Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void PoleXml_DeserializesTo_MeteredSpacePOST()
            var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(MeteredSpacePOST));

            string xml =
<SubArea>1301 WILSHIRE BLVD</SubArea>
<Zone>Santa Monica, CA Default Zone</Zone>
            MeteredSpacePOST pole = null;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)))
                pole = serializer.ReadObject(ms) as MeteredSpacePOST;

            Assert.AreEqual("WILSHIRE", pole.Area);
            Assert.AreEqual(34.026239m, pole.Lat);
            Assert.AreEqual(-118.489714m, pole.Long);
            Assert.AreEqual("WIL1301", pole.PoleSerialNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, pole.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual("1301 WILSHIRE BLVD", pole.SubArea);
            Assert.AreEqual("Santa Monica, CA Default Zone", pole.Zone);
        public MeteredSpace AddOrUpdate(MeteredSpacePOST viewModel)
            var posted = new MeteredSpace()
                MeterId   = viewModel.PoleSerialNumber,
                Area      = viewModel.Area,
                SubArea   = viewModel.SubArea,
                Zone      = viewModel.Zone,
                Latitude  = viewModel.Lat,
                Longitude = viewModel.Long,
                Active    = viewModel.Status.HasValue ? !viewModel.Status.Equals(0) : default(bool?)

            var existing = Get(posted.MeterId);

            if (existing == null)
                posted.Id        = existing.Id;
                posted.Area      = posted.Area ?? existing.Area;
                posted.SubArea   = posted.SubArea ?? existing.SubArea;
                posted.Zone      = posted.Zone ?? existing.Zone;
                posted.Latitude  = posted.Latitude ?? existing.Latitude;
                posted.Longitude = posted.Longitude ?? existing.Longitude;
                posted.Active    = posted.Active ?? existing.Active;


            //invalidate the cache now that there is new data
