Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> ViewShift(ShiftViewModel viewModel)
            Location location = await this.GetLocation(viewModel.LocationName);

            IEnumerable <Shift> shifts = await this.shiftRepository.Get(
                "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.LocationId = @locationId AND c.StartDateTime = @start AND c.EndDateTime = @end AND c.WorkType = @workType",
                new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "@locationId", location.id },
                { "@start", viewModel.Start },
                { "@end", viewModel.End },
                { "@workType", viewModel.WorkType }

            IEnumerable <Shift> bookedShifts = shifts.Where(x => x.EmployeeId != null);

            if (bookedShifts.Count() == 0)
                this.logger.LogInformation("Trying to view shift when there are no employees");
                ViewData["NoEmployees"] = this.stringLocalizer["NoEmployees"];

            List <string> employees = new List <string>();

            foreach (var shift in bookedShifts)
                Microsoft.Graph.User user = await graphServiceClient.Users[shift.EmployeeId].Request().GetAsync();
                employees.Add($"{user.GivenName} {user.Surname}");

            ViewData["Employees"] = employees;

        public async Task Should_return_user_names_starting_with_text()
            var text   = "test'user";
            var filter = $"startswith(userPrincipalName,'{text.Replace("'", "''")}')";

            _queryUrl += $"?$filter={filter}";

            var user = new Microsoft.Graph.User()
                UserPrincipalName = "TestUser"
            var azureAdGraphQueryResponse = new AzureAdGraphQueryResponse <Microsoft.Graph.User>()
                Value = new List <Microsoft.Graph.User> {

            _secureHttpRequest.Setup(x => x.GetAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(ApiRequestHelper.CreateHttpResponseMessage(azureAdGraphQueryResponse, HttpStatusCode.OK));

            var response = await _client.GetUsernamesStartingWithAsync(text);

            var users = response.ToList();

            _secureHttpRequest.Verify(x => x.GetAsync(_graphApiSettings.Object.AccessToken, _queryUrl), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal OrganizationUser(Microsoft.Graph.User u, string orgIdExtension, string orgRoleExtension, string tenantIssuerName)
            this.Id                = u.Id;
            this.DisplayName       = u.DisplayName;
            this.GivenName         = u.GivenName;
            this.Surname           = u.Surname;
            this.UserPrincipalName = u.UserPrincipalName;

            if (u.AdditionalData == null || !u.AdditionalData.Any())
            if (u.AdditionalData.ContainsKey(orgIdExtension))
                this.OrgId = u.AdditionalData[orgIdExtension].ToString();
            if (u.AdditionalData.ContainsKey(orgRoleExtension))
                this.OrgRole = u.AdditionalData[orgRoleExtension].ToString();
            if (u.Identities == null || !u.Identities.Any())
            SignInNames = u.Identities.Where(x => x.Issuer == tenantIssuerName && x.SignInType != "userPrincipalName").Select(x => x.IssuerAssignedId);
            Identities  = u.Identities;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <Microsoft.Graph.User> Me()
            Microsoft.Graph.GraphServiceClient client =
                await graphTokenService.GetClientForUser(new string[] { "profile" });

            Microsoft.Graph.User me = await client.Me.Request().GetAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static object ToJson(this Microsoft.Graph.User user)
         id = user.Id,
         name = user.DisplayName,
         mail = user.Mail
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //    login.ClientId = "935c61af-136a-4671-b4f6-cabf7964bfb4";
        //    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri().Host.ToUpper());
        //    login.SignInAsync();


        private async void login_SignInCompleted(object sender, GraphLogin.SignInEventArgs e)
            var graphClient = e.GraphClient;

