Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool leavingSeat    = false; // Whether the kerbal is about to leave their seat.

        #region Field definitions
        // [KSPField(isPersistant = true, guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = true, guiName = "#LOC_BDArmory_EjectOnImpendingDoom", // Eject if doomed
        //     groupName = "pilotAI_Ejection", groupDisplayName = "#LOC_BDArmory_PilotAI_Ejection", groupStartCollapsed = true),
        //     UI_FloatRange(minValue = 0f, maxValue = 1f, stepIncrement = 0.02f, scene = UI_Scene.All)]
        // public float ejectOnImpendingDoom = 0.2f; // Time to impact at which to eject.

        /// <summary>
        /// Begin managing a crew member in a part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="crew">The proto crew member.</param>
        /// <param name="part">The part.</param>
        public IEnumerator Configure(ProtoCrewMember crew, Part part)
            if (crew == null)
                Debug.LogError("[KerbalSafety]: Cannot manage null crew.");
                yield break;
            if (part == null)
                Debug.LogError("[KerbalSafety]: Crew cannot exist outside of a part.");
                yield break;
            while (!part.vessel.loaded)
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());                        // Wait for the vessel to be loaded. (Avoids kerbals not being registered in seats.)
            kerbalName = crew.displayName;
            this.crew  = crew;
            this.crew.ResetInventory(); // Reset the inventory to a chute and a jetpack.
            this.part = part;
            if (part.IsKerbalEVA())
                this.kerbalEVA = part.GetComponent <KerbalEVA>();
                if (kerbalEVA.IsSeated())
                    var  seats = part.vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <KerbalSeat>();
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var s in seats)
                        if (s.Occupant == part)
                            seat  = s;
                            found = true;
                    if (!found)
                        Debug.LogError("[KerbalSafety]: Failed to find the kerbal seat that " + kerbalName + " occupies.");
                        yield break;
                else // Free-falling EVA kerbal.
                    ejected = true;
                chute = kerbalEVA.vessel.FindPartModuleImplementing <ModuleEvaChute>();
                if (chute != null)
                    chute.deploymentState = ModuleEvaChute.deploymentStates.STOWED; // Make sure the chute is stowed.
            KerbalSafetyManager.Instance.kerbals.Add(crew, this);
            Debug.Log("[KerbalSafety]: Managing the safety of " + kerbalName + " in " + part.vessel.vesselName + ".");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void OnAwake()

            if (chute == null)
                chute = part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleEvaChute>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Start()
            kerbal    = part.Modules.GetModule <KerbalEVA>();
            evaChute  = part.Modules.GetModule <ModuleEvaChute>();
            inventory = kerbal.ModuleInventoryPartReference;

            props = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Where(p => p.partPrefab.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleWearableProp>())
                    .ToDictionary(x => x.name, x => x.partPrefab.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleWearableProp>());

Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void ConfigureKerbalEVA(KerbalEVA kerbalEVA)
     chute = kerbalEVA.vessel.FindPartModuleImplementing <ModuleEvaChute>();
     if (chute != null)
         chute.deploymentState = ModuleEvaChute.deploymentStates.STOWED;                                   // Make sure the chute is stowed.
     if ((Versioning.version_major == 1 && Versioning.version_minor > 10) || Versioning.version_major > 1) // Introduced in 1.11
         if (BDArmorySettings.KERBAL_SAFETY_INVENTORY == 2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public IEnumerator deployChute(Vessel v)
            printDebug("Priming chute");
            if (!v.evaController.part.Modules.Contains("ModuleEvaChute"))
                printDebug("No ModuleEvaChute!!! Oops...");
                yield  break;
            printDebug("checking chute module...");
            ModuleEvaChute chuteModule = (ModuleEvaChute)v.evaController.part.Modules ["ModuleEvaChute"];

            printDebug("deployment state: " + chuteModule.deploymentSafeState + "; enabled: " + chuteModule.enabled);
            chuteModule.deploymentSafeState = ModuleParachute.deploymentSafeStates.UNSAFE;             // FIXME: is it immediate???

            printDebug($"counting {paraglidingDeployDelay} sec...");
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(paraglidingDeployDelay));             // 5 seconds to deploy chute. TODO: Make configurable

            printDebug("Deploying chute");

            // Set low forward pitch so uncontrolled kerbal doesn't gain lot of speed
            chuteModule.chuteDefaultForwardPitch = paraglidingChutePitch;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public IEnumerator deployChute(Vessel v, float paraglidingDeployDelay, float paraglidingChutePitch)
            Log.detail("Priming chute - KSP14");
            if (!hasChute(v))
                Log.detail("No ModuleEvaChute!!! Oops...");
                yield break;
            Log.detail("checking chute module...");
            ModuleEvaChute chuteModule = (ModuleEvaChute)v.evaController.part.Modules ["ModuleEvaChute"];

            Log.detail("deployment state: {0}; enabled: {1}", chuteModule.deploymentSafeState, chuteModule.enabled);
            chuteModule.deploymentSafeState = ModuleParachute.deploymentSafeStates.UNSAFE;             // FIXME: is it immediate???

            Log.detail("counting {0} sec...", paraglidingDeployDelay);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(paraglidingDeployDelay));             // 5 seconds to deploy chute. TODO: Make configurable

            Log.detail("Deploying chute");

            // Set low forward pitch so uncontrolled kerbal doesn't gain lot of speed
            chuteModule.chuteDefaultForwardPitch = paraglidingChutePitch;