Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ReplaceAll()
            if (_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text.Length == 0)

            MissionSearchCommand msc = new MissionSearchCommand(_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text, _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text, false, _FFR_cb_XmlValuesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cob_AttNameReplace.Text, _FFR_cb_NodeNamesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_CommentariesReplace.Checked, false, _FFR_cb_CaseReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_ExactReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_SelectedNodeReplace.Checked);

            List <MissionSearchResult> list = new List <MissionSearchResult>();
            int result = Mission.Current.ReplaceAll(list, msc);

            Log.Add("Replaced '" + msc.Input + "' with '" + _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text + "' " + result.ToString() + " time(s).");

            if (result > 0)
                Program.FormSearchResultsInstance.SetDataSearchResult(msc, list);

        /// <summary>  Set subtitle from a Mission Search Command class </summary>
        public void SetDataSearchResult(MissionSearchCommand missionSearchCommandInstance, List<MissionSearchResult> list)
            string text = (missionSearchCommandInstance.Replacement == null ? "Looked for \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.Input + "\" in " : "Replaced \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.Input + "\" with \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.Replacement + "\" in ")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.XmlAttName ? "[Xml attribute name], " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.XmlAttValue ? "[Xml attribute value" + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(missionSearchCommandInstance.AttName) ? "" : " (in att name \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.AttName + "\")") + "], " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.NodeNames ? "[Mission node name], " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.Commentaries ? "[Commentary], " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.StatementText ? "[Displayed text], " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.MatchCase ? "Matching case and " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.MatchExact ? "Matching value exactly and " : "")
                    + (missionSearchCommandInstance.OnlyInCurrentNode ? "Only in selected node and " : "");

            if (text.Substring(text.Length - 2, 2) == ", ")
                text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 2);
            if (text.Substring(text.Length - 5, 5) == " and ")
                text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 5);

             _FSR_ss_Main_l_Main.Text = text;
            Text = missionSearchCommandInstance.Replacement == null ? "Find Results: Total " + _FSR_lv_Main.Rows.Count.ToString() + " matches" : "Replace Results: Total " + _FSR_lv_Main.Rows.Count.ToString() + " items";
            _FSR_ss_Main_tsb_Update.Visible = false;

            CurrentOwner = Program.FormFindReplaceInstance;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>  Set subtitle from a Mission Search Command class </summary>
        public void SetDataSearchResult(MissionSearchCommand missionSearchCommandInstance, List <MissionSearchResult> list)
            string text = (missionSearchCommandInstance.Replacement == null ? "Looked for \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.Input + "\" in " : "Replaced \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.Input + "\" with \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.Replacement + "\" in ")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.XmlAttName ? "[Xml attribute name], " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.XmlAttValue ? "[Xml attribute value" + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(missionSearchCommandInstance.AttName) ? "" : " (in att name \"" + missionSearchCommandInstance.AttName + "\")") + "], " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.NodeNames ? "[Mission node name], " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.Commentaries ? "[Commentary], " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.StatementText ? "[Displayed text], " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.MatchCase ? "Matching case and " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.MatchExact ? "Matching value exactly and " : "")
                          + (missionSearchCommandInstance.OnlyInCurrentNode ? "Only in selected node and " : "");

            if (text.Substring(text.Length - 2, 2) == ", ")
                text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 2);
            if (text.Substring(text.Length - 5, 5) == " and ")
                text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 5);

            _FSR_ss_Main_l_Main.Text = text;
            Text = missionSearchCommandInstance.Replacement == null ? "Find Results: Total " + _FSR_lv_Main.Rows.Count.ToString() + " matches" : "Replace Results: Total " + _FSR_lv_Main.Rows.Count.ToString() + " items";
            _FSR_ss_Main_tsb_Update.Visible = false;

            CurrentOwner = Program.FormFindReplaceInstance;
        public void FindAll()
            if (_FFR_tb_Input.Text.Length == 0)


