Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = YMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.Add("StackQ", new CheckBox("Stack Q"));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptQ", new CheckBox("Use Q3 to Interrupt"));
            MiscMenu.Add("noEturret", new CheckBox("Dont Jump Turret"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("1: Q 2: E");
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvl", new CheckBox("Activate Auto level"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvls", new Slider("Level Mode", 1, 1, 2));
            switch (MiscMenu["autolvls"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue)
            case 1:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };

            case 2:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };
            var skin = MiscMenu.Add("sID", new Slider("Skin", 0, 0, 2));
            var sID  = new[] { "Classic", "High-Noon Yasuo", "Project Yasuo" };

            skin.DisplayName = sID[skin.CurrentValue];

            skin.OnValueChange +=
                delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs)
                sender.DisplayName = sID[changeArgs.NewValue];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = YMenu.AddSubMenu("杂项", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptQ", new CheckBox("使用Q第3下打断技能"));
            MiscMenu.Add("noEturret", new CheckBox("在敌人塔下不E"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("1: 主Q 2:主 E");
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvl", new CheckBox("自动升级"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvls", new Slider("顺序", 1, 1, 2));
            switch (MiscMenu["autolvls"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue)
            case 1:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };

            case 2:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };
            var skin = MiscMenu.Add("sID", new Slider("皮肤切换", 0, 0, 2));
            var sID  = new[] { "Classic", "High-Noon Yasuo", "Project Yasuo" };

            skin.DisplayName = sID[skin.CurrentValue];

            skin.OnValueChange +=
                delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs)
                sender.DisplayName = sID[changeArgs.NewValue];
Ejemplo n.º 3
                static Misc()
                    // Initialize the menu values
                    _fleeE = MiscMenu.Add("fleeE", new CheckBox("按逃跑按键时使用E逃跑 ?"));
                    _stunR = MiscMenu.Add("stunUlt", new CheckBox("对无法移动敌方单位使用R (比如: 晕眩)?"));
                    _gapE  = MiscMenu.Add("gapE", new CheckBox("敌方英雄突击时智能E至安全地点 ?"));
                    _tearAutoStack      = MiscMenu.Add("tearstackbox", new CheckBox("使用技能叠加女神 ?"));
                    _minManaToAutoStack = MiscMenu.Add("manaAutoStack",
                                                       new Slider("蓝量高于({0})时才使用自动叠加女神.", 90, 1));

                    MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("R 设置");
                    _minKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksminR", new Slider("当敌人在({0})最小范围内才使用R.", 600, 300, 2000));
                    _maxKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksmaxR", new Slider("当敌人在({0})最大范围内才使用R.", 1500, 300, 30000));
                    _ksR          = MiscMenu.Add("ksR", new CheckBox("使用R抢头 ?"));
                    _minHealthKsR = MiscMenu.Add("kshealthR",
                                                 new Slider(
                                                     150, 0, 650));

                    _jugSteal = MiscMenu.Add("jungleSteal", new CheckBox("使用R偷野 ?"));
                    _jugStealBlue   = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBlue", new CheckBox("使用R偷蓝 ?"));
                    _jugStealRed    = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealRed", new CheckBox("使用R偷红 ?"));
                    _jugStealDragon = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealDrag", new CheckBox("使用R偷龙 ?"));
                    _jugStealBaron  = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBaron", new CheckBox("使用R偷男爵 ?"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
                static Misc()
                    // Initialize the menu values
                    _fleeE = MiscMenu.Add("fleeE", new CheckBox("Use E when you press the orbwalker key to flee ?"));
                    _stunR = MiscMenu.Add("stunUlt", new CheckBox("Use R when target has some kind of CC (Ex: Stun)?"));
                    _gapE  = MiscMenu.Add("gapE", new CheckBox("Use E to safety when an enemy use a gapcloser spell on you ?"));
                    MiscMenu.AddLabel("Auto Tear Stack Settings");
                    _tearAutoStack      = MiscMenu.Add("tearstackbox", new CheckBox("Use spells to auto stack tear ?"));
                    _minManaToAutoStack = MiscMenu.Add("manaAutoStack",
                                                       new Slider("It will only autostack if mana is greater than ({0}).", 90, 1));

                    MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
                    _minKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksminR", new Slider("It will only cast R if the enemie is not in ({0}).", 600, 300, 2000));
                    _maxKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksmaxR", new Slider("It will only cast R if the enemie is in ({0}).", 1500, 300, 30000));
                    MiscMenu.AddLabel("KS Settings");
                    _ksR          = MiscMenu.Add("ksR", new CheckBox("Use R to KillSteal ?"));
                    _minHealthKsR = MiscMenu.Add("kshealthR",
                                                 new Slider(
                                                     "Overkill R, it will cast the ultimate only if the target`s health is greater than ({0}).",
                                                     150, 0, 650));

                    MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Steal");
                    _jugSteal = MiscMenu.Add("jungleSteal", new CheckBox("JungleSteal using R ?"));
                    _jugStealBlue   = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBlue", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Blue ?"));
                    _jugStealRed    = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealRed", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Red ?"));
                    _jugStealDragon = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealDrag", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Dragon ?"));
                    _jugStealBaron  = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBaron", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Baron ?"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Credits to Fluxy:");
            MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseE", new CheckBox("Gapclose E"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiRengar", new CheckBox("Anti Rengar"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiPanth", new CheckBox("Anti Pantheon"));
            MiscMenu.Add("fpsdrop", new CheckBox("Anti Fps Drop", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptE", new CheckBox("Interrupt Spells using E?"));
            MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeE", new CheckBox("Low Life E", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("dangerLevel", new ComboBox("Interrupt E Dangerlevel ", 2, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
            MiscMenu.Add("skinhack", new CheckBox("Activate Skin hack"));
            MiscMenu.Add("skinId", new ComboBox("Skin Hack", 0, "Default", "Vindicator", "Aristocrat", "Dragonslayer", "Heartseeker", "SKT T1", "Arclight", "Vayne Chroma Green", "Vayne Chroma Red", "Vayne Chroma Grey"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvl", new CheckBox("Activate Auto level"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvls", new ComboBox("Level Mode", 0, "Max W", "Max Q(my style)"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autobuy", new CheckBox("Autobuy Starters"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autobuyt", new CheckBox("Autobuy Trinkets", false));
            switch (MiscMenu["autolvls"].Cast <ComboBox>().CurrentValue)
            case 0:
                Variables.AbilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 };

            case 1:
                Variables.AbilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 };
Ejemplo n.º 6
                static PermaActive()
                    MiscMenu.AddLabel("Sadece Şu durumda");
                    _useR = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseR", new CheckBox("R ye basınca düşman Kule Altına çekilecekse"));

                    _stackTearQ = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseWFlee", new CheckBox("Q ile Tanrıçanın Gözyaşı"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
                static PermaActive()
                    _useR = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseR", new CheckBox("Use R to hold champions under turret"));

                    _stackTearQ = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseWFlee", new CheckBox("Use Q to stack tear"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void Initialize()
            FarofakidsNautilusMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Farofakids Nautilus", "Farofakids-Nautilus");
            FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farofakids Nautilus");
            FarofakidsNautilusMenu.Add("URFMODE", new CheckBox("URF MODE: EVER W AND E"));

            // Combo Menu
            ComboMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Features", "ComboFeatures");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Features");
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)
                ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings: Use ON:");
                var addedChamps = new List <string>();
                foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => !addedChamps.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)))
                    ComboMenu.Add("UseQ_On" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(string.Format("{0} ({1})", enemy.ChampionName, enemy.Name)));
            if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)
                ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings: Use ON:");
                var addedChamps = new List <string>();
                foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => !addedChamps.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)))
                    ComboMenu.Add("UseR_On" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(string.Format("{0} ({1})", enemy.ChampionName, enemy.Name)));

            // Harass Menu
            HarassMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Features", "HarassFeatures");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Features");
            HarassMenu.Add("UseQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseWHarass", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseEHarass", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Mana Limiter at Mana %", 40));

            // Drawing Menu
            DrawingMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Features", "DrawingFeatures");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Features");
            DrawingMenu.Add("QRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("WRange", new CheckBox("W range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("ERange", new CheckBox("E range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("RRange", new CheckBox("R range", false));

