Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal void MutateNetworks()
            for (int netI = 0; netI < networks.Count; netI++)
                MutationInfo currentInfo = networks[netI].Network.MutationInfo;
                if (currentInfo == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                networks[netI].Network.MutateNetwork(out List <NetworkPosition> addedNeuronPositions);
                int addedLastI;
                if (currentInfo.mutateOutput)
                    if (addedNeuronPositions[addedLastI = addedNeuronPositions.Count - 1].layerIndex == networks[netI].Network.Lenght - 1)
                        List <int> networkIndex = GetNetworksConnectedTo(netI, addedNeuronPositions[addedLastI].neuronIndex, out List <int> connectionIndexes);
                        for (int connectedI = 0; connectedI < networkIndex.Count; connectedI++)

                for (int connectionI = 0; connectionI < networks[netI].Connections.Count; connectionI++)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Starts a new family tree with a random biased network
 /// </summary>
 public EvolutionaryLine(Game startingState, int startingNetworkCount, MutationInfo mutationInfo, TemporalNetwork.ActivationFunctions activationFunction, int inputLenght, int outputLenght, int layersCount, int minNeurons, int maxNeurons)
     networks = new List <FittedNetwork <Game> >();
     for (int i = 0; i < startingNetworkCount; i++)
         networks.Add(new FittedNetwork <Game>(startingState, mutationInfo, activationFunction, inputLenght, outputLenght, layersCount, minNeurons, maxNeurons));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 internal void MutateWeigths(MutationInfo mutationInfo)
     for (int i = 0; i < weigths.Count; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < weigths[i].Count; j++)
             weigths[i][j] += GetVariation(mutationInfo.maxVariation, mutationInfo.valueMutationPercentage);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public TemporalNetwork(ActivationFunctions activation, List <TemporalLayer> layers, MutationInfo mutationInfo = null)
     ActivationFunction = activation;
     TemporalLayers     = layers;
     if (mutationInfo != null)
         this.MutationInfo = mutationInfo;
         this.MutationInfo = new MutationInfo();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static TemporalNetwork FromString(string str, MutationInfo mutationInfo = null)
            str = str.Replace("activation: ", "");
            string activationS = str.Remove(str.IndexOf("\nlayer:"));

            str = str.Remove(0, str.IndexOf("layer"));

            string[]             srs    = str.Split(new string[] { "layer:\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            List <TemporalLayer> layers = new List <TemporalLayer>();

            foreach (var layer in srs)

            return(new TemporalNetwork((ActivationFunctions)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActivationFunctions), activationS), layers, mutationInfo));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public TemporalNetwork(ActivationFunctions activationFunction, int inputLenght, List <List <NeuronTypes> > neuronTypes, List <List <Interconnection> > connections = null, MutationInfo mutationInfo = null)
            TemporalLayers = new List <TemporalLayer>
                new TemporalLayer(inputLenght, neuronTypes[0])
            for (int i = 1; i < neuronTypes.Count; i++)
                TemporalLayers.Add(new TemporalLayer(neuronTypes[i - 1].Count, neuronTypes[i]));

            ActivationFunction = activationFunction;

            if (mutationInfo != null)
                this.MutationInfo = mutationInfo;
                this.MutationInfo = new MutationInfo();

            if (connections == null)
                for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < TemporalLayers.Count; layerIndex++)
                    TemporalLayers[layerIndex].Connections = new List <Interconnection>();
                int lastIndex = -1;
                for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < Math.Min(connections.Count, TemporalLayers.Count); layerIndex++)
                    lastIndex = layerIndex;
                for (int i = lastIndex; i < TemporalLayers.Count; i++)
                    TemporalLayers[i].Connections = new List <Interconnection>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public TemporalNetwork(ActivationFunctions activation, int inputLenght, int outputLenght, int layerCount, int minNeurons, int maxNeurons, MutationInfo mutationInfo = null)
            if (mutationInfo != null)
                this.MutationInfo = mutationInfo;
                this.MutationInfo = new MutationInfo();
            ActivationFunction = activation;
            Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + inputLenght * outputLenght);
            List <TemporalLayer> layers = new List <TemporalLayer>();

            for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; layerIndex++)
                int previousLayerLenght = layerIndex == 0 ? inputLenght : layers[layerIndex - 1].Lenght;
                int currentNeurons      = r.Next(minNeurons, maxNeurons + 1) * Convert.ToInt32(layerIndex < layerCount - 1);
                layers.Add(new TemporalLayer(previousLayerLenght, GetRandomNeuronTypes(currentNeurons)));
            layers.Add(new TemporalLayer(layers.Count > 0 ? layers[layers.Count - 1].Lenght : inputLenght, GetRandomNeuronTypes(outputLenght)));
            TemporalLayers = layers;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /*public NetworkEvolution(List<EvolutionaryLine> networks, MutationInfo mutationInfo, int inputLenght, int outputLenght, TemporalNetwork.ActivationFunctions activation, int startingLayersCount, int minNeurons, int maxNeurons)
         * {
         *  this.mutationInfo = mutationInfo;
         *  this.inputLenght = inputLenght;
         *  this.outputLenght = outputLenght;
         *  this.activation = activation;
         *  this.startingLayersCount = startingLayersCount;
         *  this.minNeurons = minNeurons;
         *  this.maxNeurons = maxNeurons;
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Used when all the networks are evaluated, important: has to be awaited for correct function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxSelectedNetworks">The max number of networks to be selectionated independent of their score</param>
        /// <param name="minScore">If set to -1 min score will be dynamic</param>
        public async void AdvanceGeneration(int maxSelectedNetworks, int timesToCrossOver, int timesToMutate, MutationInfo info, int minSpecies = 20, double minScore = double.MinValue, bool canDie = true)
            List <Task>   taskList  = new List <Task>();
            List <double> maxScores = GetMaxScores();


