Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void CreateMorphItem(int x, int y, int inactiveItemID, int activeItemID, int range, int hue)
            MorphItem item = new MorphItem(inactiveItemID, activeItemID, range);

            item.Hue = hue;
            item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, -1), Map.Malas);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Vector3[] morph(Vector3[] startingMesh, List <MorphItem> morphArray)
        // The incoming variable is a special array, containing a lot of data.
        // Morph_Array [grouping number]    [0] = morph array
        //										[1] = link array
        //										[2] = power level applied.

        Vector3[] workMesh = startingMesh;

        for (int morphItem = 0; morphItem < morphArray.Count; morphItem++)
            // okay, we are now going to apply each animation at the proper precentage to the model.
            MorphItem m          = morphArray[morphItem];
            Vector3[] shapeMorph = m.ShapeMorph;
            int[]     shapeLink  = m.ShapeLink;
            float     shapePower = m.ShapePower;

            for (int morphVerts = 0; morphVerts < shapeLink.Length; morphVerts++)
                // In this case, we're only looping the vertices that MOVE.  All the rest are ignored, and this runs faster that way.
                // You only pay for the parts you morph.
                workMesh[shapeLink[morphVerts]] += shapeMorph[morphVerts] * shapePower;
        // And here we have the final builtin array with the mesh shape we want!
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void setShapeSet(string morphName, float morphLevel)
        // Morph_Name: Name of the morph to apply.
        // Morph_Level: How much to apply it. 1.0 is fully.

        // With this, you can set a morph shape into the default mesh.
        // This means no FPS cost for it to be visible, but a large cost to set it.
        // Do NOT call this per frame.  Use the mm_Morph set of functions to animate getting to a shape, and then kill the morph while setting the shape.
        // It stacks, so each new shape added is added to all the previous ones.

        int Found = FindName(diffMaps, morphName);

        if (Found != -1)
            // group up the data for the morph into an morph item array.
            MorphItem morphItem = new MorphItem();
            morphItem.ShapeMorph = listToArray(morphShapesData[Found]);                 // section 0
            morphItem.ShapeLink  = listToArray(morphShapesLinks[Found]);                // section 1
            morphItem.ShapePower = morphLevel;                                          // section 2

            // And drop it into slot zero...
            List <MorphItem> morphArray = new List <MorphItem> ();
            morphArray.Add(morphItem);             // slot 0

            mesh.vertices = morph(modMesh, morphArray);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void CreateMorphItem(int x, int y, int z, int inactiveItemID, int activeItemID, int range)
            if (FindMorphItem(x, y, z, inactiveItemID, activeItemID))

            MorphItem item = new MorphItem(inactiveItemID, activeItemID, range, 3);

            item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, z), Map.Felucca);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void CreateBigTeleporterItem(int x, int y, bool reverse)
            if (FindMorphItem(x, y, 0, reverse ? 0x17DC : 0x17EE, reverse ? 0x17EE : 0x17DC))

            MorphItem item = new MorphItem(reverse ? 0x17DC : 0x17EE, reverse ? 0x17EE : 0x17DC, 1, 3);

            item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, 0), Map.Felucca);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void CreateApproachLight(int x, int y, int z, int off, int on, LightType light)
            if (FindMorphItem(x, y, z, off, on))

            MorphItem item = new MorphItem(off, on, 2, 3);

            item.Light = light;

            item.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(x, y, z), Map.Felucca);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void CreateMorphItem(int x, int y, int inactiveItemID, int activeItemID, int range, int hue)
            var loc = new Point3D(x, y, -1);
            var map = Map.Malas;

            if (!MythikStaticValues.UpdateLoc(ref loc, ref map))
            MorphItem item = new MorphItem(inactiveItemID, activeItemID, range);

            item.Hue = hue;
            item.MoveToWorld(loc, map);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void CreateMorphItem(int x, int y, int inactiveItemID, int activeItemID, int range, int hue)
            var p = new Point3D(x, y, -1);

            MorphItem item;

            if (FindObject(Map.Malas, p, 0, out item))

            item = new MorphItem(inactiveItemID, activeItemID, range);
            item.MoveToWorld(p, Map.Malas);
            item.Hue = hue;

            WeakEntityCollection.Add("doom", item);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    List <MorphItem> GroupMorphs(List <MorphItem> morphArray)
        // Here is where we make the list of morphs to apply to the mesh from the Morphs currently active.
        for (int CAMLoop = 0; CAMLoop < currentlyActiveMorphs.Count; CAMLoop++)
            int morphNumber = currentlyActiveMorphs[CAMLoop].link;

