Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static double rhoDinvA(MsrMatrix A, out MsrMatrix DinvA)
            double rho;

            // extract diagonal matrix
            double[] Diag = A.GetDiagVector();
            int      n    = Diag.Length;

            // % form (D^-1) A
            //Diag = spdiags(1./Diag, 0, n, n);
            //DinvA = Diag*A;
            DinvA = new MsrMatrix(A.RowPartitioning, A.ColPartition);
            int i0 = A.RowPartitioning.i0;

            int Lr;

            int[]    ColumnIdx = null;
            double[] Values    = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Lr = A.GetRow(i + i0, ref ColumnIdx, ref Values);
                for (int k = 0; k < Lr; k++)
                    Values[k] *= 1.0 / Diag[i];
                DinvA.SetRow(i + i0, ColumnIdx, Values, Lr);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(1.0 - DinvA[i + i0, i + i0]) < BLAS.MachineEps * 10);

            // estimate the largest eigen value from Arnoldi iteration
            int        kk = 20;
            var        rand = new Random(0);
            double[]   v0 = n.ForLoop(i => rand.NextDouble());
            double[][] V; double[,] H; int kact;
            arnoldi(out V, out H, out kact, DinvA, v0, kk, false);
            kk = Math.Min(H.GetLength(0), H.GetLength(1));
            H  = H.GetSubMatrix(0, kk, 0, kk);

            rho = MaxAbsEigen(H);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// converts an arbitrary mutable matrix to an <see cref="MsrMatrix"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public MsrMatrix ToMsrMatrix(this IMutableMatrixEx M)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                MsrMatrix R = new MsrMatrix(M.RowPartitioning, M.ColPartition);

                int[]    col = null;
                double[] val = null;
                int      i0 = (int)R.RowPartitioning.i0, L = R.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    int iRow = i0 + i;

                    int Lr = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);
                    R.SetRow(iRow, col, val, Lr);