            Microsoft.Graph.User loggedInUser = await graphClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();

            debugOutput.Text  = "User logged in:" + loggedInUser?.DisplayName + "\r\n";
            debugOutput.Text += "User logged in:" + loggedInUser?.JobTitle + "\r\n";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static UserVm ToViewModel(Microsoft.Graph.User user)
            var userVm = new UserVm();

            userVm.DisplayName = user.DisplayName;
            userVm.Email       = user.Mail;
            userVm.JobTitle    = user.JobTitle;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static User UserProperty(Microsoft.Graph.User graphUser)
            User user = new User();

            user.id                = graphUser.Id;
            user.givenName         = graphUser.GivenName;
            user.surname           = graphUser.Surname;
            user.userPrincipalName = graphUser.UserPrincipalName;
            user.email             = graphUser.Mail;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles non-message activities
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleSubmitAction(IDialogContext context, Activity activity)
            JObject parameters = activity.Value as JObject;

            if (parameters != null)
                var command = parameters["command"];

                // Handle login completion event.
                if (activity.IsTeamsVerificationInvoke())
                    string code = parameters["state"].ToString();

                    var oauthClient = activity.GetOAuthClient();
                    var token       = await oauthClient.OAuthApi.GetUserTokenAsync(activity.From.Id, ConnectionName, magicCode : code).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (token != null)
                        Microsoft.Graph.User current = await new GraphUtil(token.Token).GetMe();
                        await context.PostAsync($"Success! You are now signed in as {current.DisplayName} with {current.Mail}");
                // Confirmation of job posting message.
                else if (command != null && command.ToString() == "createPosting")
                    OpenPosition pos = new OpenPositionsDataController().CreatePosition(parameters["jobTitle"].ToString(), int.Parse(parameters["jobLevel"].ToString()),
                                                                                        Constants.Locations[int.Parse(parameters["jobLocation"].ToString())], activity.From.Name);

                    await SendNewPostingConfirmationMessage(context, pos);
            else if (activity.Attachments.Any())
                // Handle file upload scenario.
                if (activity.Attachments[0].ContentType == "application/vnd.microsoft.teams.file.download.info")
                    string fileName = activity.Attachments[0].Name;
                    string fileType = (activity.Attachments[0].Content as JObject)["fileType"].ToString().ToLower();

                    if (fileType.Contains("docx"))
                        await context.PostAsync($"Job posting successfully uploaded: {fileName}");
                        await context.PostAsync("Invalid file type received. Please upload a PDF or Word document");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void extendedTest(IDocumentProvider msGraph, Microsoft.Graph.User serviceUser)
            var documents = msGraph.GetDocuments(serviceUser.Id);
            //var folders = msGraph.GetFolders();

            /*var htmlLargeInputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\large-file.pptx");
             * byte[] pdfHTMLLargeDocBytes = msGraph.ConvertDocumentToPDF(htmlLargeInputBytes, $"Temp/{Guid.NewGuid()}.pptx", serviceUser.Id);
             * File.WriteAllBytes($"..\\..\\resources\\target\\large-file-pptx.pdf", pdfHTMLLargeDocBytes);*/

            var htmlSimpleInputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\simple-html.html");

            byte[] pdfHTMLSimpleDocBytes = msGraph.ConvertDocumentToPDF(htmlSimpleInputBytes, $"Temp/{Guid.NewGuid()}.html", serviceUser.Id);
            File.WriteAllBytes($"..\\..\\resources\\target\\simple-html.pdf", pdfHTMLSimpleDocBytes);

            /*var csvSimpleInputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\simple.csv");
             * byte[] pdfCSVSimpleDocBytes = msGraph.ConvertDocumentToPDF(csvSimpleInputBytes, $"Temp/{Guid.NewGuid()}.csv", serviceUser.Id);
             * File.WriteAllBytes($"..\\..\\resources\\target\\csv-simple.pdf", pdfCSVSimpleDocBytes);*/

            var inputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\doc.docx");

            byte[] pdfDocBytes = msGraph.ConvertDocumentToPDF(inputBytes, $"Temp/{Guid.NewGuid()}.docx", serviceUser.Id);
            File.WriteAllBytes($"..\\..\\resources\\target\\doc.pdf", pdfDocBytes);

            var invoiceInputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\invoice.xlsx");

            byte[] pdfInvoiceDocBytes = msGraph.ConvertDocumentToPDF(invoiceInputBytes, $"Temp/{Guid.NewGuid()}.xlsx", serviceUser.Id);
            File.WriteAllBytes($"..\\..\\resources\\target\\invoice.pdf", pdfInvoiceDocBytes);

