Ejemplo n.º 1
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the menu information for a command handler method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idAttr">CommandID attribute belonging to the command.</param>
        /// <param name="method">Method information to scan for attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultGuid">
        /// Default GUID to be used if not defined with the command handler.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>MenuCommandInfo instance about the method.</returns>
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private static MenuCommandInfo ObtainCommandMethodAttributes(CommandIdAttribute idAttr, MethodInfo method, Guid defaultGuid)
            var  menuInfo         = new MenuCommandInfo();
            bool commandAttrFound = false;

            foreach (var attr in method.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                // --- Check for command method attributes
                var cmdAttr = attr as CommandMethodAttribute;
                if (cmdAttr != null)
                    if (commandAttrFound)
                        VsDebug.Fail(String.Format("Only one CommandMethodAttribute is allowed for {0}.{1}",
                                                   method.DeclaringType.Name, method.Name));
                    commandAttrFound = true;
                    if (cmdAttr is CommandStatusMethodAttribute)
                        menuInfo.QueryStatusMethod = method;
                    else if (cmdAttr is CommandExecMethodAttribute)
                        menuInfo.ExecMethod = method;
                    else if (cmdAttr is CommandChangeMethodAttribute)
                        menuInfo.ChangeMethod = method;

                // --- Check command action
                var actionAttr = attr as ActionAttribute;
                if (actionAttr != null)
                    menuInfo.Action = actionAttr;

                // --- Check promote flag
                var promoteAttr = attr as PromoteAttribute;
                if (promoteAttr != null)
                    menuInfo.Promote = true;

                // --- Set command ID and handle the defaultvalue of the command GUID
                menuInfo.Guid = idAttr.Guid == Guid.Empty
                          ? defaultGuid
                          : idAttr.Guid;
                menuInfo.Id = idAttr.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges menu information with the specified target information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target to merge the menu into.</param>
        /// <param name="info">Menu command information to merge.</param>
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private static void MergeCommandMethodInfo(CommandTargetInfo target, MenuCommandInfo info)
            // --- Apply mappings
            foreach (var mapping in target.Mappings)
                // --- Check for mapping GUID
                if ((mapping.Guid == Guid.Empty && info.Guid == target.DefaultGuid) ||
                    mapping.Guid != info.Guid)
                    // --- Mapping GUID matches, check for ID range
                    if (info.Id >= mapping.IdFrom && info.Id <= mapping.IdTo)
                        // --- ID in the mapping range, apply offset
                        info.Id = (uint)((int)info.Id + mapping.Offset);

            // --- Actual merging starts here
            Dictionary <uint, MenuCommandInfo> commandsForGroup;

            if (!target.TryGetValue(info.Guid, out commandsForGroup))
                // --- No item exists for the command group.
                commandsForGroup = new Dictionary <uint, MenuCommandInfo> {
                    { info.Id, info }
                target.Add(info.Guid, commandsForGroup);
            MenuCommandInfo mergedInfo;

            if (!commandsForGroup.TryGetValue(info.Id, out mergedInfo))
                // --- No item with info.id in the command group.
                commandsForGroup.Add(info.Id, info);

            // --- Merge with the former items
            mergedInfo.Promote |= info.Promote;
            if (info.ChangeMethod != null)
                if (mergedInfo.ChangeMethod == null)
                    mergedInfo.ChangeMethod = info.ChangeMethod;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.CommandDispatcher_DuplicateChange);
            if (info.ExecMethod != null)
                if (mergedInfo.ExecMethod == null)
                    mergedInfo.ExecMethod = info.ExecMethod;
                    mergedInfo.Action     = info.Action;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.CommandDispatcher_DuplicateExec);
            if (info.QueryStatusMethod != null)
                if (mergedInfo.QueryStatusMethod == null)
                    mergedInfo.QueryStatusMethod = info.QueryStatusMethod;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.CommandDispatcher_DuplicateStatus);