            MissionSearchCommand msc = new MissionSearchCommand(_FFR_tb_Input.Text, null, _FFR_cb_XmlNames.Checked, _FFR_cb_XmlValuesFind.Checked, _FFR_cob_AttNameFind.Text, _FFR_cb_NodeNamesFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_CommentariesFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_DisplayedText.Checked, _FFR_cb_CaseFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_ExactFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_SelectedNodeFind.Checked);
            List<MissionSearchResult> result = Mission.Current.FindAll(msc);

            Program.FormSearchResultsInstance.SetDataSearchResult(msc, result);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void FindAll()
            if (_FFR_tb_Input.Text.Length == 0)


            MissionSearchCommand       msc    = new MissionSearchCommand(_FFR_tb_Input.Text, null, _FFR_cb_XmlNames.Checked, _FFR_cb_XmlValuesFind.Checked, _FFR_cob_AttNameFind.Text, _FFR_cb_NodeNamesFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_CommentariesFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_DisplayedText.Checked, _FFR_cb_CaseFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_ExactFind.Checked, _FFR_cb_SelectedNodeFind.Checked);
            List <MissionSearchResult> result = Mission.Current.FindAll(msc);

            Program.FormSearchResultsInstance.SetDataSearchResult(msc, result);
        public void ReplaceAll()
            if (_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text.Length == 0)

            MissionSearchCommand msc = new MissionSearchCommand(_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text, _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text, false, _FFR_cb_XmlValuesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cob_AttNameReplace.Text, _FFR_cb_NodeNamesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_CommentariesReplace.Checked, false, _FFR_cb_CaseReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_ExactReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_SelectedNodeReplace.Checked);

            List<MissionSearchResult> list = new List<MissionSearchResult>();
            int result = Mission.Current.ReplaceAll(list, msc);

            Log.Add("Replaced '" + msc.Input + "' with '" + _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text + "' " + result.ToString() + " time(s).");

            if (result > 0)
                Program.FormSearchResultsInstance.SetDataSearchResult(msc, list);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ReplacePrevious()
            if (_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text.Length == 0)

            MissionSearchCommand msc = new MissionSearchCommand(_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text, _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text, false, _FFR_cb_XmlValuesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cob_AttNameReplace.Text, _FFR_cb_NodeNamesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_CommentariesReplace.Checked, false, _FFR_cb_CaseReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_ExactReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_SelectedNodeReplace.Checked);

            if (!Mission.Current.Find_DoesCurrentSelectionMatch(msc))

            int result = Mission.Current.ReplaceCurrent(msc);

            Log.Add("Replaced '" + msc.Input + "' with '" + _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text + "' " + result.ToString() + " time(s).");

            if (result == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively look for matches in nodes that are child to the current node. 
        /// Also used to look for first only (Find Next and Find Previous. 
        /// Returns if we found first in firstOnly mode or reached last node. 
        /// Called from FindAll and recursively calls itself.
        /// </summary>
        private bool FindAll_RecursivelyFind(TreeNode node, ref int curNode, List<MissionSearchResult> list, MissionSearchCommand msc, bool forward, bool firstOnly, ref int limitNode, ref int limitStatement)
            MissionNode mNode = (MissionNode)node.Tag;

            curNode += forward ? 1 : -1;
            int curStatement = forward ? 0 : mNode.Conditions.Count + mNode.Actions.Count + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < node.Nodes.Count; i++)
                if (FindAll_RecursivelyFind(node.Nodes[forward ? i : node.Nodes.Count - 1 - i], ref curNode, list, msc, forward, firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                    return true;

            //Skip node in we are only looking in the current node and this isnt current node
            if (msc.OnlyInCurrentNode && !TreeViewNodes.NodeIsInsideNode(node, TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode))
                return false;

            if (forward)
                //Check if node matches our search criteria
                if (Find_TryAdd(list, Find_CheckNodeForMatch(node, mNode, curNode, msc), firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                    return true;

