Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task LoadSong(string hashed, string songFileExt)
            string filetype   = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(FilePropertyType.Kind).Replace(" audio file", "");
            string samplerate = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(FilePropertyType.SampleRate);
            string bitrate    = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(FilePropertyType.Bitrate);
            string channels   = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileProperty(FilePropertyType.Channels);
            string properties = "";
            string nextSong   = mbApiInterface.NowPlayingList_GetFileTag(mbApiInterface.NowPlayingList_GetNextIndex(1), MetaDataType.TrackTitle)
                                + " by " + mbApiInterface.NowPlayingList_GetFileTag(mbApiInterface.NowPlayingList_GetNextIndex(1), MetaDataType.Artist);

            nextSong = nextSong == " by " || nextSong == null ? "End of List" : nextSong;

            if (filetype == "FLAC")
                using (FlacFile file = new FlacFile(mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileUrl()))
                    properties = filetype + " " + file.StreamInfo.BitsPerSample.ToString() + " bit, " + samplerate + ", " + bitrate + ", " + channels;
                properties = filetype + " " + samplerate + ", " + bitrate + ", " + channels;

            string[] temp = null;
            mbApiInterface.NowPlayingList_QueryFilesEx("", ref temp);
            int size = temp.Count();

                await mediaChannel.LoadAsync(
                    new MediaInformation()
                    ContentId  = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(mediaContentURL + hashed + songFileExt),
                    StreamType = StreamType.Buffered,
                    Duration   = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetDuration() / 1000,
                    Metadata   = new MusicTrackMediaMetadata
                        Artist    = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Artist),
                        Title     = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.TrackTitle),
                        AlbumName = mbApiInterface.NowPlaying_GetFileTag(MetaDataType.Album),
                        Images    = new[] {
                            new GoogleCast.Models.Image
                                Url = mediaContentURL + hashed + ".jpg"

                    CustomData = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "Properties", properties },
                        { "Position", (mbApiInterface.NowPlayingList_GetCurrentIndex() + 1).ToString() + " / " + size.ToString() },
                        { "Next", nextSong }

            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Debug.WriteLine("Requested to close");
            catch (Exception e)