Helper class which maintains a collection of all emotes active for a given channel.
Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
            MessageEmoteCollection collection = new MessageEmoteCollection();

            if (File.Exists("credentials.txt"))
                StreamReader file = new StreamReader("credentials.txt");
                string twitchUser = file.ReadLine();
                string twitchOAuth = file.ReadLine();
                string twitchChannel = file.ReadLine();
                textBox4.Text = twitchUser;
                textBox5.Text = twitchOAuth;
                textBox8.Text = twitchChannel;
                textBox14.Text = twitchChannel;
                textBox15.Text = twitchOAuth;
            this.Height = 640;
            foreach (TwitchLib.Enums.ChatColorPresets color in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TwitchLib.Enums.ChatColorPresets)))
            MessageBox.Show("This application is intended to demonstrate basic functionality of TwitchLib.\n\n-swiftyspiffy");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static ChatCommand GetTestCommand(string fullIrcString)
            var messageEmoteCollection = new MessageEmoteCollection();

            return(new ChatCommand(fullIrcString,
                                   new ChatMessage("botName", fullIrcString, ref messageEmoteCollection)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
            MessageEmoteCollection collection = new MessageEmoteCollection();

            if (File.Exists("credentials.txt"))
                StreamReader file          = new StreamReader("credentials.txt");
                string       twitchUser    = file.ReadLine();
                string       twitchOAuth   = file.ReadLine();
                string       twitchChannel = file.ReadLine();
                textBox4.Text  = twitchUser;
                textBox5.Text  = twitchOAuth;
                textBox8.Text  = twitchChannel;
                textBox14.Text = twitchChannel;
                textBox15.Text = twitchOAuth;
            this.Height = 640;
            foreach (TwitchLib.Enums.ChatColorPresets color in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TwitchLib.Enums.ChatColorPresets)))
            MessageBox.Show("This application is intended to demonstrate basic functionality of TwitchLib.\n\n-swiftyspiffy");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>[Works] Parse function to detect new commands.</summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channel"></param>
        /// <param name="_channelEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="WillReplaceEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="_commandIdentifiers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool detectCommandReceived(string message, string channel, MessageEmoteCollection _channelEmotes, bool WillReplaceEmotes, List <char> _commandIdentifiers)
            var readType = getReadType(message, channel);

            if (readType != null && readType == "PRIVMSG")
                var chatMessage = new ChatMessage(message, ref _channelEmotes, WillReplaceEmotes);
                return(_commandIdentifiers.Count != 0 && _commandIdentifiers.Contains(chatMessage.Message[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TwitchLib.MessageEmoteCollection collection = new MessageEmoteCollection();

            if (File.Exists("credentials.txt"))
                StreamReader file          = new StreamReader("credentials.txt");
                string       twitchUser    = file.ReadLine();
                string       twitchOAuth   = file.ReadLine();
                string       twitchChannel = file.ReadLine();
                textBox4.Text  = twitchUser;
                textBox5.Text  = twitchOAuth;
                textBox8.Text  = twitchChannel;
                textBox14.Text = twitchChannel;
                textBox15.Text = twitchOAuth;
            this.Height = 640;
            MessageBox.Show("This application is intended to demonstrate basic functionality of TwitchLib.\n\n-swiftyspiffy");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>[Works] Parse function to detect new commands.</summary>
        /// <param name="botUsername"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channels"></param>
        /// <param name="_channelEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="WillReplaceEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="_commandIdentifiers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DetectionReturn detectCommandReceived(string botUsername, string message, List<JoinedChannel> channels, MessageEmoteCollection _channelEmotes, bool WillReplaceEmotes, List<char> _commandIdentifiers)
            string readType = null;
            string channelRet = null;
            foreach (JoinedChannel channel in channels)
                readType = getReadType(message, channel.Channel);
                if (readType != null)
                    channelRet = channel.Channel;

            if (readType != null && readType == "PRIVMSG")
                var chatMessage = new ChatMessage(botUsername, message, ref _channelEmotes, WillReplaceEmotes);
                return new DetectionReturn((_commandIdentifiers.Count != 0 && _commandIdentifiers.Contains(chatMessage.Message[0])), channelRet);
            return new DetectionReturn(false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //Example IRC message: @badges=moderator/1,warcraft/alliance;color=;display-name=Swiftyspiffyv4;emotes=;mod=1;room-id=40876073;subscriber=0;turbo=0;user-id=103325214;user-type=mod :[email protected] PRIVMSG #swiftyspiffy :asd
        /// <summary>Constructor for ChatMessage object.</summary>
        /// <param name="botUsername">The username of the bot that received the message.</param>
        /// <param name="ircString">The raw string received from Twitch to be processed.</param>
        /// <param name="emoteCollection">The <see cref="MessageEmoteCollection"/> to register new emotes on and, if desired, use for emote replacement.</param>
        /// <param name="replaceEmotes">Whether to replace emotes for this chat message. Defaults to false.</param>
        public ChatMessage(string botUsername, string ircString, ref MessageEmoteCollection emoteCollection, bool replaceEmotes = false)
            BotUsername = botUsername;
            RawIrcMessage = ircString;
            _emoteCollection = emoteCollection;
            foreach (var part in ircString.Split(';'))
                if (part.Contains("!"))
                    if (Channel == null)
                        Channel = part.Split('#')[1].Split(' ')[0];
                    if (Username == null)
                        Username = part.Split('!')[1].Split('@')[0];
                else if(part.Contains("@badges="))
                    Badges = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                    string badges = part.Split('=')[1];
                        if (!badges.Contains(","))
                            Badges.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(badges.Split('/')[0], badges.Split('/')[1]));
                            foreach (string badge in badges.Split(','))
                                Badges.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(badge.Split('/')[0], badge.Split('/')[1]));
                    // Iterate through saved badges for special circumstances
                    foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> badge in Badges)
                        if (badge.Key == "bits")
                            CheerBadge = new CheerBadge(int.Parse(badge.Value));
                else if(part.Contains("bits="))
                    Bits = int.Parse(part.Split('=')[1]);
                    BitsInDollars = ConvertBitsToUSD(Bits);
                else if (part.Contains("color="))
                    if (ColorHex == null)
                        ColorHex = part.Split('=')[1];
                else if (part.Contains("display-name"))
                    if (DisplayName == null)
                        DisplayName = part.Split('=')[1];
                else if (part.Contains("emotes="))
                    if (EmoteSet == null)
                        EmoteSet = part.Split('=')[1]; ;

                else if (part.Contains("subscriber="))
                    Subscriber = part.Split('=')[1] == "1";
                else if (part.Contains("turbo="))
                    Turbo = part.Split('=')[1] == "1";
                else if (part.Contains("user-id="))
                    UserId = int.Parse(part.Split('=')[1]);
                else if (part.Contains("user-type="))
                    switch (part.Split('=')[1].Split(' ')[0])
                        case "mod":
                            UserType = Enums.UserType.Moderator;
                        case "global_mod":
                            UserType = Enums.UserType.GlobalModerator;
                        case "admin":
                            UserType = Enums.UserType.Admin;
                        case "staff":
                            UserType = Enums.UserType.Staff;
                            UserType = Enums.UserType.Viewer;
                else if (part.Contains("mod="))
                    IsModerator = part.Split('=')[1] == "1";
            Message = ircString.Split(new[] {$" PRIVMSG #{Channel} :"}, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
            if ((byte)Message[0] == 1 && (byte)Message[Message.Length-1] == 1)
              //Actions (/me {action}) are wrapped by byte=1 and prepended with "ACTION "
              //This setup clears all of that leaving just the action's text.
              //If you want to clear just the nonstandard bytes, use:
              //_message = _message.Substring(1, text.Length-2);
              Message = Message.Substring(8, Message.Length-9);
              IsMe = true;

            //Parse the emoteSet
            if (EmoteSet != null && Message != null)
                string[] uniqueEmotes = EmoteSet.Split('/');
                string id, text;
                int firstColon, firstComma, firstDash, low, high;
                foreach (string emote in uniqueEmotes)
                    firstColon = emote.IndexOf(':');
                    firstComma = emote.IndexOf(',');
                    if (firstComma == -1) firstComma = emote.Length;
                    firstDash = emote.IndexOf('-');
                    if (firstColon > 0 && firstDash > firstColon && firstComma > firstDash)
                        if (Int32.TryParse(emote.Substring(firstColon + 1, (firstDash - firstColon) - 1), out low) &&
                            Int32.TryParse(emote.Substring(firstDash + 1, (firstComma - firstDash) - 1), out high))
                            if (low >= 0 && low < high && high < Message.Length)
                                //Valid emote, let's parse
                                id = emote.Substring(0, firstColon);
                                //Pull the emote text from the message
                                text = Message.Substring(low, (high - low) + 1);
                                _emoteCollection.Add(new MessageEmote(id, text));
                if (replaceEmotes)
                    EmoteReplacedMessage = _emoteCollection.ReplaceEmotes(Message);

            // Check if display name was set, and if it wasn't, set it to username
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayName))
                DisplayName = Username;

            // Check if message is from broadcaster
            if(Channel.ToLower() == Username.ToLower())
                UserType = Enums.UserType.Broadcaster;
                IsBroadcaster = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>[Works] Parse function to detect new commands.</summary>
        /// <param name="botUsername"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channels"></param>
        /// <param name="_channelEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="WillReplaceEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="_commandIdentifiers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DetectionReturn detectCommandReceived(string botUsername, string message, List <JoinedChannel> channels, MessageEmoteCollection _channelEmotes, bool WillReplaceEmotes, List <char> _commandIdentifiers)
            string readType   = null;
            string channelRet = null;

            foreach (JoinedChannel channel in channels)
                readType = getReadType(message, channel.Channel);
                if (readType != null)
                    channelRet = channel.Channel;

            if (readType != null && readType == "PRIVMSG")
                var chatMessage = new ChatMessage(botUsername, message, ref _channelEmotes, WillReplaceEmotes);
                return(new DetectionReturn((_commandIdentifiers.Count != 0 && _commandIdentifiers.Contains(chatMessage.Message[0])), channelRet));
            return(new DetectionReturn(false));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>[Works] Parse function to detect new commands.</summary>
        /// <param name="botUsername"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="channels"></param>
        /// <param name="channelEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="willReplaceEmotes"></param>
        /// <param name="commandIdentifiers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DetectionReturn DetectCommandReceived(string botUsername, string message, IEnumerable <JoinedChannel> channels, MessageEmoteCollection channelEmotes, bool willReplaceEmotes, ICollection <char> commandIdentifiers)
            string readType   = null;
            string channelRet = null;

            foreach (var channel in channels)
                readType = GetReadType(message, channel.Channel);
                if (readType == null)

                channelRet = channel.Channel;

            if (readType == null || readType != "PRIVMSG")
                return(new DetectionReturn(false));

            var chatMessage = new ChatMessage(botUsername, message, ref channelEmotes, willReplaceEmotes);

            if (commandIdentifiers != null && commandIdentifiers.Count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatMessage.Message))
                return(new DetectionReturn(commandIdentifiers.Contains(chatMessage.Message[0]), channelRet));

            return(new DetectionReturn(false, channelRet));