                //Then we start looking through statements
                for (int i = 0; i < mNode.Conditions.Count; i++)
                    if (Find_TryAdd(list, Find_CheckStatementForMatch(node, mNode.Conditions[forward ? i : mNode.Conditions.Count - 1 - i], curNode, forward ? ++curStatement : --curStatement, msc), firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                        return true;
                for (int i = 0; i < mNode.Actions.Count; i++)
                    if (Find_TryAdd(list, Find_CheckStatementForMatch(node, mNode.Actions[forward ? i : mNode.Actions.Count - 1 - i], curNode, forward ? ++curStatement : --curStatement, msc), firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                        return true;
                //Then we start looking through statements
                for (int i = 0; i < mNode.Actions.Count; i++)
                    if (Find_TryAdd(list, Find_CheckStatementForMatch(node, mNode.Actions[forward ? i : mNode.Actions.Count - 1 - i], curNode, forward ? ++curStatement : --curStatement, msc), firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                        return true;
                for (int i = 0; i < mNode.Conditions.Count; i++)
                    if (Find_TryAdd(list, Find_CheckStatementForMatch(node, mNode.Conditions[forward ? i : mNode.Conditions.Count - 1 - i], curNode, forward ? ++curStatement : --curStatement, msc), firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                        return true;

                //Check if node matches our search criteria
                if (Find_TryAdd(list, Find_CheckNodeForMatch(node, mNode, curNode, msc), firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                    return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace according to search command in the specified string. Returns processed string.
 /// </summary>
 public string Replace_ReplaceInString(string text1, MissionSearchCommand msc)
     if (msc.MatchExact)
         text1 = msc.Replacement;
         if (msc.MatchCase)
             text1 = text1.Replace(msc.Input, msc.Replacement);
             text1 = Helper.StringReplaceEx(text1, msc.Input, msc.Replacement);
     return text1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace according to search command in the specified statement. Returns how many replacements were done.
        /// </summary>
        public int Replace_InStatement(TreeNode node, MissionStatement statement, int curNode, int curStatement, List<MissionSearchResult> list, MissionSearchCommand msc)
            int replacements = 0;

            //Replace in statement
            if (statement!=null)
                //We are interested in comments only if we are especially looking for them
                if (statement.Kind == MissionStatementKind.Commentary)
                    if (msc.Commentaries)
                        if (Find_CheckStringForMatch(statement.Body, msc))
                            statement.Body = Replace_ReplaceInString(statement.Body, msc);
                    if (msc.XmlAttValue) //Look for xml attribute values
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in statement.GetAttributes())
                            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(msc.AttName) || kvp.Key == msc.AttName) && Find_CheckStringForMatch(kvp.Value, msc))
                                statement.SetAttribute(kvp.Key, Replace_ReplaceInString(kvp.Value, msc));
                if (replacements>0)
                    list.Add(new MissionSearchResult(curNode, curStatement, statement.Text, node, statement));

            return replacements;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace according to search command in the specified node (name). Returns how many replacements were done.
        /// </summary>
        public int Replace_InNode(TreeNode node, int curNode, List<MissionSearchResult> list, MissionSearchCommand msc)
            int replacements = 0;

            //Replace in node name
            if ((msc.NodeNames || msc.Commentaries) && node != null)
                MissionNode mNode = (MissionNode)node.Tag;

                //We are interested in event/start/folder nodes...
                if ((msc.NodeNames && (node.Tag is MissionNode_Event || node.Tag is MissionNode_Folder || node.Tag is MissionNode_Start))
                    || msc.Commentaries && node.Tag is MissionNode_Comment)
                    if (Find_CheckStringForMatch(mNode.Name, msc))
                        mNode.Name = Replace_ReplaceInString(mNode.Name, msc);

                node.Text = mNode.Name;
                if (replacements>0)
                    list.Add(new MissionSearchResult(curNode, 0, mNode.Name, node, null));

            return replacements;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary> 
        /// Replace in currently selected node and statement 
        /// </summary>
        public int ReplaceCurrent(MissionSearchCommand msc)
            int replacements = 0;

            replacements += Replace_InNode(TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode, 0, new List<MissionSearchResult>(), msc);
            replacements += TreeViewStatements.SelectedNode == null || !(TreeViewStatements.SelectedNode.Tag is MissionStatement) ? 0 : Replace_InStatement(TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode, (MissionStatement)TreeViewStatements.SelectedNode.Tag, 0, 0, new List<MissionSearchResult>(), msc);


