Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult DonateCampaign(CampaignMainViewModel ViewModel)
                ViewModel.CampaignDonations.StoryId   = ViewModel.Id;
                ViewModel.CampaignDonations.Latitude  = ViewModel.Latitude;
                ViewModel.CampaignDonations.Longitude = ViewModel.Longitude;
                var DId = IService.AddCampaignDonation(ViewModel.CampaignDonations);
                var m   = IService.GetCamapign(ViewModel.Id);

                //{ m.CampaignDonations.DonationMoneyType = "0"; }

                MiniDonationModel model = new MiniDonationModel();
                model.DonateId = DId;
                model.Amount   = ViewModel.CampaignDonations.DonationAmnt;
                model.MType    = ViewModel.CampaignDonations.DonationMoneyType;
                model.Uname    = ViewModel.CampaignDonations.IdentityName;
                model.Email    = ViewModel.CampaignDonations.EMail;
                model.PhNo     = ViewModel.CampaignDonations.PhNo != "" ? ViewModel.CampaignDonations.PhNo : "9999999999";
                return(RedirectToAction("PayYourDonations", model));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public MiniDonationModel CreateOrderRazorPay(MiniDonationModel model)
                var typeNmae = model.MType;
                Dictionary <string, object> input = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                input.Add("amount", model.Amount * 100); // this amount should be same as transaction amount
                input.Add("currency", typeNmae);
                input.Add("receipt", model.DonateId.ToString());
                input.Add("payment_capture", 1);

                Dictionary <string, string> notees = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                notees.Add("CampaignId", model.campaignId.ToString()); // this amount should be same as transaction amount

                input.Add("notes", notees);
                string key    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RPapikey"];
                string secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RPSecretkey"];
                //string key = "rzp_test_5iPslGRlz5M0ss";
                //string secret = "qEsCxVcyaRoSAatpBaVZMBdp";
                ////string key = "rzp_live_S9v0s4ePfuxE1p";
                ////string secret = "KJylHsBzeIlVeF336TPxjk6w";
                System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol | System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                RazorpayClient     client = new RazorpayClient(key, secret);
                Razorpay.Api.Order order  = client.Order.Create(input);
                var orderId = order["id"].ToString();
                model.orderId     = orderId;
                model.RazorPayKey = key;
                UpdateCampaignDonationorder(model.DonateId, orderId, "", "");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult PayYourDonations(MiniDonationModel model)
            var typeM    = (MoneyType)(Convert.ToInt32(model.MType));
            var typeNmae = typeM.DisplayName();

            Dictionary <string, object> input = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            input.Add("amount", model.Amount * 100); // this amount should be same as transaction amount
            input.Add("currency", typeNmae);
            input.Add("receipt", model.DonateId.ToString());
            input.Add("payment_capture", 0);

            string key    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RPapikey"];
            string secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RPSecretkey"];

            //string key = "rzp_test_5iPslGRlz5M0ss";
            //string secret = "qEsCxVcyaRoSAatpBaVZMBdp";
            ////string key = "rzp_live_S9v0s4ePfuxE1p";
            ////string secret = "KJylHsBzeIlVeF336TPxjk6w";
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

            RazorpayClient client = new RazorpayClient(key, secret);

            Razorpay.Api.Order order = client.Order.Create(input);
            var orderId = order["id"].ToString();

            ViewBag.Order  = orderId;
            model.orderId  = orderId;
            ViewBag.Amount = model.Amount * 100;
            ViewBag.EMail  = model.Email;
            ViewBag.RPkey  = key;
            IService.UpdateCampaignDonationorder(model.DonateId, orderId, "", "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // POST api/<controller>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] CampaignMiniDonation viewModel)
                MiniDonationModel model = await serve.AddCampaignDonation(viewModel);

                ResponseObject response = new ResponseObject();
                response.campaignId  = viewModel.CampaignId.ToString();
                response.ResponseMsg = "Campaign Donation with order id created successfully";