            // Setting Menu
            MiscMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Settings", "Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptSpells", new CheckBox("Interrupt spells"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 static PermaActive()
     _useE  = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
     _useEA = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseEA", new CheckBox("Use E to deny farm (EXPERIMENTAL)"));
     _useR  = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseR", new CheckBox("Use R on CC"));
     MiscMenu.Add("EHP", new Slider("Heal when allies reach HP% ({0}%)", 80));
     MiscMenu.Add("EMP", new Slider("Heal until you reach Mana% ({0}%)", 40));
     _useW = MiscMenu.Add("AlwaysUseWFlee", new CheckBox("Use W to help flee"));
     MiscMenu.Add("WTarg", new Slider("Look this many units from the cursor for a flee target ({0})", 300, 100, 700));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Riven)
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Project:Riven", "projRiven");
            Menu.AddLabel("a simpler riven");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "comboSettings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.R2", new CheckBox("Use R Wave (Killable)"));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("R1 Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("forcedRKeybind", new KeyBind("Forced R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T'));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("When To use R");
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.RCombo", new CheckBox("Cant Kill with Combo"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Combo.RPeople", new CheckBox("Have more than 1 person near"));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "harassSettings");
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Harass.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farm Settings", "farmSettings");
            FarmMenu.AddLabel("Last Hit");
            FarmMenu.Add("LastHit.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FarmMenu.Add("LastHit.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            FarmMenu.AddLabel("Wave Clear");
            FarmMenu.Add("WaveClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FarmMenu.Add("WaveClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            FarmMenu.Add("Jungle.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FarmMenu.Add("Jungle.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            FarmMenu.Add("Jungle.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            MiscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "miscSettings");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Keep Alive Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("Alive.Q", new CheckBox("Keep Q Alive"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Alive.R", new CheckBox("Use R2 Before Expire"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Humanizer Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("HumanizerDelay", new Slider("Humanizer Delay (ms)", 0, 0, 300));


            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Game.OnTick    += Game_OnTick;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void Initialize()
            FarofakidsHeimerdingerMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Farofakids Heimerdinger", "Farofakids-Heimerdinger");
            FarofakidsHeimerdingerMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farofakids Heimerdinger");

            // Combo Menu
            ComboMenu = FarofakidsHeimerdingerMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Features", "ComboFeatures");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Features");
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQRCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q Upgrade"));
            ComboMenu.Add("QRcount", new Slider("Minimum Enemies for Q upgrade", 2, 1, 5));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseWRCombo", new CheckBox("Use W Upgrade"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseERCombo", new CheckBox("Use ER"));
            ComboMenu.Add("ERcount", new Slider("Minimum Enemies for E upgrade", 3, 1, 5));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("KS", new CheckBox("Killsteal"));

            // Harass Menu
            HarassMenu = FarofakidsHeimerdingerMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Features", "HarassFeatures");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Features");
            HarassMenu.Add("UseWHarras", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("AutoHarras", new CheckBox("Auto Harass W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Mana Limiter at Mana %", 40));

            // Drawing Menu
            DrawingMenu = FarofakidsHeimerdingerMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Features", "DrawingFeatures");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Features");
            DrawingMenu.Add("QRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("WRange", new CheckBox("W range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("ERange", new CheckBox("E range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("RRange", new CheckBox("R range", false));

            // Setting Menu
            MiscMenu = FarofakidsHeimerdingerMenu.AddSubMenu("Settings", "Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptSpells", new CheckBox("Interrupt spells - E"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Anti Gapcloser - E"));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Initialize()
            _menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Simplistic " + Me.ChampionName, Me.ChampionName.ToLower());
            _menu.AddLabel("Simplistic Fizz");
            _menu.AddLabel("by nonm");

            ComboMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "combo");
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("qrcombo", new KeyBind("Q - R Combo", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useEGap", new CheckBox("Use E to Gapclose and then Q if killable?"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useRGap", new CheckBox("Use R and then E for Gapclose if killable?"));

            HarassMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "harass");
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass Settings");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("E Modes: (1) Back to Position (2) On Enemy");
            HarassMenu.Add("useEMode", new Slider("E Mode", 0, 0, 1));

            MiscMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "misc");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Misc Settings");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Use W : (1) Before Q (2) On Enemy");
            MiscMenu.Add("useWMode", new Slider("Use W", 0, 0, 1));
            MiscMenu.Add("useETower", new CheckBox("Use E to dodge Tower Shots"));

            DrawMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "drawings");
            DrawMenu.AddLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("disable", new CheckBox("Disable all Drawing", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawDamage", new CheckBox("Draw Damage"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Draw R Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawRPred", new CheckBox("Draw R Range"));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Initialize()
            _menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Simplistic " + Me.ChampionName, Me.ChampionName.ToLower());
            _menu.AddLabel("Simplistic Fizz");
            _menu.AddLabel("by nonm");

            ComboMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("连招", "combo");
            ComboMenu.Add("qrcombo", new KeyBind("Q - R 连招", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("使用 W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("使用 E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("使用 R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useEGap", new CheckBox("Use E to Gapclose and then Q if killable?"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useRGap", new CheckBox("Use R and then E for Gapclose if killable?"));

            HarassMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("骚扰", "harass");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("使用 W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("使用 E"));
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("E 模式: (1) 回之前位置 (2) 至敌人");
            HarassMenu.Add("useEMode", new Slider("E 模式", 0, 0, 1));

            MiscMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("杂项", "misc");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("使用 W : (1) 之前 Q (2) 接触到敌人时");
            MiscMenu.Add("useWMode", new Slider("使用 W", 0, 0, 1));
            MiscMenu.Add("useETower", new CheckBox("使用 E 躲避塔的攻击"));

            DrawMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("线圈", "drawings");
            DrawMenu.Add("disable", new CheckBox("屏蔽所有线圈", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawDamage", new CheckBox("显示伤害"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("显示 Q 范围"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("显示 W 范围"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("显示 E 范围"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("显示 R 范围"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawRPred", new CheckBox("显示 R 范围"));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void Initialize()
            _menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Simplistic " + Me.ChampionName, Me.ChampionName.ToLower());
            _menu.AddLabel("Simplistic Fizz");
            _menu.AddLabel("by nonm");

            ComboMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "combo");
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Kombo Ayarları");
            ComboMenu.Add("qrcombo", new KeyBind("Q - R Kombo Tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Kullan W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Kullan R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useEGap", new CheckBox("Gapclose için E Kullan Ve ölecekse Q kullan?"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useRGap", new CheckBox("R Kullan ve Eğer Ölecekse Gapclose için E Kullan?"));

            HarassMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "harass");
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Dürtme Ayarları");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Kullan W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("E Modes: (1) Geriye Doğru (2) Düşmana Doğru");
            HarassMenu.Add("useEMode", new Slider("E Modu", 0, 0, 1));

            MiscMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "misc");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("ek Ayarlar");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Kullan W : (1) Önce Q (2) Düşmana");
            MiscMenu.Add("useWMode", new Slider("Kullan W", 0, 0, 1));
            MiscMenu.Add("useETower", new CheckBox("Kule vuruşunu E ile dodgele"));

            DrawMenu = _menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "drawings");
            DrawMenu.AddLabel("Gösterge Ayarları");
            DrawMenu.Add("disable", new CheckBox("Tüm göstergeleri kapat", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawDamage", new CheckBox("Göster Hasarı"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Göster Q Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Göster W Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Göster E Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Göster R Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawRPred", new CheckBox("Göster R Menzili"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Otros", "Otros");
            MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseE", new CheckBox("Gapclose E"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiRengar", new CheckBox("Anti Rengar"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiKalista", new CheckBox("Anti Kalista"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiPanth", new CheckBox("Anti Pantheon"));
            MiscMenu.Add("fpsdrop", new CheckBox("Anti Fps Drop", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptE", new CheckBox("Interrumpir hechizos con E?"));
            MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeE", new CheckBox("Mala vida E", false));
            var dangerSlider        = MiscMenu.Add("dangerLevel", new Slider("Establezca su Peligro de nivel: ", 3, 1, 3));
            var dangerSliderDisplay = MiscMenu.Add("dangerLevelDisplay",
                                                   new Label("Peligro de nivel: " + Variables.DangerSliderValues[dangerSlider.Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue - 1]));

            dangerSlider.Cast <Slider>().OnValueChange += delegate
                dangerSliderDisplay.Cast <Label>().DisplayName =
                    "Peligro de nivel: " + Variables.DangerSliderValues[dangerSlider.Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue - 1];
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static void Initialize()
            FarofakidsKarmaMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Farofakids Karma", "Farofakids-Karma");
            FarofakidsKarmaMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farofakids Karma");

            // Combo Menu
            ComboMenu = FarofakidsKarmaMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Features", "ComboFeatures");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Features");
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            // Harass Menu
            HarassMenu = FarofakidsKarmaMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Features", "HarassFeatures");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Features");
            HarassMenu.Add("UseQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseWHarass", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseRHarass", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Mana Limiter at Mana %", 40));

