Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Part 1. Delegates.");

            int p1 = 3;
            int p2 = 2;

            Multiply_Plus_Method("Multiplication: ", p1, p2, Multiply);
            Multiply_Plus_Method("Addition: ", p1, p2, Plus);

            //Создание экземпляра делегата на основе метода
            Multiply_Plus mp1 = new Multiply_Plus(Plus);

            Multiply_Plus_Method("Create a delegate exemplar based on the method: ", p1, p2, mp1);
            //Создание экземпляра делегата на основе 'предположения' делегата
            //Компилятор 'предполагает' что метод Plus типа делегата
            Multiply_Plus mp2 = Plus;

            Multiply_Plus_Method("Create a delegate exemplar based on the delegate's 'assumption': ",
                                 p1, p2, mp2);
            //Создание анонимного метода
            Multiply_Plus mp3 = delegate(int param1, int param2)
                return(param1 + param2);

            Multiply_Plus_Method("Create a delegate exemplar based on the anonymous method: ", p1, p2, mp2);
            Multiply_Plus_Method("Create a delegate exemplar based on the lambda expressions: ", p1, p2,
                                 (x, y) => x + y);

            Console.WriteLine("Using a Generic Delegate Func<>");
            Multiply_Plus_MethodFunc("Create a delegate exemplar based on the method: ", p1, p2, Plus);

            string OuterString = "external variable";

            Multiply_Plus_MethodFunc("1) Create a delegate exemplar based on the lambda expressions: ", p1, p2,
                                     (int x, int y) =>
                Console.WriteLine("This variable is declared outside the lambda expression: " + OuterString);
                int z = x + y;

            Multiply_Plus_MethodFunc("2) Create a delegate exemplar based on the lambda expressions: ",
                                     p1, p2, (x, y) => x + y);

            //Групповой делегат всегда возвращает значение типа void
            Console.WriteLine("Example of a group delegate");
            Action <int, int> a1 = (x, y) =>
                Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2}", x, y, x * y);
            Action <int, int> a2 = (x, y) =>
                Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", x, y, x + y);
            Action <int, int> group = a1 + a2;

            group(11, 7);
            Action <int, int> group2 = a1;

            Console.WriteLine("Adding a method call to a group delegate");
            group2 += a2;
            group2(17, 5);
            Console.WriteLine("Removing a method call from a group delegate");
            group2 -= a1;
            group2(13, 3);

            Console.WriteLine("Part 2. Reflection.");

            Type t = typeof(ForInspection);

            Console.WriteLine("A type " + t.FullName + " is inherited from " + t.BaseType.FullName);
            Console.WriteLine("Namespace " + t.Namespace);
            Console.WriteLine("Is in the assembly " + t.AssemblyQualifiedName);

            foreach (var x in t.GetConstructors())
            foreach (var x in t.GetMethods())
            foreach (var x in t.GetProperties())
            Console.WriteLine("Data fields (public):");
            foreach (var x in t.GetFields())
            Console.WriteLine("Properties marked with an attribute:");
            foreach (var x in t.GetProperties())
                object attrObj;
                if (GetPropertyAttribute(x, typeof(NewAttribute), out attrObj))
                    NewAttribute attr = attrObj as NewAttribute;
                    Console.WriteLine(x.Name + " - " + attr.Description);
            Console.WriteLine("Calling the method:");

            //Создание объекта через рефлексию
            ForInspection fi = (ForInspection)t.InvokeMember(null, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[] { });

            //Параметры вызова метода
            object[] parameters = new object[] { 3, 2 };

            //Вызов метода
            object Result = t.InvokeMember("Plus", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, fi, parameters);

            Console.WriteLine("Plus(3,2)={0}", Result);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Использование делегата
        /// </summary>
        static void Multiply_Plus_Method(string str, int p1, int p2, Multiply_Plus Multiply_Plus_Param)
            int Result = Multiply_Plus_Param(p1, p2);

            Console.WriteLine(str + Result.ToString());