public AudioClip gunclock, pistolsfx, shotgunsfx, riflesfx; // sound effects

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        anim         = GetComponent <Animator>();                                    // gets animator on this gameobject
        SwitchScript = GetComponent <SwitchWeapons>();                               // gets switchweapons script on this gameobject
        moveInput    = moveJoystick.GetComponent <MoveVirtualJoystick>();            // gets move joystick script
        shootInput   = shootJoystick.GetComponent <ShootVirtualJoystick>();          // gets shoot joystick script

        audiosource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();                                  // used to access audio source component
        sounds      = new AudioClip[] { gunclock, pistolsfx, shotgunsfx, riflesfx }; // puts all sound fx in an array for easy access.
    public float rotateSpeed;                        // declares rotateSpeed as float

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        player     = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();                        // stores rigidbody component attached to this gameobject
        anim       = GetComponent <Animator>();                           // stores animator component attached to this gameobject
        moveInput  = moveJoystick.GetComponent <MoveVirtualJoystick>();   // stores movevirtualjoystick script
        shootInput = shootJoystick.GetComponent <ShootVirtualJoystick>(); // stores shootvirtualjoystick script

        speed = 250f;                                                     // speed is set to 250

        rotateSpeed = -180f;                                              // speed is set to -180f