            // Drawing Menu
            DrawingMenu = FarofakidsKarmaMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Features", "DrawingFeatures");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Features");
            DrawingMenu.Add("QRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("WRange", new CheckBox("W range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("ERange", new CheckBox("E range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("RRange", new CheckBox("R range", false));

            // Setting Menu
            MiscMenu = FarofakidsKarmaMenu.AddSubMenu("Settings", "Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("UseEDefense", new CheckBox("Use E For Defense"));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptSpells", new CheckBox("Interrupt spells -R-E"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Anti Gapcloser -E-Q "));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static void Initialize()
            FarofakidsVelkozMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Farofakids VelKoz", "Farofakids-Velkoz");
            FarofakidsVelkozMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farofakids VelKoz");

            // Combo Menu
            ComboMenu = FarofakidsVelkozMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Features", "ComboFeatures");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Features");
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            // Harass Menu
            HarassMenu = FarofakidsVelkozMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Features", "HarassFeatures");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Features");
            HarassMenu.Add("UseQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseWHarass", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseEHarass", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Mana Limiter at Mana %", 25));

            // Drawing Menu
            DrawingMenu = FarofakidsVelkozMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Features", "DrawingFeatures");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Features");
            DrawingMenu.Add("QRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("WRange", new CheckBox("W range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("ERange", new CheckBox("E range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("RRange", new CheckBox("R range", false));

            // Setting Menu
            MiscMenu = FarofakidsVelkozMenu.AddSubMenu("Settings", "Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptSpells", new CheckBox("Interrupt spells"));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = YMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.Add("StackQ", new CheckBox("Stack Q"));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptQ", new CheckBox("Use Q3 to Interrupt"));
            MiscMenu.Add("noEturret", new CheckBox("Dont Jump Turret"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("1: Q 2: E");
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvl", new CheckBox("Activate Auto level"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvls", new Slider("Level Mode", 1, 1, 2));
            switch (MiscMenu["autolvls"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue)
            case 1:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };

            case 2:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };
            MiscMenu.Add("skinhack", new CheckBox("Activate Skin hack"));
            MiscMenu.Add("skinId", new ComboBox("Skin Hack", 0, "Default", "High Noon Yasuo", "Project Yasuo", "Blood Moon Yasuo"));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Menu.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Create()
            DefaultMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("NidaleeBuddyEvolution", "NidaleeBuddyEvolution");
            DefaultMenu.AddGroupLabel("This addon is made by KarmaPanda and should not be redistributed in any way.");
                "Any unauthorized redistribution without credits will result in severe consequences.");
            DefaultMenu.AddGroupLabel("Thank you for using this addon and have a fun time!");

            #region Combo

            ComboMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Human Form"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useWH", new CheckBox("Cast W in Human Form"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQC", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useWC", new CheckBox("Cast W in Cougar Form"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useEC", new CheckBox("Cast E in Cougar Form"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Cast R during Combo"));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Prediction Settings - Human Form");
            ComboMenu.Add("predQH", new Slider("Cast Q if HitChance % is x", 75));
            ComboMenu.Add("predWH", new Slider("Cast W if HitChance % is x", 75));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Prediction Settings - Cougar Form");
            ComboMenu.Add("predWC", new Slider("Cast W if HitChance % is x", 75));
            ComboMenu.Add("predEC", new Slider("Cast E if HitChance % is x", 75));


            #region Last Hit

            LastHitMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Last Hit", "Last Hit");
            LastHitMenu.AddGroupLabel("Last Hit Settings");
            LastHitMenu.Add("useQC", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form on Unkillable Minion"));
            LastHitMenu.Add("useEC", new CheckBox("Cast E in Cougar Form on Unkillable Minion", false));
            LastHitMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Cast R in Cougar Form if Out of Range"));


            #region Harass

            HarassMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Human Form"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Cast R to force Human Form"));
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Prediction Settings - Human Form");
            HarassMenu.Add("predQH", new Slider("Cast Q if HitChance % is x", 75));


            #region Kill Steal

            KillStealMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal", "Kill Steal");
            KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings");
            KillStealMenu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Cast Q to Kill Steal"));
            KillStealMenu.Add("predQH", new Slider("Cast Q if HitChance % is x", 75));
            KillStealMenu.Add("useIgnite", new CheckBox("Use Ignite", false));


            #region Lane Clear

            LaneClearMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "Lane Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear Settings");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("useQC", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("useWC", new CheckBox("Cast W in Cougar Form"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("useEC", new CheckBox("Cast E in Cougar Form"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Cast R during Lane Clear", false));
            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Farm Settings - Cougar Form");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("predWC", new Slider("Cast W if it hits x minions", 1, 1, 7));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("predEC", new Slider("Cast E if HitChance % is x", 75));


            #region Jungle Clear

            JungleClearMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear", "Jungle Clear");
            JungleClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear Settings");
            JungleClearMenu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Human Form"));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("useQC", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form"));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("useWC", new CheckBox("Cast W in Cougar Form"));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("useEC", new CheckBox("Cast E in Cougar Form"));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Cast R during Jungle Clear"));
            JungleClearMenu.AddLabel("Prediction Settings");
            JungleClearMenu.Add("predQH", new Slider("Cast Q in Human Form if HitChance % is x", 75));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("predWC", new Slider("Cast W in Cougar Form if HitChance % is x", 75));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("predEC", new Slider("Cast E in Cougar Form if HitChance % is x", 75));


            #region Jungle Steal

            JungleStealMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle Steal", "Jungle Steal");
            JungleStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Steal Settings");
            JungleStealMenu.Add("useQH", new CheckBox("Cast Q to Steal Jungle"));
            JungleStealMenu.Add("predQH", new Slider("Cast Q if HitChance % is x", 75));
            JungleStealMenu.Add("useSmite", new CheckBox("Cast Smite to Steal Jungle"));
            JungleStealMenu.Add("toggleK", new KeyBind("Toggle Smite", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
            JungleStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Camp Toggle");
            switch (Game.MapId)
            case GameMapId.SummonersRift:
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Blue"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Red"));
                JungleStealMenu.AddLabel("Small Camps");
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Gromp", false));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Murkwolf", false));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Krug", false));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Razerbeak", false));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Skuttles", false));

            case GameMapId.TwistedTreeline:
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_Spiderboss8.1", new CheckBox("Vilemaw"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_NWraith1.1", new CheckBox("Wraith"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_NWraith4.1", new CheckBox("Wraith"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_NGolem2.1", new CheckBox("Golem"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_NGolem5.1", new CheckBox("Golem"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_NWolf3.1", new CheckBox("Wolf"));
                JungleStealMenu.Add("TT_NWolf6.1", new CheckBox("Wolf"));


            #region Drawing

            DrawingMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawQH", new CheckBox("Draw Javelin Range"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawPred", new CheckBox("Draw Javelin Prediction"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw.Damage", new CheckBox("Draw Damage"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw.Q", new CheckBox("Calculate Q Damage"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw.W", new CheckBox("Calculate W Damage"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw.E", new CheckBox("Calculate E Damage"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw.R", new CheckBox("Calculate R Damage", false));
            DrawingMenu.AddLabel("Color Settings for Damage Indicator");
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw_Alpha", new Slider("Alpha: ", 255, 0, 255));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw_Red", new Slider("Red: ", 255, 0, 255));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw_Green", new Slider("Green: ", 0, 0, 255));
            DrawingMenu.Add("draw_Blue", new Slider("Blue: ", 0, 0, 255));


            #region Misc

            MiscMenu = DefaultMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc Menu", "Misc Menu");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Heal Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("autoHeal", new CheckBox("Auto Heal Allies and Me"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autoHealPercent", new Slider("Auto Heal Percent", 50));

            foreach (var a in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.OrderBy(a => a.BaseSkinName))
                MiscMenu.Add("autoHeal_" + a.BaseSkinName, new CheckBox("Auto Heal " + a.BaseSkinName));

            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spell Settings");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Only choose one of them below.");
            MiscMenu.Add("useQC_AfterAttack", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form After Attack"));
            MiscMenu.Add("useQC_BeforeAttack", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form Before Attack", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("useQC_OnUpdate", new CheckBox("Cast Q in Cougar Form on Update", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("manaQ", new Slider("Use Q in Human Form only if Mana Percent is >= x", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("manaW", new Slider("Use W in Human Form only if Mana Percent is >= x", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("manaE", new Slider("Use E in Human Form only if Mana Percent is >= x", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("disableMM", new CheckBox("Disable ManaManager in Combo Mode"));

Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo mode settings for Urgot addon");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Acid Hunter (Q) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Terror Capacitor (W) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Noxian Corrosive Charge (E) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser (R) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.ComboMenu.UseRToSwapPosUnderTower", new CheckBox("Try to swap enemy pos under tower"));

            HarassMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass mode settings for Urgot addon");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Acid Hunter (Q) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.HarassMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.HarassMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 40, 1));

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Noxian Corrosive Charge (E) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.HarassMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.HarassMenu.MinManaE", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use E", 40, 1));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane clear settings for Urgot addon");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.EnableLCIfNoEn", new CheckBox("Enable lane clear only if no enemies nearby"));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange", new Slider("Range to scan for enemies", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.AllowedEnemies", new Slider("Allowed enemies amount", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Acid Hunter (Q) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.UseQInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.UseQInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 50, 1));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Noxian Corrosive Charge (E) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.UseEInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use E in Lane Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.UseEInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use E in Jungle Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.LaneClearMenu.MinManaE", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use E", 50, 1));

            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc settings for Urgot addon");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.EnableKillsteal", new CheckBox("Enable Killsteal"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.EnableTearStacker", new CheckBox("Enable Tear Stacker"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.TearStackerMinMana", new Slider("Tear Stacker => Min mana percentage : {0}%", 75));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.EnableTearStacker", new CheckBox("Enable Tear Stacker")).OnValueChange +=
                (a, b) =>
                TearStacker.Enabled = b.NewValue;

            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.StackOnlyInFountain", new CheckBox("Stack only in fountain", false)).OnValueChange +=
                (a, b) =>
                TearStacker.OnlyInFountain = b.NewValue;

            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.TearStackerMinMana", new Slider("Tear Stacker => Min mana percentage : {0}%", 75)).OnValueChange +=
                (a, b) =>
                TearStacker.MinimumManaPercent = b.NewValue;

            TearStacker.Enabled            = Settings.Misc.EnableTearStacker;
            TearStacker.OnlyInFountain     = Settings.Misc.StackOnlyInFountain;
            TearStacker.MinimumManaPercent = Settings.Misc.TearStackerMinMana;


            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Acid Hunter (Q) settings :");
                         new KeyBind("Auto harass", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T'));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Enables Auto harass on enemies with E debuff in Lane Clear and Harass mode !");

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Terror Capacitor (W) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.WMinDamage", new Slider("Auto W if incoming damage will deal more than {0}% of my hp", 10, 1));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser (R) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.UseRAgainstGapclosers", new CheckBox("Use R against gapclosers"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.MiscMenu.UseRToInterrupt", new CheckBox("Use R to interrupt dangerous spells"));


            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings settings for Urgot addon");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawSpellRangesWhenReady", new CheckBox("Draw spell ranges only when they are ready"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Acid Hunter (Q) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawQColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Noxian Corrosive Charge (E) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawEColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser (R) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range", false));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawRColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Other settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.DrawInfo", new CheckBox("Draw Infos")).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = HandleDamageIndicator;
                else if (!b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = null;
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Urgot.DrawingsMenu.InfoColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;
            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Draws damage indicator");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Olaf")

            Chat.Print("Perfect Olaf Reloaded");

            SpellDataInst smite = _Player.Spellbook.Spells.Where(spell => spell.Name.Contains("smite")).Any() ? _Player.Spellbook.Spells.Where(spell => spell.Name.Contains("smite")).First() : null;

            if (smite != null)
                Smite = new Spell.Targeted(smite.Slot, 500);


            Healthpot        = new Item(2003, 0);
            Manapot          = new Item(2004, 0);
            RefillablePotion = new Item(2031, 0);
            HuntersPotion    = new Item(2032, 0);
            CorruptionPotion = new Item(2033, 0);
            uint level = (uint)Player.Instance.Level;

            Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1000, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1550, 75)
                AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue, MinimumHitChance = HitChance.High
            Q2 = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 900, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1550, 75)
                AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue, MinimumHitChance = HitChance.High
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 325);
            R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R);

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Perfect Olaf", "perfectolaf");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "ComboSettings");
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("QCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("WCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("ECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("RCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useTiamat", new CheckBox("Use Items"));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "HarassSettings");
            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass Settings");
            HarassMenu.Add("QHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("WHarass", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("EHarass", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            FarmingMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "FarmSettings");

            FarmingMenu.AddLabel("Lane Clear");
            FarmingMenu.Add("QLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q LaneClear"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("QlaneclearMana", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));
            FarmingMenu.Add("WLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use W LaneClear"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("WlaneclearMana", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));
            FarmingMenu.Add("ELaneClear", new CheckBox("Use E LaneClear"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("ElaneclearHP", new Slider("HP < %", 10, 0, 100));

            FarmingMenu.AddLabel("Jungle Clear");
            FarmingMenu.Add("Qjungle", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("QjungleMana", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));
            FarmingMenu.Add("Wjungle", new CheckBox("Use W in Jungle"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("WjungleMana", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));
            FarmingMenu.Add("Ejungle", new CheckBox("Use E in Jungle"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("EjungleHP", new Slider("HP < %", 25, 0, 100));

            FarmingMenu.AddLabel("Last Hit Settings");
            FarmingMenu.Add("Qlasthit", new CheckBox("Use Q LastHit"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("Elasthit", new CheckBox("Use E LastHit"));
            FarmingMenu.Add("QlasthitMana", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));

            if (SmiteSlot != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                SmiteMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Smite Usage", "SmiteUsage");
                SmiteMenu.AddLabel("Smite Usage");
                SmiteMenu.Add("Use Smite?", new CheckBox("Use Smite"));
                SmiteMenu.Add("SmiteEnemy", new CheckBox("Use Smite Combo for Enemy!"));
                SmiteMenu.Add("Red?", new CheckBox("Red"));
                SmiteMenu.Add("Blue?", new CheckBox("Blue"));
                SmiteMenu.Add("Dragon?", new CheckBox("Dragon"));
                SmiteMenu.Add("Baron?", new CheckBox("Baron"));

            MiscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("More Settings", "Misc");

            MiscMenu.Add("Auto Ignite", new CheckBox("Auto Ignite"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Use Auto Q to Flee/Escape"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("Use Auto R in Dangerous Spell", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("autoEenemyHP", new Slider("Enemy HP < %", 45, 0, 100));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("BOTRK,Bilgewater Cutlass Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("botrkHP", new Slider("My HP < %", 60, 0, 100));
            MiscMenu.Add("botrkenemyHP", new Slider("Enemy HP < %", 60, 0, 100));

            MiscMenu.Add("Qkill", new CheckBox("Use Q KillSteal"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Ekill", new CheckBox("Use E KillSteal"));

            MiscMenu.Add("useHP", new CheckBox("Use Health Potion"));
            MiscMenu.Add("useHPV", new Slider("HP < %", 45, 0, 100));
            MiscMenu.Add("useMana", new CheckBox("Use Mana Potion"));
            MiscMenu.Add("useManaV", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));
            MiscMenu.Add("useCrystal", new CheckBox("Use Refillable Potions"));
            MiscMenu.Add("useCrystalHPV", new Slider("HP < %", 45, 0, 100));
            MiscMenu.Add("useCrystalManaV", new Slider("Mana < %", 45, 0, 100));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Drawings");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawAA", new CheckBox("Draw AA Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQpos", new CheckBox("Draw Q Position"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));

            UpdateMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Last Update Logs", "Updates");
            UpdateMenu.AddLabel("-Q Prediction UPDATE! Please Change Prediction Settings");
            UpdateMenu.AddLabel("  Algorithm");
            UpdateMenu.AddLabel("    Hitchance = 4");
            UpdateMenu.AddLabel("  Collision");
            UpdateMenu.AddLabel("    Extra Hitbox Radius = 40");

            Game.OnTick         += Game_OnTick;
            Drawing.OnDraw      += Drawing_OnDraw;
            GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += GameObject_OnDelete;

