Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestCreateModelpayload()
            List <Property>      _prop  = new List <Property>();
            List <ModelResponse> _model = new List <ModelResponse>();

            _model = ModelPayload.Get();
            ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                Id         = "HelloModel",
                Name       = "Hello.pmml",
                User       = "",
                Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                Edited_on  = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                Extension  = ".png",
                MimeType   = "application/image",
                Size       = 111,
                Type       = "PMML",
                Url        = "http://localhost/uploads/data/Hello.png",
                FilePath   = "",
                Loaded     = false,
                Deployed   = false,
                Properties = _prop

            ModelResponse createdRecord = ModelPayload.Create(newRecord);

            Assert.Equal(newRecord, createdRecord);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static bool ScanModelsDirectory()
            bool   result = false;
            string fileName, _url, fileExt = "";

            Console.WriteLine("Dir Loc=" + DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath);
            var zmodDir = new ZmodDirectory(DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath);

            //loop of model
            #region  CODE - PMML
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.PmmlFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt  = "pmml";
                _url     = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(item.Value.info.Name);
                ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Deployed    = false,
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                    Loaded      = false,
                    MimeType    = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "PMML",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    Properties  = _props,
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> SavePmmlAsync(string id)
            string          response    = string.Empty;
            string          reqBody     = string.Empty;
            string          filePath    = string.Empty;
            string          fileName    = string.Empty;
            string          fileContent = string.Empty;
            string          fileUrl     = string.Empty;
            ModelResponse   _data       = new ModelResponse();
            List <Property> _props      = new List <Property>();

            //read from request body
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body))
                var body = reader.ReadToEnd();
                reqBody = body.ToString();
            JObject jObj = new JObject();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqBody))
                jObj     = JObject.Parse(reqBody);
                filePath = jObj["filePath"].ToString();
                fileName = jObj["fileName"].ToString();
            //Create blank pmml file
            long   fileSize    = 0L;
            string dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetModelDirectoryPath();
            string newFile     = fileName;

                //check if folder path exists...if not then create folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath))

                //call py service and add content to pmml file
                fileContent = await autoMLclient.SaveBestPmml(filePath);

                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(dirFullpath, newFile)))
                    await writer.WriteLineAsync(fileContent);

                    fileSize = writer.BaseStream.Length;
                string _url      = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(newFile);
                string _filePath = Path.Combine(dirFullpath, newFile);
                ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                    Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                    Deployed   = false,
                    Edited_on  = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                    Extension  = "pmml",
                    FilePath   = _filePath,
                    Id         = newFile.Replace($".pmml", ""),
                    Loaded     = false,
                    MimeType   = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name       = newFile,
                    Size       = fileSize,
                    Type       = "PMML",
                    Url        = _url,
                    User       = CURRENT_USER,
                    Properties = _props
                _data = ModelPayload.Create(newRecord);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //write to Ilogger
                string message = ex.Message;
            string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_data, Formatting.None);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static bool ScanDirectoryToSeed()
            bool   result = false;
            string fileName, _url, _fullName, fileContent, fileExt = "";

            Console.WriteLine("Dir Loc=" + DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath);
            var zmodDir = new ZmodDirectory(DirectoryHelper.fileUploadDirectoryPath);

            //seed data - subdir, csv, img and json
            #region DATA - SUBDIR
            foreach (var subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(DirectoryHelper.GetDataDirectoryPath()))
                string          folderName = Path.GetFileName(subdir);
                string          _createdOn = Directory.GetCreationTime(subdir).ToString();
                List <Property> _props     = new List <Property>();
                _props.Add(new Property {
                    key = "Subdirectories", value = DirectoryHelper.CountDirectories(subdir).ToString()
                _props.Add(new Property {
                    key = "Files", value = DirectoryHelper.CountFiles(subdir).ToString()

                DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse()
                    Created_on  = Directory.GetCreationTime(subdir).ToString(),
                    Edited_on   = Directory.GetLastWriteTime(subdir).ToString(),
                    Extension   = "",
                    Type        = "FOLDER",
                    FilePath    = subdir,
                    Id          = folderName,
                    MimeType    = "",
                    Name        = folderName,
                    Properties  = _props,
                    DateCreated = Directory.GetCreationTime(subdir)
            #region DATA - CSV
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.CsvFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName  = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt   = "csv";
                _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName;
                _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5);
                _url      = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName);

                //get properties row and column count
                int[] csvProps = CsvHelper.GetCsvRowColumnCount(item.Value.info.FullName);
                _props.Add(new Property {
                    key = "Number of Rows", value = csvProps[0].ToString()
                _props.Add(new Property {
                    key = "Number of Columns", value = csvProps[1].ToString()
                DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                    MimeType    = "text/csv",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Properties  = _props,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "CSV",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime

            #region DATA - IMAGES
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.ImageFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName  = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt   = item.Value.info.Extension.Remove(0, 1);
                _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName;
                _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5);
                _url      = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName).Replace("\\", "/");

