Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Site_Settings.NavigationSection == 1)
            // right side navigation
            NavigationClass = "chnl_right_nav";
            BodyClass       = "chnl_left_mn";
        // globalization text
        btn_login.Text = Resources.vsk.submit;

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            if (Request.Params["status"] != null)
                switch (Request.Params["status"].ToString())
                case "invalid":
                    Config.ShowMessageV2(msg, "Error validation key and username", "Error!", 0);
            pnl_result.Visible = false;

        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = Resources.vsk.meta_forgotpassword_title;
        string   meta_description = Resources.vsk.meta_forgotpassword_description;

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("forgotpassword.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Core script to handle website layout
    private void Process_Layout()
        UGeneral ug = new UGeneral();
        int      selected_layout_option = Site_Settings.NavigationSection;

        if (selected_layout_option == 2)
            // three column layout
            navigation1.Visible    = false; // advance navigation disable
            navigation_sm1.Visible = true;  // first column simple navigation
            third_nav1.Visible     = true;  // third column navigation
            // two column layout
            navigation1.Visible    = true;
            navigation_sm1.Visible = false;
            third_nav1.Visible     = false;

        NavigationClass = ug.Return_Navigation_Class();
        BodyClass       = ug.Return_Body_Class();
        BodyRight       = ug.Return_RightNav_Class();

        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = "Advance Channel Search";
        string   meta_description = "You can search user profiles and channels through list of advance search options available on this page";

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("channel/searchoptions.aspx"));
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = Resources.vsk.meta_terms_title;
        string   meta_description = Resources.vsk.meta_terms_description;

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("terms.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // set meta information
            HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
            string   meta_title       = ".NET vFaceWall Script"; // Resources.vsk.meta_home_title;
            string   meta_description = "Complete script for generating next generation facebook style wall for sharing contents and post using asp.net applications";

            MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl());
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Site_Settings.NavigationSection == 1)
            // right side navigation
            NavigationClass = "chnl_right_nav";
            BodyClass       = "chnl_left_mn";
        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = "Error Occured";
        string   meta_description = "Sorry for inconvinience you face, error occured while processing your request, please try later or consult with site administrator.";

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("error.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Site_Settings.NavigationSection == 1)
            // right side navigation
            NavigationClass = "chnl_right_nav";
            BodyClass       = "chnl_left_mn";
        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = Resources.vsk.contactus;
        string   meta_description = Resources.vsk.meta_contactus_description;

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("contactus.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Site_Settings.NavigationSection == 1)
         // right side navigation
         NavigationClass = "chnl_right_nav";
         BodyClass       = "chnl_left_mn";
     if (!Page.IsPostBack)
         msg.InnerHtml = Resources.vsk.ipaddressblckedmessage.ToString().Replace("[message]", Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString());
         // set meta information
         HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
         string   meta_title       = Resources.vsk.ipaddressblocked;
         string   meta_description = Resources.vsk.meta_ipaddress_description;
         MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("ipblocked.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Site_Settings.NavigationSection == 1)
            // right side navigation
            NavigationClass = "chnl_right_nav";
            BodyClass       = "chnl_left_mn";
        // globalization settings
        btn_login.Text = Resources.vsk.login;
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            if (Request.Params["status"] != null)
                switch (Request.Params["status"].ToString())
                case "pchanged":
                    Config.ShowMessageV2(msg, "Password has been updated successfully", "Success!", 1);

                case "perror":
                    Config.ShowMessageV2(msg, "Failed to update password", "Error!", 0);
            if (Request.Params["ReturnUrl"] != null)
                this.Redirect_Url = Request.Params["ReturnUrl"].ToString();
            if (Request.Params["error"] == "failed")
                Config.ShowMessageV2(msg, Resources.vsk.message_06, "Error!", 0); // "Login failed, please enter correct user name & password."

        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = Resources.vsk.meta_login_title;
        string   meta_description = Resources.vsk.meta_login_description;

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("login.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Site_Settings.Feature_MemberRegistration == 0)
            mn.Visible = false;
            Config.ShowMessageV2(msg, Resources.vsk.registeration_message, "Error!", 0); // "User Registration Services Has Been Blocked By Site Administrator"
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            if (Request.Params["ReturnUrl"] != null)
                this.Redirect_Url = Request.Params["ReturnUrl"].ToString();

            // set meta information
            HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
            string   meta_title       = Resources.vsk.meta_register_title;
            string   meta_description = Resources.vsk.meta_register_description;
            MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl("register.aspx"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // globalization text settings