            Chat.Print("Perrrrrrrrrfect Addon", System.Drawing.Color.Red);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("老鼠 连招 设置");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Q 设置 :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.UseQAfterKill", new CheckBox("击杀后使用Q"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("W 设置 :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.BlockWIfRIsActive", new CheckBox("有大招的时候不使用W"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("E 设置 :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            var mode = ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.UseEIfDmg", new ComboBox("E 使用模式", 0, "百分比", "最大层", "仅击杀的时候"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("百分比 : 在敌人的当前生命的百分比使用E.\n最大层 : 敌人达到最大层伤害才使用E.\n仅击杀的时候 : " +

            var percentage = ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.EAtStacks",
                                           new Slider("Use E if will deal ({0}%) percentage of enemy hp.", 30));

            switch (mode.CurrentValue)
            case 0:
                percentage.DisplayName = "使用E在 ({0}%) 敌人的HP百分比.";
                percentage.MinValue    = 0;
                percentage.MaxValue    = 100;

            case 1:
                percentage.DisplayName = "Use E at {0} stacks.";
                percentage.MinValue    = 1;
                percentage.MaxValue    = 6;

            case 2:
                percentage.IsVisible = false;
            mode.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                switch (b.NewValue)
                case 0:
                    percentage.DisplayName = "使用E在 ({0}%) 敌人的HP百分比.";
                    percentage.MinValue    = 0;
                    percentage.MaxValue    = 100;
                    percentage.IsVisible   = true;

                case 1:
                    percentage.DisplayName = "使用E在 {0} 层.";
                    percentage.MinValue    = 1;
                    percentage.MaxValue    = 6;
                    percentage.IsVisible   = true;

                case 2:
                    percentage.IsVisible = false;

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("R 设置 :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.RIfEnemiesHit", new Slider("当{0} 人的时候使用R", 3, 1, 5));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.ComboMenu.RifTargetOutOfRange", new CheckBox("如果目标超出普攻范围使用R", false));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("如果目标能杀死使用R, 但他不在普攻范围内, R不会在接下来的2秒.");

            HarassMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("老鼠 自动骚扰 设置");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("W 设置 :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.HarassMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.HarassMenu.WMinMana", new Slider("最小蓝 百分比 ({0}%) 使用W", 80, 1));

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("E 设置 :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.HarassMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.HarassMenu.TwoEnemiesMin", new CheckBox("只在击中2个或更多敌人", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.HarassMenu.EMinMana", new Slider("最小蓝 百分比 ({0}%) 使用E", 80, 1));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.HarassMenu.EMinStacks", new Slider("最小层数使用E", 6, 1, 6));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Lane clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("老鼠 清线 设置");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("基本设置 :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.EnableLCIfNoEn", new CheckBox("只有附近没有敌人才能启用清线"));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange", new Slider("扫描敌人范围", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.AllowedEnemies", new Slider("敌人数量", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("W 设置 :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.WMinMana", new Slider("最小蓝 百分比 ({0}%) 使用W", 80, 1));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Contaminate (E) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.EMinMana", new Slider("最小蓝 百分比 ({0}%) 使用E", 80, 1));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.LaneClearMenu.EMinMinionsHit", new Slider("最少小兵的时候使用E", 4, 1, 7));

            JungleClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Jungle clear");
            JungleClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("老鼠 打野 设置");

            JungleClearMenu.AddLabel("W 设置 :");
            JungleClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.JungleClearMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.JungleClearMenu.WMinMana", new Slider("最小蓝 百分比 ({0}%) 使用W", 80, 1));

            JungleClearMenu.AddLabel("E 设置 :");
            JungleClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.JungleClearMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            JungleClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.JungleClearMenu.EMinMana", new Slider("最小蓝 百分比 ({0}%) 使用W", 30, 1));

            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("老鼠 杂项 设置");

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("基本设置 :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.MiscMenu.StealthRecall", new CheckBox("隐身回城-回城的时候使用Q"));

            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("老鼠 线圈 设置");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("杂项 设置 :");
                             new CheckBox("只在技能准备好的时候画出线圈"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("W 设置 :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.DrawingsMenu.DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W range", false));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.DrawingsMenu.DrawWColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("E 设置 :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.DrawingsMenu.DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.DrawingsMenu.DrawEColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("R 设置 :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.DrawingsMenu.DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Twitch.DrawingsMenu.DrawRColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("损坏指示图设置 :");
                             new CheckBox("绘制敌人血条的损伤指示器", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = HandleDamageIndicator;
                else if (!b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = null;
                             new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static void LoadMenu()

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Lazy Illaoi", "lazy illaoi");
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Lazy Illaoi");
            Menu.AddLabel("by DamnedNooB");
            Menu.AddLabel("Ceviri Tradana");


             *       _____                _             __  __
             *      / ____|              | |           |  \/  |
             *     | |     ___  _ __ ___ | |__   ___   | \  / | ___ _ __  _   _
             *     | |    / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \  | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
             *     | |___| (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_) | | |  | |  __/ | | | |_| |
             *      \_____\___/|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___/  |_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Kombo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Ayarları");
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Q - DOKUNAÇ DARBESİ");
            ComboMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Q Mantıklı Kullan"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useEQ", new CheckBox("Mümkünse İlk E Kullan"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("W - SİLLE TOKAT");
            ComboMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("W Mantıklı Kullan"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("E - RUH SINAVI");
            ComboMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("E Mantıklı Kullan"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("R - İLAHİ DERS");
            ComboMenu.Add("useR", new CheckBox("R Mantıklı Kullan"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useR#", new Slider("Eğer Düşman Menzildeyse (veya 1v1 hayaletse)", 2, 0, 5));


             *      _    _                           __  __
             *     | |  | |                         |  \/  |
             *     | |__| | __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___  | \  / | ___ _ __  _   _
             *     |  __  |/ _` | '__/ _` / __/ __| | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
             *     | |  | | (_| | | | (_| \__ \__ \ | |  | |  __/ | | | |_| |
             *     |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|___/___/ |_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Dürtme", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Ayarları");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Q - DOKUNAÇ DARBESİ");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Q mantıklı Kullan"));
            HarassMenu.Add("qMana", new Slider("En az mana: ", 20, 1));

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("W - SİLLE TOKAT");
            HarassMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("W mantıklı Kullan"));
            HarassMenu.Add("wMana", new Slider("En az mana: ", 20, 1));

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("E - RUH SINAVI");
            HarassMenu.Add("useE", new CheckBox("E mantıklı Kullan"));
            HarassMenu.Add("eMana", new Slider("En az mana: ", 20, 1));


             *      ______                     __  __
             *     |  ____|                   |  \/  |
             *     | |__ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___   | \  / | ___ _ __  _   _
             *     |  __/ _` | '__| '_ ` _ \  | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
             *     | | | (_| | |  | | | | | | | |  | |  __/ | | | |_| |
             *     |_|  \__,_|_|  |_| |_| |_| |_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|

            FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farm", "Farm");
            FarmMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farm Ayarları");

            FarmMenu.AddLabel("Q - DOKUNAÇ DARBESİ");
            FarmMenu.Add("useQlane", new CheckBox("LaneTemizlerken Kullan"));
            FarmMenu.Add("qManaLane", new Slider("LaneTemizleme için en az mana: ", 20, 1));
            FarmMenu.Add("qMinionsLane", new Slider("LaneTemizleme için en az minyon: ", 3, 1, 6));

            FarmMenu.Add("useQjungle", new CheckBox("Orman Temizlemede Kullan"));

            FarmMenu.AddLabel("W - SİLLE TOKAT");
            FarmMenu.Add("useWlane", new CheckBox("LaneTemizlemede Kullan"));
            FarmMenu.Add("wManaLane", new Slider("LaneTemizleme için en az mana : ", 20, 1));

            FarmMenu.Add("useWjungle", new CheckBox("Orman Temizleme için Kullan"));


             *      __  __ _            __  __
             *     |  \/  (_)          |  \/  |
             *     | \  / |_ ___  ___  | \  / | ___ _ __  _   _
             *     | |\/| | / __|/ __| | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
             *     | |  | | \__ \ (__  | |  | |  __/ | | | |_| |
             *     |_|  |_|_|___/\___| |_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|

            MiscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ek", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Anti Gapcloser Ayarları");
            MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserQ", new CheckBox("Use Q - DOKUNAÇ DARBESİ ni gapcloser için kullan"));
            MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserW", new CheckBox("Use W - SİLLE TOKAT 'ı gapcloser için kullan"));


             *      _____                       __  __
             *     |  __ \                     |  \/  |
             *     | |  | |_ __ __ ___      __ | \  / | ___ _ __  _   _
             *     | |  | | '__/ _` \ \ /\ / / | |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
             *     | |__| | | | (_| |\ V  V /  | |  | |  __/ | | | |_| |
             *     |_____/|_|  \__,_| \_/\_/   |_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Göster", "Draw");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gösterge Ayarları");
            DrawMenu.AddLabel("Spell Ranges");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Göster Q Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Göster W Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Göster E Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Göster R Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawT", new CheckBox("Göster Dokunaç Menzili"));