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, model));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ResponseObject response = new ResponseObject();
                response.ExceptionMsg = ex.ToString();
                response.ResponseMsg  = "Campaign Donation with order id creation - is not successful";
                response.ErrorCode    = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError.ToString();
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, response));
        public async Task <MiniDonationModel> AddCampaignDonation(CampaignMiniDonation viewModel)
                if (viewModel.id == 0)
                    Tbl_CampaignDonation donation = new Tbl_CampaignDonation();
                    donation.StoryId      = viewModel.CampaignId;
                    donation.DonatedBy    = viewModel.DonorName;
                    donation.DonatedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                    donation.MoneyType    = viewModel.DonationMoneyType;
                    donation.DonationAmnt = viewModel.DonationAmnt;
                    donation.PhoneNumber  = viewModel.PhoneNumber;
                    donation.Email        = viewModel.EMail;
                    donation.isAnanymous  = viewModel.isAnanymous;
                    string RazorPayProcessingFeePerc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RazorPayProcessingFeePerc"];

                    string RazorPayGSTPerc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RazorPayGSTPerc"];
                    donation.PayGSTPerc           = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayGSTPerc) * 100);
                    donation.PayProcessingFeePerc = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayProcessingFeePerc) * 100);
                    donation.PayProcessingFeeAmnt = viewModel.DonationAmnt * Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayProcessingFeePerc);

                    donation.PayGSTAmnt      = donation.PayProcessingFeeAmnt * Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayGSTPerc);
                    donation.PaidDOnationAmt = viewModel.DonationAmnt - (donation.PayProcessingFeeAmnt + donation.PayGSTAmnt);
                    donation.Status          = true;
                    var donateId = donation.Id;

                    MiniDonationModel model = new MiniDonationModel();
                    model.Amount     = viewModel.DonationAmnt;
                    model.MType      = viewModel.DonationMoneyType;
                    model.DonateId   = donateId;
                    model.PhNo       = viewModel.PhoneNumber;
                    model.Email      = viewModel.EMail;
                    model.campaignId = viewModel.CampaignId;

                    model = CreateOrderRazorPay(model);

                    var CurrentDetail = await(from cm in Entity.Tbl_Campaign.AsNoTracking()
                                              join Dn in Entity.Tbl_CampaignDonation.AsNoTracking() on cm.Id equals Dn.StoryId into outerJoinDon
                                              from Dn in outerJoinDon.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                              where cm.Id == viewModel.CampaignId
                                              select new
                        CampaignId = cm.Id,
                        DonationId   = Dn != null ? Dn.Id : 0,
                        DonatedBy    = Dn != null ? Dn.DonatedBy : "",
                        DonatedOn    = Dn != null ? Dn.DonatedOn : DateTime.Now,
                        isAnanymous  = Dn != null ? Dn.isAnanymous : true,
                        DonationAmnt = Dn != null ? Dn.DonationAmnt : 0,
                        isPaid       = Dn != null ? Dn.isPaid : false

                    var DonList = CurrentDetail.Where(x => x.isPaid == true).GroupBy(x => x.CampaignId)
                                  .Select(g => new
                        DonatedBy = g.Key,
                        Total     = g.Sum(x => x.DonationAmnt)

                    var DonorList = CurrentDetail.Where(x => x.isPaid == true)
                                    .GroupBy(x => x.DonatedBy)
                                    .Select(g => new
                        DonatedBy = g.Key,
                        Total     = g.Sum(x => x.DonationAmnt)

                    var targetAmount = CurrentDetail.FirstOrDefault() != null?CurrentDetail.FirstOrDefault().TargetAmount.Value : 0;

                    var     RaisedAmt  = DonList.Any() ? DonList.ToList().FirstOrDefault().Total : 0;
                    decimal difference = targetAmount - RaisedAmt;
                    var     RaisedBy   = DonorList.Any() ? DonorList.Distinct().ToList().Count() : 0;
                    model.TotalDonorsCount = RaisedBy;
                    model.CanDonate        = difference > 0 ? true : false;
                    model.TotalRaisedAmnt  = RaisedAmt;
                    model.EligibleTarget   = difference > 0 ? difference : 0;