                //get properties
                    // using (var image = new Bitmap(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(item.Value.info.FullName)))
                    using (var image = new Bitmap(item.Value.info.FullName))
                        _props.Add(new Property {
                            key = "Width", value = image.Width.ToString() + " px"
                        _props.Add(new Property {
                            key = "Height", value = image.Height.ToString() + " px"
                    DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse()
                        Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                        Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                        Extension   = fileExt,
                        FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                        Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                        MimeType    = $"image/{fileExt}",
                        Name        = fileName,
                        Properties  = _props,
                        Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                        Type        = "IMAGE",
                        Url         = _url,
                        User        = "",
                        DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime
                catch (Exception ex)


            #region DATA - JSON

            foreach (var item in zmodDir.JsonFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName    = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt     = "json";
                _fullName   = item.Value.info.FullName;
                _fullName   = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5);
                _url        = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName);
                fileContent = "";
                //read json file from filestream
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(item.Value.info.FullName))
                        fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent))
                        JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(fileContent));
                        int            objCtr = 0;
                        while (reader.Read())
                            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject)
                        _props.Add(new Property {
                            key = "Number of Objects", value = objCtr.ToString()

                        DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse()
                            Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                            Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                            Extension   = fileExt,
                            FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                            Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                            MimeType    = "application/json",
                            Name        = fileName,
                            Properties  = _props,
                            Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                            Type        = "JSON",
                            Url         = _url,
                            User        = "",
                            DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //TODO: logger
                    string err = ex.StackTrace;


            #region DATA - MP4
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.VideoFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName  = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt   = item.Value.info.Extension.Remove(0, 1);
                _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName;
                _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5);
                _url      = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName);

                //get properties
                    DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse()
                        Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                        Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                        Extension   = fileExt,
                        FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                        Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                        MimeType    = $"video/{fileExt}",
                        Name        = fileName,
                        Properties  = _props,
                        Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                        Type        = "VIDEO",
                        Url         = _url,
                        User        = "",
                        DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //TODO: logger
                    string err = ex.StackTrace;

            #region  DATA - TEXT
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.TextFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName  = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt   = item.Value.info.Extension.Remove(0, 1);
                _fullName = item.Value.info.FullName;
                _fullName = _fullName.Substring(_fullName.IndexOf("Data")).Remove(0, 5);
                _url      = DirectoryHelper.GetDataUrl(_fullName);

                //get properties
                    DataResponse newRecord = new DataResponse()
                        Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                        Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                        Extension   = fileExt,
                        FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                        Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                        MimeType    = $"text/plain",
                        Name        = fileName,
                        Properties  = _props,
                        Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                        Type        = "TEXT",
                        Url         = _url,
                        User        = "",
                        DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime
                catch (Exception ex)
            //seed code - py and ipynb
            #region  CODE - PY

            foreach (var item in zmodDir.PyFiles)
                fileName = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt  = "py";
                _url     = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name);
                CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                    MimeType    = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "PYTHON",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime


            #region  CODE - IPYNB
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.IpynbFiles)
                fileName = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt  = Path.GetExtension(fileName).Remove(0, 1);
                _url     = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name);

                CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                    MimeType    = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime

            #region  DATA - R
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.RFiles)
                fileName = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt  = "r";
                _url     = DirectoryHelper.GetCodeUrl(item.Value.info.Name);
                CodeResponse newRecord = new CodeResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName),
                    MimeType    = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "R",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime

            //loop of model
            #region  MODEL - PMML
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.PmmlFiles)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt  = "pmml";
                _url     = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(item.Value.info.Name);
                ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Deployed    = false,
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                    Loaded      = false,
                    MimeType    = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "PMML",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    Properties  = _props,
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime
            #region  MODEL - H5
            foreach (var item in zmodDir.H5Files)
                List <Property> _props = new List <Property>();
                fileName = item.Value.info.Name;
                fileExt  = "h5";
                _url     = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(item.Value.info.Name);
                ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                    Created_on  = item.Value.info.CreationTime.ToString(),
                    Deployed    = false,
                    Edited_on   = item.Value.info.LastWriteTime.ToString(),
                    Extension   = fileExt,
                    FilePath    = item.Value.info.FullName,
                    Id          = fileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                    Loaded      = false,
                    MimeType    = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name        = fileName,
                    Size        = item.Value.info.Length,
                    Type        = "H5",
                    Url         = _url,
                    User        = "",
                    Properties  = _props,
                    DateCreated = item.Value.info.CreationTime

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(List <IFormFile> file)
            #region variables
            List <ModelResponse> _response        = new List <ModelResponse>();
            List <ModelResponse> existingCodeData = new List <ModelResponse>();
            long   size         = file.Sum(f => f.Length);
            string type         = string.Empty;
            bool   IsFileExists = false;
            // full path to file in temp location
            var    filePath    = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetModelDirectoryPath();