            /*var csvInvoiceInputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\invoice.csv");
             * byte[] pdfCSVInvoiceDocBytes = msGraph.ConvertDocumentToPDF(csvInvoiceInputBytes, $"Temp/{Guid.NewGuid()}.csv", serviceUser.Id);
             * File.WriteAllBytes($"..\\..\\resources\\target\\csv-invoice.pdf", pdfCSVInvoiceDocBytes);*/

            var rootDocs = msGraph.GetRootDocuments(serviceUser.Id);
            var doc1     = msGraph.GetDocumentByPath(serviceUser.Id, "dummy.txt");
            //var doc2 = msGraph.GetDocumentById(serviceUser.Id, "01IKWSDM5REL3VRV2EFNHZ6DCBXVN46JCV"); // 01IKWSDMZZH4XLSPOKLNA33GWZD6XF7MC5
            //var doc3 = msGraph.GetDocumentByPath(serviceUser.Id, "7Digital");
            //var childDocuments = msGraph.GetChildDocumentsById(serviceUser.Id, "01IKWSDM5REL3VRV2EFNHZ6DCBXVN46JCV");

            var smallBuffer  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Empty");
            var smallDocName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var smallDoc     = msGraph.UploadSmallDocument(smallBuffer, $"Temp/{smallDocName}.txt", serviceUser.Id);

            msGraph.DeleteDocumentById(serviceUser.Id, smallDoc.id);

            var largeBuffer  = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\resources\\source\\doc.docx");
            var largeDocName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var largeDoc     = msGraph.UploadLargeDocument(largeBuffer, $"Temp/{largeDocName}.txt", serviceUser.Id);

            msGraph.DeleteDocumentById(serviceUser.Id, largeDoc.id);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static UserDto UserProperty(Microsoft.Graph.User graphUser)
            UserDto user = new UserDto
                UserId            = graphUser.Id,
                GivenName         = graphUser.GivenName,
                Surname           = graphUser.Surname,
                UserPrincipalName = graphUser.UserPrincipalName,
                Email             = graphUser.Mail,
                DisplayName       = graphUser.DisplayName

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Signs in the current user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <bool> SignInCurrentUserAsync()
            graphClient = AuthenticationHelper.GetAuthenticatedClient();

            if (graphClient != null)
                Microsoft.Graph.User user = await graphClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();

                if (user != null)
                    string userId = user.Id;
                    UserInfo.Text = "Name:" + user.DisplayName + " and address: " + user.UserPrincipalName;
        public void TestIntialize()
            user = new Microsoft.Graph.User()
                Id = "1"
            group = new Microsoft.Graph.Group()
                Id = "2"
            customDirectoryObject = new CustomDirectoryObject
                ObjectDataId = $"{GraphApiSettings.GraphApiBaseUri}v1.0/{GraphApiSettings.TenantId}/directoryObjects/{user.Id}"

            groupAccessUri = $"{GraphApiSettings.GraphApiBaseUri}v1.0/{GraphApiSettings.TenantId}/groups/{group.Id}/members/$ref";
        public UserModel(Microsoft.Graph.User user)
            var accec = SetAccessLevel(user.JobTitle);
            var name  = user.DisplayName.Split(' ');