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            if (Request.Params["surl"] != null)
                this.RedirectUrl       = Request.Params["surl"].ToString();
                lnk_cancel.NavigateUrl = Config.GetUrl("Default.aspx");
                lnk_cancel.NavigateUrl = Config.GetUrl("Default.aspx");
        // set meta information
        HtmlHead head             = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
        string   meta_title       = "Warning: Adult Age Verification Required!";
        string   meta_description = "Adult content access warning. In order to access adult content you must verify your age and agree that your age is above 18. Click cancel if you'r age is below 18";

        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, head, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.GetUrl());
Ejemplo n.º 11
    private void Set_Title()
        string accounttitle = "";

        if (Request.Params["type"] != null)
            accounttitle = UtilityBLL.ReplaceHyphinWithSpace(Request.Params["type"].ToString()).Trim();
        string _accounttype = UtilityBLL.UppercaseFirst(accounttitle);

        string _filter = "";

        switch (this.Filter)
        case 1:
            _filter = " - " + Resources.vsk.todayadded;    // "Added Today";

        case 2:
            _filter = " - " + Resources.vsk.thisweekadded;    // "Added This Week";

        case 3:
            _filter = " - " + Resources.vsk.thismonthadded;    // "Added This Month";

        string _order   = "Recent Profiles";
        string _keyword = "recently added profiles";

        switch (this.TabIndex)
        case 1:
            _order   = "Most Viewed Profiles";   // "Most Viewed Profiles";
            _keyword = "most viewed profiles";

        string _title = _order;

        if (_accounttype != "")
            _title = _order + " in " + _accounttype + " " + _filter;
            _title = _order + " " + _filter;
        if (this.PageNumber > 1)
            _title = _title + " - Page " + this.PageNumber;

        if (this.HeadingTitle != "")
            _title = this.HeadingTitle;

        lbl_status.InnerHtml = _title;
        string meta_title = _title;

        string meta_description = "";

        if (this.PageDescription != "")
            meta_description = this.PageDescription;
            meta_description = "Browse " + _keyword + " in " + _accounttype + " " + _filter;
        if (PageNumber > 1)
            meta_description = meta_description + ", Page: " + PageNumber;

        string _turl = "";

        if (this.Thumb_Url != "")
            _turl = this.Thumb_Url;
            _turl = UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url();
        MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, (HtmlHead)Page.Header, meta_title, meta_description, UrlConfig.Return_Website_Logo_Url(), Config.Return_Current_Page());
Ejemplo n.º 12
    //load user profile data
    private void Load_User_Profile_Data(string username)
        List <Member_Struct> _list = members.Fetch_User_Channel(username);

        if (_list.Count > 0)
            // channel theme
            if (_list[0].Channel_Theme != "")
                this.Channel_Theme = _list[0].Channel_Theme;

            // load user profile
            ch_profile1.UserName           = username;
            ch_profile1.FirstName          = _list[0].FirstName;
            ch_profile1.LastName           = _list[0].LastName;
            ch_profile1.CountryName        = _list[0].CountryName;
            ch_profile1.Gender             = _list[0].Gender;
            ch_profile1.RelationshipStatus = _list[0].RelationshipStatus;
            ch_profile1.Register_Date      = _list[0].RegisterDate;
            ch_profile1.Last_Login         = _list[0].Last_Login;
            ch_profile1.Views = _list[0].Views;

            // increment profile views
            members.Increment_Views(username, _list[0].Views);

            nav1.UserName = username;

            if (_list[0].Channel_isFriends == 0 || !Config.isFriends())
                nav1.ShowFriends = false;

            nav1.CountPhotos = _list[0].Count_Photos;

            nav1.CountFriends = _list[0].Count_Friends;

            nav1.ActiveIndex = 11; // settings

            //connect information
            connect_v21.UserName           = username;
            connect_v21.PictureName        = _list[0].PictureName;
            connect_v21.FirstName          = _list[0].FirstName;
            connect_v21.LastName           = _list[0].LastName;
            connect_v21.Gender             = _list[0].Gender;
            connect_v21.RelationshipStatus = _list[0].RelationshipStatus;
            connect_v21.HomeTown           = _list[0].HometTown;
            connect_v21.CurrentCity        = _list[0].CurrentCity;
            connect_v21.Zipcode            = _list[0].Zipcode;
            connect_v21.Country            = _list[0].CountryName;

            // Theme Settings
            themes1.UserName      = username;
            themes1.Channel_Theme = _list[0].Channel_Theme;

            // Module Settings
            cmodules1.UserName = username;

            cmodules1.Channel_isFriends = _list[0].Channel_isFriends;

            // Page Title and Meta Information
            string title = "Channel Settings";

