protected override bool LoadJObject(JObject jObject)
            var helper = new MetroLineDetailsReaderHelper();

            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.Name), (t) => (string)t, (v) => helper.Name                               = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.LineLetter), (t) => (char)t, (v) => helper.LineLetter                     = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.SourceStation), (t) => (string)t, (v) => helper.SourceStation             = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.DestinationStation), (t) => (string)t, (v) => helper.DestinationStation   = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.SaturdayService), (t) => (bool)t, (v) => helper.SaturdayService           = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.SundayHolidayService), (t) => (bool)t, (v) => helper.SundayHolidayService = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.YearOfOperation), (t) => (int)t, (v) => helper.YearOfOperation            = v);
            jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.ExpressService), (t) => (bool)t, (v) => helper.ExpressService             = v);

            var color = jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.LineColor), (t) => (JObject)t);

            helper.LineColor = color.ToColor();

            var direction = jObject.Read(nameof(MetroLineDetails.PrincipalDirection), (t) => (string)t);

            helper.PrincipalDirection = direction.ToLineType();

            Source = (MetroLineDetails)helper;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="CSVSerializer{T}.ReadLine(IEnumerable{string}, IList{T})"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">Current comma separated row</param>
        /// <param name="newData">Where to put new instance of <see cref="MetroLineDetails"/></param>
        protected override void ReadLine(IEnumerable <string> line, IList <MetroLineDetails> newData)
            var itemIndex = 0;
            // Use temp helper class
            var newMetroLine = new MetroLineDetailsReaderHelper();

            // Read out item from each column in this line
            foreach (var lineData in line)
                // Validate the item index
                if (itemIndex < _headerLocations.Count)
                    // Line up the column with the current position we are in
                    var currentHeader = _headerLocations[itemIndex];
                    // Which column is this?
                    switch (currentHeader)
                    // Name column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.Name):
                        newMetroLine.Name = lineData;

                    // Destination station column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.DestinationStation):
                        newMetroLine.DestinationStation = lineData;

                    // Line color column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.LineColor):
                        // Do a bit of intermediate conversion
                        var intermediateColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(lineData);
                        newMetroLine.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(intermediateColor.A, intermediateColor.R, intermediateColor.G, intermediateColor.B);

                    // Line letter column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.LineLetter):
                        newMetroLine.LineLetter = lineData[0];

                    // Service type columns
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.SaturdayService):
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.SundayHolidayService):
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.ExpressService):
                        var boolValue = false;
                        if (bool.TryParse(lineData, out boolValue))
                            if (currentHeader == nameof(MetroLineDetails.SaturdayService))
                                newMetroLine.SaturdayService = boolValue;
                            else if (currentHeader == nameof(MetroLineDetails.SundayHolidayService))
                                newMetroLine.SundayHolidayService = boolValue;
                                newMetroLine.ExpressService = boolValue;
                        // If this failed, throw an exception as true/false not formatted correctly
                        throw new Exception <IncorrectCSVBoolValueFormatting>(new IncorrectCSVBoolValueFormatting(currentHeader, lineData));

                    // Source station column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.SourceStation):
                        newMetroLine.SourceStation = lineData;

                    // Year of operation column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.YearOfOperation):
                        newMetroLine.YearOfOperation = Convert.ToInt32(lineData);

                    // Direction column
                    case nameof(MetroLineDetails.PrincipalDirection):
                        LineType lineType = LineType.EastWest;
                        // Try to parse out the enum value
                        if (Enum.TryParse(lineData, out lineType))
                            newMetroLine.PrincipalDirection = lineType;
                        // Throw exception if this failed
                        throw new Exception <IncorrectCSVEnumValueFormatting>(new IncorrectCSVEnumValueFormatting(typeof(LineType), currentHeader, lineData));

                        throw new Exception <UnrecognizedCSVHeaderProperty>(new UnrecognizedCSVHeaderProperty(currentHeader));
            // Add new item