            GUID        = user.Id;
            Login       = user.Mail;
            LastName    = name.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
            FirstName   = name.ElementAtOrDefault(1);
            FatherName  = name.ElementAtOrDefault(2);
            Phone       = user.MobilePhone;
            Address     = user.StreetAddress;
            Birthday    = user.Birthday.Value.DateTime;
            AccessLevel = accec;
            Department  = accec == AccessLevel.Teacher
                ? string.Concat(user.Department, $", {user.JobTitle}")
                : user.Department;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private async Task HandleLoginVerification(Activity invoke)
            string  connectionName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionName"];
            JObject ctx            = invoke.Value as JObject;

            if (ctx != null)
                string code        = ctx["code"].ToString();
                var    oauthClient = invoke.GetOAuthClient();
                var    token       = await oauthClient.OAuthApi.GetUserTokenAsync(invoke.From.Id, connectionName, magicCode : invoke.Text).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (token != null)
                    Microsoft.Graph.User current = await new GraphUtil(token.Token).GetMe();

                    await context.PostAsync($"Success! You are now signed in as {current.DisplayName} with {current.Mail}");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static DirectoryUser MapToDirectoryUser(this Microsoft.Graph.User graphUser)
            DirectoryUser user = new DirectoryUser
                UserId            = graphUser.Id,
                EmailAddress      = graphUser.Mail,
                FirstName         = graphUser.GivenName,
                LastName          = graphUser.Surname,
                PreferredLanguage = graphUser.PreferredLanguage,
                Location          = graphUser.OfficeLocation,
                PhoneNumber       = graphUser.MobilePhone,
                DisplayName       = graphUser.DisplayName,
                UserPrincipalName = graphUser.UserPrincipalName,
                SamAccountName    = graphUser.OnPremisesSamAccountName,
                CompanyRole       = graphUser.JobTitle

        public ActiveDirectoryServiceTests()
            _mockRemoteGraphService = new Mock <IRemoteGraphService>();
            _mockLogger             = new Mock <ILogger <ActiveDirectoryService> >();

            var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(new MappingProfiles()));
            var mapper        = new Mapper(configuration);

            //var cache = new NoCacheService();
            _mockCache = new Mock <ICacheService>();

            _activeDirectoryService = new ActiveDirectoryService(_mockRemoteGraphService.Object,
                                                                 mapper, _mockCache.Object, _mockLogger.Object);

            // Init testdata
            var inMemoryGraphService = new InMemoryGraphService();
            var userId  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var groupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            _user      = inMemoryGraphService.GetUserAsync(userId).Result;
            _group     = inMemoryGraphService.GetGroupAsync(groupId).Result;
            _managerId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var users  = inMemoryGraphService.FindActiveUserAsync(string.Empty).Result;
            var groups = inMemoryGraphService.FindGroupAsync(string.Empty).Result;

            // Init mock behaviour
            _mockRemoteGraphService.Setup(x => x.GetUserAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))

            _mockRemoteGraphService.Setup(x => x.FindActiveUserAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))

            _mockRemoteGraphService.Setup(x => x.GetManagerIdOfUserAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))

            _mockRemoteGraphService.Setup(x => x.GetGroupAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))

            _mockRemoteGraphService.Setup(x => x.FindGroupAsync(It.IsAny <string>()))
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public async Task <User> UpdateUserAccount(string userId, string firstName, string lastName, string newUsername)
            var updatedUser = new User
                Id                = userId,
                GivenName         = firstName,
                Surname           = lastName,
                DisplayName       = $"{firstName} {lastName}",
                UserPrincipalName = newUsername

            var json          = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updatedUser);
            var stringContent = new StringContent(json);
            var accessUri     = $"{_baseUrl}/users/{userId}";
            var response      = await _secureHttpRequest.PatchAsync(_graphApiSettings.AccessToken, stringContent, accessUri);

            await AssertResponseIsSuccessful(response);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal OrganizationUser(Microsoft.Graph.User u, string orgIdExtension, string orgRoleExtension)
            this.Id                = u.Id;
            this.DisplayName       = u.DisplayName;
            this.GivenName         = u.GivenName;
            this.Surname           = u.Surname;
            this.UserPrincipalName = u.UserPrincipalName;

            if (!u.AdditionalData.Any())
            if (u.AdditionalData.ContainsKey(orgIdExtension))
                this.OrgId = u.AdditionalData[orgIdExtension].ToString();
            if (u.AdditionalData.ContainsKey(orgRoleExtension))
                this.OrgRole = u.AdditionalData[orgRoleExtension].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private async Task StartConversation(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <GetTokenResponse> tokenResponse)
            var tokenResponseData = await tokenResponse;
            var userName          = string.Empty;

