Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void pictureBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Nothing;
            pictureBox1.PanMouseButton = MouseButtons.Left;    // this might have been disabled in mouse down

            if (_triangle1 != null)

            if (_triangle2 != null)

            if (_polygon1 != null)

            if (_polygon2 != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            const double VELOCITYCLICKDISTANCE = 35;

            MyVector clickPoint = pictureBox1.GetPositionViewToWorld(new MyVector(e.X, e.Y, 0));

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                if (radBallBall.Checked || radSolidBallSolidBall.Checked || radSphereSphere.Checked)
                    #region Balls

                    if (_ball1 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, GetVelocityEnd(_ball1)) <= VELOCITYCLICKDISTANCE)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball1Velocity;
                        _offset = _ball1.Velocity - clickPoint;
                    else if (_ball2 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, GetVelocityEnd(_ball2)) <= VELOCITYCLICKDISTANCE)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball2Velocity;
                        _offset = _ball2.Velocity - clickPoint;
                    else if (_ball1 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, _ball1.Position) <= _ball1.Radius)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball1;
                        _offset = _ball1.Position - clickPoint;
                    else if (_ball2 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, _ball2.Position) <= _ball2.Radius)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball2;
                        _offset = _ball2.Position - clickPoint;
                else if (radLineTriangle.Checked || radSphereTriangle.Checked)
                    #region 1 Triangle

                    if (_ball1 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, GetVelocityEnd(_ball1)) <= VELOCITYCLICKDISTANCE)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball1Velocity;
                        _offset = _ball1.Velocity - clickPoint;
                    else if (_ball1 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, _ball1.Position) <= _ball1.Radius)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball1;
                        _offset = _ball1.Position - clickPoint;
                    else if (_triangle1 != null && _triangle1.OnMouseDown(clickPoint))
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Triangle1;		// no need to set the offset.  the triangle takes care of everything internally

                else if (radTriangleTriangle.Checked)
                    #region Triangles

                    if (_triangle1 != null && _triangle1.OnMouseDown(clickPoint))
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Triangle1;		// no need to set the offset.  the triangle takes care of everything internally
                    else if (_triangle2 != null && _triangle2.OnMouseDown(clickPoint))
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Triangle2;		// no need to set the offset.  the triangle takes care of everything internally

                else if (radSpherePolygon.Checked)
                    #region 1 Polygon

                    if (_ball1 != null && Utility3D.GetDistance3D(clickPoint, _ball1.Position) <= _ball1.Radius)
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Ball1;
                        _offset = _ball1.Position - clickPoint;
                    else if (_polygon1 != null && _polygon1.OnMouseDown(clickPoint))
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Polygon1;		// no need to set the offset.  the polygon takes care of everything internally

                else if (radPolygonPolygon.Checked)
                    #region Polygons

                    if (_polygon1 != null && _polygon1.OnMouseDown(clickPoint))
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Polygon1;		// no need to set the offset.  the polygon takes care of everything internally
                    else if (_polygon2 != null && _polygon2.OnMouseDown(clickPoint))
                        _mouseDownOn = MouseDownOn.Polygon2;		// no need to set the offset.  the polygon takes care of everything internally


            _mouseDownPoint = clickPoint;

            _curMousePoint = clickPoint.Clone();

            // If they are dragging something, then don't pan (gets reset on mouse up)
            if (_mouseDownOn != MouseDownOn.Nothing)
                pictureBox1.PanMouseButton = MouseButtons.None;