Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Test1()
            const Double loadFactor = 1.0d;

            // Create a unique string generator
            const int KeyCount = 2_000_000;

            // Derivate a minimum perfect hash function
            Console.WriteLine("Generating minimum perfect hash function for {0} keys", KeyCount);
            var start        = DateTime.Now;
            var hashFunction = new MphFunction <Int32>(Enumerable.Range(0, KeyCount), KeyCount, GetKeyBytes, loadFactor);

            Console.WriteLine("Completed in {0:0.000000} s", DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0);

            // Show the extra hash space necessary
            Console.WriteLine("Hash function map {0} keys to {1} hashes (load factor: {2:0.000000}%)",
                              KeyCount, hashFunction.MaxValue,
                              ((KeyCount * 100) / (Double)hashFunction.MaxValue));

            // Check for any collision
            var used = new System.Collections.BitArray((Int32)hashFunction.MaxValue);

            start = DateTime.Now;
            for (var test = 0U; test < KeyCount; test++)
                var hash = (Int32)hashFunction.GetHash((Int32)test, GetKeyBytes);
                if (used[hash])
                    Assert.True(false, $"FAILED - Collision detected at {test}");
                used[hash] = true;
            var end = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("PASS - No collision detected");

            Console.WriteLine("Total scan time : {0:0.000000} s", end / 1000.0);
            Console.WriteLine("Average key hash time : {0} ms", end / (Double)KeyCount);

            var dic = new Dictionary <Int32, String>((Int32)KeyCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < KeyCount; i++)
                dic.Add(i, i.ToString());
            var mphrod = new MphReadOnlyDictionary <Int32, String>(dic, GetKeyBytes, loadFactor);

            for (var i = 0; i < KeyCount; i++)
                Assert.Equal(dic[i], mphrod[i]);
            Assert.Equal(dic.OrderBy(x => x.Key), mphrod.OrderBy(x => x.Key));
            Assert.Equal(dic.Keys.OrderBy(x => x), mphrod.Keys.OrderBy(x => x));
            Assert.Equal(dic.Values.OrderBy(x => x), mphrod.Values.OrderBy(x => x));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void OutOfRangeKeysThatCollideOnHashFunctionFailEqualityCheck()
            const Int32 keyCount = 2_000_000;
            var         dic      = new Dictionary <Int32, String>(keyCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < keyCount; i++)
                dic.Add(i, i.ToString());
            var mphrod = new MphReadOnlyDictionary <Int32, String>(dic, GetKeyBytes);

            for (var i = 0; i < keyCount; i++)
                Assert.False(mphrod.TryGetValue((i + keyCount), out var x));