            if (null != tokenResponseData && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenResponseData.Token))
                await context.PostAsync($"SignIn- Token! {tokenResponseData.Token}");


                context.ConversationData.TryGetValue <string>("UserName", out userName);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                    var client = new Services.GraphClient(tokenResponseData.Token);
                    Microsoft.Graph.User user = await client.GetMe();

                    userName = user.DisplayName;
                    context.ConversationData.SetValue <string>("UserName", userName);

                await context.PostAsync($"*Hey {userName}, You are already here. How may I help you with your query.*");

                //await context.PostAsync($"*you are logged in successfully*");
                //await context.PostAsync($"*something went wrong, please try again");

                await context.Forward(new SignInDialog(), Callback, context.Activity.AsMessageActivity(), CancellationToken.None);

        public async Task <IActionResult> GetUserProfile()
            Microsoft.Graph.User user = await _graphApiService.GetUserProfileAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Get emails from raw user input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailInput">Email user input</param>
        /// <param name="accessToken">Microsoft Graph access token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <string> > GetEmails(string emailInput, string accessToken)
                var emailList = new List <string>();
                //This is because in Skype for business, " "(space) is automatically converted to "&#160;", which is blocking to get emails
                var emailInputImproved = emailInput.Replace("&#160;", "").Replace("&#160:^", "");
                //This is removing hyper-link which Skype for business automatically adds
                var emails     = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(emailInputImproved, "\\(.+?\\)", "");
                var emailArray = emails.Split(',');
                foreach (var email in emailArray)
                    // We have name
                    if (!email.Contains("@"))
                        var trimmed    = email.Trim();
                        var valueArray = trimmed.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        var user       = new User();
                        // TBD : We assume that first the given name is provided and then the surname with ' ' in between
                        if (valueArray.Length > 1)
                            user.GivenName = valueArray[0];
                            user.Surname   = valueArray[1];
                        // TBD : Refactoring needed. For now we assume if there is one name it is the surname due to Japanese
                            // TBD : Abstract that via configuration or branch logic in order to keep it generic
                            user.Surname = valueArray[0].Replace("さん", string.Empty).Replace("ー", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty)
                                           .Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                        var persons = await _peopleService.GetPeolpe(new List <User> {
                        }, accessToken);

                        if (persons == null || persons.Count <= 0)
                        var emailAddress = persons.FirstOrDefault()?.Mail;
                        var improvedEmail = email.Replace(" ", "").Replace(" ", "");
                        if (improvedEmail.ToLower().Trim().StartsWith("dl-"))
                            var groupId =
                                await _groupService.GetGroupId(improvedEmail.Replace("dl-", string.Empty), accessToken);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId))
                                throw new ApplicationException("Can't get group id.");
                            var members = await _groupService.GetMembers(groupId, accessToken);

                            emailList.AddRange(members.Select(x => x.Mail));

            catch (Exception e)
                _loggingService.Error(e, "Error in EmailService.GetEmails");
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private static void simpleTest(IDocumentProvider msGraph, Microsoft.Graph.User serviceUser)
     var documents = msGraph.GetDocuments(serviceUser.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 internal OrganizationUser(Microsoft.Graph.User u, OrganizationOptions config) : this(u, config.OrgIdExtensionName, config.OrgRoleExtensionName, config.TenantIssuerName)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// This is where you can process the incoming user message and decide what to do.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result)
            var activity = await result as Activity;

            // Strip out all mentions.  As all channel messages to a bot must @mention the bot itself, you must strip out the bot name at minimum.
            // This uses the extension SDK function GetTextWithoutMentions() to strip out ALL mentions
            var text = activity.GetTextWithoutMentions();

            if (text == null)
                await HandleSubmitAction(context, activity);
                // Supports 5 commands:  Help, Welcome (sent from HandleSystemMessage when bot is added), top candidates, schedule interview, and open positions.
                // This simple text parsing assumes the command is the first two tokens, and an optional parameter is the second.
                var split = text.Split(' ');

