Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task CheckForConcurencyAsync(object oi, ObjectInfo objInfo, SqoTypeInfo ti, ObjectSerializer serializer, bool updateTickCountInDB)
            if (SiaqodbConfigurator.OptimisticConcurrencyEnabled)
                FieldSqoInfo fi = MetaHelper.FindField(ti.Fields, "tickCount");
                if (fi != null)
                    if (fi.AttributeType == typeof(ulong))
                        ulong tickCount = 0;

                        if (objInfo.Oid > 0 && objInfo.Oid <= ti.Header.numberOfRecords) //update or delete
                            tickCount = (ulong)(await serializer.ReadFieldValueAsync(ti, objInfo.Oid, fi).ConfigureAwait(false));
                            if (objInfo.TickCount != 0)
                                if (tickCount != objInfo.TickCount)
                                    throw new OptimisticConcurrencyException("Another version of object with OID=" + objInfo.Oid.ToString() + " of Type:" + ti.TypeName + " is saved in database, refresh your object before save!");
                        tickCount          = tickCount + 1L;
                        objInfo.AtInfo[fi] = tickCount;
                        MetaHelper.CallSetValue(fi.FInfo, tickCount, oi, ti.Type);
                        fi.FInfo.SetValue(oi, tickCount);

                        if (updateTickCountInDB)
                            await serializer.SaveFieldValueAsync(objInfo.Oid, "tickCount", ti, tickCount, this.rawSerializer).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ReadObject(object obj, SqoTypeInfo ti, int oid, RawdataSerializer rawSerializer)
            //long position = (long)ti.Header.headerSize + (long)((long)(oid - 1) * (long)ti.Header.lengthOfRecord);
            long position     = MetaHelper.GetSeekPosition(ti, oid);
            int  recordLength = ti.Header.lengthOfRecord;

            byte[] b = new byte[recordLength];
            if (oidEnd == 0 && oidStart == 0)
                file.Read(position, b);
                int recordPosition = (oid - oidStart) * recordLength;
                Array.Copy(preloadedBytes, recordPosition, b, 0, b.Length);
            int fieldPosition = 0;

            byte[] oidBuff     = GetFieldBytes(b, fieldPosition, 4);
            int    oidFromFile = ByteConverter.ByteArrayToInt(oidBuff);

            //eventual make comparison

            foreach (FieldSqoInfo ai in ti.Fields)
                byte[] field = GetFieldBytes(b, ai.Header.PositionInRecord, ai.Header.Length);

                IByteTransformer byteTransformer = ByteTransformerFactory.GetByteTransformer(this, rawSerializer, ai, ti);

                object fieldVal = null;
                    fieldVal = byteTransformer.GetObject(field);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ti.Type != null && ti.Type.IsGenericType() && ti.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Indexes.BTreeNode <>))
                        throw new IndexCorruptedException();
                    // SiaqodbConfigurator.LogMessage("Field's" + ai.Name + " value of Type " + ti.TypeName + "cannot be loaded, will be set to default.", VerboseLevel.Info);
                    //fieldVal = MetaHelper.GetDefault(ai.AttributeType);
                    throw ex;
                if (ai.AttributeTypeId == MetaExtractor.documentID)
                    DocumentInfo dinfo = fieldVal as DocumentInfo;
                    if (dinfo != null)
                        if (SiaqodbConfigurator.DocumentSerializer == null)
                            throw new SiaqodbException("Document serializer is not set, use SiaqodbConfigurator.SetDocumentSerializer method to set it");
                        fieldVal = SiaqodbConfigurator.DocumentSerializer.Deserialize(ai.AttributeType, dinfo.Document);
                        //put in weak cache to be able to update the document
                        DocumentEventArgs args = new DocumentEventArgs();
                        args.ParentObject    = obj;
                        args.DocumentInfoOID = dinfo.OID;
                        args.FieldName       = ai.Name;
                        args.TypeInfo        = ti;

                    //dobj.SetValue(ai.FInfo, ByteConverter.DeserializeValueType(ai.FInfo.FieldType, field));
                    MetaHelper.CallSetValue(ai.FInfo, fieldVal, obj, ti.Type);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new SiaqodbException("Override GetValue and SetValue methods of SqoDataObject-Silverlight limitation to private fields");
                ai.FInfo.SetValue(obj, fieldVal);