Ejemplo n.º 1
    //Gets the JSON conformer file
    IEnumerator GetConformer(string ConformerID)
        //Creates web request to load the JSON conformer via the conformerID
        UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/conformers/" + ConformerID + "/JSON");

        yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

        //This should only happen with a real network error
        if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)

            // Show results as text

            JObject dataObj = JObject.Parse(www.downloadHandler.text);

            //Loads molecule from JObject and instantiates it at the position of the VoiceRecognizer
            molData = loadMolecule(dataObj);
            MoleculeCreator script = gameObject.GetComponent <MoleculeCreator>();
            script.instantiateMolecule(molData, transform.position);
            GameObject.FindWithTag("DictationResult").GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "Loaded: " + officialMolName;

            //Starts a couroutine to clear the billboard after a number of seconds
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
         * Debug.Log("(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((");
         * Debug.Log(testString);
         * Debug.Log(nullString);
         * Debug.Log("(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((");
         * Debug.Log(saturatedfatData.ToString());

        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Floor")

            MoleculeCreator script = gameObject.GetComponent <MoleculeCreator>();

            //Debug.Log("Script: "+script);

            script.instantiateMolecule(molData, transform.position);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Floor") && touched)
            MoleculeCreator script = gameObject.GetComponent <MoleculeCreator>();
            script.instantiateMolecule(saturatedfatData, GameObject.Find("Ammo").transform.position);

            GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = potassium;
            GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
        touched = false;

         * {
         *  touched = false;
         * }*/
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void ProcessRecognizedPhrase(string phrase)

        //Resets game
        if (phrase == "Reset")

        //Changes tool
        if (toolKeyWords.Contains(phrase))
            GameObject rightWand  = GameObject.FindWithTag("RightWand");
            GameObject leftWand   = GameObject.FindWithTag("LeftWand");
            GameObject higherWand = null;
            higherWand = rightWand == null ? leftWand : leftWand == null ? rightWand
                : rightWand.transform.position.y > leftWand.transform.position.y ? rightWand : leftWand;
            if (higherWand == null)
                Debug.LogError("Could not determine which wand has the higher y value");
            higherWand.GetComponent <Wand>().setToolByVoiceName(phrase);

        //Spawns atoms
        if (atomPrefabKeywords.ContainsKey(phrase))
            Instantiate(atomPrefabKeywords[phrase], transform.position, transform.rotation);

        //Spawns preloaded molecules
        if (moleculeKeywords.Contains(phrase))
            MoleculeCreator script = gameObject.GetComponent <MoleculeCreator>();
            script.instantiateMolecule(molData, transform.position);

        //Spawns Molecules via Pubchem
        if (phrase == "Create")
            //Stops keyword recognizer (needed in order to start dictator)
            D_Recognizer = new DictationRecognizer();

            //Updates position of "billboard" and updates its status to "Listening"

            D_Recognizer.DictationResult   += DictationRecognizer_DictationResult;
            D_Recognizer.DictationComplete += DictationRecognizer_DictationComplete;
            D_Recognizer.DictationError    += DictationRecognizer_DictationError;

            //Starts dictation recognizer
        if (phrase == "BondCount")
            //Gets array of objects tagged with "bond" and "doublebond", returns the sum of their length
            Array getCountSingleBond = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bond");
            Array getCountDoubleBond = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("DoubleBond");
            int   count = getCountSingleBond.Length + getCountDoubleBond.Length * 2;
            ShowOnBillboard("Bonds: " + count);
        if (phrase == "AtomCount")
            //Gets array of objects tagged with "atom", and returns its length
            Array getCount = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Atom");
            int   count    = getCount.Length;
            ShowOnBillboard("Atoms: " + count);
        if (phrase == "help")
            string help = "Voice Commands:\n\n ATP, CAFFEINE, SATURATED FAT         Create molecule\n   WATER, CARBON DIOXIDE,\n   SULFURIC ACID, ASPIRIN,       \n CREATE + [Name of Molecule]          Fetch pubchem molecules\n[Element Name]                                   Create atom\n HAND, TRACTOR, PISTOL,            Change what you hold\n       BLASTER, CARDS     \n BLACKHOLE\n RESET                                               Reset game\n";
            ShowOnBillboard(help, 50);
        if (phrase == "Blackhole")
            GameObject.Find("Blackhole").GetComponent <BlackHole>().createBlackHole();
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        aspirinData       = loadMolecule("aspirindata.json", "Aspirin");
        waterData         = loadMolecule("waterdata.json", "Water");
        atpData           = loadMolecule("atpdata.json", "ATP");
        caffeineData      = loadMolecule("caffeinedata.json", "Caffeine");
        carbondioxideData = loadMolecule("carbondioxidedata.json", "CarbonDioxide");
        saturatedfatData  = loadMolecule("saturatedfatdata.json", "SaturatedFat");
        sulfuricacidData  = loadMolecule("sulfuricaciddata.json", "SulfuricAcid");
        nitroData         = loadMolecule("nitrodata.json", "Nitroglycerin");

        /*atoms waterAtoms = new atoms(new List<int>{8,1,1});
         * bonds waterBonds = new bonds (new List<int> {1, 1}, new List<int> {2, 3}, new List<int> {1, 1});
         * coords waterCoords = new coords (new conformers(new List<float> {0,0.2774f,0.6068f}, new List<float> {0,0.8929f,-0.2383f}, new List<float> {0,0.2544f,-0.7169f}));
         * MoleculeData water = new MoleculeData( waterAtoms,waterBonds,waterCoords, "water");*/
        MoleculeCreator script = gameObject.GetComponent <MoleculeCreator> ();


        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            script.instantiateMolecule(aspirinData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(2f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            script.instantiateMolecule(waterData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(2f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);

        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            script.instantiateMolecule(carbondioxideData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(2f, 4f), Random.Range(-4, 4f)) * spawnDist);

        script.instantiateMolecule(caffeineData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);
        script.instantiateMolecule(caffeineData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);
        script.instantiateMolecule(caffeineData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);

        script.instantiateMolecule(saturatedfatData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);

        script.instantiateMolecule(sulfuricacidData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);

        script.instantiateMolecule(nitroData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);

        script.instantiateMolecule(atpData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) * spawnDist);

         * script.instantiateMiniatureRigidMolecule(saturatedfatData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)));
         * script.instantiateMiniatureRigidMolecule(atpData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)) );
         * script.instantiateMiniatureRigidMolecule(caffeineData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(3f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)));
         * script.instantiateMiniatureRigidMolecule(aspirinData, new Vector3(Random.Range(-3f, 4f), Random.Range(2f, 4f), Random.Range(-4f, 4f)));*/