                // The user is asking for onen of the supported commands.
                if (split.Length >= 2)
                    var cmd      = split[0].ToLower();
                    var keywords = split.Skip(2).ToArray();

                    // Parse the command and go do the right thing
                    if (cmd.Contains("top") && keywords.Length > 0)
                        await SendTopCandidatesMessage(context, keywords[0]);
                    else if (cmd.Contains("schedule"))
                        // Supports either structured query or via user input.
                        JObject ctx = activity.Value as JObject;

                        // Check if this is a button press or a text command.
                        if (ctx != null)
                            Candidate c = ctx.ToObject <Candidate>();
                            await SendScheduleInterviewMessage(context, c, c.ReqId);
                        else if (keywords.Length == 3)
                            string name  = string.Join(" ", keywords.Take(2).ToArray());
                            string reqId = keywords[2];

                            // Takes 3 parameters: first name, last name, and then req ID
                            await SendScheduleInterviewMessage(context, name, reqId);
                            await SendHelpMessage(context, "I'm sorry, I did not understand you :(");
                    else if (cmd.Contains("open"))
                        await SendOpenPositionsMessage(context);
                    else if (cmd.Contains("resume"))
                        // Return "resume file" for the given candidate name.
                        if (keywords.Length > 0)
                            string name = string.Join(" ", keywords).ToLower();

                            IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();
                            reply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                            JObject card = new JObject();
                            card["description"] = $"Here is the resume for {name}";
                            card["sizeInBytes"] = 1500;

                            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                                ContentType = "application/vnd.microsoft.teams.card.file.consent",
                                Name        = $"{name} resume.pdf",
                                Content     = card


                            await context.PostAsync(reply);
                    else if (cmd.Contains("candidate"))
                        // Supports either structured query or via user input.
                        JObject   ctx = activity.Value as JObject;
                        Candidate c   = null;

                        if (ctx != null)
                            c = ctx.ToObject <Candidate>();
                            await SendCandidateDetailsMessage(context, c);
                        else if (keywords.Length > 0)
                            string name = string.Join(" ", keywords);
                            c = new CandidatesDataController().GetCandidateByName(name);
                            await SendCandidateDetailsMessage(context, c);
                    else if (cmd.Contains("new"))
                        await SendCreateNewJobPostingMessage(context);
                    else if (cmd.Contains("assign"))
                        string guid = split[1];
                        await UpdateMessage(context, guid);
                        await SendHelpMessage(context, "I'm sorry, I did not understand you :(");
                    int magicCode;
                    if (int.TryParse(text, out magicCode))
                        // If the user is pasting a magic number, check if that's to get an auth token.
                        // TODO: This shouldn't be necessary once we make some small fixes to the bot auth service.
                        var oauthClient = activity.GetOAuthClient();
                        var token       = await oauthClient.OAuthApi.GetUserTokenAsync(activity.From.Id, ConnectionName, magicCode : activity.Text).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (token != null)
                            Microsoft.Graph.User current = await new GraphUtil(token.Token).GetMe();
                            await context.PostAsync($"Success! You are now signed in as {current.DisplayName} with {current.Mail}");
                    else if (text.Contains("help"))
                        // Respond with standard help message.
                        await SendHelpMessage(context, "Sure, I can provide help info about me.");
                    else if (text.Contains("login"))
                        await SendOAuthCardAsync(context, activity);
                    else if (text.Contains("welcome") || text.Contains("hello") || text.Contains("hi"))
                        await SendHelpMessage(context, "## Welcome to the Contoso Talent Management app");
                    // Don't know what to say so this is the generic handling here.
                        await SendHelpMessage(context, "I'm sorry, I did not understand you :(");

Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static User ToUser(this Microsoft.Graph.User user)
     return(new User {
         Id = user.Id, DisplayName = user.DisplayName, Email = user.Mail