            // How much should we morph it?
            float timeSpot = Mathf.InverseLerp(currentlyActiveMorphs[CAMLoop].CAMStartTime,
                                               currentlyActiveMorphs[CAMLoop].CAMStartTime + currentlyActiveMorphs[CAMLoop].CAMTimeFrame,
            var morphShapesPower = Mathf.Lerp(currentlyActiveMorphs[CAMLoop].CAMStartLevel,

            if (Mathf.Approximately(morphShapesPower, 0.0f))
                if (currentlyActiveMorphs[CAMLoop].CAMEnd == true)
                    currentlyActiveMorphs.RemoveAt(CAMLoop);                            // Watch this!  Make sure the for loop is actually looking at the length attribute or you could wander straight into null territory.
                    CAMLoop--;                                                          // Oh, and back it up one, we just deleted an entry, so we need to look at this slot number again.
                    meshChanged = 2;
                morphShapesPower = morphShapesPower * diffMaps[morphNumber].multiplier;
                // group up the data for the morph into an morph item array.
                MorphItem morphItem = new MorphItem();
                morphItem.ShapeMorph = listToArray(morphShapesData[morphNumber]);                       // section 0
                morphItem.ShapeLink  = listToArray(morphShapesLinks[morphNumber]);                      // section 1
                morphItem.ShapePower = morphShapesPower;                                                // section 2

                meshChanged = 2;
Ejemplo n.º 10
			private void AddMorphItemsToComboList()
				var coRepository = m_caches.MainCache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>();
				ITsIncStrBldr tisb = TsIncStrBldrClass.Create();
				MorphItem miPrev = new MorphItem();
				foreach (MorphItem mi in m_morphItems)
					ITsString tssToDisplay = null;
					int hvoPrimary = 0; // the key hvo associated with the combo item.

					var morph = coRepository.GetObject(mi.m_hvoMorph);
					var le = morph.Owner as ILexEntry;
					if (mi.m_hvoSense > 0)
						int hvoSense = mi.m_hvoSense;
						tisb.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0,
						tisb.Append("  ");

						ITsString tssSense = TsStringUtils.MakeTss(mi.m_nameSense,

						tisb.Append(", ");

						string sPos = mi.m_nameMsa;
						if (sPos == null)
							sPos = ITextStrings.ksQuestions;	// was "??", not "???"
						tisb.Append(", ");

						// append lex entry form info
						tisb.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0,

						tssToDisplay = tisb.GetString();
						hvoPrimary = mi.m_hvoSense;
						hvoPrimary = mi.m_hvoMorph;
						// mi.m_hvoSense == 0
						// Make a comboList item for adding a new sense to the LexEntry
						if (miPrev.m_hvoMorph != 0 && mi.m_hvoMorph == miPrev.m_hvoMorph &&
							miPrev.m_hvoSense > 0)
							// "Add New Sense..."
							// the comboList has already added selections for senses and lexEntry form
							// thus establishing the LexEntry the user may wish to "Add New Sense..." to.
							tisb.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0,
							tssToDisplay = tisb.GetString();

							// "Add New Sense for {0}"
							// (EricP) This path means the current form matches an entry that (strangely enough)
							// doesn't have any senses so we need to add the LexEntry form into the string,
							// so the user knows what Entry they'll be adding the new sense to.
							Debug.Assert(le.SensesOS.Count == 0, "Expected LexEntry to have no senses.");
							string sFmt = ITextStrings.ksAddNewSenseForX_;
							tisb.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0,
							ITsString tss = tisb.GetString();
							int ich = sFmt.IndexOf("{0}");
							if (ich >= 0)
								ITsStrBldr tsbT = tss.GetBldr();
								tsbT.ReplaceTsString(ich, ich + "{0}".Length, mi.m_name);
								tss = tsbT.GetString();
							tssToDisplay = tss;
					// keep track of the previous MorphItem to track context.
					ComboList.Items.Add(new MorphComboItem(mi, tssToDisplay,
						new EventHandler(HandleSelectMorphComboItem), hvoPrimary));
					miPrev = mi;
Ejemplo n.º 11
				internal MorphComboItem(MorphItem mi, ITsString tssDisplay, EventHandler handleMorphComboItem, int hvoPrimary)
					: base(tssDisplay, handleMorphComboItem, hvoPrimary, 0)
					m_mi = mi;
Ejemplo n.º 12
			/// <summary>
			/// Determines if the two MorphItems are based on the same objects, ignoring string values.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="x"></param>
			/// <param name="y"></param>
			/// <returns></returns>
			bool HaveSameObjs(MorphItem x, MorphItem y)
				return x.m_hvoSense == y.m_hvoSense &&
					   x.m_hvoMainEntryOfVariant == y.m_hvoMainEntryOfVariant &&
					   x.m_hvoMorph == y.m_hvoMorph &&
					   x.m_hvoMsa == y.m_hvoMsa &&
					   x.m_inflType == y.m_inflType &&
					   x.m_entryRef == y.m_entryRef;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    List <MorphItem> GroupAnimations(List <MorphItem> morphArray)
        // Here is where we make the list of morphs to apply to the mesh from the Animations currently active.
        for (int CAALoop = 0; CAALoop < currentlyActiveAnimations.Count; CAALoop++)
            bool removeanimation = false;
            int  animIndex       = currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].link;

            int Frame    = Time2Frame(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAStartTime, currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAASpeed);
            int endFrame = morphAnimationData[animIndex].Count - 4;