            int dividerMultiplier = 1;

            if (canDie)
                minScore += (maxScores[0] / (dividerMultiplier * Math.E) + double.MinValue) * Convert.ToInt32(minScore == double.MinValue);
                minScore = 0;
            for (int specieI = 0; specieI < species.Count; specieI++)
                species[specieI].SelectNetworks(minScore, out bool survives);
                if (species.Count > maxSelectedNetworks)
                    species.RemoveRange(maxSelectedNetworks, species.Count - maxSelectedNetworks);

                if (!survives)
                    taskList.Add(Task.Run(() => species[specieI].CrossoverNetworks(timesToCrossOver, startingState)));

            while (species.Count < minSpecies)
                species.Add(new EvolutionaryLine <Game>(startingState, startingSpecieNetworksCount, info, activation, inputLenght, outputLenght, startingLayersCount, minNeurons, maxNeurons));

            bool hasFinished     = false;
            int  mlbetweenChecks = 200;

            while (!hasFinished)
                for (int i = 0; i < taskList.Count; i++)
                    hasFinished = taskList[i].IsCompleted && hasFinished;
                    if (taskList[i].IsCompleted)
                mlbetweenChecks = 1000;
                Console.WriteLine($"{taskList.Count} species mutations left");
                await Task.Delay(mlbetweenChecks);

            for (int i = 0; i < species.Count; i++)
                taskList.Add(Task.Run(() => species[i].MutateNetworks(timesToMutate)));

            hasFinished     = false;
            mlbetweenChecks = 200;
            while (!hasFinished)
                for (int i = 0; i < taskList.Count; i++)
                    hasFinished = taskList[i].IsCompleted && hasFinished;
                    if (taskList[i].IsCompleted)
                mlbetweenChecks = 1000;
                Console.WriteLine($"{taskList.Count} species crossovers left");
                await Task.Delay(mlbetweenChecks);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public FittedNetwork(Game game, MutationInfo mutationInfo, TemporalNetwork.ActivationFunctions activationFunction, int inputLenght, int outputLenght, int layersCount, int minNeurons, int maxNeurons)
     this.game    = game;
     network      = new TemporalNetwork(activationFunction, inputLenght, outputLenght, layersCount, minNeurons, maxNeurons, mutationInfo);
     fitnessScore = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static EvolutionaryLine <Game> FromString(string str, Game startingState, MutationInfo mutationInfo)
            string[] networksString = str.Split(new string[] { "\nnetwork:\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            List <FittedNetwork <Game> > networks = new List <FittedNetwork <Game> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < networksString.Length; i++)
                networks.Add(new FittedNetwork <Game>(TemporalNetwork.FromString(networksString[i]), startingState));
            return(new EvolutionaryLine <Game>(networks));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// MutationInfo will be set to null
        /// </summary>
        public static NetworkEvolution <Game> FromString(string str, Game startingState, MutationInfo mutationInfo)
            string[] species = str.Split(new string[] { "\nspecie:\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            string[] randomParameters = species[0].Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            for (int i = 0; i < randomParameters.Length; i++)
                randomParameters[i] = randomParameters[i].Remove(0, randomParameters[i].IndexOf(":") + 1);

            int inputLenght  = Convert.ToInt32(randomParameters[0]);
            int outputLenght = Convert.ToInt32(randomParameters[1]);
            int startingSpecieNetworkCount = Convert.ToInt32(randomParameters[2]);
            int startingLayersCount        = Convert.ToInt32(randomParameters[3]);
            int minNeurons = Convert.ToInt32(randomParameters[4]);
            int maxNeurons = Convert.ToInt32(randomParameters[5]);

            Enum.TryParse(randomParameters[6], out TemporalNetwork.ActivationFunctions activation);

            List <EvolutionaryLine <Game> > networks = new List <EvolutionaryLine <Game> >();

            for (int i = 1; i < species.Length; i++)
                networks.Add(EvolutionaryLine <Game> .FromString(species[i], startingState, mutationInfo));

            return(new NetworkEvolution <Game>(networks, inputLenght, outputLenght, startingSpecieNetworkCount, activation, startingLayersCount, minNeurons, maxNeurons));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public NetworkEvolution(Game startingState, int speciesCount, int initialSpecieNetworkCount, MutationInfo mutationInfo, TemporalNetwork.ActivationFunctions activation, int inputLenght, int outputLenght, int layersCount, int minNeurons, int maxNeurons)
     startingSpecieNetworksCount = initialSpecieNetworkCount;
     this.startingState          = startingState;
     this.activation             = activation;
     this.inputLenght            = inputLenght;
     this.outputLenght           = outputLenght;
     this.startingLayersCount    = layersCount;
     this.minNeurons             = minNeurons;
     this.maxNeurons             = maxNeurons;
     species = new List <EvolutionaryLine <Game> >();
     for (int i = 0; i < speciesCount; i++)
         species.Add(new EvolutionaryLine <Game>(startingState, startingSpecieNetworksCount, mutationInfo, activation, inputLenght, outputLenght, layersCount, minNeurons, maxNeurons));