            RegisterChange("Replaced '" + msc.Input + "' with '" + msc.Replacement + "' " + replacements.ToString() + " time(s).");

            return replacements;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary> 
        /// Check for match, taking search terms in account 
        /// </summary>
        private bool Find_CheckStringForMatch(string text1, MissionSearchCommand msc)
            string text2 = msc.Input;
            if (!msc.MatchCase)
                text1 = text1.ToLower();
                text2 = text2.ToLower();

            if (msc.MatchExact)
                return text1 == text2;
                return text1.Contains(text2);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all items matching the search command's criteria and return the list of matching items.
        /// Also used to look for the first after the current (Find Next and Find Previous).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In "firstOnly" mode, we actually search twice, because we always start from the first node and statement, 
        /// but we must actually find first that happens after the current one. 
        /// Therefore, we start from the first, and when we reach the current, we flag it as "limitNode" and "limitStatement",
        /// and only since then does the first found node cause a return. 
        /// And then if we reach the flagged node for the second time, we also return (with zero results)
        /// </remarks>		
        public List<MissionSearchResult> FindAll(MissionSearchCommand msc, bool forward = true, bool firstOnly = false)
            List<MissionSearchResult> result = new List<MissionSearchResult>();

            int curNode, limitNode = -1, limitStatement = -1;

            for (int j = 0; j < 1 + (firstOnly ? 1 : 0); j++)//do twice if looking for first (see remarks)
                curNode = forward ? 0 : GetNodeCount() + 1;
                bool found = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < TreeViewNodes.Nodes.Count; i++)
                    if (FindAll_RecursivelyFind(TreeViewNodes.Nodes[forward ? i : TreeViewNodes.Nodes.Count - 1 - i], ref curNode, result, msc, forward, firstOnly, ref limitNode, ref limitStatement))
                        found = true;
                if (found) break;

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void ReplacePrevious()
            if (_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text.Length == 0)

            MissionSearchCommand msc = new MissionSearchCommand(_FFR_tb_ReplaceWhat.Text, _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text, false, _FFR_cb_XmlValuesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cob_AttNameReplace.Text, _FFR_cb_NodeNamesReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_CommentariesReplace.Checked, false, _FFR_cb_CaseReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_ExactReplace.Checked, _FFR_cb_SelectedNodeReplace.Checked);

            if (!Mission.Current.Find_DoesCurrentSelectionMatch(msc))

            int result = Mission.Current.ReplaceCurrent(msc);

            Log.Add("Replaced '" + msc.Input + "' with '" + _FFR_tb_ReplaceWith.Text + "' " + result.ToString() + " time(s).");

            if (result == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary> 
        /// Check if the mission node matches the search criteria, return search result if it does 
        /// </summary>
        private MissionSearchResult Find_CheckNodeForMatch(TreeNode node, MissionNode mNode, int curNode, MissionSearchCommand msc)
            bool statisfies = false;

            //We are interested in event/start/folder nodes...
            if (msc.NodeNames && (node.Tag is MissionNode_Event || node.Tag is MissionNode_Folder || node.Tag is MissionNode_Start))
                statisfies = statisfies | Find_CheckStringForMatch(mNode.Name, msc);