            // Remember Animation styles?  This is where we process them.
            if (Frame > endFrame)
                int Style = currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAStyle;
                if (Style == AnimationStyles.end)
                    currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAEndTime  = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - 0.002f;
                    currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAFadeTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - 0.001f;
                    Frame = endFrame;
                else if (Style == AnimationStyles.freeze)
                    Frame = endFrame;
                else if (Style == AnimationStyles.loop)
                    Frame = 0;
                    currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                else if (Style == AnimationStyles.pingPong)
                    if (Frame > endFrame * 2)
                        Frame = 0;
                        currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                    Frame = (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.PingPong(Frame, endFrame));

            // And the code for stopping an animatio and fading out over time while doing so.
            float fadeOut = 1.0f;
            if (currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAEndTime > 0)
                fadeOut = Mathf.InverseLerp(currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAFadeTime, currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAEndTime, Time.realtimeSinceStartup);
                if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup > currentlyActiveAnimations[CAALoop].CAAFadeTime)
                    removeanimation = true;

            // Grabbing the data for adding to the morph list...
            List <string> morphIndexes = morphAnimationData[animIndex][1];           // Indexes of the Diffmaps we're using.
            List <string> morphPowers  = morphAnimationData[animIndex][2];           // frames start on line 3 (from line 0)...
            List <string> morphLevels  = morphAnimationData[animIndex][Frame + 3];   // frames start on line 3 (from line 0)...

            for (int MADLoop = 0; MADLoop < morphIndexes.Count; MADLoop++)
                float morphPower = float.Parse(morphPowers[MADLoop]) * float.Parse(morphLevels[MADLoop]) * fadeOut;

                if (!Mathf.Approximately(morphPower, 0.0f))
                    MorphItem morphItem = new MorphItem();
                    morphItem.ShapeMorph = listToArray(morphShapesData[int.Parse(morphIndexes[MADLoop])]);  // section 0
                    morphItem.ShapeLink  = listToArray(morphShapesLinks[int.Parse(morphIndexes[MADLoop])]); // section 1
                    morphItem.ShapePower = morphPower;                                                      // section 2

                    meshChanged = 2;

            // Oh, if an animation is done, we take care of it here...
            if (removeanimation == true)
                currentlyActiveAnimations.RemoveAt(CAALoop);                    // Watch this!  Make sure the for loop is actually looking at the length attribute or you could wander straight into null territory.
                meshChanged = 2;
                Frame       = 0;

        // Well, were done with the array.  return it.
Ejemplo n.º 14
			/// <summary>
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="hvoMorph"></param>
			/// <param name="le">the entry used in the morph bundle (for sense info). typically
			/// this is an owner of hvoMorph, but if not, it most likely has hvoMorph linked as its variant.</param>
			/// <param name="fMorphIsVariantOfEntry">indicates whether the given morph is a variant of the given entry(le) or
			/// one of its senses</param>
			private void BuildMorphItemsFromEntry(int hvoMorph, ILexEntry le, ILexEntryRef ler)
				IMoForm mf = MoForm.CreateFromDBObject(m_caches.MainCache, hvoMorph);
				int hvoLexEntry = 0;
				if (le != null)
					hvoLexEntry = le.Hvo;
				ITsString tssName = null;
				if (le != null)
					tssName = InterlinDocChild.GetLexEntryTss(m_caches.MainCache, le.Hvo, m_wsVern, ler);
					// looks like we're not in a good state, so just use the form for the name.
					int wsActual;
					tssName = mf.Form.GetAlternativeOrBestTss(m_wsVern, out wsActual);
				string sql2 = string.Format("select SenseId from fnGetSensesInEntry$({0})", hvoLexEntry);
				List<int> hvoSenses = DbOps.ReadIntsFromCommand(m_caches.MainCache,
					sql2, null);
				if (hvoSenses.Count > 0)
					// Populate morphItems with Sense/Msa level specifics
					for (int i = 0; i < hvoSenses.Count; ++i)
						int hvoSense = hvoSenses[i];

						ITsString tssSense =
						if (tssSense.Length == 0)
							// If it doesn't have a gloss (e.g., from Categorised Entry), use the definition.
							tssSense = m_caches.MainCache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(

						ILexSense sense = LexSense.CreateFromDBObject(
							m_caches.MainCache, (int)hvoSense);
						IMoMorphSynAnalysis msa = sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA;
						string msaText = null;
						if (msa != null)
							msaText = msa.InterlinearName;
						MorphItem mi = new MorphItem(hvoMorph, ler != null ? hvoLexEntry : 0, tssName,
							hvoSense, tssSense.Text, sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRAHvo, msaText);
				// Make a LexEntry level item
				m_morphItems.Add(new MorphItem(hvoMorph, ler != null ? hvoLexEntry : 0, tssName));