//function used to perform the move of the enemy
    public void performEnemyMove(MonteCarloPosition _p)
        //increments the total moves

        //sets old enemy position to current enemy position
        MonteCarloPosition _oldPos = FindPlayer(_enemyVal);

        //finds the adjacent tiles for the enemy to check for collision with the player object, returning true if the player object is adjacent to the enemy object
        bool _opponentCheck = CheckOpponentAdjacent();

        //checks if the opponent check value is true
        if (_opponentCheck)
            //reduces the player health by 1
            //sets board value of the old enemy position to 0, whilst setting the new enemy position to the player value
            _boardValues [_oldPos.GetX(), _oldPos.GetZ()] = 0;
            _boardValues [_p.GetX(), _p.GetZ()]           = _enemyVal;

            //finds the adjacent tiles for the enemy to check for collision with the player object, returning true if the player object is adjacent to the enemy object
            bool _opponentCheck2 = CheckOpponentAdjacent();

            //checks if the opponent check value is true
            if (_opponentCheck2)
                //reduces the player health by 1
    //function used to move the enemy object
    public void MoveEnemy(GameObject _enemyObj)
        //sets the speed of the enemy
        _speed = 2.0f;

        Node _enemyNode;

        //checks if the enemy moving variable is true
        if (_enemyMoving == true)
            //sets the enemy object to look in the direction of movement
            _enemyObj.transform.LookAt(GridSystem._grid [_positionToMoveTo.GetX(), _positionToMoveTo.GetZ()]._obj.transform.position);

            //sets the enemy object to move towards the position calulated in MCTS
            _enemyObj.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(_enemyObj.transform.position, GridSystem._grid[_positionToMoveTo.GetX(), _positionToMoveTo.GetZ()]._obj.transform.position, _speed * Time.deltaTime);

            //speed increased by it's value multiplied by delta time
            _speed += _speed * Time.deltaTime;

            //checks if the enemy object has reached it's desired position
            if (_enemyObj.transform.position == GridSystem._grid[_positionToMoveTo.GetX(), _positionToMoveTo.GetZ()]._obj.transform.position)
                //sets enemy moving to false
                _enemyMoving = false;

                //sets enemy node to the node moved to
                _enemyNode = GridSystem.FindSelectedObject(_enemyObj, MonteCarloBoard._enemyVal);

                //sets the node's enemy node value to true
                GridSystem._grid [_enemyNode._gridX, _enemyNode._gridZ]._enemyNode = true;

                //checks whether the enemy object can damage the player
                bool _damagePlayer = CheckForAttack();

                //checks if the damage player variable is true
                if (_damagePlayer)
                    //damages the player

                //moves to next enemy in enemies array
    //function used to perform the move of the player
    public void performPlayerMove(MonteCarloPosition _p)
        //increments the total moves

        //finds the shootable tiles for the player to check for collision with the enemy object, returning true if an enemy object is in line of sight
        bool _opponentCheck = FindPlayerShootTiles();

        //checks if the opponent check value is true
        if (_opponentCheck)
            //reduces the enemy health by 1
        //performs player action if opponent check value is false
            //sets old player position to current player position
            MonteCarloPosition _oldPos = FindPlayer(_playerVal);

            //randomly decides whether to move the player 1 or 2 places
            int move = (int)Random.Range(0, 2);

            //if move value is 0, moves the player 1 position
            if (move == 0)
                //sets board value of the old player position to 0, whilst setting the new player position to the player value
                _boardValues [_oldPos.GetX(), _oldPos.GetZ()] = 0;
                _boardValues [_p.GetX(), _p.GetZ()]           = _playerVal;

                //finds the shootable tiles for the player to check for collision with the enemy object, returning true if an enemy object is in line of sight
                bool _opponentCheck2 = FindPlayerShootTiles();

                //checks if the opponent check value is true
                if (_opponentCheck2)
                    //reduces the enemy health by 1
            //if move value is not 0, moves the player 2 positions
                //sets board value of the old player position to 0, whilst setting the new player position to the player value
                _boardValues [_oldPos.GetX(), _oldPos.GetZ()] = 0;
                _boardValues [_p.GetX(), _p.GetZ()]           = _playerVal;

                //finds the legal positions for the player
                List <MonteCarloPosition> _legalPositions = this.GetLegalPositions(_playerVal);

                //sets a new int to the number of legal positions found
                int _totalLegalPossibilities = _legalPositions.Count;

                //selects a random number between 0 and the number of legal positions
                int _selectRandom = (int)(Random.Range(0, _totalLegalPossibilities));

                //sets the second move position to that of the randomly selected legal position
                MonteCarloPosition _p2 = _legalPositions [_selectRandom];

                //sets board value of the old player position to 0, whilst setting the new player position to the player value
                _boardValues [_p.GetX(), _p.GetZ()]   = 0;
                _boardValues [_p2.GetX(), _p2.GetZ()] = _playerVal;

                //finds the shootable tiles for the player to check for collision with the enemy object, returning true if an enemy object is in line of sight
                bool _opponentCheck2 = FindPlayerShootTiles();

                //checks if the opponent check value is true
                if (_opponentCheck2)
                    //reduces the enemy health by 1