            // set meta information
            string meta_description = "You can set channel themes and restrict user access to certain type and part of your channel profile from here";
            string profile_url      = Config.GetUrl("user/settings/");
            MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, (HtmlHead)Page.Header, title, meta_description, "", profile_url);
            Response.Redirect(Config.GetUrl() + "channel/Default.aspx?status=accountnotexist", true);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    //load user profile data
    private void Load_User_Profile_Data(string username)
        List <Member_Struct> _list = members.Fetch_User_Channel(username);

        if (_list.Count > 0)
            // channel theme
            if (_list[0].Channel_Theme != "")
                this.Channel_Theme = _list[0].Channel_Theme;

            // increment profile views
            members.Increment_Views(username, _list[0].Views);

            nav1.UserName = username;

            if (_list[0].Channel_isFriends == 0 || !Config.isFriends())
                nav1.ShowFriends = false;

            nav1.CountPhotos = _list[0].Count_Photos;

            nav1.CountFriends = _list[0].Count_Friends;

            nav1.ActiveIndex = 10; // profile

            //connect information
            connect_v21.UserName           = username;
            connect_v21.PictureName        = _list[0].PictureName;
            connect_v21.FirstName          = _list[0].FirstName;
            connect_v21.LastName           = _list[0].LastName;
            connect_v21.Gender             = _list[0].Gender;
            connect_v21.RelationshipStatus = _list[0].RelationshipStatus;
            connect_v21.HomeTown           = _list[0].HometTown;
            connect_v21.CurrentCity        = _list[0].CurrentCity;
            connect_v21.Zipcode            = _list[0].Zipcode;
            connect_v21.Country            = _list[0].CountryName;

            // Fetch User Detail Profile
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            str.Append("<div class=\"heading\">\n");
            str.Append("<div style=\"float:left; width:50%;\">\n");
            str.Append("<h3>Detail Profile</h3>\n");
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                if (Page.User.Identity.Name == username)
                    // own profile
                    str.Append("<div class=\"item_r\" style=\"float:right; width:10%;\">\n");
                    str.Append("<a href=\"" + Config.GetUrl("myaccount/profile.aspx") + "\">Edit Profile</a>\n");
            str.Append("<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n");
            str.Append("<div class=\"item\">\n");
            List <Member_Struct> _mem = members.Fetch_User_DetailProfile(username);
            if (_mem.Count > 0)
                // name settings
                string _name = "";
                if (_list[0].FirstName != "" || _list[0].LastName != "")
                    _name = _list[0].FirstName + " " + _list[0].LastName;
                    _name = username;
                Set_Extended_Item(str, "Name", _name);
                // Age
                if (_mem[0].isAllowBirthDay == 1)
                    int age = DateTime.Now.Year - _mem[0].BirthDate.Year;
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.age, age.ToString());
                // Joined
                Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.joined, string.Format("{0:Y}", _list[0].RegisterDate));
                //// Videos Watched
                // Website
                if (_list[0].Website.Trim() != "")
                    string websitename = _list[0].Website;
                    if (websitename.Length > 35)
                        websitename = websitename.Substring(0, 35) + "...";
                    string url = "<a href=\"" + _list[0].Website + "\" alt=\"" + _list[0].Website + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + websitename + "</a>";

                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.website, url);
                // About Me
                if (_mem[0].AboutMe.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.aboutme, _mem[0].AboutMe);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.aboutme, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");

                // Home Town
                if (_list[0].HometTown.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.hometown, _list[0].HometTown);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.hometown, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");
                // Country
                if (_list[0].CountryName.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.country, _list[0].CountryName);
                // Occupations
                if (_mem[0].Occupations.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.occupations, _mem[0].Occupations);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.occupations, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");
                // Companies
                if (_mem[0].Companies.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.companies, _mem[0].Occupations);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.companies, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");
                // Hobbies
                if (_mem[0].Interests.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.hobbies, _mem[0].Interests);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.hobbies, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");

                // Movies
                if (_mem[0].Movies.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.movies, _mem[0].Movies);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.movies, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");
                // Musics
                if (_mem[0].Musics.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.musics, _mem[0].Musics);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.musics, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");
                // Books
                if (_mem[0].Books.Trim() != "")
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.books, _mem[0].Books);
                    Set_Extended_Item(str, Resources.vsk.books, "<div class=\"item_c light\">---- No Information ----</div>");
            cprofile.InnerHtml = str.ToString();

            string title = username + "'s complete profile";

            // set meta information
            string meta_description = title + ", date joined: " + _list[0].RegisterDate;
            string thumb_url        = UrlConfig.Retun_User_Profile_Thumb_Url(_list[0].UserName, _list[0].PictureName, 0);
            string profile_url      = UrlConfig.Prepare_User_Profile_Url(_list[0].UserName, "profile", false);
            MetaTagsBLL.META_StaticPage(this.Page, (HtmlHead)Page.Header, title, meta_description, thumb_url, profile_url);
            Response.Redirect(Config.GetUrl() + "channel/Default.aspx?status=accountnotexist", true);