            //... or commentaries
            if (msc.Commentaries && node.Tag is MissionNode_Comment)
                statisfies = statisfies | Find_CheckStringForMatch(mNode.Name, msc);

            if (statisfies)
                return new MissionSearchResult(curNode, 0, mNode.Name, node, null);

            return new MissionSearchResult(curNode, 0, null, node, null);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary> 
        /// Check if mission statement matches the search criteria, return search result if it does 
        /// </summary>
        private MissionSearchResult Find_CheckStatementForMatch(TreeNode node, MissionStatement statement, int curNode, int curStatement, MissionSearchCommand msc)
            //We are interested in comments only if we are especially looking for them
            if (statement.Kind == MissionStatementKind.Commentary)
                if (msc.Commentaries)
                    if (Find_CheckStringForMatch(statement.Body, msc))
                        return new MissionSearchResult(curNode, curStatement, statement.Body, node, statement);

                return new MissionSearchResult(curNode, curStatement, null, node, statement);

            bool statisfies = false;

            //Look for xml attribute names
            if (msc.XmlAttName)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in statement.GetAttributes())
                    statisfies = statisfies | Find_CheckStringForMatch(kvp.Key, msc);

            //Look for xml attribute values
            if (msc.XmlAttValue)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in statement.GetAttributes())
                    statisfies = statisfies | ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(msc.AttName) || kvp.Key == msc.AttName) && Find_CheckStringForMatch(kvp.Value, msc));

            //Look for statement text
            if (msc.StatementText)
                statisfies = statisfies | Find_CheckStringForMatch(statement.Text, msc);

            if (statisfies)
                return new MissionSearchResult(curNode, curStatement, statement.Text, node, statement);

            return new MissionSearchResult(curNode, curStatement, null, node, statement);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary> 
        /// Checks if current selection (node and/or statement) matches the search criteria 
        /// </summary>
        public bool Find_DoesCurrentSelectionMatch(MissionSearchCommand msc)
            if (Find_CheckNodeForMatch(TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode, (MissionNode)TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode.Tag, -1, msc).Valid)
                return true;

            if (TreeViewStatements.SelectedNode == null || !(TreeViewStatements.SelectedNode.Tag is MissionStatement))
                return false;

            return Find_CheckStatementForMatch(TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode, (MissionStatement)TreeViewStatements.SelectedNode.Tag, -1, -1, msc).Valid;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace according to specified command in all nodes that are child to the current node. 
        /// Called from ReplaceAll and recursively calls itself.
        /// </summary>
        private int ReplaceAll_RecursiveReplace(TreeNode node, ref int curNode, List<MissionSearchResult> list, MissionSearchCommand msc)
            int replacements = 0;

            int curStatement = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < node.Nodes.Count; i++)
                replacements += ReplaceAll_RecursiveReplace(node.Nodes[i], ref curNode, list, msc);

            //Skip node in we are only looking in the current node and this isnt current node
            if (msc.OnlyInCurrentNode && !TreeViewNodes.NodeIsInsideNode(node, TreeViewNodes.SelectedNode))
                return replacements;

            MissionNode mNode = (MissionNode)node.Tag;

            //Check if node matches our search criteria (before statements if going forward)
            replacements += Replace_InNode(node, curNode, list, msc);

            //Then we start looking through statements
            for (int i = 0; i < mNode.Conditions.Count; i++)
                replacements += Replace_InStatement(node, mNode.Conditions[i], curNode, ++curStatement, list, msc);
            for (int i = 0; i < mNode.Actions.Count; i++)
                replacements += Replace_InStatement(node, mNode.Actions[i], curNode, ++curStatement, list, msc);

            return replacements;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace according to specified command in all mission nodes. Returns number of replacements made.
        /// </summary>
        public int ReplaceAll(List<MissionSearchResult> list, MissionSearchCommand msc)

            int replacements = 0;
            int curNode = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < TreeViewNodes.Nodes.Count; i++)
                replacements += ReplaceAll_RecursiveReplace(TreeViewNodes.Nodes[i], ref curNode, list, msc);


            RegisterChange("Replaced '" + msc.Input + "' with '" + msc.Replacement + "' " + replacements.ToString() + " time(s).");


            return replacements;