private void DrawMouldingColour(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            var position = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();

            // Draw label
            position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);

            if (property.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
                // Create box and tooltip.
                GUI.Box(position, new GUIContent("", "Multiple colours selected"));
                var colorRect = new Rect(position.x + 1.0f, position.y + 1.0f, position.width - 2.0f, position.height - 2.0f);
                var lineRect  = new Rect(position.x + 1.0f, position.y + 1.0f + colorRect.height / 2.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f);
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(colorRect, new Color32(209, 209, 209, 255));
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(lineRect, Color.grey);
                var mouldingColourId = (MouldingColour.Id)property.intValue;
                var colour           = MouldingColour.GetColour(mouldingColourId);

                // Create box and tooltip.
                GUI.Box(position, new GUIContent("", ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName((int)mouldingColourId + " - " + mouldingColourId.ToString())));

                // Draw rects with colour.
                var colorRect = new Rect(position.x + 1.0f, position.y + 1.0f, position.width - 2.0f, position.height - 2.0f - alphaBarHeight);
                var alphaRect = new Rect(position.x + 1.0f, position.y + 1.0f + colorRect.height, Mathf.Round((position.width - 2.0f) * colour.a), alphaBarHeight);
                var blackRect = new Rect(position.x + 1.0f + alphaRect.width, position.y + 1.0f + colorRect.height, position.width - 2.0f - alphaRect.width, alphaBarHeight);
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(colorRect, new Color(colour.r, colour.g, colour.b));
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(alphaRect, Color.white);

            // Detect click.
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown)
                if (position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                    MouldingColourPicker.Show((c) =>
                        property.intValue = (int)MouldingColour.GetId(c);

                        // Collect all materials.
                        LXFMLDoc.Brick.Part.Material[] materials = new LXFMLDoc.Brick.Part.Material[materialIDsProp.arraySize];
                        for (var i = 0; i < materialIDsProp.arraySize; ++i)
                            materials[i] = new LXFMLDoc.Brick.Part.Material()
                                colorId = materialIDsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).intValue, shaderId = 0

                        // Run through all targeted parts and record them for undo.
                        foreach (var target in targets)
                            var partTarget = (Part)target;

                            // Register state before updating materials.
                            Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(partTarget.gameObject, "Changed Material");

                        // Run through all targeted parts and update them.
                        foreach (var target in targets)
                            var partTarget = (Part)target;

                            // Update the part materials.
                            ModelImporter.SetMaterials(partTarget, materials, legacyProp.boolValue);

                            // Apply the new colour to the serialized property.

                            // Update knobs and tubes of this brick and the bricks it is connected to directly.
                            var connectedBricks = partTarget.brick.GetConnectedBricks(false);
                            foreach (var brick in connectedBricks)
                                foreach (var part in
                                    if (!part.legacy)
                                        foreach (var connectionField in part.connectivity.connectionFields)
                                            foreach (var connection in connectionField.connections)