Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void IncreaseVelocity(int p)
        if (m_molecules == null || m_molecules.Count < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Failed to clear. No Molecules found");

        for (int i = 0; i < m_molecules.Count; i++)
            m_gasMovementScript = (MoleculeMovement)m_molecules[i].GetComponent(typeof(MoleculeMovement));

            if (m_gasMovementScript != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// This displays the water or vapour molecule depending upon the flag isVapour
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="isVapour"></param>
    public void ShowMolecule(bool isVapour)
        if(m_snowBall == null)
            Debug.LogError("ERROR - NO SNOW BALL FOUND");

        if (!m_hot && !m_hotSpotWater)
            Debug.LogError("No vapours found. Please click on hot button to generate vapours");


        int numberOfMolecules = 0;

        float speed = 0;
        float drag = 0;
        int maxMolecules = 0;

        if (isVapour)
            // Set the speed of molecule to the speed of vapour molecule
            speed = VapourMoleculeSpeed;

            // Set the drag factor
            drag = 0.2f;

            // Set the max number of molecules
            maxMolecules = MaxVapourMolecules;
            // Set the speed of molecule to the speed of water molecule
            speed = WaterMoleculeSpeed;

            // Set the Drag factor
            drag = 1.8f;

            // Set the number of molecules to twice as much as vapour molecule
            maxMolecules = 2 * MaxVapourMolecules;

        // Helper vector to vary the instantiation position of molecules
        Vector3 temp = new Vector3();

        while (numberOfMolecules++ < maxMolecules)
            GameObject molecule = null;

                molecule = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Molecule"), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                molecule.rigidbody.drag = drag;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Failed To instantiate molecule");

            // Set snow ball as parent of molecule
            molecule.transform.parent = m_snowBall.transform;

            // set temp as center of snow ball
            temp = m_snowBall.transform.position;

            // get a random offset for temp
            temp.x += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-4, 4);
            temp.z += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-4, 4);
            temp.y += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-4, 4);

            //molecule.transform.position = m_snowBall.transform.position;
            molecule.transform.position = temp;

            // add the molecule to list of molecules

        // set speed of each moelcule
        foreach (GameObject molecule in m_molecules)
            m_moleculeMovement = (MoleculeMovement)molecule.GetComponent(typeof(MoleculeMovement));

            if (m_moleculeMovement != null)