Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void MainGame()
            var depth = 6;
            var state = new State("r1b1k1nr/ppp1qppp/8/3p4/1b6/2NB1Q2/PPPB1PPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 1 9");

            var moveConverter = new MoveConverter();
            var moves         = state.GetAllStates().Select(p => moveConverter.MoveToString(p.LastMove)).ToList();
            var evaluator     = new Evaluator();
            var ai            = new AI(evaluator);
            var eval          = ai.Minimax(state, depth--, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, state.WhiteToMove);

            Console.WriteLine(moveConverter.MoveToString(eval.Item2.LastMove) + " " + eval.Item1);

            while (depth >= 0)
                state = eval.Item2;
                Console.WriteLine(moveConverter.MoveToString(eval.Item2.LastMove) + " " + eval.Item1);
                eval = ai.Minimax(state, depth--, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, state.WhiteToMove);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void RealGame()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 if you want to play as white or 2 if you want to play as black");
            var player       = Console.ReadLine();
            var playersWhite = player.Contains('1') ? true : false;
            var playerSide   = playersWhite ? "White" : "Black";

            Console.WriteLine("You're playing as " + playerSide);

            var state         = new State();
            var evaluator     = new Evaluator();
            var ai            = new AI(evaluator);
            var moveConverter = new MoveConverter();
            var depth         = 4;
            var moveCounter   = 0;

            while (true)
                if (state.WhiteToMove == playersWhite)
                    State nextState = null;
                    var   m         = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (m.Contains("res"))
                    var move      = moveConverter.StringToMove(m);
                    var allStates = state.GetAllStates();
                    var x         = allStates.Select(x => x.LastMove).ToList();
                    if (move.WasLongCastling)
                        nextState = allStates.FirstOrDefault(s => s.LastMove.WasLongCastling);
                    if (move.WasShortCastling)
                        nextState = allStates.FirstOrDefault(s => s.LastMove.WasShortCastling);
                        nextState = allStates.FirstOrDefault(s => s.LastMove.DestinationFile == move.DestinationFile && s.LastMove.DestinationLine == move.DestinationLine &&
                                                             s.LastMove.StartingLine == move.StartingLine && s.LastMove.StartingFile == move.StartingFile);
                    if (nextState == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("You've entered an incorrect move. Try again or type 'res' if you want to quit");
                        state = nextState;
                    var eval = ai.Minimax(state, depth, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, state.WhiteToMove);
                    Console.WriteLine("Your opponent has played the move " + moveConverter.MoveToString(eval.Item2.LastMove) + " and the score is " + (double)eval.Item1 / 100);
                    state = eval.Item2;
                if (moveCounter > 18)
                    depth = 5;