_Base objectBuilder, uint? itemId, int index = -1, bool stack = true)
            Debug.Assert(objectBuilder is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject, "This type of inventory can't add other types than PhysicalObjects!");
            MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject physicalObjectBuilder = objectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalObject;
            if (physicalObjectBuilder == null)
                return false;
            if (amount == 0) return false;
            if (!CanItemsBeAdded(amount, physicalObjectBuilder.GetObjectId())) return false;

                MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetComponentBlockDefinition(objectBuilder.GetId());
                if (blockDef != null)
                    physicalObjectBuilder = new MyObjectBuilder_BlockItem();
                    (physicalObjectBuilder as MyObjectBuilder_BlockItem).BlockDefId = blockDef.Id;

            if (Sync.IsServer)
                if (MyPerGameSettings.ConstrainInventory())
                    AffectAddBySurvival(ref amount, physicalObjectBuilder);
                if (amount == 0)
                    return false;
                AddItemsInternal(amount, physicalObjectBuilder, index, itemId, stack);

            return true;