Ejemplo n.º 1
    //Used when called from LevelEventManager.
    public void AddSlotsToSystem(MerchantSlotScript[,] slots)
        //Combine the two slot arrays.
        MerchantSlotScript[,] newSlotArray = new MerchantSlotScript[slotArray.GetLength(0) + slots.GetLength(0), slots.GetLength(1)];

        //Add the old array first.
        for (int y = 0; y < slotArray.GetLength(0); y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < slotArray.GetLength(1); x++)
                newSlotArray [y, x] = slotArray [y, x];
        //Add the new array last.
        for (int y = 0; y < slots.GetLength(0); y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < slots.GetLength(1); x++)
                newSlotArray [y + slotArray.GetLength(0), x] = slots [y, x];

        //Set the old slot array to the new slot array.
        slotArray = newSlotArray;

        //Make sure that it is initialized.
        initialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected MerchantSlotScript[,] InitializeSlots()
        //Create the "Slots" parent.  Has to be used so that InventoryHideShow does not end its coroutine.
        Transform slots = transform.Find("Slots");

        slots.SetParent(transform, false);
        slots.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        // Get sizes of the inventory panel and the slot prefab.
        inventoryPanelSize = slots.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().sizeDelta;
        slotPanelSize      = slotPrefab.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().sizeDelta;

        // Determine the maximum number of slots that can fit on either axis of the inventory panel.
        int maxNumberOfXSlots = (int)((inventoryPanelSize.x - (inventoryPanelSize.x % slotPanelSize.x)) / (slotPanelSize.x));
        int maxNumberOfYSlots = (int)((inventoryPanelSize.y - (inventoryPanelSize.y % slotPanelSize.y)) / (slotPanelSize.y));

        // Determine the remaining area unaccounted for by the slots themselves.
        float additionalPanelXSizeRemaining = inventoryPanelSize.x % slotPanelSize.x;
        float additionalPanelYSizeRemaining = inventoryPanelSize.y % slotPanelSize.y;

        //Using the previous step, determine the excess slot space that should be used for each group.
        float paddingPerXSlot = additionalPanelXSizeRemaining / (maxNumberOfXSlots + 1);
        float paddingPerYSlot = additionalPanelYSizeRemaining / (maxNumberOfYSlots + 1);

        //MerchantSlotScript 2d array.
        MerchantSlotScript[,] createdUISlots = new MerchantSlotScript[maxNumberOfYSlots, maxNumberOfXSlots];

        //For every column,
        for (int y = 1; y < maxNumberOfYSlots + 1; y++)
            //For every row,
            for (int x = 1; x < maxNumberOfXSlots + 1; x++)
                //Create the slot
                GameObject createdSlot = (GameObject)Instantiate(slotPrefab);
                createdSlot.transform.SetParent(slots, false);

                //Determine the coordinates and offset.  Equal to the previous padding for x/y and slot panel size (x-1) and the current size.
                float rectTransformXCoordinate = (float)((x - 1) * (paddingPerXSlot + slotPanelSize.x) + (paddingPerXSlot + .5 * slotPanelSize.x));
                float rectTransformYCoordinate = (float)((y - 1) * (paddingPerYSlot + slotPanelSize.y) + (paddingPerYSlot + .5 * slotPanelSize.y));

                //Determine the displacement vector (equal to half of the size of the inventory panel).
                Vector2 displacementVector = (.5f * inventoryPanelSize);
                createdSlot.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(rectTransformXCoordinate, rectTransformYCoordinate) - displacementVector;

                createdSlot.name = "Slot " + x + "." + y;

                createdUISlots [y - 1, x - 1] = createdSlot.GetComponent <MerchantSlotScript> ();

        //Return created slot array.
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //Assigns a new item to the best possible slot.
    public bool AssignNewItemToBestSlot(ResourceReferenceWithStackAndPrice item)
        //Has to be here for the return statement
        bool successfullyAssigned = false;

        //Make sure that the prerequisites are met.
        if (initialized && item != null)
            MerchantSlotScript bestAvailableSlot = FindBestAvailableSlot(item);

            if (bestAvailableSlot != null)
                //Set successfully assigned.
                successfullyAssigned = true;
                //Add the new stack to the current item stack.
                Debug.Log("Assigned " + item.mainContentReference.uiSlotContent.itemScreenName + " to slot with items of same type.");
                Debug.Log("Could not stack item: Attempting to add to an empty slot");
                bestAvailableSlot = FindBestAvailableNullSlot();
                if (bestAvailableSlot != null)
                    successfullyAssigned = true;
                    Debug.LogError("No slots are empty!");
            if (initialized == false && item == null)
                Debug.LogError("Not initialized and item is null");
            else if (initialized == false)
                Debug.LogError("Not initialized");
                Debug.LogError("Item is null");