             *      ______               _
             *     |  ____|             | |
             *     | |____   _____ _ __ | |_ ___
             *     |  __\ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ __|
             *     | |___\ V /  __/ | | | |_\__ \
             *     |______\_/ \___|_| |_|\__|___/

            Game.OnUpdate          += Events.OnUpdate;
            Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += Events.OnPostAttack;
            //Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Events.OnPreAttack;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast += Events.OnSpellCast;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser   += Events.OnGapCloser;
            GameObject.OnCreate     += Events.OnCreateObj;
            GameObject.OnDelete     += Events.OnDeleteObj;
            Drawing.OnDraw          += Events.OnDraw;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        internal static void MyMenu()
            Main   = MainMenu.AddMenu("ShuLux", "ShuLux");
            LLogic = Main.AddSubMenu("LogicCombo");
            LLogic.AddLabel("Combo Stun - Q - W -E - R");
            LLogic.AddLabel("Combo Spells Q - E - R - W");
            LLogic.AddLabel("Logic R Spell");
            LLogic.Add("LR", new CheckBox("Use R logic", false));
            LLogic.Add("InterrupterSpell", new CheckBox("Use Q Interrupter"));
            LPrediction = Main.AddSubMenu("Prediction");
            LPrediction.Add("qSlider", new Slider("Cast Q if % HitChance", 75));
            LPrediction.AddLabel("Hit E");
            LPrediction.Add("eSlider", new Slider("Cast E if % HitChance", 75));
            LPrediction.AddLabel("Hit R");
            LPrediction.Add("rSlider", new Slider("Cast R if % HitChance", 75));
            LCombo = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo Lux");
            LCombo.Add("CQ", new CheckBox("Use Q in Combo"));
            LCombo.Add("CW", new CheckBox("Use W in Combo", false));
            LCombo.Add("CE", new CheckBox("Use E in Combo"));
            LCombo.Add("CR", new CheckBox("Use R in Combo"));
            LCombo.Add("SliderR", new Slider("Amount of Enemies before casting R", 3, 1, 5));
            LCombo.AddLabel("Config Spell W");
            LCombo.Add("LW", new CheckBox("Use W in Ally"));
            LCombo.Add("LLW", new CheckBox(" Use W"));
            LCombo.Add("LMin", new Slider("Min de Hp", 45));
            LHarass = Main.AddSubMenu("Harass Lux");
            LHarass.Add("HQ", new CheckBox("Use Q in Harass"));
            LHarass.Add("HW", new CheckBox("Use W in Harass"));
            LHarass.Add("HE", new CheckBox("Use E in Harass"));
            LHarass.Add("HR", new CheckBox("Use R In Harass"));
            LHarass.Add("HM", new Slider("Mana%", 30));
            LlaneClear = Main.AddSubMenu("Lane Lux");
            LlaneClear.Add("Lq", new CheckBox("Use Q Lane Clear", false));
            LlaneClear.Add("Le", new CheckBox("Use E Lane Claer"));
            LlaneClear.Add("Lr", new CheckBox("Use R Lane CLear", false));
            LlaneClear.Add("LMana", new Slider("Mana%", 30));
            LlaneClear.Add("Le", new CheckBox("Use Lane Clear"));
            LlaneClear.Add("Manager", new CheckBox("Mana Lane Clear"));
            LlaneClear.Add("MinionsE", new Slider("Min. Minions for E ", 3, 0, 10));
            LlaneClear.Add("MinionsQ", new Slider("Min. Minions for Q ", 2, 0, 10));
            LJungleSteal = Main.AddSubMenu("JungleSteal");
            LJungleSteal.Add("JSR", new CheckBox("Use R Jungle Steal"));
            LJungleSteal.Add("BuffBlue", new CheckBox("Use R Steal Buff Blue", false));
            LJungleSteal.Add("BuffRed", new CheckBox("Use R Steal Buff Red", false));
            LJungleSteal.Add("BufDragon", new CheckBox("Use R Steal Dragon", true));
            //Draw Spell
            LDraw = Main.AddSubMenu("Draw Spells");
            LDraw.Add("draw", new CheckBox("Enable Drawings"));
            LDraw.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Spell"));
            LDraw.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Draw W Spell"));
            LDraw.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Draw E Spell"));
            LDraw.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Draw R Spell"));
            LDraw.Add("Ignite", new CheckBox("Draw Ignite"));
            LDraw.AddLabel("Config Damage");
            LDraw.Add("Dameger", new CheckBox("Damager Indicador", true));
            //Spell R KillSteal
            LKilSteal = Main.AddSubMenu("KilSteal");
            LKilSteal.Add("KR", new CheckBox("Use R KilSteal"));
            LKilSteal.Add("ignite", new CheckBox("Use Iginite"));
            //Auto Level
            LeLevel = Main.AddSubMenu("Auto Level");
            LeLevel.Add("Auto", new CheckBox("Use Auto Level", false));
            LeLevel.AddLabel("Bugs Spell Not Recomended");
            MiscMenu = Main.AddSubMenu("ManaManger");
            MiscMenu.Add("manaQ", new Slider("Mana Manager Q", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("manaW", new Slider("Mana Manager W", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("manaE", new Slider("Mana Manager E", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("manaR", new Slider("Mana Manager R", 25));
            MiscMenu.Add("disableC", new CheckBox("Disable Mana Manager in Combo"));
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("useW", new CheckBox("Automatically Cast W"));
            MiscMenu.Add("useM", new CheckBox("Use W only on Modes"));
            MiscMenu.Add("hpW", new Slider("HP % before W", 25));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Who to use W on?");

            //Config Auto

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell;
            GameObject.OnCreate += OberAtack.GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += OberAtack.GameObject_OnDelete;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo mode settings for Draven addon");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Spinning Axe (Q) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.ComboMenu.MaxAxesAmount", new Slider("Maximum axes amount", 2, 1, 3));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Blood Rush (W) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Stand Aside (E) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Whirling Death (R) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
                          new KeyBind("R keybind", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Fires R on best target in range when keybind is active.");
            var keybindRange = ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.ComboMenu.RRangeKeybind",
                                             new Slider("Maximum range to enemy to cast R while keybind is active", 1100, 300, 2500));

            keybindRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingkeybindRange = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!keybindRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !keybindRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingkeybindRange = false;
                }, 2000);

            AxeSettingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Axe Settings");
            AxeSettingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Axe settings for Draven addon");
            AxeSettingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            AxeSettingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.AxeSettingsMenu.CatchAxes", new CheckBox("Catch Axes"));
            AxeSettingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.AxeSettingsMenu.UseWToCatch", new CheckBox("Cast W if axe is uncatchable"));

            AxeSettingsMenu.AddLabel("Catching settings :");
            var axeMode = AxeSettingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.AxeSettingsMenu.CatchAxesMode",
                                              new ComboBox("Catch mode", 0, "Default", "Brutal", "Yorik"));

            AxeSettingsMenu.AddLabel("Default mode only tries to catch axe if distance to from player to axe is less than 250.\nBrutal catches all axes within range of desired catch radius.\n" +
                                     "Yorik mode catches axes around player insead of catching axes inside circle around your mouse");

            AxeSettingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.AxeSettingsMenu.AxeCatchRange", new Slider("Axe Catch Range", 450, 200, 1000));

            var label = AxeSettingsMenu.Add("YorikMode",
                                            new Label(
                                                "This sets the range around your player within you will catch the axe.\nDon't set this too high."));

            label.IsVisible = axeMode.CurrentValue == 2;

            axeMode.OnValueChange += (sender, args) =>
                label.IsVisible = args.NewValue == 2;


            AxeSettingsMenu.AddLabel("Additional settings :");
                                new CheckBox("Catch Axes that are under enemy tower", false));
                                new CheckBox("Catch Axes that are near enemies", false));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane clear settings for Draven addon");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
                              new CheckBox("Enable lane clear only if no enemies nearby"));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange",
                                              new Slider("Range to scan for enemies", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
                              new Slider("Allowed enemies amount", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Spinning Axe (Q) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.LaneClearMenu.UseQInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.LaneClearMenu.UseQInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle Clear"));
                              new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 50, 1));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Blood Rush (W) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.LaneClearMenu.UseWInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.LaneClearMenu.UseWInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle Clear"));
                              new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use W", 75, 1));


            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc settings for Draven addon");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.MiscMenu.EnableInterrupter", new CheckBox("Enable Interrupter"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.MiscMenu.EnableAntiGapcloser", new CheckBox("Enable Anti-Gapcloser"));

