public IWorkshopTree ParseVirtual()
            IMacroOption[] options = AllOptions();

            //If there are no overrides, don't bother creating the lookup table
            if (options.Length == 1)

            List <IWorkshopTree> expElements = new List <IWorkshopTree>();
            List <int>           resolves    = new List <int>();
            List <int>           identifiers = new List <int>();
            bool needsResolve = false;

            foreach (var option in options)
                var optionSet = ActionSet.New(ActionSet.IndexAssigner.CreateContained());
                option.Type().AddObjectVariablesToAssigner(optionSet.CurrentObject, optionSet.IndexAssigner);

                int currentIndex = expElements.Count;

                // Iterate through every type.
                foreach (CodeType type in ActionSet.Translate.DeltinScript.Types.AllTypes)
                    // If 'type' does not equal the current virtual option's containing class...
                    if (option.Type() != type
                        // ...and 'type' implements the containing class...
                        && type.Implements(option.Type())
                        // ...and 'type' does not have their own function implementation...
                        && MethodBuilder.AutoImplemented(option.Type(), options.Select(option => option.Type()).ToArray(), type))
                    // ...then add an additional case for 'type's class identifier.
                        needsResolve = true;

            Element expArray     = Element.CreateArray(expElements.ToArray());
            Element resolveArray = Element.CreateArray(resolves.Select(i => new V_Number(i)).ToArray());
            Element identArray   = Element.CreateArray(identifiers.Select(i => new V_Number(i)).ToArray());

            ClassData classData       = ActionSet.Translate.DeltinScript.GetComponent <ClassData>();
            Element   classIdentifier = Element.Part <V_ValueInArray>(classData.ClassIndexes.GetVariable(), ActionSet.CurrentObject);

             * class A // Class identifier: 5
             * {
             *  virtual define Macro: 2;
             * }
             * class B : A // Class identifier: 6
             * {
             *  override define Macro: 3;
             * }
             * In this case, the macro can be resolved like so:
             * [2, 3][Index Of([5, 6], class id)]
             * This output will not work in this case:
             * class A // Class identifier: 5
             * {
             *  virtual define Macro: 2;
             * }
             * class B : A // Class identifier: 6
             * {
             *  override define Macro: 3;
             * }
             * class C : B // Class identifier: 7
             * {
             * }
             * C does not implement 'Macro'. This will cause the output to be the same as above.
             * This is not correct. Since C implements B, it should return 3. Since Index Of returns -1, the macro will return 0 if 'new C().Macro' is called.
             * If this case happens, 'needsResolve' will be true. When it is true, do this instead:
             * [2, 3][0, 1, 1][IndexOf([5, 6, 7], class id)]
             * '[0, 1, 1]' will map the index to the correct macro value.

            if (needsResolve)
                return(expArray[resolveArray[Element.Part <V_IndexOfArrayValue>(identArray, classIdentifier)]]);
                return(expArray[Element.Part <V_IndexOfArrayValue>(identArray, classIdentifier)]);