Ejemplo n.º 1
    void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (player && DEBUG)
            // Final position
            MyDraw.DrawCircle(finalPosition - Vector3.up * finalPosition.y, 2, Color.yellow);

            // Draw camera Position
            MyDraw.DrawCross(transform.position - Vector3.up * transform.position.y, 1, Color.yellow);

            // Forward attractor
            MyDraw.DrawSquare(forwardAttractor, 0.5f, Color.green);
            Debug.DrawLine(player.position, forwardAttractor, Color.green);

            // // Snake body attractor
            // Gizmos.color = Color.red;
            // Gizmos.DrawWireCube( snakeBodyAttractor, Vector3.one );

            // // Influence range
            // Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( transform.position - Vector3.up * transform.position.y, outerRing );
            // Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( transform.position - Vector3.up * transform.position.y, innerRing );

            // Gizmos.color = Color.red;
            // Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( worldPos, 1f );
Ejemplo n.º 2
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EO ADD/REMOVE ATTRATORS FROM LIST //

    public static Vector3 GetAttractorsVector(Vector3 playerPos, Vector3 forwardPos)
        Vector3 sumVector = Vector3.zero;
        int     count     = 0;

        // Loop trough all attractors
        foreach (CameraAttractor attractor in attractors)
            Color color = Color.white * 2 / 3;

            Vector3 targetVector = playerPos;
            Vector3 targetHalf   = playerPos;
            Vector3 forwardHalf  = playerPos;

            float dis       = (playerPos - attractor.transform.position).magnitude;
            float influence = 0;

            // Calculate influence value from distance of target from center of attractor

            // 1) Out of range
            if (dis > attractor.outerRange)
                influence = 0;
                // 2) Outer ring area
                if (dis < attractor.outerRange && dis > attractor.innerRange)
                    influence = 1 - (dis - attractor.innerRange) / (attractor.outerRange - attractor.innerRange);
                // 3) Inner area
                else if (dis < attractor.innerRange)
                    influence    = 1;
                    targetVector = attractor.transform.position;

                // Half point between player and its forward vector
                forwardHalf = Vector3.Lerp(playerPos, forwardPos, 1 - influence);
                if (CameraSystem.DEBUG)
                    MyDraw.DrawCircle(forwardHalf, 0.5f / 2, Color.green);

                // Get point on line between target and attractor (with influence)
                targetVector = Vector3.Lerp(forwardHalf, attractor.transform.position, influence);
                if (CameraSystem.DEBUG)
                    MyDraw.DrawSquare(targetVector, 0.5f, color);

                // Half point between player and target vector
                targetHalf = Vector3.Lerp(forwardHalf, targetVector, influence);
                if (CameraSystem.DEBUG)
                    MyDraw.DrawCircle(targetHalf, 0.5f / 2, Color.white * 2 / 3);

                // DRAW DEBUG
                if (CameraSystem.DEBUG)
                    Debug.DrawLine(forwardHalf, attractor.transform.position, color);

                // Add vector to sum of attractor vectors
                // and count how many have been added (for averaging purposes)
                sumVector += targetHalf;
        // Return average vector of all attractors
        if (count == 0)
        return(sumVector / count);