public static bool Extract(Job job, Motif motif) { IOHelper.CreateDirectory(JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobAnimatedMotifDiretory(job.Production, motif)); string sourcePath = JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobMotifPath(job, motif); string targetPath = Path.Combine(JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobAnimatedMotifDiretory(job.Production, motif), @"motif_F%04d.tga"); string parameters = "-i " + sourcePath + " " + targetPath; VCProcess process = new VCProcess(job); process.StartInfo.FileName = Settings.LocalFfmpegExePath; process.StartInfo.Arguments = parameters; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.Execute(); process.WaitForExit(); motif.Frames = Directory.GetFiles(JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobAnimatedMotifDiretory(job.Production, motif), "*.tga").Length; //motif.Extension = ".tga"; return(motif.Frames > 0); }
private void OnMotifTransferSuccess(object obj, EventArgs ea) { TransferPacket motifTransferPacket = obj as TransferPacket; motifTransferPacket.FailureEvent -= OnMotifTransferFailure; motifTransferPacket.SuccessEvent -= OnMotifTransferSuccess; Motif motif = motifTransferPacket.Parent as Motif; if (motif != null) { motif.IsInTransit = false; if (motif.IsMovie) { if (MotifTranscoder.Extract(job, motif) != true) { job.ErrorStatus = JobErrorStatus.JES_EXTRACT_MOTIF; return; } } else if (MotifTranscoder.Transcode(job, motif) != true) { job.ErrorStatus = JobErrorStatus.JES_MODIFY_MOTIF; return; } } job.Production.SetMotifAvailable(motif); }
public void restoreMotif(Motif motif, Dictionary <int, Variation> childVariationList, List <Duration>[] motifInstances) { int motifId = motif.getId(); //Add motif to list this.tune.addMotif(motif); //Restore motif instances for (int i = 0; i < tune.trackCount(); i++) { Track t = tune.getTrack(i); foreach (Duration d in motifInstances[i]) { t.insert(motifId, d); } } //Update childs foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Variation> child in childVariationList) { Motif m = this.getMotif(child.Key); m.setVariation(child.Value, motifId); } //Update tree this.treeview_restoreMotif(motif.getName(), motif.getParentId(), childVariationList); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.RachmaninoffInvert(); return(m); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.transport(this.transport); return(m); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.ornamentation(pitch); return(m); }
private void mnLoadMotif_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.InitialDirectory = StringConstants.ABC_DIR; ofd.Filter = "ABC file (*.abc)|*.abc|All files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.FilterIndex = 1; ofd.RestoreDirectory = true; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string name = controller.generateDefaultMotifName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName)); Motif m = AbcFileReader.readFromFile(ofd.FileName); m.setName(name); ProgramAction action = new CreateMotifAction(this.controller, m); this.controller.executeAction(action); controller.treeview_selectNode(m); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.elision(); return(m); }
private void LoadMotif() { DialogResult dlg = dlgOpenMotif.ShowDialog(); if (dlg != DialogResult.OK) { return; } SetText(dlgOpenMotif); string filename = dlgOpenMotif.FileName; try { Motif = Motif.ReadFromFile(filename); } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file may be corrupted or not a valid PeSA motif file.", Analyzer.ProgramName); return; } Validator = new MotifValidator(); Settings settings = Settings.Load("default.settings"); int heightImage = 200; int widthImage = 800; if (settings != null) { heightImage = settings.MotifHeight; widthImage = settings.MotifWidth; } mdPositive.Image = Motif.GetPositiveMotif(widthImage, heightImage); mdNegative.Image = Motif.GetNegativeMotif(widthImage, heightImage); mdChart.Image = Motif.GetBarChart(pMotif.Width - 6); eWildtype.Text = Motif.WildTypePeptide; }
public RenameMotifAction(Controller controller, Motif motif, string newName) { this.controller = controller; this.motifId = motif.getId(); this.oldName = motif.getName(); this.newName = newName; }
private void btnSaveMotif_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (OA == null) { return; } dlgSaveMotif.FileName = ProjectName; DialogResult dlg = dlgSaveMotif.ShowDialog(); if (dlg != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string filename = dlgSaveMotif.FileName; if (Motif == null) { Motif = new Motif(OA.NormalizedPeptideWeights, OA.PositionCaptions, OA.PositiveThreshold, OA.NegativeThreshold); } if (Motif.SaveToFile(filename, Motif)) { MessageBox.Show(filename + " is saved", Analyzer.ProgramName); } }