            //check if folder path exists...if not then create folder
            if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath))

            foreach (var formFile in file)
                if (formFile.Length > 0)
                    //check if the file with the same name exists
                    existingCodeData = ModelPayload.Get();
                    if (existingCodeData.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var record in existingCodeData)
                            if ((record.Name == formFile.FileName) && (record.User == CURRENT_USER))
                                IsFileExists = true;
                    if (!IsFileExists)
                        string fileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(formFile.FileName).Substring(1).ToString().ToLower();
                        // upload file start
                        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(dirFullpath, formFile.FileName), FileMode.Create))
                            //check file allowed extensions

                            if (!extensions.Contains(fileExt))
                                return(BadRequest("File type not allowed"));
                                await formFile.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

                        if (fileExt.Contains("pmml"))
                            type = "PMML";
                        List <Property> _props    = new List <Property>();
                        string          _url      = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(formFile.FileName);
                        string          _filePath = Path.Combine(dirFullpath, formFile.FileName);
                        ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                            Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                            Deployed   = false,
                            Edited_on  = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                            Extension  = fileExt,
                            FilePath   = _filePath,
                            Id         = formFile.FileName.Replace($".{fileExt}", ""),
                            Loaded     = false,
                            MimeType   = formFile.ContentType,
                            Name       = formFile.FileName,
                            Size       = formFile.Length,
                            Type       = type,
                            Url        = _url,
                            User       = CURRENT_USER,
                            Properties = _props

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePmmlAsync()
            //create blank pmml file
            long            fileSize    = 0L;
            string          dirFullpath = DirectoryHelper.GetModelDirectoryPath();
            string          newFile     = "New_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".pmml";
            string          _filePath   = Path.Combine(dirFullpath, newFile);
            ModelResponse   _data       = new ModelResponse();
            List <Property> _props      = new List <Property>();

                //check if folder path exists...if not then create folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(dirFullpath))

                //create blank model data
                StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder();
                fileContent.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>,@,");
                fileContent.Append("<PMML xmlns=\"http://www.dmg.org/PMML-4_3\" version=\"4.3Ext\">,@,");
                fileContent.Append("<Header copyright=\"Copyright (c) 2018 Software AG\" description=\"Neural Network Model\">,@,");
                fileContent.Append("<Timestamp>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss.") + TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond + "</Timestamp>,@,");
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_filePath))
                    foreach (string line in fileContent.ToString().Split(",@,"))

                    fileSize = writer.BaseStream.Length;
                string _url = DirectoryHelper.GetModelUrl(newFile);
                ModelResponse newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                    Created_on = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                    Deployed   = false,
                    Edited_on  = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                    Extension  = "pmml",
                    FilePath   = _filePath,
                    Id         = newFile.Replace($".pmml", ""),
                    Loaded     = false,
                    MimeType   = "application/octet-stream",
                    Name       = newFile,
                    Size       = fileSize,
                    Type       = "PMML",
                    Url        = _url,
                    User       = CURRENT_USER,
                    Properties = _props
                _data = ModelPayload.Create(newRecord);
                await Task.FromResult(0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //write to Ilogger
                string message = ex.Message;
            string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_data, Formatting.None);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <IActionResult> ModifyFilenameAsync(string id)
            string newFileName = "";
            string reqBody     = "";
            await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(0);

                //read request body
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body))
                    var body = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    reqBody = body.ToString();
                //get new filename
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reqBody))
                    var content = JObject.Parse(reqBody);
                    newFileName = (string)content["newName"];
                    newFileName = Regex.Replace(newFileName, "[\n\r\t]", string.Empty);
                    newFileName = Regex.Replace(newFileName, @"\s", string.Empty);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newFileName))
                    //if same name exist - BadRequest
                    foreach (var record in responseData)
                        if (record.Id.ToLower() == newFileName.ToLower())
                            return(BadRequest(new { message = "File with same name already exists." }));
                    //rename the file and/or folder
                    foreach (var record in responseData)
                        if (record.Id.ToString() == id)
                            var newfilePath = record.FilePath.Replace($"{id}.{record.Extension}", $"{newFileName}.{record.Extension}");
                            FileFolderHelper.RenameFile(record.FilePath, newfilePath);
                            var newRecord = new ModelResponse()
                                Created_on = record.Created_on,
                                Edited_on  = record.Edited_on,
                                Extension  = record.Extension,
                                FilePath   = newfilePath,
                                Id         = newFileName,
                                MimeType   = record.MimeType,
                                Name       = $"{newFileName}.{record.Extension}",
                                Properties = record.Properties,
                                Size       = record.Size,
                                Type       = record.Type,
                                Url        = record.Url.Replace(id, newFileName),
                                User       = record.User
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(BadRequest(new { message = "Renaming file failed.", exception = ex.StackTrace }));

            return(BadRequest(new { message = "Renaming file failed." }));