                    var donation = (from S in Entity.Tbl_CampaignDonation where S.Id == viewModel.id select S).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (donation != null)
                        donation.DonatedBy    = viewModel.DonorName;
                        donation.DonatedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                        donation.MoneyType    = viewModel.DonationMoneyType;
                        donation.DonationAmnt = viewModel.DonationAmnt;
                        donation.PhoneNumber  = viewModel.PhoneNumber;
                        donation.Email        = viewModel.EMail;
                        donation.isAnanymous  = viewModel.isAnanymous;
                        string RazorPayProcessingFeePerc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RazorPayProcessingFeePerc"];

                        string RazorPayGSTPerc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RazorPayGSTPerc"];
                        donation.PayGSTPerc           = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayGSTPerc) * 100);
                        donation.PayProcessingFeePerc = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayProcessingFeePerc) * 100);
                        donation.PayProcessingFeeAmnt = viewModel.DonationAmnt * Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayProcessingFeePerc);

                        donation.PayGSTAmnt      = donation.PayProcessingFeeAmnt * Convert.ToDecimal(RazorPayGSTPerc);
                        donation.PaidDOnationAmt = viewModel.DonationAmnt - (donation.PayProcessingFeeAmnt + donation.PayGSTAmnt);
                        donation.Status          = true;
                        donation.UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        MiniDonationModel model = new MiniDonationModel();
                        model.Amount   = viewModel.DonationAmnt;
                        model.MType    = viewModel.DonationMoneyType;
                        model.DonateId = viewModel.id;
                        model.PhNo     = viewModel.PhoneNumber;
                        model.Email    = viewModel.EMail;
                        model          = CreateOrderRazorPay(model);

                        var CurrentDetail = await(from cm in Entity.Tbl_Campaign.AsNoTracking()
                                                  join Dn in Entity.Tbl_CampaignDonation.AsNoTracking() on cm.Id equals Dn.StoryId into outerJoinDon
                                                  from Dn in outerJoinDon.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                  where cm.Id == viewModel.CampaignId
                                                  select new
                            CampaignId = cm.Id,
                            DonationId   = Dn != null ? Dn.Id : 0,
                            DonatedBy    = Dn != null ? Dn.DonatedBy : "",
                            DonatedOn    = Dn != null ? Dn.DonatedOn : DateTime.Now,
                            isAnanymous  = Dn != null ? Dn.isAnanymous : true,
                            DonationAmnt = Dn != null ? Dn.DonationAmnt : 0,
                            isPaid       = Dn != null ? Dn.isPaid : false

                        var DonList = CurrentDetail.Where(x => x.isPaid == true).GroupBy(x => x.CampaignId)
                                      .Select(g => new
                            DonatedBy = g.Key,
                            Total     = g.Sum(x => x.DonationAmnt)

                        var DonorList = CurrentDetail.Where(x => x.isPaid == true)
                                        .GroupBy(x => x.DonatedBy)
                                        .Select(g => new
                            DonatedBy = g.Key,
                            Total     = g.Sum(x => x.DonationAmnt)

                        var targetAmount = CurrentDetail.FirstOrDefault() != null?CurrentDetail.FirstOrDefault().TargetAmount.Value : 0;

                        var     RaisedAmt  = DonList.Any() ? DonList.ToList().FirstOrDefault().Total : 0;
                        decimal difference = targetAmount - RaisedAmt;
                        var     RaisedBy   = DonorList.Any() ? DonorList.Distinct().ToList().Count() : 0;
                        model.TotalDonorsCount = RaisedBy;
                        model.CanDonate        = difference > 0 ? true : false;
                        model.TotalRaisedAmnt  = RaisedAmt;
                        model.EligibleTarget   = difference > 0 ? difference : 0;
                        return(new MiniDonationModel());
            catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }