public void UpdateMilestoneAsyncTest() { var milestone = new Milestone(5978) { Name = "test1", Description = null, StartDate = new DateTime(2018, 11, 1), DueDate = new DateTime(2018, 11, 22), }; milestone.Name = "test11"; milestone.Description = "test111"; milestone.StartDate = new DateTime(2018, 11, 2); milestone.DueDate = default; var updatedMilestone = _project.UpdateMilestoneAsync(milestone).Result.Content; Assert.AreNotEqual(updatedMilestone, null); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.Id, milestone.Id); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.Name, milestone.Name); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.Description, milestone.Description); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.StartDate, milestone.StartDate); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.DueDate, milestone.DueDate); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.IsArchived, milestone.IsArchived); milestone.Name = "test1"; milestone.Description = null; milestone.StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 11, 1); milestone.DueDate = new DateTime(2019, 11, 22); updatedMilestone = _project.UpdateMilestoneAsync(milestone).Result.Content; Assert.AreNotEqual(updatedMilestone, null); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.Id, milestone.Id); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.Name, milestone.Name); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.Description, milestone.Description); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.StartDate, milestone.StartDate); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.DueDate, milestone.DueDate); Assert.AreEqual(updatedMilestone.IsArchived, milestone.IsArchived); }
public void SendAboutResponsibleByMilestone(Milestone milestone) { var recipient = ToRecipient(milestone.Responsible); if (recipient != null) { client.SendNoticeToAsync( NotifyConstants.Event_ResponsibleForMilestone, milestone.NotifyId, new[] { recipient }, GetDefaultSenders(recipient), null, new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_ProjectID, milestone.Project.ID), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_ProjectTitle, milestone.Project.Title), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_EntityTitle, milestone.Title), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_EntityID, milestone.ID), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_AdditionalData, new Hashtable { { "MilestoneDescription", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(milestone.Description) } }), ReplyToTagProvider.Comment("project.milestone", milestone.ID.ToString())); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hashCode = (Url != null ? Url.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (HtmlUrl != null ? HtmlUrl.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (State != null ? State.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Title != null ? Title.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Body != null ? Body.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (User != null ? User.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Labels != null ? Labels.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Assignee != null ? Assignee.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Milestone != null ? Milestone.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Comments; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ CreatedAt.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ UpdatedAt.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ClosedAt.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PullRequest != null ? PullRequest.GetHashCode() : 0); return(hashCode); } }
public MilestoneWrapper(ProjectApiBase projectApiBase, Milestone milestone) { Id = milestone.ID; ProjectOwner = new SimpleProjectWrapper(milestone.Project); Title = milestone.Title; Description = milestone.Description; Created = (ApiDateTime)milestone.CreateOn; Updated = (ApiDateTime)milestone.LastModifiedOn; Status = (int)milestone.Status; Deadline = new ApiDateTime(milestone.DeadLine, TimeZoneInfo.Local); IsKey = milestone.IsKey; IsNotify = milestone.IsNotify; CanEdit = projectApiBase.ProjectSecurity.CanEdit(milestone); CanDelete = projectApiBase.ProjectSecurity.CanDelete(milestone); ActiveTaskCount = milestone.ActiveTaskCount; ClosedTaskCount = milestone.ClosedTaskCount; if (projectApiBase.Context.GetRequestValue("simple") != null) { CreatedById = milestone.CreateBy; UpdatedById = milestone.LastModifiedBy; if (!milestone.Responsible.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { ResponsibleId = milestone.Responsible; } } else { CreatedBy = projectApiBase.GetEmployeeWraper(milestone.CreateBy); if (milestone.CreateBy != milestone.LastModifiedBy) { UpdatedBy = projectApiBase.GetEmployeeWraper(milestone.LastModifiedBy); } if (!milestone.Responsible.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { Responsible = projectApiBase.GetEmployeeWraper(milestone.Responsible); } } }
private void ShowActionNotification(Milestone milestone, NotificationManager notificationManager, int i) { var resultIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.Instance, typeof(MainActivity)); resultIntent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask | ActivityFlags.ClearTask); var builder = new Notification.Builder(this) .SetContentTitle($"Put the {milestone.ItemsToStartCooking} in at {milestone.Temperature}°") .SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.Icon_24) .SetContentIntent(PendingIntent.GetActivity(MainActivity.Instance, 0, resultIntent, PendingIntentFlags.OneShot)) .SetAutoCancel(true) .SetPriority((int)NotificationPriority.High); if (!MainActivity.Instance.IsVisible) { builder .SetDefaults(NotificationDefaults.All) .SetSound(RingtoneManager.GetDefaultUri(RingtoneType.Alarm)); } notificationManager.Notify(i, builder.Build()); }
public async Task <int> GetNumberOfCommitsBetween(Milestone previousMilestone, Milestone currentMilestone) { try { if (previousMilestone == null) { var gitHubClientRepositoryCommitsCompare = await this.gitHubClient.Repository.Commit.Compare(this.user, this.repository, "master", currentMilestone.Title); return(gitHubClientRepositoryCommitsCompare.AheadBy); } var compareResult = await this.gitHubClient.Repository.Commit.Compare(this.user, this.repository, previousMilestone.Title, "master"); return(compareResult.AheadBy); } catch (NotFoundException) { // If there is not tag yet the Compare will return a NotFoundException // we can safely ignore return(0); } }
protected void AddMilestone(Object s, EventArgs e) { string newName = txtName.Text.Trim(); if (newName == String.Empty) { return; } Milestone newMilestone = new Milestone(ProjectId, newName, lstImages.SelectedValue); if (newMilestone.Save()) { txtName.Text = ""; BindMilestones(); lstImages.SelectedValue = String.Empty; } else { lblError.Text = "Could not save Milestone"; } }
public void ShouldGenerateMilestonesForGoal() { //Arrange const int expectedGoalId = 10; const string expectedGoalName = "Testing Goal"; Goal goal = new Goal(expectedGoalId, expectedGoalName, "Test", 100, GoalStatus.Open, false); //Set up the mocks mockRepository.Setup(r => r.GetForGoal(It.Is<int>(val => val == expectedGoalId))).Returns(new List<Milestone>()); mockRepository.Setup(r => r.CreateMultipleForGoal(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Milestone>>(), It.Is<int>(val => val == expectedGoalId))) .Returns<IEnumerable<Milestone>, int> ( (unsavedMilestones, goalId) => { int id = 1; foreach (var milestone in unsavedMilestones) { milestone.Id = id; id++; } return unsavedMilestones; } ); IMilestoneService service = new MilestoneService(mockRepository.Object); //Act Milestone[] milestones = service.GenerateMilestones(goal).ToArray(); //Assert milestones.Should().NotBeNull(); milestones.Count().Should().Be(EXPECTED_GENERATION_COUNT); milestones.Select(m => m.Id).Should().BeInAscendingOrder(); for (int i = 1; i <= EXPECTED_GENERATION_COUNT; i++) { Milestone testMilestone = milestones[i - 1]; testMilestone.Target.Should().Be((goal.Target / EXPECTED_GENERATION_COUNT) * i); testMilestone.Description.Should().Be($"{goal.Name} - {i}/{EXPECTED_GENERATION_COUNT} completed!"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateMilestone([FromBody] Milestone milestone, int id) { if (milestone.Id != id) { return(BadRequest()); } var item = await _context.Milestones.FirstOrDefaultAsync(ms => ms.Id == id); if (item == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!await MilestoneAccessCheck(item)) { return(Forbid()); } item.MilestoneStatusId = milestone.MilestoneStatusId; item.Name = milestone.Name; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(milestone)); }
private static async Task <Release> PublishReleaseForMilestone(string owner, string repoName, string tagName, string milestone, bool publish) { Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}", owner, repoName); Milestone matchingMilestone = await GetMilestone(owner, repoName, milestone); if (matchingMilestone == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Milestone {milestone} not found in repo {owner}/{repoName}"); } Release release = null; if (matchingMilestone != null) { string releaseNotes = await BuildReleaseNotesForMilestone(owner, repoName, matchingMilestone); string releaseName = GetReleaseName(tagName); release = await CreateOrUpdateRelease(owner, repoName, tagName, releaseName, releaseNotes, publish); } return(release); }
private static IDictionary <(string title, Milestone milestone), IList <PullRequest> > GroupPullrequestsByMilestone( [NotNull][ItemNotNull] IReadOnlyList <PullRequest> pullRequests) { IDictionary <(string title, Milestone milestone), IList <PullRequest> > collection = new Dictionary <(string title, Milestone milestone), IList <PullRequest> > { { (null, null), new List <PullRequest>() }, }; foreach (PullRequest pullRequest in pullRequests) { (string Title, Milestone milestone)key; if (pullRequest.Milestone == null) { key = (null, null); } else { Milestone milestone = pullRequest.Milestone; (string Title, Milestone milestone)tempKey = (milestone.Title, milestone); if (collection.All(entry => entry.Key.title != pullRequest.Milestone.Title)) { collection.Add(tempKey, new List <PullRequest>()); } key = collection.Keys.First(entry => entry.title == pullRequest.Milestone.Title); } collection[key] .Add(pullRequest); } return(collection); }
public void ShareTransactionAcrossContextInstancesWithTransactionTracking() { int resultCount = 0; int unitCount = 0; var unit = new Unit { LocationId = 1, Acquired = DateTime.Now.Date }; using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })) { try { using (var context = new BusinessDBContext()) { context.Units.Add(unit); context.SaveChanges(); unitCount = context.Units.Where(l => l.LocationId == 1).Count(); } using (var context2 = new BusinessDBContext()) { var milestone = new Milestone(1, DateTime.Now.Date, $"Unit #{unitCount} acquired for location"); context2.Entry(milestone).State = EntityState.Added; resultCount = context2.SaveChanges(); } scope.Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured ({ex.Message})... transaction will rollback"); } Assert.AreEqual(1, resultCount); } }
public void LoadMilestones() { if (Strength >= 120) { Milestones |= Milestone.StunningForce; if (Strength >= 126) { Milestones |= Milestone.EnergizedBolts; } } if (Constitution >= 105) { Milestones |= Milestone.BleedResistance1; if (Constitution >= 115) { Milestones &= ~Milestone.BleedResistance1; Milestones |= Milestone.BleedResistance2; if (Constitution >= 120) { Milestones |= Milestone.ExceptionalHealth; } } } if (Reasoning >= 115) { Milestones |= Milestone.MentalBarrier; if (Reasoning >= 125) { Milestones |= Milestone.PenetrateMind; } } }
public void SendAboutTaskRemoved(List <IRecipient> recipients, Task task, Milestone milestone, bool newMilestone) { var interceptor = new InitiatorInterceptor(new DirectRecipient(SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID.ToString(), "")); try { client.SendNoticeToAsync(newMilestone ? NotifyConstants.Event_TaskMovedToMilestone : NotifyConstants.Event_TaskMovedFromMilestone, task.NotifyId, recipients.ToArray(), true, new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_ProjectID, task.Project.ID), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_ProjectTitle, task.Project.Title), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_EntityTitle, task.Title), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_EntityID, task.ID), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_SubEntityTitle, milestone.Title), new TagValue(NotifyConstants.Tag_AdditionalData, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(task.Description)), ReplyToTagProvider.Comment("project.task", task.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } finally { client.RemoveInterceptor(interceptor.Name); } }
public static Version Version(this Milestone ver) { if (ver is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ver)); } var nameWithoutPrerelease = ver.Title.Split('-')[0]; if (nameWithoutPrerelease.StartsWith("v", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _logger.Debug("Removing version prefix from {Name}", ver.Title); nameWithoutPrerelease = nameWithoutPrerelease.Remove(0, 1); } if (!System.Version.TryParse(nameWithoutPrerelease, out Version parsedVersion)) { _logger.Warning("No valid version was found on {Title}", ver.Title); return(new Version(0, 0)); } return(parsedVersion); }
private void FillupMilestoneDropDown() { m_MilestoneDropDown.Items.Clear(); if (SelectedProject == null) { m_MilestoneDropDown.Items.Add(new ListItem(m_SelectProjectDropDownEntry, String.Empty) { Selected = true }); } else { IQueryable <Milestone> _milestones = from _milestone in SelectedProject.Milestone where _milestone.Active.GetValueOrDefault(false) orderby _milestone.SortOrder ascending select _milestone; m_MilestoneDropDown.EntityListDataSource <Milestone>(_milestones); Milestone _default = (from _amx in _milestones where _amx.Default.GetValueOrDefault(false) select _amx).FirstOrDefault(); m_MilestoneDropDown.SelectItem4Element(_default); } }
public ActionResult DeleteMilestone(int milestoneID, int assignmentID) { Milestone milestone = _db.Milestones .Where(x => x.ID == milestoneID) .SingleOrDefault(); _db.Milestones.Remove(milestone); _db.SaveChanges(); int milestoneCount = _db.Milestones .Where(x => x.AssignmentID == assignmentID) .Count(); if (milestoneCount == 0) { Assignment assignment = _db.Assignments.Where(x => x.ID == assignmentID).SingleOrDefault(); _db.Assignments.Remove(assignment); _db.SaveChanges(); } return(Redirect("~/Teacher/Assignments")); }
/// <summary> /// Set milestone status of milestone to In Progress so no other user can access/generate invoice /// </summary> /// <param name="milestoneId">The milestone id</param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="milestoneStatus">Set milestone status</param> /// <param name="invoiceDate">Invoice date actual bill date</param> private void SetMilestoneStatus(int milestoneId, int?userId, int milestoneStatus, DateTime invoiceDate) { Milestone milestone = mdbDataContext.Milestones.Single(m => m.ID == milestoneId); if (milestone == null) { return; } milestone.MilestoneStatus1 = mdbDataContext.MilestoneStatus.Single(m => m.ID == milestoneStatus); //Set billing date if milestone status is link loaded if (milestoneStatus == Convert.ToInt32(Constants.MilestoneStatus.LINK_LOADED)) { milestone.BillDate = invoiceDate; } //milestone.MilestoneStatusID = ms.ID; milestone.LastUpdatedBy = userId; milestone.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; mdbDataContext.SubmitChanges(); }
public static bool CanEdit(Milestone milestone) { if (!Can(milestone)) { return(false); } if (milestone.Project.Status == ProjectStatus.Closed) { return(false); } if (IsProjectManager(milestone.Project)) { return(true); } if (!CanRead(milestone)) { return(false); } return(IsInTeam(milestone.Project) && (milestone.CreateBy == CurrentUserId || milestone.Responsible == CurrentUserId)); }
public bool CarPooling(int[][] trips, int capacity) { List <Milestone> milestones = new List <Milestone>(); for (int loop = 0; loop < trips.Length; loop++) { int cap = trips[loop][0]; int atpick = trips[loop][1]; int atdrop = trips[loop][2]; Milestone mpick = new Milestone(cap, atpick); Milestone mdrop = new Milestone(-cap, atdrop); milestones.Add(mpick); milestones.Add(mdrop); } milestones.Sort((a, b) => { if ( == { return(a.capacity.CompareTo(b.capacity)); } return(; }); int c = 0; for (int loop = 0; loop < milestones.Count; loop++) { c += milestones[loop].capacity; if (c > capacity) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void ProjectChanged(Projects _project) { m_TaskCommentsTextBox.Text = String.Empty; m_TaskTitleTextBox.Text = String.Empty; if (_project == null) { ProjectNotSelected(m_AsignedToDropDown); ProjectNotSelected(m_CategoryDropDown); m_ProjectLabel.Text = String.Empty; } else { Entities _edc = this.m_DataContext.DataContext; m_ProjectLabel.Text = _project.Title; int _pId = _project.Id.Value; m_AsignedToDropDown.EntityListDataSource(from _estimation in _edc.Estimation where _estimation.Estimation2ProjectTitle.Id == _pId select _estimation.AssignedTo); m_CategoryDropDown.EntityListDataSource(_project.Category); m_VersionDropDown.EntityListDataSource(_project.Milestone); IQueryable <Milestone> _activeMilestones = from _milestone in _project.Milestone where _milestone.Active.GetValueOrDefault(true) select _milestone; m_MilestoneDropDown.EntityListDataSource(_activeMilestones); Milestone _firsMilestone = _activeMilestones.FirstOrDefault <Milestone>(); m_MilestoneDropDown.SelectItem4Element(_firsMilestone); if (m_ShowAllMilestonesCheckBox.Checked) { m_RequirementDropDown.EntityListDataSource(_project.Requirements); m_RequirementDropDown.SelectItem4Element(_firsMilestone.Requirements.FirstOrDefault <Requirements>()); } else { m_RequirementDropDown.EntityListDataSource(_firsMilestone == null ? null : _firsMilestone.Requirements); } } }
public IssueMilestonesViewModel( Func <Task <IReadOnlyList <Milestone> > > loadMilestones, Func <Task <Milestone> > currentMilestone, Func <Milestone, Task> updateIssue ) { DismissCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(); var milestones = new ReactiveList <Milestone>(); Milestones = milestones.CreateDerivedCollection(x => { var vm = new IssueMilestoneItemViewModel(x); if (_selectedMilestone != null) { vm.IsSelected = x.Number == _selectedMilestone.Number; } vm.GoToCommand .Select(_ => vm.IsSelected ? x : null) .Subscribe(milestone => { foreach (var a in Milestones.Where(y => y != vm)) { a.IsSelected = false; } updateIssue(milestone).ToBackground(); DismissCommand.ExecuteIfCan(); }); return(vm); }); LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async _ => { _selectedMilestone = (await currentMilestone()); milestones.Reset(await loadMilestones()); }); }
protected override async Task OnGetInternalAsync(SqlConnection connection) { var emptyMilestones = await new Milestones() { OrgId = OrgId, HasWorkItems = false }.ExecuteAsync(connection); EmptyMilestones = emptyMilestones.Select(ms => new OpenWorkItemsResult() { MilestoneId = ms.Id, MilestoneDate = ms.Date, MilestoneDaysAway = ms.DaysAway, MilestoneName = ms.Name }); NextSoonest = await Milestone.GetSoonestNextAsync(connection, OrgId); NextGenerated = await Milestone.CreateNextAsync(connection, OrgId); BacklogItems = await new OpenWorkItems() { OrgId = OrgId, HasMilestone = false }.ExecuteAsync(connection); }
/// <summary> /// Return default billing /// </summary> /// <param name="contractId"></param> /// <param name="groupId"></param> /// <param name="periodFrequencyId"></param> /// <param name="fromDate"></param> /// <param name="toDate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public MilestoneVO GetDefaultBillingLine(int contractId, int?groupId, int periodFrequencyId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { Milestone milestone = mdbDataContext.Milestones.FirstOrDefault( m => m.ContractID == contractId && m.ContractMaintenance.GroupId == groupId && m.ContractMaintenance.ChargeFrequencyID == periodFrequencyId && m.ContractMaintenance.IsDefaultLineInGroup == true && !m.IsDeleted && !m.ContractMaintenance.IsDeleted && m.EstimatedDate >= fromDate && m.EstimatedDate <= toDate); #region Khushboo MilestoneVO milestoneVO = null; if (milestone != null) { //MilestoneVO milestoneVO = new MilestoneVO(milestone); milestoneVO = new MilestoneVO(milestone); //return milestoneVO; } else { //Billing line tag of that particular(original billing text) billing line Milestone milestoneOfParticularBillingLine = mdbDataContext.Milestones.FirstOrDefault( m => m.ContractID == contractId && m.ContractMaintenance.GroupId == groupId && m.ContractMaintenance.ChargeFrequencyID == periodFrequencyId && !m.IsDeleted && !m.ContractMaintenance.IsDeleted && m.EstimatedDate >= fromDate && m.EstimatedDate <= toDate); milestoneVO = new MilestoneVO(milestoneOfParticularBillingLine); //return null; } return(milestoneVO); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// UnApprove milestones for payment /// </summary> /// <param name="Ids">Ids of milestones to be unapproved</param> /// <param name="userId">The logged in user id</param> public void UnApproveAllMaintenance(List <int> Ids, int?userId) { foreach (var id in Ids) { if (id != 0) { Milestone milestone = mdbDataContext.Milestones.SingleOrDefault(c => c.ID == id); if (milestone != null) { //If milestone status is "Approved for Payment" if (milestone.MilestoneStatusID == Convert.ToInt32(Constants.MilestoneStatus.APPROVED_FOR_PAYMENT)) { //Set milestone status as "Ready for Calculating" milestone.MilestoneStatusID = Convert.ToInt32(Constants.MilestoneStatus.READY_FOR_CALCULATING); milestone.IsApproved = false; milestone.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; milestone.LastUpdatedBy = userId; } } } } mdbDataContext.SubmitChanges(); }
public ActionResult AddMilestone([Bind(Include = "MilestoneID,Text,StartDate,Duration,ProjectNumber,Type,ParentId,Progress,Id,StudentNumber")] Milestone milestone) { var userID = User.Identity.GetUserId(); using (var db = new ProgressTrackerEntities()) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { milestone.StudentNumber = userID; if (milestone.Progress == 1) { milestone.Status = "Completed"; milestone.Completed = true; } else if (milestone.Progress > 0 && milestone.Progress < 1) { milestone.Status = "In-Progress"; milestone.InProgress = true; } else { milestone.Status = "To-Do"; milestone.ToDo = true; } db.Milestones.Add(milestone); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } ViewBag.MilestoneID = new SelectList(db.Students, "StudentNumber", "Course", milestone.MilestoneID); return(View(milestone)); }
public void GetChannelData(string citFilePath, long startPos, long endPos, int[] sTQIItemIndex) { List <double[]> datas = citProcess.GetAllChannelDataInRange(citFilePath, startPos, endPos); TQIClass tqi = new TQIClass(); Milestone milestone = citProcess.GetAppointMilestone(citFilePath, startPos); tqi.iKM = Convert.ToInt32(milestone.mKm); tqi.iMeter = milestone.mMeter; tqi.zgd = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[0]]); tqi.ygd = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[1]]); tqi.zgx = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[2]]); tqi.ygx = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[3]]); tqi.gj = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[4]]); tqi.sp = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[5]]); tqi.sjk = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[6]]); tqi.hj = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[7]]); tqi.cj = GetTQIValue(datas[sTQIItemIndex[8]]); //tqi.pjsd= tqilist.Add(tqi); }
public bool Update(IChapterTarget target) { bool hasBeenUpdated = false; if (!Reached) { switch (Milestone.getType()) { case Completable.Milestone.MilestoneType.SCENE: var isTargetedScene = Milestone.getId() == target.getId(); if (isTargetedScene) { Reached = true; hasBeenUpdated = true; } break; case Completable.Milestone.MilestoneType.ENDING: if (target is Cutscene) { if (((Cutscene)target).isEndScene()) { Reached = true; hasBeenUpdated = true; } } break; default: break; } } return(hasBeenUpdated); }
private Feed ToFeed(Milestone milestone) { var itemUrl = "/products/projects/milestones.aspx#project=" + milestone.Project.ID; var projectUrl = "/products/projects/tasks.aspx?prjID=" + milestone.Project.ID; return(new Feed(milestone.CreateBy, milestone.CreateOn) { Item = item, ItemId = milestone.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ItemUrl = CommonLinkUtility.ToAbsolute(itemUrl), Product = Product, Module = Name, Title = milestone.Title, Description = Helper.GetHtmlDescription(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(milestone.Description)), ExtraLocation = milestone.Project.Title, ExtraLocationUrl = CommonLinkUtility.ToAbsolute(projectUrl), AdditionalInfo = Helper.GetUser(milestone.Responsible).DisplayUserName(), AdditionalInfo2 = milestone.DeadLine.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy"), Keywords = string.Format("{0} {1}", milestone.Title, milestone.Description), HasPreview = false, CanComment = false, GroupId = GetGroupId(item, milestone.CreateBy, milestone.Project.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }); }
/// <summary> /// Generate Invoice GL line VO for grouped billing lines /// </summary> /// <param name="milestone"></param> public InvoiceGLDetailVO(Milestone milestone) { Fields = new string[16]; ContractLineId = milestone.ContractLineID; ContractId = milestone.ContractID; RecordType = "N"; CostCentre = Convert.ToString(milestone.ContractLine.OACostCentre.CostCentreID); AccountCode = Convert.ToString(milestone.ContractLine.OAAccountCode.AccountID); JobCode = Convert.ToString(milestone.ContractLine.OAJobCode.JobCodeID); JobCodeId = milestone.ContractLine.JobCodeID; ActivityCode = Convert.ToString(milestone.ContractLine.OAActivityCode.ActivityID); Value = 0; TaxCode = string.Empty; Field = String.Join("|", Fields); IsGrouped = milestone.ContractMaintenance.IsGrouped; GroupId = milestone.ContractMaintenance.GroupId; PeriodFrequencyId = milestone.ContractMaintenance.ChargeFrequencyID; ContractMaintenanceId = milestone.ContractMaintenance.ID; MilestoneId = milestone.ID; InvoiceBillingLines = new List <InvoiceBillingLineVO>(); }
internal Milestone PutMilestone(Milestone milestone) { var overrideUrl = _issuesUrl + "milestones/" +; return _sharpBucketV1.Put(milestone, overrideUrl); }