            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings settings for Draven addon");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.DrawingsMenu.DrawSpellRangesWhenReady", new CheckBox("Draw spell ranges only when they are ready"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Spinning Axe (Q) drawing settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.DrawingsMenu.DrawAxes", new CheckBox("Draw Axes"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.DrawingsMenu.DrawAxesTimer", new CheckBox("Draw Axes timer"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.DrawingsMenu.DrawAxesCatchRange", new CheckBox("Draw Axe's catch range"));
                             new CheckBox("Change Color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Stand Aside (E) drawing settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Draven.DrawingsMenu.DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range"));
                             new CheckBox("Change Color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;
        public static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (EloBuddy.Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Varus)

            Q = new Spell.Chargeable(SpellSlot.Q, 925, 1600, 1250, 0, 1500, 70)
                AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 925, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1750, 250)
                AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue
            R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1200, 120)
                AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue

            var slot = Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerheal");

            if (slot != SpellSlot.Unknown)
                Heal = new Spell.Active(slot, 600);
            Ignite = ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot");

            HealthPotion     = new Item(2003, 0);
            TotalBiscuit     = new Item(2010, 0);
            CorruptingPotion = new Item(2033, 0);
            RefillablePotion = new Item(2031, 0);
            HuntersPotion    = new Item(2032, 0);

                "<font color=\"#580dd9\" >MeLoDag Presents </font><font color=\"#ffffff\" > VarusTheTroll </font><font color=\"#580dd9\" >Kappa Kippo</font>");

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Varus The Troll", "VarusTheTroll");
            Menu.AddLabel(" Varus The Troll " + Version);
            Menu.AddLabel(" Made by MeLoDag");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Ayarları");
            ComboMenu.Add("useQComboAlways", new CheckBox("Her zaman Q kullan"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQCombo", new CheckBox("Q için yük say", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("StackCount", new Slider("Q yükü >= ", 3, 1, 3));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("E Ayarları");
            ComboMenu.Add("useEComboAlways", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("R Ayarları");
            ComboMenu.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Rcount", new Slider("R için gereken düşman >= ", 1, 1, 5));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseRcomboHP", new CheckBox("R yi düşmanın canına göre kullan"));
            ComboMenu.Add("RHP", new Slider("R kullanmak için gereken düşman canı >= ", 50));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo özellikleri:");
            ComboMenu.Add("useWComboFocus", new CheckBox("W hedefe odakla"));
                          new KeyBind("Force R On Target Selector", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "T".ToCharArray()[0]));
            ComboMenu.Add("combo.ignite", new CheckBox("Tutuştur kullan hedef ölecekse"));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQHarass", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useEHarass", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useEHarassMana", new Slider("E Mana > %", 70));
            HarassMenu.Add("useQHarassMana", new Slider("Q Mana > %", 70));

            JungleLaneMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear Settings", "FarmSettings");
            JungleLaneMenu.AddLabel("Lane Temizleme");
            JungleLaneMenu.Add("useQFarm", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            JungleLaneMenu.Add("useEFarm", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            JungleLaneMenu.Add("LaneMana", new Slider("Mana > %", 70));
            JungleLaneMenu.AddLabel("Orman Temizleme");
            JungleLaneMenu.Add("useQJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan Q"));
            JungleLaneMenu.Add("useEJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            JungleLaneMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("E Mana > %", 70));

            MiscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "MiscSettings");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gap Close/Interrupt Ayarları");
            MiscMenu.Add("gapcloser", new CheckBox("Otomatik Q Gapcloser"));
            MiscMenu.Add("interrupter", new CheckBox("Otomatik R Interrupter"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Otomatik büyü kullanma hedefe(CC)");
            MiscMenu.Add("CCQ", new CheckBox("Otomatik hedefe Q (CC)"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Killçalma ayarları");
            MiscMenu.Add("UseQks", new CheckBox("Q ile çal"));
            MiscMenu.Add("UseRKs", new CheckBox("R ile çal"));

            AutoPotHealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Potion & Heal", "Potion & Heal");
            AutoPotHealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Otomatik Pot Kullanımı");
            AutoPotHealMenu.Add("potion", new CheckBox("Kullan İksir"));
            AutoPotHealMenu.Add("potionminHP", new Slider("İksir için Canım şundan az", 40));
            AutoPotHealMenu.Add("potionMinMP", new Slider("İksir için manam şundan az", 20));
            AutoPotHealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Otomatik iyileştirme kullan");
            AutoPotHealMenu.Add("UseHeal", new CheckBox("İyileştirme Kullan"));
            AutoPotHealMenu.Add("useHealHP", new Slider("İyileştirme için benim canım", 20));

            ItemMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Item Settings", "ItemMenuettings");
            ItemMenu.Add("useBOTRK", new CheckBox("Kullan Mahvolmuş kılıcı"));
            ItemMenu.Add("useBotrkMyHP", new Slider("Canım < ", 60));
            ItemMenu.Add("useBotrkEnemyHP", new Slider("Düşmanın canı < ", 60));
            ItemMenu.Add("useYoumu", new CheckBox("Kullan Youmu"));
            ItemMenu.Add("useQSS", new CheckBox("Kullan QSS"));
            ItemMenu.Add("Qssmode", new ComboBox(" ", 0, "Auto", "Combo"));
            ItemMenu.Add("Stun", new CheckBox("Sabitse", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Blind", new CheckBox("Körse", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Charm", new CheckBox("Çekiliyorsa(ahri)", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Suppression", new CheckBox("Durmuşsa", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Polymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorph", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Fear", new CheckBox("Korkmuşsa", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Taunt", new CheckBox("Alay ediliyorsa", true));
            ItemMenu.Add("Silence", new CheckBox("Susturulmuşsa", false));
            ItemMenu.Add("QssDelay", new Slider("QSS gecikmesi(ms)", 250, 0, 1000));

            SkinMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger");
            SkinMenu.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Kostüm hilesi kullan", false));
            SkinMenu.Add("skin.Id", new Slider("Skin", 1, 0, 5));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawRange", new CheckBox("Göster Q Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Göster E Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Göster R Menzili"));
            DrawMenu.AddLabel("Hasar Tespitçisi");
            DrawMenu.Add("healthbar", new CheckBox("Can barı gösterimi"));
            DrawMenu.Add("percent", new CheckBox("Hasarı yüzde olarak göster"));

            Game.OnTick                      += Game_OnTick;
            Game.OnUpdate                    += OnGameUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain           += OnBuffGain;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell;
            Drawing.OnDraw                   += Drawing_OnDraw;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo mode settings for Miss Fortune addon");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Double Up (Q) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Strut (W) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Make It Rain (E) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Bullet Time (R) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.ComboMenu.RWhenXEnemies", new Slider("Use R when can hit {0} or more enemies", 5, 1, 5));

            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.ComboMenu.RBlockMovement", new CheckBox("Block movement when casting R"));
                          new KeyBind("Semi-Auto R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));

            HarassMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass mode settings for Miss Fortune addon");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Double Up (Q) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.HarassMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on killable minion if Q2 will hit champion"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.HarassMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q on killable minion", 50, 1));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.HarassMenu.UseQUnkillable", new CheckBox("Use Q on unkillable minion if Q2 will hit champion"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.HarassMenu.MinManaQUnkillable", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q on unkillable minion", 75, 1));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane clear settings for Miss Fortune addon");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.EnableLCIfNoEn", new CheckBox("Enable lane clear only if no enemies nearby"));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange", new Slider("Range to scan for enemies", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.AllowedEnemies", new Slider("Allowed enemies amount", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Double Up (Q) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.UseQInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane clear", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.UseQInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 50, 1));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Strut (W) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.UseWInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use W in Lane clear", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.UseWInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use W in Jungle clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.MinManaW", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use W", 50, 1));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Make It Rain (E) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.UseEInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use E in Lane clear", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.UseEInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use E in Jungle clear", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.LaneClearMenu.MinManaE", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use E", 50, 1));

            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc settings for Miss Fortune addon");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.MiscMenu.EnableKillsteal", new CheckBox("Enable Killsteal"));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Double Up (Q) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.MiscMenu.BounceQFromMinions", new CheckBox("Cast Q on killable minions if can hit enemy"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.MiscMenu.AutoHarassQ", new CheckBox("Auto harass with Q")).OnValueChange
                    (sender, args) =>
                AutoHarassItem.Value = args.NewValue;
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.MiscMenu.AutoHarassQMinMana", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) for auto harass", 50, 1));

            if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Any())
                MiscMenu.AddLabel("Enable auto harras for : ");

                EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.ForEach(x => MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.MiscMenu.AutoHarassEnabled." + x.ChampionName, new CheckBox(x.ChampionName == "MonkeyKing" ? "Wukong" : x.ChampionName)));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Make It Rain (E) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.MiscMenu.EVsGapclosers", new CheckBox("Cast E against gapclosers"));


            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings settings for Miss Fortune addon");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawSpellRangesWhenReady", new CheckBox("Draw spell ranges only when they are ready"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Double Up (Q) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q range", false));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawQColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Make It Rain (E) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawEColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Bullet Time (R) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawRColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Damage indicator settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DrawDamageIndicator", new CheckBox("Draw damage indicator")).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = HandleDamageIndicator;
                else if (!b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = null;
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.MissFortune.DrawingsMenu.DamageIndicatorColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            AutoHarassItem = MenuManager.PermaShow.AddItem("MissFortune.AutoHarass",
                                                           new BoolItem("Auto harass with Q", Settings.Misc.AutoHarassQ));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo mode settings for Jhin addon");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Dancing Grenade (Q) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Deadly Flourish (W) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Captive Audience (E) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Curtain Call (R) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.EnableFowPrediction", new CheckBox("Enable FoW prediction"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.RDelay", new Slider("Delay between shots", 0, 0, 2500));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.RMode", new ComboBox("R mode", 0, "In Combo mode", "KeyBind", "Automatic"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.ComboMenu.RKeybind", new KeyBind("R keybind", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));

            HarassMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass mode settings for Jhin addon");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Dancing Grenade (Q) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.HarassMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.HarassMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 80, 1));

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Deadly Flourish (W) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.HarassMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.HarassMenu.MinManaW", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use W", 80, 1));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane clear settings for Jhin addon");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.EnableLCIfNoEn", new CheckBox("Enable lane clear only if no enemies nearby"));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange", new Slider("Range to scan for enemies", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.AllowedEnemies", new Slider("Allowed enemies amount", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Dancing Grenade (Q) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.UseQInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane Clear", false));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.UseQInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Minimum mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 50, 1));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.MinMinionsKilledFromQ", new Slider("Minimum minions killed to use Q", 3, 1, 4));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Deadly Flourish (W) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.UseWInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use w in Lane Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.UseWInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use W in Jungle Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.LaneClearMenu.MinManaW", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use W", 50, 1));


            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc settings for Jhin addon");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.MiscMenu.EnableKillsteal", new CheckBox("Enable Killsteal"));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Deadly Flourish (W) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.MiscMenu.WFowPrediction", new CheckBox("Use FoW prediction"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.MiscMenu.WAntiGapcloser", new CheckBox("Cast against gapclosers"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Captive Audience (E) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.MiscMenu.EAntiGapcloser", new CheckBox("Cast against gapclosers"));

            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings settings for Jhin addon");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
                             new CheckBox("Draw spell ranges only when they are ready"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Dancing Grenade (Q) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawQColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Deadly Flourish (W) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawWColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Captive Audience (E) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawEColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Curtain Call (R) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawRColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.DrawInfo", new CheckBox("Draw Infos")).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = HandleDamageIndicator;
                else if (!b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = null;
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Jhin.DrawingsMenu.InfoColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;
            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Draws damage indicator and minions killable from Q");
Ejemplo n.º 29
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo mode settings for Lucian addon");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Piercing Light (Q) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.ExtendQOnMinions", new CheckBox("Try to extend Q on minions"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Ardent Blaze (W) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.IgnoreCollisionW", new CheckBox("Ignore collision"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Relentless Pursuit (E) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("The Culling (R) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.ComboMenu.RKeybind", new KeyBind("R keybind", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));

            HarassMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass mode settings for Lucian addon");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Piercing Light (Q) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.HarassMenu.UseQ", new KeyBind("Enable auto harass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'A')).OnValueChange +=
                (a, b) =>
                if (AutoHarassBoolItemData != null)
                    AutoHarassBoolItemData.Value = b.NewValue;
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.HarassMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 80, 1));

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Auto harass enabled for :");
            foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.HarassMenu.UseQ." + enemy.Hero, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName == "MonkeyKing" ? "Wukong" : enemy.ChampionName));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane clear settings for Lucian addon");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.EnableLCIfNoEn", new CheckBox("Enable lane clear only if no enemies nearby"));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange", new Slider("Range to scan for enemies", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.AllowedEnemies", new Slider("Allowed enemies amount", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Piercing Light (Q) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.UseQInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.MinMinionsHitQ", new Slider("Min minions hit to use Q", 3, 1, 8));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.UseQInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle Clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.LaneClearMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 50, 1));

            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc settings for Lucian addon");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.MiscMenu.EnableKillsteal", new CheckBox("Enable Killsteal"));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Relentless Pursuit (E) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.MiscMenu.EMode", new ComboBox("E mode", 0, "Auto", "Cursor Pos"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.MiscMenu.EUsageMode", new ComboBox("E usage", 0, "Always", "After autoattack only"));

            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings settings for Lucian addon");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.DrawSpellRangesWhenReady", new CheckBox("Draw spell ranges only when they are ready"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Piercing Light (Q) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.DrawQColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("The Culling (R) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.DrawRColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.DrawInfo", new CheckBox("Draw Infos")).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = HandleDamageIndicator;
                else if (!b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = null;
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Lucian.DrawingsMenu.InfoColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;
            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Draws damage indicator");

            AutoHarassBoolItemData = PermaShow.AddItem("Auto harass", new BoolItemData("Enable Auto harass", Settings.Harass.UseQ, 14));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected override void CreateMenu()
            ComboMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo mode settings for Caitlyn addon");

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Piltover Peacemaker	(Q) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Yordle Snap Trap (W) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.UseW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.UseWOnImmobile", new CheckBox("Use W on immobile"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.WHitChancePercent", new Slider("W hitchance percent : {0}", 85));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("90 Caliber Net (E) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.UseE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.EHitChancePercent", new Slider("E hitchance percent : {0}", 65));

            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Ace in the Hole (R) settings :");
            ComboMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.ComboMenu.UseR", new CheckBox("Use R", false));

            HarassMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass mode settings for Caitlyn addon");

            HarassMenu.AddLabel("Piltover Peacemaker (Q) settings :");
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.HarassMenu.UseQ", new CheckBox("Use Q", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.HarassMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 75, 1));

            LaneClearMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane clear settings for Caitlyn addon");

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.EnableLCIfNoEn", new CheckBox("Enable lane clear only if no enemies nearby", false));
            var scanRange = LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.ScanRange", new Slider("Range to scan for enemies", 1500, 300, 2500));

            scanRange.OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                _changingRangeScan = true;
                Core.DelayAction(() =>
                    if (!scanRange.IsLeftMouseDown && !scanRange.IsMouseInside)
                        _changingRangeScan = false;
                }, 2000);
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.AllowedEnemies", new Slider("Allowed enemies amount", 1, 0, 5));

            LaneClearMenu.AddLabel("Piltover Peacemaker (Q) settings :");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.UseQInLaneClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Lane clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.MinMinionsKilledForQ", new Slider("Min minions killed to use Q", 3, 1, 6));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.UseQInJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use Q in Jungle clear"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.LaneClearMenu.MinManaQ", new Slider("Min mana percentage ({0}%) to use Q", 50, 1));

            MiscMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc settings for Caitlyn addon");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.MiscMenu.EnableKillsteal", new CheckBox("Enable Killsteal"));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Yordle Snap Trap (W) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.MiscMenu.WAgainstGapclosers", new CheckBox("Use W against gapclosers"));

            MiscMenu.AddLabel("90 Caliber Net (E) settings :");
            MiscMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.MiscMenu.EAgainstGapclosers", new CheckBox("Use E against gapclosers"));


            DrawingsMenu = MenuManager.Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings settings for Caitlyn addon");

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Basic settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawSpellRangesWhenReady", new CheckBox("Draw spell ranges only when they are ready"));

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Piltover Peacemaker (Q) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawQColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("90 Caliber Net (E) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E range", false));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawEColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Ace in the Hole (R) settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R range", false));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawRColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;

            DrawingsMenu.AddLabel("Damage indicator settings :");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DrawDamageIndicator", new CheckBox("Draw damage indicator")).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = HandleDamageIndicator;
                else if (!b.NewValue)
                    DamageIndicator.DamageDelegate = null;
            DrawingsMenu.Add("Plugins.Caitlyn.DrawingsMenu.DamageIndicatorColor", new CheckBox("Change color", false)).OnValueChange += (a, b) =>
                if (!b.NewValue)

                a.CurrentValue = false;