public void GetNbRetardsExcusesTest() { Etudiant et1 = new Etudiant(1, "Enzo"); Etudiant et2 = new Etudiant(2, "Noa"); Motif motif1 = new Motif(1, "Malade grippe"); Motif motif2 = new Motif(2, "Pas envie"); Retard retard1 = new Retard(1, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), motif1, false); Retard retard2 = new Retard(2, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), motif2, true); Retard retard3 = new Retard(3, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), motif2, true); Retard retard4 = new Retard(4, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), motif2, true); Retard retard5 = new Retard(5, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), motif2, true); et1.AjouterRetard(retard1); et1.AjouterRetard(retard2); et1.AjouterRetard(retard3); et1.AjouterRetard(retard4); et1.AjouterRetard(retard5); Assert.AreEqual(4, et1.GetNbRetardsExcuses()); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.interpolate(); return(m); }
private bool DrawMotifs() { try { ClearMotifs(); if (PA == null) { return(true); } Settings settings = Settings.Load("default.settings"); int heightImage = 200; int widthImage = 800; if (settings != null) { heightImage = settings.MotifHeight; widthImage = settings.MotifWidth; } Motif = new Motif(PA.NormalizedPeptideWeights, PA.NormalizedWildtypeWeights, PA.WildTypePeptide, PA.PositiveThreshold, PA.NegativeThreshold); mdPositive.Image = Motif.GetPositiveMotif(widthImage, heightImage); mdNegative.Image = Motif.GetNegativeMotif(widthImage, heightImage); mdChart.Image = Motif.GetBarChart(pMotif.Width - 6); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
private void SavePattern(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //vers tableau d'entiers bool[,] tab = new bool[Hauteur, Largeur]; for (int i = 0; i < Hauteur; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Largeur; j++) { tab[i, j] = TabCellules[i, j].State; } } //nouveau motif string nom = NameBox.Text; string categ = CategBox.Text; var shape = new [] { Hauteur, Largeur }; Motif pattern = new Motif(tab, nom, categ, shape); //ajout aux ressources var f = File.Create("Resources/motifs/" + pattern.Nom + ".dat"); BinaryFormatter b = new BinaryFormatter(); b.Serialize(f, pattern); f.Close(); this.Close(); Main.SetMenuPatterns(); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.tonaltransport(this.gradeOrigin, this.gradeDest); return(m); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.modulate(this.tonality); return(m); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.changeDuration(this.multiplier); return(m); }
private void paintMotif(PaintEventArgs e, Motif motif, Duration start, int track, int motifPosition) { Duration length = motif.getDuration(); string name = motif.getName(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(this.track_header + (zoom * start).ToInt(), track * track_height + HEADER_SIZE, (zoom * length).ToInt(), track_height); Color color = getMotifBaseColor(motif); SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.decreaseBrightness(color, 70)); Pen pen = new Pen(color, 2); if (motifPosition == this.selectedMotifIndex && start == this.currentPosition && track == this.selectedTrack) { br = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.increaseBrightness(color, 40)); } if (motif == this.selectedMotif) { pen = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 3); } e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, rect); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rect); StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; e.Graphics.DrawString(name, this.motifFont, Brushes.White, rect, stringFormat); }
public static void saveToFile(Motif motif, string fileName, bool midi) { using (System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName, false)) { Tonality tonality = motif.getTonality(); AbcNoteParser anp = new AbcNoteParser(tonality); streamWriter.WriteLine("X:1"); streamWriter.WriteLine("L:1/4"); streamWriter.WriteLine("K:" + tonality.ToString()); int voiceIterator = 0; for (int j = 0; j < motif.voiceCount(); j++) { streamWriter.WriteLine("V:" + voiceIterator); voiceIterator++; Voice v = motif.getVoice(j); anp.resetAccidentals(); for (int k = 0; k < v.size(); k++) { streamWriter.Write(anp.toABC(v.get(k))); streamWriter.Write(" "); } if (midi) { streamWriter.Write("z"); } streamWriter.WriteLine("|]"); } } }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.permutate(); return(m); }
public bool pickElement(int x, int y) { this.relativeStart = 0; //Get selected track int track = (y - HEADER_SIZE) / track_height; Duration selectedStart = (x - this.track_header) / zoom; int motifIndex = controller.getMotifIndexFromTrack(track, selectedStart); if (motifIndex < 0) { this.selectedMotifIndex = -1; this.selectedMotif = null; return(false); } else { this.currentPosition = this.controller.getStartTimeFromTrack(track, motifIndex); this.relativeStart = selectedStart - this.currentPosition; this.selectedMotifIndex = motifIndex; this.selectedTrack = track; Motif m = controller.getMotifFromTrack(selectedTrack, selectedMotifIndex); this.selectedMotif = m; controller.selectMotifOnTreeView(m.getName()); return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Gestion des infomrations concernant la demande frais /// </summary> private void ChargerInfoDemande() { //recherche de la ligne concerné LigneFrais laLigne = RechercheLigneFrais(); //si laLigne existe if (laLigne != null) { //recherche du Motif de la ligne Motif leMotif = RechercheMotif(laLigne); //affichage des infomration concernant la demande if (leMotif != null) { this.txtMotif.Text = leMotif.Libelle; } else { this.txtMotif.Text = "Erreur de motif"; } this.txtTrajet.Text = laLigne.Trajet; this.txtKmDemande.Text = laLigne.Km.ToString(); this.txtPeageDemande.Text = laLigne.CoutPeage.ToString(); this.txtRepasDemande.Text = laLigne.CoutRepas.ToString(); this.txtHebergementDemande.Text = laLigne.CoutHeberge.ToString(); //empeche le depassement des valeurs maximum demander this.SetMaximum(); //calcule du total de la demande this.txtTotalDemande.Text = this.CalculCout(long.Parse(this.txtKmDemande.Text), decimal.Parse(this.txtPeageDemande.Text), decimal.Parse(this.txtRepasDemande.Text), decimal.Parse(this.txtHebergementDemande.Text)).ToString(); } }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.retrogradation(); return(m); }
private void btnSaveMotif_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PA == null) { return; } if (MotifMain == null) { DrawMotifs(); } if (MotifMain == null) { return; } dlgSaveMotif.FileName = ProjectName; DialogResult dlg = dlgSaveMotif.ShowDialog(); if (dlg != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string filename = dlgSaveMotif.FileName; if (Motif.SaveToFile(filename, MotifMain)) { MessageBox.Show(filename + " is saved", Analyzer.ProgramName); } }
public ActionResult AddOrEditMotif(Motif motif) { string query = "SELECT * FROM Motif WHERE nomMotif = @p0"; var motifs = dbContext.Motifs.SqlQuery(query, motif.nomMotif).ToList(); int count = motifs.Count(); if (count == 0) { if (motif.idMotif == 0) { dbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dbContext.Motifs.Add(motif); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Ajout : Succés" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { dbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dbContext.Entry(motif).State = EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Mise à jour : Succés" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } else { return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Ce motif existe déjà" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.delay(this.delay); return(m); }
public override Motif variate(Motif motif) { Motif m = motif.Clone(); m.harmonizate(); return(m); }
private void mcmSplit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Motif m = controller.getMotifFromName(this.motifTreeView.SelectedNode.Text); ProgramAction action = new SplitMotifOnTreeViewAction(controller, m); this.controller.executeAction(action); }
public UntieMotifAction(Controller controller, int oldMotifId, Motif newMotif, int track, Duration startTime) { this.controller = controller; this.oldMotifId = oldMotifId; this.newMotif = newMotif; this.track = track; this.startTime = startTime; }
public bool MotifGagne(Motif motif) { List<string> combinaisonsGagnantes = new List<string> { "123", "456", "789", "147", "258", "369", "159", "357" }; var croix = Cases.Where(x => x.motif == motif).SelectMany(x => x.Position.ToString()).ToArray(); foreach (var c in combinaisonsGagnantes) { if (croix.Contains(c[0]) && croix.Contains(c[1]) && croix.Contains(c[2])) return true; } return false; //return combinaisonsGagnantes.Any(y => y.All(z => croix.Contains(z))); }
internal static extern IntPtr TNK_GetWidgetClass(Motif.WidgetClass glass);