/// <summary> /// Updates an existing milestone in an issue tracker. /// You must supply a name value in the form of a string. /// Public and private issue trackers require the caller to authenticate with an account that has appropriate authorisation. /// </summary> /// <param name="milestone">The milestone.</param> /// <returns>The response from the BitBucket API.</returns> public Milestone PutMilestone(Milestone milestone) { return _repositoriesEndPoint.PutMilestone(milestone); }
public Issue() { Id = 0; Number = 0; Title = ""; Body = ""; State = ""; User = new User(); Assignee = new User(); Url = ""; Labels = new List<Label>(); Milestone = new Milestone(); }
private static void TestIssuesEndPoint(SharpBucketV1 sharpBucket) { var issuesResource = sharpBucket.RepositoriesEndPoint(accountName, repository).IssuesResource(); int ISSUE_ID = 5; // Issues var issues = issuesResource.ListIssues(); var newIssue = new Issue{title = "Let's add a new issue", content = "Some issue content", status = "new", priority = "trivial", kind = "bug"}; var newIssueResult = issuesResource.PostIssue(newIssue); var issue = issuesResource.GetIssue(newIssueResult.local_id); var changedIssue = new Issue{title = "Completely new title", content = "Hi!", status = "new", local_id = issue.local_id}; var changedIssueResult = issuesResource.PutIssue(changedIssue); issuesResource.DeleteIssue(changedIssueResult.local_id); // Issue comments var issueResource = issuesResource.IssueResource(ISSUE_ID); var issueComments = issueResource.ListComments(); var newComment = new Comment{content = "This bug is really annoying!"}; var newCommentResult = issueResource.PostComment(newComment); var comment = issueResource.GetIssueComment(newCommentResult.comment_id); comment.content = "The bug is still annoying"; var updatedCommentRes = issueResource.PutIssueComment(comment); issueResource.DeleteIssueComment(updatedCommentRes.comment_id); // Issue followers var issueFollowers = issueResource.ListFollowers(); // Components var components = issuesResource.ListComponents(); var newComponent = new Component{name = "Awesome component"}; var newComponentRes = issuesResource.PostComponent(newComponent); var component = issuesResource.GetComponent(; = "Even more awesome component"; var updatedComponent = issuesResource.PutComponent(component); issuesResource.DeleteComponent(; // Milestones var milestones = issuesResource.ListMilestones(); var newMilestone = new Milestone{name = "Awesome milestone"}; var newMilestoneRes = issuesResource.PostMilestone(newMilestone); var milestone = issuesResource.GetMilestone(; = "Even more awesome milestone"; var updatedMilestone = issuesResource.PutMilestone(milestone); issuesResource.DeleteMilestone(; // Versions var versions = issuesResource.ListVersions(); var newVersion = new Version{name = "Awesome version"}; var newVersionRes = issuesResource.PostVersion(newVersion); var version = issuesResource.GetVersion(; = "Even more awesome version"; var updatedversion = issuesResource.PutVersion(version); issuesResource.DeleteVersion(; }
private Milestone GetMilestone(Milestone milestone) { var overrideUrl = _issuesUrl + "milestones/" +; return _sharpBucketV1.Get(milestone, overrideUrl); }
// Generate a List of Tasks with random Weights private void GenerateTaskList() { /* How Tasks are Generated - First, we assume that a project is percent based, meaning 100% is completed. - Then, we divide 100% into chunks of 5%-15%, meaning there will be between 7 to 20 Tasks. - When a task is created, we pass it's weight into it. Then we divid this weight by deadlineMax(the length of the game) to find how many secs it will take to complete. */ float totalCompletion = 100; float currentPos = 0; while(totalCompletion > 0) { // 5-15 at 360 secs means 18-54secs for a task, that is a max, so youd need to complete each task before that amount of time float weight = Random.Range(5,15); // Get Random TaskWeight, this is a percentage of total work, not an amount of time float difference = totalCompletion - weight; // Find Difference if(difference < 0) weight = totalCompletion; // If taskweight is greater than total completion, weight = total completion totalCompletion -= weight; Task task = new Task(weight); taskList.Add(task); // Generate Milestones if(currentPos > 0) { Milestone milestone = new Milestone(currentPos); milestones.Add(milestone); } currentPos += weight; //Debug.Log("GenerateTaskList -> Task" + taskList.Count + " weight is " + weight); } //Debug.Log("GenerateTaskList -> Count is " + taskList.Count + ", with " + milestones.Count + "milestones"); }